Tag Archives: healing

Re-Issued ~ Stress Is Not the Issue

Re-Issued ~ Stress Is Not the Issue

Trees with strong roots laugh with storms.

~ Old Malay Proverb

Today, Here on This Blog, the Vik(c)tors Have It

The Interstice, the space between, The Psychic Synapse space between each of us where things that are poured from us magically mix and bring things into relationship live… the space between the Personal Alchemy of vases… Magically mix up Myths at The Alchemist’s Studio. Vessels are important. Their’s are beautiful with just as beautiful stories to found them in…

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose.

~ Viktor Frankl

Laughter is the shortest distance between people.

~ Victor Borge

I’ve seen

I’ve seen a lot of articles on Eustress over the years, the positive form of stress. Don’t get me wrong. My intent is not to dismiss them out of hand, or at all. They provide some wonderful tools and perspectives, some brilliant. I haven’t linked any here. You can kneel to The Google Oracle for that. They’re mostly valid, some brilliant and ground-breaking, though for the most part, I don’t think they really get off the ground or dive deep to get past the surface. Again, no slam. Just me expressing that I think there’s a blind spot in regards to stress.

From my perspective stress is not a problem In the 1st place. It is simply an often over-used buzzword that now borders on crisis–mongering, attention-getting slang, instead of KEEP GOING. Keep rockin’ your gig. Oh Jordan! Stop being so nit picky-word-specific. You and your semantics are just SOME ANTICS. Stress, stressful. What’s the diff?!

To which…

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug, the lady and the ladybug. ~ Mark Twain

Stress Is

Stress is not the actual issue from my perspective. Stress is simply a force applied, an influence, an experience. It’s Strain that’s the driver as I see it. Strain is deformation, causes something to be bent from a memory perspective with things like wood or steel. Strain affects an indelible influence. I don’t believe you can have stress. It’s a potential influence, certainly real, though it’s IF stress affects or influences you that that I question. I don’t think you can have stress. If affected or influenced by stress, it is not stress anymore. It is causative strain.

Damage Versus Influence

I think you can experience stress or stresses And eustress. Though, if the force stresses you such that you don’t bounce back to form, then it’s not stress you have. It’s strain. Stress is like pointing to the water or environment you swim in, and strain it what they do to you, how they affect you. That also has to do with your wits and wisdom and ability to keep perspective… in stressful situations. I firmly feel you can have strain, though. That’s what I feel most people are referring to when speaking about stress. Most have the concept they experience right on the money, though just the wrong word to pair with it.

It can be difficult to sort out the signal from speedy, newsfeed noise and head-chatter-inducing static driven by the false sense of urgency of media and the amount of information we encounter even in a single minute. That in itself can put you in a heightened sense of trauma, and in addition make for a dulling of your senses by overload such that the inertia of it makes it more and more difficult even to fathom pulling yourself out of the pond so to speak, much less to counter it in response rather than reactionary ways. And, then in that vulnerable state, you are fed highly repetitive, psych-slang of stress... among other misinformed things.

If you do not read the paper each morning, you are uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed. ~ Mark Twain

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. ~ Mark Twain

Vulnerability is the birthplace of courage. ~ Brene Brown

Adversity doesn’t build character. It reveals it. ~ James Lane Allen

The arrows above indicate the stress or stresses, the force(s) applied.

Structural Psychology (my words to reflect Structural Engineering as I see it applicable to Psychology… Most likely not the Psych profession‘s version, though that can be TBD)

I take a Structural Engineering view of psychological stress. Stress is simply a force applied. Strain, the strain of your experiences and traumas and influences are the gigs I see worth actionable exploration. ~ Jordan Hoggard

The thing that is stressed bends or moves or deflects. When the stress is removed, it returns to its original form. Strain is when that stress pushes something past its elastic limits, past the memory limits of the material or identity. And, when the stress is removed, it doesn’t return to its original form. There, strain has occurred. Permanent deformation. Indelible, or poignantly present influence. Call it influence. Call it experience. Call it trauma.

Influence is not inherently good or bad, though I feel it important to discern the what of what has occurred. The material or person that is bent or dented or marked or influenced in some permanent, indelible way — at least until replaced if a material, or as a person you psychologically address it — it’s your call whether by yourself or with a Psych Pro. I certainly don’t intend psychological advice. I’m not a licensed Psychologist. I’m a layman who has a noggin’, and I consider myself qualified for life with it.

Are You Qualified for Life

Openings, Forces Applied to Self

Eight forces sustain creation: Movement and stillness; Solidification and fluidity; Extension and contraction; Unification and division. ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido

As soon as as you concern yourself with the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you. ~ Morihei Ueshiba

With Your Presence As Architecture, How Do You…?

How does a building stand on the ground?

How does it extend to the sides?

How does it open and close?

How does it reach for the sky?

~ Four existential questions about Architecture from Christian Norberg-Schultz. How can you apply them to yourself:

(Invisible, unseen, how stable is your foundation? How strongly are you rooted?)

How do you stand on the ground?

How do you extend to the sides?

How do you open and close?
How do you reach for the sky?

Perspective, Stability, Power

I see stress as being what you make of it, how it influences you, and/or how you do or do not allow it to influence you.. If your perspective is born of healthy boundaries and comfortability in your own skin, then trees with strong roots needn’t fear intense winds applies. or storms make oak trees take deeper roots.

With healthy boundaries, one is naturally aware of their strength and their strengths, and not prone to even flinch, but to experience, or DUCK! — like this Rock of Gibraltar Lighthouse is unmoved in the stormy ocean without any thought or will. It just is. Proudly, with no hubris. Simply is, itself grounded strongly in context. How do you design and develop and train yourself to be like this lighthouse regardless of the intensity of the forces present in your surroundings?

This lighthouse is simply stable, comfortable with itself in context. Stands there in powerful witness, might not even notice, just enjoy the intense foam and spray, like a welcomed massage session, or listening to music. I

I first suggest, especially with questions, to listen to others as if their voice is music. Do you want to immerse in it? Let it go to a wonderful and driving 11?! Do you want to change the channel, or click OFF? Take it from there. See if the technique is both natural and easy, and secondly whether it’s effective for you. Listen to people as music. Where does that go for you?


And, the lighthouse. Even during the most intense storms. It is a beacon to those out at sea, a beacon to help them navigate their storms, so they can wash up on the beach refreshed once the storm has broken rather than breaking them.

As I Began With

Trees with strong roots laugh with storms.

~ Old Malay Proverb

Sometimes I

Sometimes, people get their hackles up when asked a question. Expecting to be scolded — nascent trauma memory from childhood/the past being triggered from Inquisitor parents? — or expecting to take a hit actually or metaphorically, and/or expected now to do something, maybe that they don’t want to do? So many possibilities and permutations there. Parents are naturally, the Both~And of the Mentor/Tormentor. That is not dual. It can teach about the importance that is to engage your Shadow, to literally turn and face it… daily as required, if necessary, until it is not. I would suggest this is lifelong to continually refresh the Both~And of having a light and numinous world an ally on one shoulder, and dark and chthonic things allied on the other. Each allied with the other, they are a binary Star~Black Hole system that orbits around the Sun of you to keep you fresh… and do remember to change the filter before winter fully sets in.

