Tag Archives: tarot cards

Tarot. Mystereum. The Presence of Temperance

The Presence of Temperance in The Land of Mystereum

Temperance plays 18 parts in The Land of Mystereum, 18 very specifically different roles.  This came about from Temperance’s magically alchemical mixing qualities that felt to resonate into the crucible creating these cards  It felt very natural to let the presence of Temperance naturalize throughout this many cards in The Land of Mystereum.  This is where my concept of Deceptive Simplicity and hiding in plain sight came through in Mystereum character development most evidently.  For, this many appearances are almost so big and so there one might miss them… or not.  It’s like Yellow Car Syndrome.  Don;t have a yellow car?  Then, there are probably none on the road.  Though, BUY a yellow car, and drive it off the lot.  On the way home you might see 50 of them.  They’ll be everywhere.  Things are easy once you learn them, much like things are easy to see once you’ve seen them, huh?

1. The XIV Temperance appearance.  Temperance of course appears first as itself.  Temperance is the Samekh Dance birthing the Quaternal Twin King Brothers. The Temperance female is a cameo of The High Priestess and the King-Maker in the light of day.  Samekh Dance?  What’s that you ask?  Start at her crown chakra where he touches her.  Move your eyes around the composition.  Curve through her to her touch of his throat, her touch tempering his voice. Then, continuing, his wide right arm gesture moving off the card on the right past consciousness to wrap around the unseen future and come back in to touch her crown chakra… with just that subtle, Samekh, pig-tail flourish of his finger.  And, there is a compositional Samekh (serif Samekh font version), or as I like to call it, The Samekh Dance of Temperance.  Why Samekh?  Samekh is often attributed to the Temperance card, and it felt resonant to bring it into as composition and structure that hide in plain sight.

2. The XV Devil appearance.  After coming together above and below in their Samekh Dance as one, the Temperance characters themselves do not cameo in the Devil, though coming before the Devil they direct the characters to square their circle and move to come together side by side as the yin and yang, the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine either side of The Devil. This way the above and below are integrated with the earthly plane.  We could have some fun and say, Temperance went horizontal. Get a room.” This is a gesture to temper and evolve the Pan-goat ego so that earthly desires are seen and felt as natural intensities to be explored, experienced, developed, and resonated in and with. In this Devil card, the man and woman are both tethered by blood to his obelisk.  Though, from the Devil’s expression, they are acting together and clearly the leaders in the card.  The Devil may feel that they are in control. From their Temperance perspective, though, their role is more of an evolved form of control born of balanced masculine and feminine qualities which can be equated with self-leadership by being comfortable with one’s intensities and desires.  I find it important to say here that the Lover’s love what they love, period-end-of-story without apology, and that concept is embraced here without guilt as they are both contributing, giving back (over their shoulder). These two were directed by Temperance to cameo here and come together to interdependently individuate Temperance into The Devil. I mention the Lovers, though I’m not sure if these two characters are from the Lovers card.  The Lovers have a private face in their card.  They seem to either be real Picasso people or wearing Mardi Gras masks.  Their private life is theirs.  So, as the author, I can’t even tell you which two they are.  Well, that’s not really true.  It’s more-so that I have discretion, and that’s their business on their terms of their own accords together. 😉

3. The Knight of Wands appearance. Out of the darkness of the house, the egg, this Knight crack-hatches into the light.  The cracked and broken house is not hard-to-mend damage.  It is an energetic awakening.  Kundalini rising?  The energetic serpent emerging from the sacral egg.  Two things become one for these to occur and release higher octave energies such as an energetic Knight in Your Royal Court — as the Court Cards are called in The Land of Mystereum.

4 through 13. The High Priestess appearance.  Please visit the Presence of the Priestess blog in this Presence of series as she has 10 appearances throughout The Land of Mystereum.  With the mixing present in Temperance, this felt like a great place for a big, cross-linked overlap rather than on, big way-too-long article.  See those 10 cameos here and further explore how the families in The Land of Mystereum come together to create a whole surreal world in their archetypal and psychic home of the deck.

14. The 10 of Wands appearance. Strongly agile, energetic balance.  The Temperance of intensities in Cirque du Soleil level yoga.  A young King with wand-y cockatiel headfeathers up expressing interest, pouring one’s energies into a focus.  Notice the home between the day and the night.  Both are either side of the brain’s twilight community in the back of his head/top of spinal cord.  Notice this place.  It is composed of the cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pituitary gland, pons, and pineal gland.  This places this brain neighborhood at home AS the magical twilight between day and night, conscious and unconscious, where brain meets brain stem.  Call the dusk and dawn the magical twilight, the interstice, the Psychic Synapse of the space between, and this little brain neighborhood lives there in the card.  Putting the 10 of Wands here after the Knight of Wands does beg a question: Does this higher octave level of body temperance achieved in the mindbodybeautiful of the 10 of Wands bring one to a potential awakening in the knight of Wands?  With the concept of the Temple In Man and the Temple of Man and intense martial arts training, my perspective on that is “Definitely, Yes.”