46 Seconds To

Understand, though, every question/comment/request is urgent to the asker. I suggest to not assume urgency, or anything for that matter, When someone asks you a question, especially if they don’t couple their ask with a timeframe. That’s asking you to do their scheduling. Abrogation, is a word, putting ones’s responsibilities off on another. Delegation is cool, though, think through what you agree to receive there. Ask questions back. Once you agree, it’s your responsibility, regardless of missing clarity or requirement features.

Simply put, I suggest to inspect your expectations. Inspecting your expectations helps mitigate blind spots, assists to be able to listen more fully. And, also provides the opening for ‘No’ without explanation to be a complete sentence.

Duty in the World Community

I find it to be our duty to ourselves to be that tree in the wind, the Rock of Gibraltar Light House unmoved by a stormy and powerful ocean around it, simply fully engaged in the world. Are you able to simply and fully listen to questions asked in powerful witness, with Empathic Silence all the way through until someone is finished? And, pauses are not them pulling the trigger for “your turn.” Feel the pauses. How do they help you feel what is being conveyed? Then, take YOUR time with your response or non-response. You are not the asker, so with your priorities intact, the ask may not even be something you would even entertain in the first place. Stand there, and when the storm or high wind or potential influence passes, when the question or communication is complete, Take your time to feel into your response, especially if the asker is poke-prodding. That just implies a desperate false sense of urgency that they need to get it off their hot plate. Heck, keep some hot pads around. Hand it back to them. “So, you are asking… (insert ask)? Is that correct? Tell me more about what you expect for (insert x,y, etc). Please clarify those with things I missed.”

A concept that is simply luminescent and glows on healthy boundaries is, Lack of planning on your part will in no way constitute an emergency on mine. I suggest you plan better. It’s important to not support bad behavior. You are only training people how to treat you poorly. When we do that, it’s squarely on us to own.

Before You Respond

Before you respond to a question, question the question to yourself so you acclimate to it inside. How did the question feel? Is the person delegating within reason. Are they abrogating, or in other words being lazy and smoking the narcotic hope that someone will complete their responsibility? You know, looking for a sucker? Are they asking for advice, perspective, wisdom? Mundane? Large? There are as many kinds of questions as there are people to ask them, though until you say, ‘Yes,’ there are only two kinds of questions. Those questions that are responded to, and those that receive silence. It’s ok to imply no with eyebrows up and a smile non-verbally saying, as if. They’ll move on. There’s a sucker born every minute. It is each of our jobs to have sovereign boundaries that are simply in the shape of ourself with runflat sidewalls and road ready pressurized to 33 psi. Well, on a cold cold day, maybe drop to 32 psi for some squash factor for extra grip. Slipping’s no fun. Sliding can be.a joy. How’s your traction control in life?

Sometimes II

Sometimes there’s not even any reason to respond to a question or a stress, except to discern whether it begs a potential priority to be established on your part, or a response. And, if so, what degree of urgency, if any, is it given? It’s like noticing the weather. This isn’t a harsh or cold and insular and disconnected way of interacting. It trains people how to treat you and trains how well you care to care for yourself. And, if it’s their stuff, to take care of it themselves with just two eyebrows up and pursed lips with no words in response. Always put the onus of responsibility on the asker to find out for themselves first, if they are able. Many people I know, though, are simply curious and asking a question. That’s an invitation to engage in conversation, which most times I full-on dig.


I would ask, instead of stress, how do you clearly experience the weather of Nature or weather of events or people around you? Initially, how are you influenced? Do you react out of hand, jump to respond startled and quickly? Do you powerfully whole-mindbodybeautiful listen completely until they have finished, and give the question Silence and a place to open up and expand between the two of you?

Sometimes people solve their issue right there in front of you while they are working the stress out as if it’s TO you. Sometimes in the asking of the question, the person is saying the thought out loud for the 1st time, and in so doing run the process through, and at the end of their question, their head pops up with a smile. Nevermind. Just got it. It brings a smile when I see someone do that, work out their question right there in front of you.

Interpersonal Connection

There’s a certain, sacred, Oracle quality to interpersonal connection from my perspective. And, sometimes only one person needs to speak. Like you go to the “Oracle” of a friend to ask a question. They are stable and quiet, and fully listen. They simply provide you a wonderful mirror, in safety, where Your words not mine smiles into play.

This Friendship Oracle, as I began to call it while penning this blog, also makes it unnecessary to discern whether there is potential danger of Psychological Projection or Projective Identification to watch out for. (Yes, I ended a sentence in a preposition… we have a response for that in Texas… re-end the sentence to some with an expletive). You’re not required to respond except by yourself.

In the case of PP or PI may I suggest the following response: (Do not respond, don’t become ensnared or entangled in the Tar Baby), or Your words not mine. I’m glad you can describe yourself so aptly. Good for you! (In a happy tone, no conflict engagement, though no taking it on, either). 

If you have a Narcissist or Sociopath on your hands, the best way I find to argue with them? Just don’t. Walking away is a complete sentence there, and a last sentence as you re-prioritize your placement to move yourself to safety. Nevermind their follow-up chatter in your wake where they spill the beans of PP and/or PI with shaming and vitriol. They just attempted manipulation, and your stable mirror of that Light House can reflect it all right back where it should be. In them.

After their feign, their sweetie-pie lie-shiny-Angler-Fish-bait to lure you in, they out themselves to boot. You might even have an ablution cascade of tingles flow through your body full-on pleased and proud of yourself when you walk away, viscerally feeling how much you did the kind thing for yourself. No hubris. Just feels good.

Realistically, though, from my experience — and I’m sure there are PLENTY of exceptions — this type asks very few questions, if any at all. Questions imply interest, and that in itself speaks volumes about them, and how to maintain safe passage navigating away from them. I‘ve experienced them most often leading in with a psychological rib-spreader knife, just opening with some kind of shaming statement to try and appeal to some inner guilt. Not playing. They open with that play, and the play ends. Exeunt stage left to transform them… into Ex.

Another response I remember using, and of course I might as well have detonated a bomb… You’re a great Angler Fish, though not a very good fisherman. At least drop the hubris and pay your Inner Electric Bill to get the light thingee turned on for that dangly thingee. Your brightness is supposed to come from within, NOT gulp others’ to your within.

How Do You Experience?

How do you experience the weather of things you experience around you? Can you tune to your signal and discern more for what resonates with you from your perspective? I hope de-personalizing experience into weather can give you a better handle, and improve the strength of owning and healing places where you may hold your grace hostage. I hope you tune into You As Only You Can Be.

Disciplined Action Is Important. What Do You Hear With This 46 Seconds the 2nd Time Around?

How Can You?…

How can you brighten yourself? How can you train your innate talents into developed abilities? How can you do this in ways that enhance your natural intensities to make yourself more of who you are? I suggest to dose yourself with something good about yourself. Meditate not about a problem. Try meditating fully immersed in something wonderful about yourself. See what happens.

emotional and intuitive harmony, discerning feelings clearly, hidden depths seen

If you stop to address every barking dog along the way, you’ll never get anywhere. ~ Winston Churchill. He was on quite a journey, huh?

What’s Your Weather Response When It Looks Like Rain?


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eStocking Stuffers!

Load up your cart at the Shop with inexpensive eProduct Stocking Stuffers, complete your order, and then have fun shopping for Just the right color thumb drive. Drag and drop the eAstro Art Chart(s) and other eProducts onto it, and smile as you slip it into Holiday stockings. Your thumb drive is the wrapping, and then color and life in the Art Chart And other cool PDF gifts opens right up on your/their device of choice. 

Or, Try this! You as Santa set up draft emails with your eGifts attached. Sit around the tree or ZOOM eTree Screens eTogether and point and shoot to each person. Ok, who’s next? Click Send on their eStocking by email and they receive it right on the spot from the same room or around the ZOOM eTree. How cool is it when all can share in the joy of each person’s eyes light up with the colorful feast of music for the eyes begins to play into their world. Astro Art. Tarot Readings. Artwork Monograph. Tarot Reading Methods. Poetry.

Which eStocking Stuffers will you give this season?

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Jordan’s Journeys

Proudly Sponsored by The Shop ImaginAction Store

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ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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Blog By Comment: What You Are Comes to You

Blog By Comment: What You Are Comes to You

Blog By Comment

Blog By Comment is a blog technique I sometimes utilize when someone else’s blog post inspires me and/or strikes a chord to resonate, and my comment in itself is basically an unpublished blog if I notice and allow it to be. I find that to be an important allowing, the noticing of the value you share When you connect. And, with Blog By Comment, the post that inspired me, and that I embraced by sharing here, can potentially do the same for others. In one sense these Blog By Comment posts are postcards sent from my Serendipity Itinerary blog travels.

Today’s Blog By Comment Is Inspired by a quote on Theresa’s Soul Gatherings site

“What You Are Comes to You”

What you are comes to you.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I really resonate with that, especially from a Brainspotting Therapy perspective. As you come into readiness to look into aspects of trauma with your Psychologist and/or yourself, and you center, and sync with the gravity/magnetism of what you are looking to address, that action of focus and sync feels to dial out a blip on your overall radar inside. Most often, if not in that same session the Part will present itself, walk right in, or peek around a corner, or….. It may be several sessions later (sometimes much much longer). When the Part that IS and has been living that fresh trauma inside you, when you focus with it to address it and zero-talk and over-listen whole-being style, it walks right in through the portal of your gaze from the perspective of the magnetic What you are comes to you. They gravitate back to you, and most often not like dino-killing asteroids in the Yucatan. More of yourself returns as each Part re-surfaces into the scene of your session.

I can view the whole Parts scene as the multi-facets of many personalities, one or several modes from each Part, though that would still be the Inner Child. There isn’t only one Inner Child from my perspective. They are often referred to as Basement Children in Brainspotting that are hidden or hid themselves away. There’s one, at least one, for each and every trauma that peeled them off to be hidden away unconsciously… OR that THEY peeled off from you at some point to relieve you pressure from overload. Those that peeled off? It feels like that’s the impetus of Shadow Work and Soul Retrieval work, though I shake my head No from my perspective to 2 of those. No Inner Child. No Soul Retrieval. ALL Shadow work, calling from the shadows. Brainspotting is all of that and more. And, when you get down to it, I almost didn’t believe it when the 1st several integrated. Done. I had been dosed with more Me. And, to make this particular paragraph even a little too much longer. Behaviorism? Behavior Modification? Pffsss. Not. B.F. Skinner can stick to torture techniques for the CIA where his true abilities lived. Behavior modification to me as a gardener is like taking a pair of scissors to weeds and stepping back to say, WOW, now THAT looks great. Sure. In a temporary relief way. In Brainspotting, that which was causing the behavior in the 1st place transforms into a message that it literally conveys to you before it dissolves to go back and live in you as more energy where it is naturally at home… probably from where it was kidnapped by the trauma in the 1st place. Maybe not in extreme or psychotic scenarios… though, I bet the jury is still out on that one until Psychiatry is made illegal because they medicate before they investigate. The Psychologist have it right. Work with what you have. And, I’ll personally say there’s a lotta goody hidden in the inner infinities of the Psyche.

You know, there really wasn;t a reason to break up the above paragraph. Sometime’s, Can I have a box for that? Leftovers anyone?

There Is A Whole Process

There is a whole process, sometimes instant, sometimes several or many sessions long. Not to embrace the Part, though for the Part to re-embrace you as you are now — it’s been incarcerated and/or living in the world of the trauma that created it, and you and the trauma that created it as a Part are all it knows. And, when that happens, that re-embrace, where You Now and the Part (from then) sync in reciprocality, the Part integrates, and/or begins to integrate. Most likely with no more words. None of that what do you think/feel/etc about that? Talk Therapy jumbo jumbo. There’s talk for sure, though that’s not the driver In Brainspotting. You are the driver, and meeting up with your traumas and Parts is the winding road. Sometimes the road is a flat-out foot-to-the-floor straightaway. Sometimes the road is a hair pin turn. Sometimes dead ends present themselves for you to discover other treasures. And, engaging trauma and integrating it seamlessly is the goal of Brainspotting — at least it was/is for me. Talk is often just more head chatter explosive flack being shot up in the air from the battleship of your EXPECTATIONS — Inspect what you expect. To engage and embrace your trauma. There is great stuff there when you face things.

Talk already occurred, or did not, during the session towards the invitation for the re-meeting of a Part and the trauma(s) that formed it, towards the reunion with the Part. And, as a Part integrates and the ablution cascade of tingles washes through a particular place in your body or your whole body, What you are now larger and more of yourself has come[-s] to you.

Thank you, Theresa. It was a solid experience to have that perspective strike a chord that resonated with Brainspotting from your post of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s What you are comes to you.

How Has What You Are Come To You?

“Reflections” (c) 2009 Jordan Hoggard

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on August 26, 2020 in Blog By Comment


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Pt 2, What Is ImaginAction?

You asked, you shall receive

ImaginAction is a system for immersion in your chosen focus AND/OR also like a visual eSpa a place to simply get away for several moments or an hour+ and Be in the 78 eAblution Pools of inviting watercolors and welcoming questions. It’s all yours when you’re there as it is a 103-page pdf with 78 in full color. It’s a place to learn more of your own story, and take action with it.

There’s A

There’s a Creation Story. Of course there’s a How-To, though ImaginAction is pretty Mac-like plug-n-play. You might skip the instructions and go straight to the pools. I don’t suggest to, though I also don’t suggest not to. Heck, maybe I do suggest you skip the instructions first, go to the eAblution Pools, and see what happens. Then, when something happens and you steep in it, you can always go back to see how to tune that experience in as fuel for your actions in life:

in business
with Tarot or Oracles or Runes or all three... 
or of course YOUR fave go-to divination tools

My Favorite part

No cards at all other than you. What a Card you are, huh?!!

AND, News Flash

This Just In!!!