The Quaternal Twin Kings

15. The King of Wands appearance.  The 10 of Wands grew in to the Knight of Wands, and the Knight of Wands grew up.  He is now the King., one of the four Quaternal Twin Brother Kings.  Note the Queen of Pentacles at his gravitational core in his mind. His heritage is strong.  His magical twilight brain neighborhood is as bright as ever.

16. The King of Cups appearance.  The King of Cups, besides being composed of the characters from Temperance, resonates differently than the other Kings.  The Queen of Cups emanates from his biceps, from the nourishing support of his actions.  His emotions infuse his every move which births life at every turn.  He understands all too well that the wisdom of the ages naturally lives in well-expressed emotions.  He’s intense, though has more of a “mellow, not melodrama” way about him. His heritage is fluid and fully integrated. His magical twilight brain neighborhood is as bright as ever.

17. The King of Pentacles appearance.   The Master Builder of the group.  He has fully integrated architecture within and about.  Sound limiting?  Doesn’t sound like Temperance?  Well, personally, as an Architect, drawing pretty pictures is the smallest part of my job.  I won’t play the expertise resume game required daily to do my job.  I’ll put it vastly more simply to see if this opens something up for you.  Architecture is composed of the Greek roots or arche (arkay) and techne (teknay).  Arche is the creating, is the original idea, the first-spark of inspiration, and it is formless.  Arche would then be “inception.”  Techne is the making and putting together of the idea in form, giving form to the formless.  Techne would then be “conception.”  Architecture is a both~and wholeness rather than an either/or proposition.  The King of Pentacles might live by these two quotes.  “Architectural design consists of an ounce of inspiration and many tons of logical argument.”  And, he solidly knows the ins and out of process as he is fully aware that, “The 1st 95% of a project takes the first 95% of the time.  The last 5%?  Well, it takes the other 95% of the time.”  Note the Queen of Pentacles at his gravitational core in his mind. His heritage is strong.  His magical twilight brain neighborhood is as bright as ever.

18. The King of Swords appearance.  The Ultimate Communicator of the group.  He fully and empathically integrates into his surroundings.  His words and expressions are evident, clear, and sharp… right to the point in the big picture.  And, his words and expressions, his sword, mostly always go outside the accepted borders as he is always after the natural thought and not the accepted way of thinking.  I would call this King the Ninja-Samurai as he seamlessly blends in with his regal and formal uniform being that of Nature itself, the perfect foundation to support clear expressions.  This King is fully aware that his presence is felt way beyond his spoken words.  He understand the tip of the finger pointing while at the same time may look at a different moon than the one pointed to. Notice that his magical twilight brain neighborhood is goldenly distributed through him to activate his crown chakra and as well to live and surf on the crests of his actions to enliven them further with natural intent in his will.

Hope you have enjoyed this segment of the “Presence of” series

Hope you have enjoyed this segment of The Land of Mystereum Image Lineage as part of “The Presence Of” series where Major Arcana characters make a variety of appearance both bold and subtle throughout The Land of Mystereum!

Till Next Time.

Visit The Divination Studio

The Divination Studio. Your source for clarity through Tarot.

All images and text (c)2010, 2011 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard

The Inner State Highways show

with host Jordan Hoggard

Tune In Thursdays at 10 to PEN!  10p EST

3 great Thursday shows at 8, 9, and 10p.

The Paranormal Encounters Network.

Click here and check out the alchemically crafted Mystereum copper Tarot Birth Card talisman pendants!


Posted by on October 25, 2013 in Card Cameos


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Tarot. Mystereum. The Presence of the Empress

The Presence of The Empress character in The Land of Mystereum

The Empress plays 3 parts in The Land of Mystereum, 3 very specifically different roles.  This came about from the amazing breadth and great deal of work I felt The Empress performs naturally in her role as the one who carries things to full term, the Yoniverse being that from which all emanates.  The Magician sparked inception which is formless, whereas The High Priestess form-gave conception giving form to the formless, and then The Empress carries this new life to full term.  She is like an archetypal, higher octave Queen of Pentacles.  It felt very natural to let the presence of the Empress naturalize herself throughout the 3 Major cards in The Land of Mystereum.

1. The Empress appearance.  The Empress of course appears first as herself.  As herself The Empress is the crazy-eyed crone formed by a canopy of trees.  She shows her age as her age tells stories. The High Priestess character, now in golden glow, is fully pregnant and will act as the Empress’ sacred vessel from which to emanate.  The High Priestess here midwife’s herself AS the portal of the Yoniverse, and this is no temporary function.

2. The Emperor appearance.  The Empress’ Trees gift out a special tree to the Emperor.  He is within his tree.  He is protected, hidden in plain sight in disguise much like King Lear checking in on his troops without disturbing them as to his presence.  How is this a special tree?  Why would he put down his sword and crown behind the tree from his troops?  The Emperor rode in on this tree.  Note the roots.  This tree is the Emperor’s horse which has lied down and transformed into a tree.  The Emperor rides in on the horse, and then goes inside the horse.  Not like Luke in Star Wars, though.  At a single gesture his horse will rise back up and take him where he needs to go.

3. The Hanged Man. We see The Empress here AS The Hanged Man’s Tree with him umbilicaled from a strong branch while activating his crown chakra.  This tree carries the knothole-birthmark of sacred depths ringed by the Uroburos as a reminder that transformations have come before, and will come again.

Oh, and Lest We Miss Subtlety

Yoniverse, fresh, nurturing, carrying to full term to bring to life, Great Mother

Yoniverse, fresh, nurturing, carrying to full term to bring to life, Great Mother

Detail appearances in The Empress

  • Notice the sacred lingham or omphallos intact and growing from the base of one of her World Trees.
  • Notice the knothole-fish in the other with light barkline hand as fish mouth.
  • Notice the Priestess’s “Drawing Down The Moon Hands” nourishinly reaching up through the bark.

Hope you have enjoyed this segment of the “Presence of” series

Hope you have enjoyed this segment of The Land of Mystereum Image Lineage as part of “The Presence Of” series where Major Arcana characters make a variety of appearance both bold and subtle throughout The Land of Mystereum!

Till Next Time.

Enjoy clarity through Tarot.

All images and text (c)2010, 2011 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard

The Inner State Highways show (Closed)

Click here and check out the alchemically crafted Mystereum copper Tarot Birth Card talisman pendants!


Posted by on October 25, 2013 in Card Cameos


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Elevator Pitches & Smoking Hope WOOF

Elevator pitches are all the rage with some groups of people and speakers.  Remember there are 2 U’s in gUrU, though. Elevator pitches are important as a sketch problem to get to a concise place of vibrant and living clarity with your message . . . where you will train yourself to already have all the preparation you need at hand, in the palm of your hand so to speak to express your depth of above in your messaging.

Though, elevator pitches are most often like the smoking of hope by chasing every ground ball. If you stop along the way to address every barking dog, you’ll never do anything but address barking. It would seem there is a language barrier present there, huh? Or, do you speak Dog?

“To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.” ~Morihei Ueshiba

“Strong enough to be without fear is strong enough to be gentle. Mind your fear simply as preparation for activity. Like warming up the whole car slowly while on the way.” ~ Jordan Hoggard

“Forget your thoughts into every action.” ~ C.G. Jung

Mind Your Pitches

Mind your pitches or YOU will be the one always seen as barking. Crying Wolf equates to mental, eye rolls which are not a sushi option.  And besides, fart instead of making an elevator pitch. At least it will make a stronger impression.

Happy Tarot’ing everyone!

Don’t Lose Your Ego, sometime’s it tells you to DUCK! Ego IS your Inner Dragon protecting your Inner Sanctum from you, though. Sneak like a magical thief picking dragon locks of protection. They are like safety seals for your Inner Nourishment.

All Similar, Each Unique.

All images (c)2010 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard

“7 of Pentacles ‘the depth of above’ ” (c) The Tarot School

“6 of Swords ‘you have all the comms you need in the palm of your hand’ ” (c) Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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Cussing As A Soulfully Spiritual Tuning Fork

Cussing As a Soulfully Spiritual Tuning Fork

 It’s funny when you say F**K!  Is it charged? Or, is it simply an Uncle Walt Level Cosmic YAWP of an exhale?
Rather than raising a glass to some situations so to speak, I sometimes experience the converse of that celebratory gesture when I indefatigably have a Cosmic whatEV WTF moment of discernment when I simply raise my right eyebrow.  You see, if BOTH eyebrows raise with a glowingly glistening, sparkly-eyed smile, THAT’s somethin’ else, huh? That time when you say, “WOW, THAT’s somethin’ else!”, as you resonantly take in the experience like some of your best kitchen food-paintings making dinner for a lover or friends.


And I do say, “But,” . . . yeah yeah yeah “but’ is the new don’t-say-that-word-’cause-THEN-here-comes-the-lie. WhatEffinEv. Everything is scaled to how YOU utilize it, maybe even beyond your perceptions of it. Your mode of being can dis that or encourage it to hop in the hayride of life.  “But” is one of those conversational segues that can ensnare you in the anti-delight of . .. well . . . ensnaring yourself, only of course if you let it. “But” is simply a word.  Not just a word, though, right?  “Just and “Simply” are two other words like that. Though, haha-Rockin’ there’s another one, “though,” and they certainly can serve to bind you up outside of something experienced or some impending substance upcoming.

What Is A Yawp Of An Exhale?