ImaginAction is pain free, effective Self help. The lazy student’s fast track to great results. No wordy waffle to wade through, just beautiful pools of colour to sink into… Portals into the greatest story ever told. No! Not that one! An even better one! Your story! A discovery of who you are, of who you can be when you claim your own power.

~ Eda Ryven

Thank you, Eda! Much appreciated!

Wow, What an excellent review. I won’t even call it a mini-review. What else need be said About ImaginAction? I know you are a private person, Eda. I appreciate you sending me that and outright instructing me to use it. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Mme Ryven. Thank you!

$3.90 USD to download that? Eda’s talking about the $3.90 thing? You sure, Jordan? You’re sure you’re not pasting that into the wrong post?

Yes. Yes. Yes. And, Yes, I’m sure.

It’s a 1 2 3

1 ~ Order For $3.90

2 ~ Download

3 ~ Pick up what Eda’s layin’ down.

A 1 a 2 a 1 2 3 4.

Click below

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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What Is ImaginAction?

You asked, you shall receive

ImaginAction is a system for immersion in your chosen focus AND/OR also like a visual eSpa a place to simply get away for several moments or an hour+ and Be in the 78 eAblution Pools of inviting watercolors and welcoming questions. It’s all yours when you’re there as it is a 103-page pdf with 78 in full color.

There’s A

There’s a Creation Story. Of course there’s a How-To, though ImaginAction is pretty Mac-like plug-n-play. You might skip the instructions and go straight to the pools. I don’t suggest to, though I also don’t suggest not to. Heck, maybe I do suggest you skip the instructions first, go to the eAblution Pools, and see what happens. Then, when something happens and you steep in it, you can always go back to see how to tune that experience in as fuel for your actions in life:

in business
with Tarot or Oracles or Runes or all three... 
or of course YOUR fave go-to divination tools

My Favorite part

No cards at all other than you. What a Card you are, huh!!

You see, you don’t need to be into Tarot or divination. At all. Though, all of us have imaginations. What about people crippled with PTSD? Do they have imaginations? Yes, and I’ll tell you from 1st hand experience, they, and I, had/have imaginations that desiccated, died on the vine. 1st the creativity diminishes, took about 18 months of the poison drip person, then the subtle deflation missed it’s so incremental that it goes an you don;t come to the realization until after. And then, one day, you have this strange lack of feeling coupled with an overly-strong thought that, Oh shit. I am only a problem-solver now. That flow, those connections, that fluid fluency. It’s gone. As an Architect, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Painter… This felt like going blind. How am I going to do my work. And, I couldn’t. I can’t have this. I have to heal this. So, I took the long road home. Dropped Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn. Only kept twitter for a visual beauty IV drip with no words while… 3+ years of Brainspotting. 2 years of writing after to get my bearings. And, Late February this year 2 weeks before the 3/19 shutdown over here (US) my nascence, my dormancy cracked open. And…

Here we are.

That was My Direct Experience of PTSD

Fortunately, I only experienced the environment that caused it for 3 years before I felt the above and the Inner Horror Movie Voice rang in as my savior… Get Outtttttt.

I took the long road home. 3+ years of bi-weekly-ish Brainspotting with a Licensed Psychologist. That’s another thing you’ll get from ImaginAction. Creating the kinds of experiences for people post-Brainspotting that I find valuable and healthy.

So, let me see. Let’s call that 73 – 80 1 1/2 hour intense sessions at $120 a pop. That’s 110 – 120 hours of intense therapy which shook out to approx just over $9k. It really doesn’t matter how long it took to bring it all together and format n stuff. That’s boring, right?

You just want the goods. Give me the baby not the delivery! I get it.

Ok, so I turned $9-grand into a self-filling eSpa full of 78 eAblution Pools for the price of a coffee. $3.90. Yup, from an R & D perspective, that sounds about right. You pay approx 3/10,000ths of what it took to get there. And, that $3.90 coffee investment in yourself, self-refills… and most have indicated it did them more than some good as well. Good stuff. I find it fulfilling when something I make moves someone in wonderful ways. I would also be remiss if I didn’t say that the $3.90/EA price tag in line with the price of a coffee for a 103-page pdf download that is complete with no strings attached… $3.90 also makes this accessible to most everyone. And, since you get to download 3 copies, that’s one two keep, and two to pay forward. And, with the 3 copies gig and paying forward… that makes it accessible to almost everyone.

So, I ask

Will you allow ImaginAction to begin to enhance and better the way you are your own guide today, or the way you want to be your own guide for $3.90 USD?


To Enhance, to Reinforce, to Strengthen

Your Life, Your Way

Will you allow ImaginAction to begin?

To begin to enhance & better Your way, your own way?

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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ImaginAction in Mindfulness


Experience ImaginAction and ImaginAction 2.0 ~ The Unplugged Sessions in action in your Mindfulness Meditation. Simply gaze into one of the 78 eSpa Ablution Pools and breathe. I’m honored at this heartfelt accolade. Esther S. expressed:

Dear Jordan,

it was almost instant. All the anxiety blew away as I gazed, immersed in the image. I forgot to pick up my cards. I even forgot the question on the page. It was the most wonderful meditation session I’ve had in quite a while. And, when I did get back to the question later, when I did pick up the cards, the flow of the reading was SO me I felt so washed. Yes to Ablution Pools! I truly did discover Inner Inheritances. Even some things I was uncomfortable with about myself began to present themselves as allies. Each patiently brought a treasured message of self-wisdom from their experience of being trunked in the pain of my trauma. I was almost in disbelief. What was at once uncomfortable, and that I sidestepped at every turn… it was released in minutes. Unbound! My whole life up to that point became my toolbox, completely, unapologetically, and without shame anymore. Oh YES I received the messages I already had within, and then the body tingles, and then they re-integrated. I’ve never had healing be so simple and fun just like a great swim. Thank you.Wholehearted thanks for creating ImaginAction. Now I use it for Mindfulness Meditation, Tarot, and sometimes just to clear the air of my troubles. So Simple. So refreshing. I’m being healed by beauty, growing exquisitely. And now there’s ImaginAction 2.0? The world is a better place for me now.

~ Esther S

P.S. I forgot to mention how blown away I was when I first opened the pdf downloadeds. Really Jordan. ImaginAction is 103 pages, and 2.0 is 98 pages. All for the price of a coffee? Just wow! And, I loved being able to download 3 copies of each, 1 for myself, 2 to share with friends. What a grand suggestion. That also sparked something new in me. I love coffee, so for the price of a coffee I took care of myself 1st. 1 on my phone, 1 on my tablet, 1 on my laptop. It’s like I have digital fluorite for calm clarity and persepctive in my pocket wherever I go now. Like I said, I love coffee, so I bought two sets. I have those 3 copies parked to pay forward to people when the moment strikes. I love this serendipity stuff of yours. It’s no pie in the sky. Get a fork! I may just keep buying a set here and there, so I’m always prepared, stocked with such a wonderful gift to brighten someone’s life. ImaginAction is such a feat. I don’t know how you came up with all those depthful sanctuaries of questions. But, you did, and here they are. 🙂 You’re the best. Thank you.

~ Esther S.