What Is A Yawp Of An Exhale?  Well, it HAS to be colored with some Mark Twain or . . . here it comes, Uncle Walt Walt Whitman farcicality. Uncle Walt, Walt Whitman owned a newspaper. And, it’s not unethical to make damn sure your work is in print regardless really . . . Uncle Walt did THAT in spades!   . . . though Uncle Walt owned a newspaper which made the parse-the-whole-world’s-scales-out pretty Fu**ing easy.  So, I guess it is really the c and the k that get people. lol.
Personally, I am glad Uncle Walt’s work was worthy so I don’t have to solidly venture into the ethical questions of his actions, and I bet not simply just from my perspective.
You see, he would publish his own work, oftentimes under a pen name . . . and here’s the kicker.  Then, he would fabricate new employees to hire to give it stellar reviews. And, after the buzz got going, he would fabricate some f**ker to full-on scathingly review the work which stirred the pot.  Then, a couple of others playing the bird-with-a-broken-wing-come-to-the-rescue-of-the-initial-reviewers part to even the success-of-the-article keel. And, then POOF we’ve got a bestseller!  Uncle Walt certainly knew the power of building, of discussion, of priorities placed and then re-established-placed forward strongly just before a public denouement, and then ahhhhhhhh the Finale.

The Silence Between Inhaling and Exhaling

Inhaling is very yang, one takes in life. Exhaling is very yin, one’s shoulders drop and there is a relaxation. And, there is the twilight magic of the space between breaths inherently connected in a prescient remembrance backwards and forwards of them that . . . you needn’t probably couldn’t give a shit about either . . . except to note it or them . . .and effectively EFFECTIVELY move on YOUR WAY.
Top of breath Galactic Center scale apogee of our solar system . . . at the top of the breath.  Bottom of breath  . . . well,  . . . Galactic Center scale apogee of our solar system . . . at the bottom of the breath.  The magical twilight of dawn and dusk between night and day at one scale, at the scale of the whole Cosmos at another, and most pertinently all scales small and large and in between in one, simple cycle that is just one breath.

Breath Is Prayer

Breath is prayer. It is really all you need.  Do you get INSANELY FRUSTRATED at some people? Oh, take note of the tree I just timbered across your path. That is not always wholly your projection of your gigs. If it is, then maybe you are the ultimate narcissist, except be careful. They don;’t take much responsibility, and maybe they aren’t even able to do so always locked into the alleged dynamism of their emotional arithmetical multiplication tables.
And, when you take credit for EVERYTHING?  Well, if it’s your fault, try saying in jest . . . “Well, yes, it IS always my fault. I am just THAT powerful.”  See if ya don’t get a laugh that’s more than a hiccup heh of humor received.  See what happens when you lighten the load?  No, it is NOT always your fault, and the high road these days is where the rush hour spiritual gridlock goes when each of it has experienced a loss of soul.  Stand up for yourself. Yes, it’s really that simple. Oh, and don’t be afraid of being strong enough to be gentle. Anger doesn’t have to be expressed angrily. A little directness, like saying, “I don’t believe you,” and then understanding the ball’s not in your court anymore after saying that is often enough.

Cuss For Silence

Cuss without cussing. Blow off steam whether you do it verbally or to yourself as a preparatory measure.  It may not work for you, though I find it an awesome technique that hop-jimps even one’s air traffic control to the good stuff. . . . the good stuff being what comes next in the next batted ball in a tennis match rally that only minds the scale and speed of your pace. Don’t suck the exhaust pipe and exhale it. Let it go. The plants are there to lap it up. Aspirate! Exhaust! Though, do it every day like you are on a road trip. Simply mind when you need to top off the tank or fill ‘er up.

Cuss More For Yourself And By All Means Don’t Tell People About It. Get TO it!

Cuss more.  You may just find your soul returning to invigorate your spirit. I call it “Chthonic Numinosity: Self.” Maybe you can see that, maybe not. Either way. Let your soul be the foundation you brace against to emphasize your spirited actions. May the ground you walk on be as inspirational as the stars in your sky.  Do me a favor. Only miss the ground when you are either falling or on a magic carpet.  One person’s delusion and / or illusion is another’s magic carpet.
Have an anti-hysterical bias as you respond rather than feather’s ruffling react. My guess if you are reading this blog is that you are not a bird. Mind your figures of speech and metaphors. They may help you read your life.  Being quiet enough to hear, you may experience Silence . . . and you may as well hear what you are actually telling yourself.

Cuss As A Soulful Tuning Fork For Your Spirit

Cuss as a soulful tuning fork for your spirit.  Some of you may dismiss this as you are hmmphing your OWN raised right or left eyebrow.  That’s cool. I raise mine as well, and ask you to comment.  If you tell people the truth, make sure to make them laugh.  Otherwise, they will kill you.  I’ll put quotes on that statement when someone makes a good case for whether that was said by Oscar Wilde or Mark Twain . . . and further, from whom they stole it.  Know that the fork of your soul may bring gourmet things that are deliciously insane to spirit your palette.  Feel when you do. Or, DO.  I bet you may know what you like, your spiritual, dietary restrictions. F**K your restrictions. Let them be what solidifies a part of your identity.  Like, I could go all solid and tangible on Pentacles. Until I play them from a timing perspective.  THEN, . . . then, I may realize that a person’s presence or personality is very Pentacle-y as it makes an impression.
What impression do things make on you?  What place does ducking and moving forward strongly have?  How can you NOT duck when bad things are presented to you?  Can you simply just feel the “though” of saying . . . “I don’t believe you” ??  It may help your deadhead and prune WISE IN TIME at speed over time to naturalize the beautiful garden of yourself. When you work with your ‘good and better and best” and not explaining your “not this-or-that,” things might just tend to get better and better.  Just makes good sense. Of course listen to who you are listening to here. Listening to me is quite a risk.  Play with me, though listen to yourself.
Ciao For Now B****E*  Smiles to you envigorating your life YOUR way.  Be your own uniquely complete being.  That never means you have to sit in the corner. Quite the contrary. Unless of course you dig corners.  I much more dig corners as differently-scaled-and-placed chicanes.
Are you the kid interested at 1:20 in the video or the one picking his nose via his apathetic teeth?  Make sure you WANNA be there. You’re not that teeth-probing bored kid anymore . . . well, I hope.  The Lovers say . . . Love What You Love with a Queen of Swords no bs period at the end of . . . I Love What I Love.  Do You?  Do you express that?

Don’t Lose Your Ego, sometime’s it tells you to DUCK!  Sometimes you just say F**k! So what?

All Similar, Each Unique.

All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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Smoking Hope ~ Tarot . . . The DSM and . . . CUMMON!

Like I’m going to compare the Tarot and the DSM

Like I’m going to compare the Tarot and the DSM — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders?  Oh, though OH but I AM, aren’t I?!  Please accept this giant grain if salt to take with you if you move forward. First off, let me be clear, the DSM is basically a giant Table of Contents for use as an insurance coding manual. It doesn’t flesh out distinctions. It doesn’t provide perspective in context. It’s one, long train. Be mindful when reading it, too. If you have a noggin’, it can often be like psyche-med commercials: ”Do you wake up tired in the morning? Oh my God. Write this down. I HAVE that.” ~ LazyBoy TV

I’m a layman, so basically, I can pretty much say anything even if it’s bullshit or infinitely inspirational, useful maybe even, mildly of interest, or All/And and/or either/or, and there is no E&O Errors and Omissions Insurance required. That’s for YOU to decide, though it’s also YOUR responsibility that if this affects you negatively to either duck, look the other way, or comment otherwise or not think you have a chance in hell to sue me for simply blogging my thoughts. McDonald’s coffee verdict may go against that, though. Coffee’s supposed to be hot. Evidently, her coffee actually was WAS too hot.

No Psych Advice Here

There’s no psychological advice or even any other advice here. it is simply for entertainment purposes according to some states’ laws? Yeah, whatev. I don’t make my living on the stage like Robin Williams, so the Psych Professionals who hmmph at this? Yeah, you know where you can go, though you can really only aim at the contingent of your colleagues who agree with me. Oh, though I should really follow through and should tell you where you can go. Please don’t go to Hell. Wm Blake, Shakespeare, James, . . . and Carl Jung and Fred, no not Flintstone, and Fred (Nietzche) are already holding a post for me. They tell me it’s warm, too. And, You’re not on the list. The bouncer will tell you that. Not to worry. I will appear and confirm it.


Oh, I made the link to the DSM a Wiki one as I wouldn’t want to promote that you actually buy the fucker.  Heck, the IBC (International Building Code) is usually around $249 dollars, though you get 5 volumes for twice the price of the single-volume DSM.  It, too, the IBC is to protect the public safety, health, and welfare. Frankly, that seems TOO damn similar.  Effin Building Codes. Fuckin’ Regulatory Agency Society. Oh, and don;t get me wrong. I actually geekily LOVE regs, especially the Special Regulatory Agency ones. You see, I wrote policy for a time as a Co-Chair of Community Form and Identity. Looks like the DSM and the IBC give me something to talk about, huh? One day I will have an original idea, maybe. (( {{ [[How many parentheses do I have to put the wink emoticon in at the end of the sentence, so you won’t see it? lol ]] }} ))

And, “to protect”??? Who ARE YOU?!! I wrote policy for YEARS!!!  And, THAT opening line is crystal effin clear.  Please diagnose your societal-level control issue prior to contacting me. With the Building Code . . . I can live my life by the Building Code. Structural integrity . . . of Self. Oh, and here’s a biggee. Are ya all stressed out most of the time? If you are, what’s the prob? Stress isn’t a problem. Stress is simply a force applied to something. Strain is the kicker.

Stress and Strain

Stress isn’t a problem. Stress is simply a force applied to something. Strain is the kicker, the stinker to watch for, watching for . . . outside load limits, which themselves are often set up with a 20% buffer. Strain occurs when something deforms, achieves permanent deformation when it is pushed past its elastic memory. Like bent steel.  That’s strain. It was caused by a stress or stresses, though only after the stresses went past a certain point on a graph. What is your Load Calculation Package For Life look like? How much stress till you balk? How much more till you break? I don’t propose to pass your own point of flexure. Like steel, you might not have any warning.