Also, use ImaginAction or ImaginAction 2.0

Also, use ImaginAction or ImaginAction 2.0 for Tarot & Divination like Karen Sealey at The Pure and Blessed Way ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality

See ImaginAction in Action!


ImaginAction is now wonderfully out there in the world. The foundations placed and built under that dream were accomplished with the help of 438 rockin’ people out there with the original ImaginAction! And, who knew? ImaginAction has a fraternal twin… ImaginAction 2.0 ~ The Unplugged Sessions.

ImaginAction 2.0

~ The Unplugged Sessions ~

is Also Now Available!

Drive Your Inner Solar System With Mindfulness

Solar System & DNA

With ImaginAction 2.0

~ The Unplugged Sessions! ~

What’s different? Excellent question. The original ImaginAction throws you literally hundreds of bones for self-development and to actionably increase your effectiveness to implement your goals and dreams. Those bones are in the form of evocative questions asked in the context of lush immersion pools of artwork, sacred and alive places to nest your dreams, to grow them to fruition.

ImaginAction 2.0 ~ The Unplugged Sessions is literally that. Unplugged, like a band doing a heart-tingling bad-ass acoustic version of one of their great songs. Not rough and raw and unrefined. Full-on heartfelt and gripping. Magnetic. ImaginAction 2.0 is ImaginAction stripped down to only the heart of the matter… Heck, an early McClaren was still a McClaren. Why have a dash when you can just put on a helmet and feel the high octane fun of the foot into the floor?

ImaginAction 2.0 is basically an eSpa all to yourself with ablution pools to dive into and immerse yourself, your ideas. Only 2 things are required. You, and the Immersion Pools eSpa of 66 full-color saturated places of inspiration that ImaginAction provides you. You wanna soak up some goodness?

There are no questions in v2.0, just pure eSpa pools + a fun Intro Adventure Story and some other percs on the way to the eSpa… well, there is 1 question… though only one… and then ALL 66 Constructing the Center immersive ablution pools to dial into and amplify your creativity and imagination and the effectiveness of YOU. Help yourself invest in your goals and dreams to build even more value as you bring them into the real.

ImaginAction 2.0 ~ The Unplugged Sessions

Thank You

for Investing a Coffee in Yourself!,

$3.75 USD: ImaginAction 2.0. — 98-pg pdf. 66 in full color

$3.90 USD: ImaginAction — 103-pg pdf. 78 in full color


No Cards Required Other Than You

Excellent for:

Mindfulness Meditation

Tarot and Oracles and Divination

Anxiety Relief

Finding Your Perspective, Your Life Your Way

Invest in yourself. I hear it lasts a lifetime.

Warren Buffett

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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Long After… Walden Then. Walden Now. Walden 200 Years From Now

Please visit Dihedral’s post clicking on this… and I will piggy-back my YES! below

What a wonderful Walden Then, Walden Now, Walden 200 Years from Now post! Called Trajectory

How can we not waste trouble so this doesn’t CONTINUE to happen? That we do not continue to self-sabotage our world? Cummon! We heal ourselves to higher octave levels. I’m now wondering how I can transpose my current perspective into healing for the Earth itself. Nope, not selling the VW van I don’t have and all my worldly possessions. I‘M going to, personally, feel into the strats and logistics of this differently. How about you? Heck, mortgage paid off in 15 years? Cool. Nope, not cool. The Earth may yank THAT carpet out from under you when it urps up a bigger NOPE removing the very ground you walk on… So, keep your deed as a souvenir… if any of us are even still alive to revel in it around the campfire then, then you’ll have a sacred relic.

Please visit The Dihedral’s site for their most recent post.

I’m not pleading. Sovereign doesn’t grovel, it simply owns. I’ve almost died already 3 times Above treeline. I’m in Bonus Play, and I have no desire for a 4th. Like, respect for what you have and are building? Hmmm…

(Oh puhleeeeze scare tactics are for unreasonably superficial spam. Yup, that’s not this public service message)

Please take another step to secure the effective gigs you’ve built in your work to layer in the scale of all of us.

Thank You.

The greatest fear for success should not be failure. It should Be succeeding at something that doesn’t matter.

~ Francis Chan

Proceed as if success is inevitable.

~ Unknown

Can we take the long road home now? Can we Inspect our expectations to see the beauty that is here and not continue to murder it? Aren’t we each the heartbeats of beauty? I’ll step in with my, Yup. Maybe that should be an Uncle Walt Yawp!

5 of Pentacles Mystereum Tarot Moment


So, you’ve watched my 5 of Pentacles Mystereum Tarot Moment, all 1 min 06 seconds of it… don’t blink!, though you still have questions like, Well, that sure sounds nice Jordan, though however am I going to see past the trigger of the hurt and see what you’re saying in the video? I don’t even know what that means, That’s fair, except not really fair, because that would be cruel (Thanks Bare Naked Ladies).

What’s Really the Issue?

What’s really the issue with being actionable about that? It now doesn’t sound like rocket science to save our world. It. Is Simply. Continued. And. Sustained Action. Hear and feel the established inner light through the pain in the video? Well, if so…

Can we Kintsukuroi Our Broken World?

Here’s a gourmet poem for self-nourishment and word-nourishement, Kintsukuroi Me, by Christina Schmidt, MA… that can be transposed to the Self-Care and partnership relationship strengths of an ability to receive of the Earth itself.

What cornerstone of the world can we brace against that sends veins of gold throughout Gaia? What Mother Lode of a cornerstone can we brace against to sidestep the shallow roots of quick fixes, and instead use this Fucked Up Storm as the oak tree does to take deeper roots… to become… A strong tree that has no worry about storms? in support of its evident beauty? How can we together do that?

Self-created? Sure. And. As well also, Oh puhLEEZ!

Personally, I have ONE Principal in the Principal’s Office of My Life. Me. And, Sovereign,

I don’t keep office hours.

Instead, I Live.

Can we all simply own it? Frankly, we’re in for it in this epoch, so it’s not our fault. THOUGH, we have certainly put our foot to the floor in 6th gear running the tach high Into the redline to amplify it. Can we perform a diff shift-n-corner-BayBEE mode?

Can We

Can we forsake blame, lose the reverse gear of shaming, and simply work with, OK, we fucked up. What are we gong to do about it? There’s no apology in that other than the transformed effectiveness of a lifelong mode of being. No one’s going to be taken to the Principal’s Office. We’re ALL in trouble here without punitive anything. Survival? Thrival? I choose the latter. And, beauty is requisite for that, How about we come together and solve and resolve this shit! How about we amplify our world in lieu of deflation?!

How have you not wasted trouble, used your imagination to actionably dive in, and come out the other side with effective and living actions that served you better and increased the value of your work? Cool. How can we all use that to amplify this to the world scale and sustainably implement it?

How do you self-nourish?,

and how good are you at receiving from another, or others?

How good are you at receiving?

Can we find out how good the Earth is at receiving from US?!

We have a lot to live for. Can we?

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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Stress Is Not the Issue

Trees with strong roots laugh with storms.

~ Old Malay Proverb

I’ve seen

I’ve seen a lot of articles on Eustress over the years, the positive form of stress. Don’t get me wrong. My intent is not to dismiss them out of hand, or at all. They provide some wonderful tools and perspectives, some brilliant. I haven’t linked any here. You can kneel to The Google Oracle for that. They’re mostly valid, some brilliant and ground-breaking, though for the most part, I don’t think they really get off the ground or dive deep to get past the surface. Again, no slam. Just me expressing that I think there’s a blind spot in regards to stress.

From my perspective stress is not a problem In the 1st place. It is simply an often over-used buzzword that now borders on crisis–mongering, attention-getting slang, instead of KEEP GOING. Keep rockin’ your gig. Oh Jordan! Stop being so nit picky-word-specific. You and your semantics are just SOME ANTICS. Stress, stressful. What’s the diff?!

To which…

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug, the lady and the ladybug. ~ Mark Twain

Stress Is

Stress is not the actual issue from my perspective. Stress is simply a force applied, an influence, an experience. It’s Strain that’s the driver as I see it. Strain is deformation, causes something to be bent from a memory perspective with things like wood or steel. Strain affects an indelible influence. I don’t believe you can have stress. It’s a potential influence, certainly real, though it’s IF stress affects or influences you that that I question. I don’t think you can have stress. If affected or influenced by stress, it is not stress anymore. It is causative strain.

Damage Versus Influence

I think you can experience stress or stresses And eustress. Though, if the force stresses you such that you don’t bounce back to form, then it’s not stress you have. It’s strain. Stress is like pointing to the water or environment you swim in, and strain it what they do to you, how they affect you. That also has to do with your wits and wisdom and ability to keep perspective… in stressful situations. I firmly feel you can have strain, though. That’s what I feel most people are referring to when speaking about stress. Most have the concept they experience right on the money, though just the wrong word to pair with it.

It can be difficult to sort out the signal from speedy, newsfeed noise and head-chatter-inducing static driven by the false sense of urgency of media and the amount of information we encounter even in a single minute. That in itself can put you in a heightened sense of trauma, and in addition make for a dulling of your senses by overload such that the inertia of it makes it more and more difficult even to fathom pulling yourself out of the pond so to speak, much less to counter it in response rather than reactionary ways. And, then in that vulnerable state, you are fed highly repetitive, psych-slang of stress... among other misinformed things.

If you do not read the paper each morning, you are uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed. ~ Mark Twain

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. ~ Mark Twain

Vulnerability is the birthplace of courage. ~ Brene Brown

Adversity doesn’t build character. It reveals it. ~ James Lane Allen

The arrows above indicate the stress or stresses, the force(s) applied.

Structural Psychology (my words to reflect Structural Engineering as I see it applicable to Psychology… Most likely not the Psych profession‘s version, though that can be TBD)

I take a Structural Engineering view of psychological stress. Stress is simply a force applied. Strain, the strain of your experiences and traumas and influences are the gigs I see worth actionable exploration. ~ Jordan Hoggard

The thing that is stressed bends or moves or deflects. When the stress is removed, it returns to its original form. Strain is when that stress pushes something past its elastic limits, past the memory limits of the material or identity. And, when the stress is removed, it doesn’t return to its original form. There, strain has occurred. Permanent deformation. Indelible, or poignantly present influence. Call it influence. Call it experience. Call it trauma.

Influence is not inherently good or bad, though I feel it important to discern the what of what has occurred. The material or person that is bent or dented or marked or influenced in some permanent, indelible way — at least until replaced if a material, or as a person you psychologically address it — it’s your call whether by yourself or with a Psych Pro. I certainly don’t intend psychological advice. I’m not a licensed Psychologist. I’m a layman who has a noggin’, and I consider myself qualified for life with it.

Are You Qualified for Life

Openings, Forces Applied to Self

Eight forces sustain creation: Movement and stillness; Solidification and fluidity; Extension and contraction; Unification and division. ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido

As soon as as you concern yourself with the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you. ~ Morihei Ueshiba

With Your Presence As Architecture, How Do You…?

How does a building stand on the ground?

How does it extend to the sides?

How does it open and close?

How does it reach for the sky?

~ Four existential questions about Architecture from Christian Norberg-Schultz. How can you apply them to yourself:

(Invisible, unseen, how stable is your foundation? How strongly are you rooted?)

How do you stand on the ground?

How do you extend to the sides?

How do you open and close?
How do you reach for the sky?

Perspective, Stability, Power

I see stress as being what you make of it, how it influences you, and/or how you do or do not allow it to influence you.. If your perspective is born of healthy boundaries and comfortability in your own skin, then trees with strong roots needn’t fear intense winds applies. or storms make oak trees take deeper roots.

With healthy boundaries, one is naturally aware of their strength and their strengths, and not prone to even flinch, but to experience, or DUCK! — like this Rock of Gibraltar Lighthouse is unmoved in the stormy ocean without any thought or will. It just is. Proudly, with no hubris. Simply is, itself grounded strongly in context. How do you design and develop and train yourself to be like this lighthouse regardless of the intensity of the forces present in your surroundings?

This lighthouse is simply stable, comfortable with itself in context. Stands there in powerful witness, might not even notice, just enjoy the intense foam and spray, like a welcomed massage session, or listening to music. I

I first suggest, especially with questions, to listen to others as if their voice is music. Do you want to immerse in it? Let it go to a wonderful and driving 11?! Do you want to change the channel, or click OFF? Take it from there. See if the technique is both natural and easy, and secondly whether it’s effective for you. Listen to people as music. Where does that go for you?


And, the lighthouse. Even during the most intense storms. It is a beacon to those out at sea, a beacon to help them navigate their storms, so they can wash up on the beach refreshed once the storm has broken rather than breaking them.

As I Began With

Trees with strong roots laugh with storms.

~ Old Malay Proverb

Sometimes I

Sometimes, people get their hackles up when asked a question. Expecting to be scolded — nascent trauma memory from childhood/the past being triggered from Inquisitor parents? — or expecting to take a hit actually or metaphorically, and/or expected now to do something, maybe that they don’t want to do? So many possibilities and permutations there. Parents are naturally, the Both~And of the Mentor/Tormentor. That is not dual. It can teach about the importance that is to engage your Shadow, to literally turn and face it… daily as required, if necessary, until it is not. I would suggest this is lifelong to continually refresh the Both~And of having a light and numinous world an ally on one shoulder, and dark and chthonic things allied on the other. Each allied with the other, they are a binary Star~Black Hole system that orbits around the Sun of you to keep you fresh… and do remember to change the filter before winter fully sets in.

46 Seconds To

Understand, though, every question/comment/request is urgent to the asker. I suggest to not assume urgency, or anything for that matter, When someone asks you a question, especially if they don’t couple their ask with a timeframe. That’s asking you to do their scheduling. Abrogation, is a word, putting ones’s responsibilities off on another. Delegation is cool, though, think through what you agree to receive there. Ask questions back. Once you agree, it’s your responsibility, regardless of missing clarity or requirement features.

Simply put, I suggest to inspect your expectations. Inspecting your expectations helps mitigate blind spots, assists to be able to listen more fully. And, also provides the opening for ‘No’ without explanation to be a complete sentence.