Take Care With Your Stresses

Take care with your stresses. Direct them. Resolve their forces all the way to the ground . . . or make sure they bring you together like in aircraft design. Look at how strain is pen up there, though. It “achieves” permanent deformation. I think materials must be crazy about going nutso, huh. lol They ACHIEVE deformation. Achieve is simply another great word for “reached” or “met.”  How do you reach or meet something WITHIN your load limits?  How do you stretch your elastic limits to renew their 100% at a new and stronger datum of a new 100% place?

Yep [[Are short headings hell on SEO? Or, just clear]]

Yep, when I play Architect, drawing pretty pictures is the smallest part of my job. Not. And, then yes, drawing pretty pictures IS the smallest part of my job then. I have to be an attorney, though never come off as giving legal advice. I have to be a Counselor, as, well . . . most of my work has been residential or commercial . . . and dealing with couples or business partner groups is often relatively simil  . . . no, it’s the same . . . and not PRESENT myself as a Counselor.  I have to be an Accountant, yet do it silently and of course not present myself as one, and sometimes even have to hire one. Clients usually refer to that as “he’s a very efficient businessman.” The doctor thang?  No, they can bury their clients. I can only advise mine to plant some wickedly fast-growing vines. Please laugh now.  Though, on the doctor thang. I DO advise to live and work in healthy beautiful space. It’s important for your well-being. I used to have an Audi TT. When I felt off, I would simply go sit in it. The baseball leather seats were living thrones, the overall aesthetics at every scale? Balanced and beautiful. The beauty of its interior environment literally bled off whatever off or negative gig I was feeling. If it was really bad, I’d also turn on the stereo. 6 speakers per door is pretty surround sound surrounding.

Tarot helps like that, too, huh?

Oh, back to the DSM

Oh, back to the DSM. Specifically the DSM-IV.  Does the Psych Profession actually think I am going to hop on their Psych Building Code hype?  Fuck. The IBC is RE-ISSUED every 3 damn years. I have to allocate a 4-hour speed-read session every 3 years to groc my own sense of how the relationships have changed by the bits and functionally-inter-related-component-part modifications to make sure ANY given Building Department submittal is considered valid and goes through and is stamped APPROVED.

And, the DSM-IV. Really now?!  You REALLY want me to think that’s something to GO by when drawing pretty pictures is the smallest part of my job?  Oh, maybe you didn’t get my irony there. You see, I KNOW the IBC like the back of my hand, all 5 volumes. Oh, and 3 or 9 additional other other IBC manuals that apply to the nature of the work I perform specific to particular projects.  But, do I MENTION them?  Heck no. That’s one of the reasons to HIRE an Architect. “Building your project” is what I am hired for, and all THAT? Well, that’s MY job . . . well, of course there is a multi-layer Consultant Coordination aspect that makes 3-layer chess look like . . . well, ya know, split up and . . . I’ll just say it . . . Gray’s Anatomy (the book and not the series) for . . . just 3 layers. Effin CAKES easily have 3 layers. Oh, kudos to you cake makers and the things that go on in YOUR background where your expertise . . . Oh, you get the pic.

So, I got to here finally

So, I got to here finally. I got to here finally with grammar that looks like a bad set of teeth. Can’t fucq with Dentists, though.

Why all that oompaloompaville rant above?  Well, I don’t like to footnote shit, mostly because I don’t need to. That pisses people off into omission of my work, plus the conversational nature of most of it making allegedly complex topics . . . uh hem . . . talkable.  That’s a PITA.  So . . . whatev on that.  Oh CUMMON. That’s not some bird-with-a-fucking-broken-wing statement.  I know my sales stats. Integers are SUPPOSED to be on THIS side of 3 per 6 months by MORE THAN a moved decimal point.  Honestly, I am really thankful that my work is outside the crowd. ‘Cause due to that I keep doing my work without customized requests and suggestions.  WOO HOO!  THANK YOU SCHIFFER!!  Seriously.  Seriously, they took a risk publishing something like Mystereum that has never been done before. That’s what Schiffer does. Quality. And, what better quality than to make you make another segment on your shelf WITHIN your existing ones for something special? . . . with a magnetic clasp even!

What’s the Tarot and DSM and Architecture point?

What’s the Tarot and DSM and Architecture point?

What do they have to do with one another?  Well, it’s no strange stretch that operating with a natural language sense visually at 4 1/2 that I “went” into architecture, formally.  Well, I guess at this point, I am going to leave it to you with these 3 zingers:

~ Did you know that homosexuality was considered a Disorder until the DSM-IV? So, why ya letting them regulate you with that. They may be professionals, though OBVIOUSLY they are human.

~ The IBC is modified-updated ever 3 years. Hmmm. That feels about right. Why does the Psych Profession sit on its ass so?

~ Tarot. Oh boy! Here we go!  You see, the cards told me stories at 4 1/2. They told me stories. I would hop off of full-on diggin’ and being immersed in Grimm’s and hop onto the floor to spread out the cards, or, of course vice-versa contrariwise. I liked the cards’ stories MUCH mo betta, typically. I could TELL the stories lifefully rather than un-crack the metaphorical kernels . . . though of course with Tarot I was doing that all on the fly.

At about 25 while avidly trying to learn a particular Tarot gig, it came to me. A deep respect of the moment when I was 4 1/2 came to me. I AM A READER. Or, I WAS THEN!  Do THAT! So, I became a Reader at 25 after a 21-year retirement, and now I am 45 20 years later. How’d the time go by so . . . . . I LOVE it that no-one mobs me for my autograph. Introvert movie stars may want to listen to this. Seems helpful to avoid the paparazzi. Take a career-length break and then mimic it year-wise.

So, What’s the Tarot and DSM and Architecture point?

So, The IBC is updated every 3 years. At least they AFFECT that they are doing something.  I’m pretty much wondering if the OMS (Over-Medication Syndrome) Psyche Professionals are systematically trying to medicate out our artists.  Maybe Psych Professionals would do well to issue inspirational picture posters . .  ’cause if that’s all it takes . . . like TRADITION . . . “Just because you;ve always done it that way does not mean it is not incredibly stupid.” (c) . I’ve gotta say . . . is a GREAT place to go to stop smoking hope. Or, for more technical people. . . . try Touched With Fire where Kay Redfield Jamison all but makes the point of “Are we medicating out or artists?”

You see, I can pack shit in and keep going like a horse. I don’t really get depressed. I get COMpressed. I can carry too much.  Lately, though, I’ve been learning to drop shit here and there at various base camps.  You would be AMAZED at how fast I took the 1.25 mile ride up a steep grade today when yesterday I felt I was losing the gas in my legs. Psych stuff is IM PO TANTAY!  Nunya business, though I had a relief of something today. DAYum I took that hill!

Did You Know?

Did you know that homosexuality was considered a Disorder until the DSM-IV?  So, why ya letting them regulate you with that DSM fucker?  I AM NOT telling you to go off your meds.  I am saying . . . They may be professionals, though OBVIOUSLY they are human, too. The IBC is updated every 3 years. The DSM? Uhhhh, well, Nope. And, I’m not telling you anything about homosexuality, either. Why would I go further for something that I feel is simply the pursuit of being a man . . . where I am not telling you about me one way or the other as neither would be wrong.  I picked it as a sore thumb that stuck out.  Like in the Building Code . . .

What are YOUR egress rules in Chapter 10? I would have said Section 10 to be proper, though it sounded too much like Section 8.

Happy Tarot’ing everyone!

Don’t Lose Your Ego, sometime’s it tells you to DUCK! 

Mystereum Spread Advert

All Similar, Each Unique.

All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos on YouTube for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 

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Posted by on January 22, 2013 in Card Cameos, Card Curiosities, The Mystery


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Tarot . . . and Whispering

Quiet can be Misinterpreted by most anyone

Don’t fool yourself with the “Whispering” you see promoted in spirituality circles of late as it feels to be being promoted as a substitute for “you have two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much.” That MUST have been penned by a narcissist as a cloaked way of saying, “Shut up and listen to ME!” Pffft.  Almost EVERY “whisper” proponent I have encountered gets into a HUGE diatribe of bs and issue-laden explanation if you even drop a single drop of dye in their water via a simple comment. Nuff said on THAT hoopaballoo from Diet Guru Wannabes from Oompaloompaville.  Oh shit! Is this Braveheart? Am I going in doing this to pick a fight? WhatEV. I am simply tired of listening to the alleged nice-nice people who, once you get to know them, are actually really mean fuckers.  I guess it is fortunate that they typically talk most of their game though can’t box, and I’ve not oftentimes seen them walk. Some of them do chew gum though. Just not at the same time they are walking or talking.

Quiet is subtle. Silence can go to 11. Whispering may be best reserved for pillow talk.


Surrender?  Sure!  Though don’t surrender to someone else. I suggest to resonate with how YOUR mindbodybeautiful kelps as you kelp.  Then further, maybe only surrender to yourself if it is of the “Adversity does not build character. It reveals it.” kind.  Beware of the apathetic, psychic alligators swimming around you. Plus, if you are kelp kelping in the motion of the ocean . . .they aren’t vegetarians.  They’ll try to lodge you under a log to self-suffocate, and rot, and bloat, and of course never come back around to eat you. You are not wasted value. Say No.  YOU, are YOU!  And, before you note that you might be depressed, note that water may still conform to it’s cup. Are there assholes in the bait ball flocking behavior around you? Check for that first. And, if so, then maybe you have another cup in the cupboard for your coffee and another for tea. Forgetting is for getting. Makes more room for the good stuff.