Duty in the World Community

I find it to be our duty to ourselves to be that tree in the wind, the Rock of Gibraltar Light House unmoved by a stormy and powerful ocean around it, simply fully engaged in the world. Are you able to simply and fully listen to questions asked in powerful witness, with Empathic Silence all the way through until someone is finished? And, pauses are not them pulling the trigger for “your turn.” Feel the pauses. How do they help you feel what is being conveyed? Then, take YOUR time with your response or non-response. You are not the asker, so with your priorities intact, the ask may not even be something you would even entertain in the first place. Stand there, and when the storm or high wind or potential influence passes, when the question or communication is complete, Take your time to feel into your response, especially if the asker is poke-prodding. That just implies a desperate false sense of urgency that they need to get it off their hot plate. Heck, keep some hot pads around. Hand it back to them. “So, you are asking… (insert ask)? Is that correct? Tell me more about what you expect for (insert x,y, etc). Please clarify those with things I missed.”

A concept that is simply luminescent and glows on healthy boundaries is, Lack of planning on your part will in no way constitute an emergency on mine. I suggest you plan better. It’s important to not support bad behavior. You are only training people how to treat you poorly. When we do that, it’s squarely on us to own.

Before You Respond

Before you respond to a question, question the question to yourself so you acclimate to it inside. How did the question feel? Is the person delegating within reason. Are they abrogating, or in other words being lazy and smoking the narcotic hope that someone will complete their responsibility? You know, looking for a sucker? Are they asking for advice, perspective, wisdom? Mundane? Large? There are as many kinds of questions as there are people to ask them, though until you say, ‘Yes,’ there are only two kinds of questions. Those questions that are responded to, and those that receive silence. It’s ok to imply no with eyebrows up and a smile non-verbally saying, as if. They’ll move on. There’s a sucker born every minute. It is each of our jobs to have sovereign boundaries that are simply in the shape of ourself with runflat sidewalls and road ready pressurized to 33 psi. Well, on a cold cold day, maybe drop to 32 psi for some squash factor for extra grip. Slipping’s no fun. Sliding can be.a joy. How’s your traction control in life?

Sometimes II

Sometimes there’s not even any reason to respond to a question or a stress, except to discern whether it begs a potential priority to be established on your part, or a response. And, if so, what degree of urgency, if any, is it given? It’s like noticing the weather. This isn’t a harsh or cold and insular and disconnected way of interacting. It trains people how to treat you and trains how well you care to care for yourself. And, if it’s their stuff, to take care of it themselves with just two eyebrows up and pursed lips with no words in response. Always put the onus of responsibility on the asker to find out for themselves first, if they are able. Many people I know, though, are simply curious and asking a question. That’s an invitation to engage in conversation, which most times I full-on dig.


I would ask, instead of stress, how do you clearly experience the weather of Nature or weather of events or people around you? Initially, how are you influenced? Do you react out of hand, jump to respond startled and quickly? Do you powerfully whole-mindbodybeautiful listen completely until they have finished, and give the question Silence and a place to open up and expand between the two of you?

Sometimes people solve their issue right there in front of you while they are working the stress out as if it’s TO you. Sometimes in the asking of the question, the person is saying the thought out loud for the 1st time, and in so doing run the process through, and at the end of their question, their head pops up with a smile. Nevermind. Just got it. It brings a smile when I see someone do that, work out their question right there in front of you.

Interpersonal Connection

There’s a certain, sacred, Oracle quality to interpersonal connection from my perspective. And, sometimes only one person needs to speak. Like you go to the “Oracle” of a friend to ask a question. They are stable and quiet, and fully listen. They simply provide you a wonderful mirror, in safety, where Your words not mine smiles into play.

This Friendship Oracle, as I began to call it while penning this blog, also makes it unnecessary to discern whether there is potential danger of Psychological Projection or Projective Identification to watch out for. (Yes, I ended a sentence in a preposition… we have a response for that in Texas… re-end the sentence to some with an expletive). You’re not required to respond except by yourself.

In the case of PP or PI may I suggest the following response: (Do not respond, don’t become ensnared or entangled in the Tar Baby), or Your words not mine. I’m glad you can describe yourself so aptly. Good for you! (In a happy tone, no conflict engagement, though no taking it on, either). 

If you have a Narcissist or Sociopath on your hands, the best way I find to argue with them? Just don’t. Walking away is a complete sentence there, and a last sentence as you re-prioritize your placement to move yourself to safety. Nevermind their follow-up chatter in your wake where they spill the beans of PP and/or PI with shaming and vitriol. They just attempted manipulation, and your stable mirror of that Light House can reflect it all right back where it should be. In them.

After their feign, their sweetie-pie lie-shiny-Angler-Fish-bait to lure you in, they out themselves to boot. You might even have an ablution cascade of tingles flow through your body full-on pleased and proud of yourself when you walk away, viscerally feeling how much you did the kind thing for yourself. No hubris. Just feels good.

Realistically, though, from my experience — and I’m sure there are PLENTY of exceptions — this type asks very few questions, if any at all. Questions imply interest, and that in itself speaks volumes about them, and how to maintain safe passage navigating away from them. I‘ve experienced them most often leading in with a psychological rib-spreader knife, just opening with some kind of shaming statement to try and appeal to some inner guilt. Not playing. They open with that play, and the play ends. Exeunt stage left to transform them… into Ex.

Another response I remember using, and of course I might as well have detonated a bomb… You’re a great Angler Fish, though not a very good fisherman. At least drop the hubris and pay your Inner Electric Bill to get the light thingee turned on for that dangly thingee. Your brightness is supposed to come from within, NOT gulp others’ to your within.

How Do You Experience?

How do you experience the weather of things you experience around you? Can you tune to your signal and discern more for what resonates with you from your perspective? I hope de-personalizing experience into weather can give you a better handle, and improve the strength of owning and healing places where you may hold your grace hostage. I hope you tune into You As Only You Can Be.

Disciplined Action Is Important. What Do You Hear With This 46 Seconds the 2nd Time Around?

How Can You?…

How can you brighten yourself? How can you train your innate talents into developed abilities? How can you do this in ways that enhance your natural intensities to make yourself more of who you are? I suggest to dose yourself with something good about yourself. Meditate not about a problem. Try meditating fully immersed in something wonderful about yourself. See what happens.

emotional and intuitive harmony, discerning feelings clearly, hidden depths seen

If you stop to address every barking dog along the way, you’ll never get anywhere. ~ Winston Churchill. He was on quite a journey, huh?

What’s Your Weather Response When It Looks Like Rain?


Jordan’s Journeys Shop Supports This Blog


Let The Holiday Fun Begin with…

eStocking Stuffers!

Load up your cart at the Shop with inexpensive eProduct Stocking Stuffers, complete your order, and then have fun shopping for Just the right color thumb drive. Drag and drop the eAstro Art Chart(s) and other eProducts onto it, and smile as you slip it into Holiday stockings. Your thumb drive is the wrapping, and then color and life in the Art Chart And other cool PDF gifts opens right up on your/their device of choice. 

Or, Try this! You as Santa set up draft emails with your eGifts attached. Sit around the tree or ZOOM eTree Screens eTogether and point and shoot to each person. Ok, who’s next? Click Send on their eStocking by email and they receive it right on the spot from the same room or around the ZOOM eTree. How cool is it when all can share in the joy of each person’s eyes light up with the colorful feast of music for the eyes begins to play into their world. Astro Art. Tarot Readings. Artwork Monograph. Tarot Reading Methods. Poetry.

Which eStocking Stuffers will you give this season?

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Jordan’s Journeys

Proudly Sponsored by The Shop ImaginAction Store

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It’s Your Life, Your Way, on Your Terms.

I am grateful for your support

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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Cards are Alive! The Book is Phenomenal!

Mystereum described as, “The cards are alive! The book is phenomenal!

I’ve used Mystereum daily for 6 months.  Its effects were immediate.  Put a kick in my Tarot step and opened up my reading flow even more!” ~ K.S.

“Surprisingly great for men and Shadow Work. What a combo. It was all fun and games I thought. . . just all bright and bold and happy dappy with cards telling stories until . . . WOW, this deck really means business! Higher octave Yang doesn’t cover it.  Plus, just cherrypicking off the Imagination Tools from the book gives my clients exploration homework they are finding invaluable.  This deck isn’t hard, it just means business time after time. HECK!, my readings are all similar, each unique. But now, even better with Mystereum! Priceless.” ~ J.R.

“Pricey? Mystereum? Geez. The time alone I save now by using Mystereum far exceeds its price. I almost want to tip him after every reading I do. These cards really speak. They are alive straight out of the box! If cards could have legs . . . ha! These cards take you places. I just have to watch my clients, lol. They want to keep them.” ~ K.S.

“I have my own, personal tour guide for energizing my life with Mystereum” ~ J.C.

Open up Mystereum. Open up your Imagination, Actionably!

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.  Open up your signed set and see!

Make your PayPal payment to , and we’ll package it right up and get it on its way to you     That’s a j + jordan + tarot +

~ Continental US orders $47 USD ($35 set + $12 ship/hand).  $47 USD by PayPal to

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Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is

78-card Mystereum Tarot Deck + 192-page Imagination Primer companion book in a lidded box with magnetic clasp. 1.8 pounds of Tarot goodness. Approximately 3 pounds when packaged for shipping.

CAUTION: Mystereum is not microwave or dishwasher safe. Fully Mom-Approved!

In-Person & Phone Readings Available with Jordan:

~ $100 USD per 1-hour session. In-person readings include an mp3 recording.  Email Jordan at to schedule your reading at a convenient time.

Jordan’s Original Treasure of the Stones eReadings Available:

~~ 24 to 48 hour turnaround time. Gift Certificates make great gifts for a special someone ~~

3 Questions $60 USD ~ 6 cards read for your 3 questions. PayPal + your questions to

2 Questions $40 USD ~ 4 cards read for your 2 questions. PayPal + questions to

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Reading Testimonial

“Jordan, You did something other than just the reading or as part of the reading that changed us on the inside. As soon as I read your cards, I felt a weight lifted, a cleansing, healing. I wasn’t angry anymore. I have been calm since then. You have brought a great peace to me. Each of our readings opened us to our own healing in our own way. You did this with such fun, too! We each thank you. ~ C.C.

All Similar, Each Unique.

Open Up from your core Mystereum, In Ways Best-Suited to You.

Jordan’s Readings are a Great Value for Holiday Gift Certificates!

Make more room for the good stuff with a Tarot Reading by Jordan


All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

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Posted by on November 11, 2012 in Card Cameos, The Mystery


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Tarot Message 11-11-11

A Tarot Message From The Number 11

Keeping it simple, a line of verse for each card whose given number can be 11:

11 Strength ~ Feeling the natural power of your own inner animal in your voice instinctively,

11 Page of Wands ~ Developing a playfully newly energetic presence,

11 Page of Cups ~ As You are fulfilled by emotions dancing with the music you love, music being what emotions sound like,

11 Page of Swords ~ As You playfully cut through to thiink and communicate clearly, resonantly from Your personal way,

11 Page of Pentacles ~ May You have a fertile ground that receives the naturalized messages born from your whole life up to this point

11 Justice ~ (And, if your Tarot sequencing places Justice at 11) may your heart weighed against a feather inspire everyone around You including Yourself to find Your own, personal, higher octave balance today!

. . . putting them all together . . .

Feeling the natural power of your own inner animal in your voice instinctively,

Developing a playfully newly energetic presence,

As You are fulfilled by emotions dancing with the music you love, music being what emotions sound like,

As You playfully cut through to thiink and communicate clearly, resonantly from Your personal way,

May You have a fertile ground that receives the naturalized messages born from your whole life up to this point

And beyond!

May your heart weighed against a feather inspire everyone around You including Yourself to find Your own, personal, higher octave balance today!


Blessings to All on an 11-cubed day, where 1,331 = 6 . . . a grand number of exchange, where adding in the 2000 prefix, may your 10 be wonderfully completed cycles felt throughout your every thought, feeling, and action!,



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Posted by on November 11, 2011 in Card Curiosities


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Tarot Twos To Pair: Birth Cards

“Twos To Pair” Video Transcript:

Hi… Jordan Hoggard, author of Tarot in the Land of Mystereum here to explore pairings and contrasts with the family of the Twos . . .

… Numerically the Twos correspond with Judgment…Strength (or Justice if you run eleven that way in your use of Tarot card sequencing)…and The High Priestess of the Major Arcana.  You can explore the relationships of these numbers further in my blog . . .  So, let’s explore pairings and contrasts with the Twos. . .

With the Two of Pentacles: Sense the most crucial connections, the most vital yet potentially minute connective tissue present. . .and with this an ability to cascade verdantly throughout from subtlety to entirety, a Priority FedEx of influence. . .Visualize a direct connection between your feet and toes and your imagination and ideas.

With the Two of Cups: feel heartfelt cooperation, and with bright eyes smile as fresh ideas pulsing with life begin to play in your imagination.

With the Two of Wands: Discern and distinguish individual energies from one another.  Note how they interact.  As you do, mind overload and imbalance by not perceiving many little things as one big thing.  Respecting the energies you distinguish by naming them, as you focus each one by its name, identify and pair them with the aim of their influence.

With the Two of Swords: Gift yourself the ability to focus on familiar things to see them differently, in a new and polished light.   One of the vital lessons from the 2 of Swords. . .highlight object of your focus, Mind your focus to communicate content more clearly, rather than assuming and expecting. . . sense and communicate things anew, even familiar things, sense and communicate things more congruent with their identity.

So, a vital yet open-ended overall lesson from the Twos is about pairing and contrasting the whole family of Twos in your way to inform one another as they come up individually. . . you are better able to see familiar things differently..

Thank you for watching.  I look forward to further touring you through the families living in the Land of Mystereum.

 Birth Card Blog mentioned in video: “Twos — Birth-Placing Clarity”

Posted by on November 6, 2011 in The Deceptive Simplicity Series


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