Value your identity regardless. If today is a 100-mile prisoners’ march, then defiantly use your breath to get there. Tomorrow the sun will always come up.  Better that you be prepared for when you see the pit stops and scenic overlooks.

WSI training says to never approach a drowning person from the front. And, I would add to apply that to oneself as well. Take a walk rather than looking in the mirror. Shame and guilt reflected might be better swimmers than sorrows.


Love what you love in the way that you do.  And, tomorrow your love may have grown. Don’t tell your dahlias to hurry. At best they will just laugh at you . . . and your neighbors might think you a bit on the oompaloompa psycho side.

Quiet and Whispering

Quiet is subtle. Silence can go to 11. Whispering may be best reserved for pillow talk. Mind that YOURSELF your way is 100% uncut identity. THAT goes to 11.  If your Silence goes to 11, too, have fun at lunch with a friend. Don’t confuse Silence with listening. Don’t confuse no sound as Silence.

Higher thread counts DO help quite a bit . . . so to speak.

Don’t Lose Your Ego. Open to You Your own actionable way!

All Similar, Each Unique.

All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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Tarot Says Don’t Lose Your Ego!

Oh Cummon!, Really, Jordan?

Full-on Fuck Yeah!  Seriously, STOP!

Really!  YES. Do . . . Not . . .Lose . . . Your . . .Ego!  Yes, I say that with an exclamation point.

Don’t Lose Your Ego!

It is  . . . oh POOH on your ego getting in the way. Oh POOH on your ego being some negative thought structure just itchin’ to magnetize negative thinking. If it does, then that’s YOU!



And, the kind of thinking that predicates itself on someone needing to “lose the ego” is often omissive to the experiential fact that it is associating the ego with egomanaical people. Associating the ego with Assholes. Assholes of people seem to associate that way, or maybe simply people lost in the baitball of flocking behavior.  It seems that asshat assholes of people prey on that asociation to get you to buy their social media marketing program etc etc . . . which, guaranteed, will simply make more social media, and an Inbox groaning under the weight. Wanna get rich quick? Go smoke hope instead and buy a lottery ticket. I call the lottery Poor Man’s Tax.  And, I buy them regularly. lol. It DOES, at least they advertise it such . . . it DOES support education.  Hasn’t seemed to work better than the bake sales of course, though.


Don’t lose your ego. Oh YES it is vain! Hell Yeah the ego is vain!  And, ALSO YES in the context of vanity in which it operates, it utilizes a natural protective mechanism, a naturally primal protective mechanism, that oftentimes messages DUCK!  And besides, the ego is a short-timer of a sentinel. When you seriously watch it, it typically lasts about 2 minutes, and only about 20 seconds if you simply focus on your breathing in the context of your surroundings. “Just Breathe” is not some 2-word simpleton statement. STOP, and LISTEN to  . . . THOSE . . . 2 . . . WORDS.  Just . . .Breathe.  If there is something else going on, see your medical professional, though. That’s your responsibility.

The Ego

The ego is a natural protective mechanism like antennae provided for your personal, air traffic control.  Yes, it is certainly vain to avoid a black eye, physically or psychically. Or, is it simply an action or set of actions where you are making sure you have less to do after brushing your teeth in the morning?  But . . . YES,  BUT, not Though. BUT, don’t think that taking the high road does anything to your ego. It’ll always be there. Well, if you are healthy. The high road is already crowded with the rush-hour traffic who knew better than to stay on the main road in the jam. So, it’s like Everest . . . trashed with spent oxygen tanks.  Just breathe.  And, do brush your teeth.

Don’t lose your ego. That would seem to be the first step to just about frickin anybody helping you to take your grace hostage. My suggestion? You do not need to negotiate yourself out of a grace-hostage situation.  The defiance of turning the other cheek can often indicate that a foot is about to whip around up high.  Do you value yourself? If so, work from YOUR point of value. Fuck trying to self-mutiny the ego. That may very well be an avoidance masking the things that you are REALLY are gigging to disengage.

Stand Up! And, DUCK when necessary! Be comfortable with the not-knowing. Be comfortable with yourself. Inhibitions can enslave as easily as excesses. Mind the spaces between your music.

Don’t Lose Your Ego. Open to You Your own actionable way!

All Similar, Each Unique.

All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 

1 Comment

Posted by on January 21, 2013 in Card Cameos, Card Curiosities, The Mystery


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Linear Funk Tarot? Play It bayBEE!

I Could Pull A Card

I could pull a Tarot or Oracle card, though why ruin the experience? Simply gonna to watch the vid again is what I’M GONNA DO.

I Wonder

I wonder how I will further open up and develop this area of thought over time.

Open up Mystereum. Open up your Imagination, Actionably!

Open up your signed set and see!

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is

78-card Mystereum Tarot Deck + 192-page Imagination Primer companion book in a lidded box with magnetic clasp. 1.8 pounds of Tarot goodness. Approximately 3 pounds when packaged for shipping.

CAUTION: Mystereum will not perpetuate any body issues you have. Homey don;t play that game

Reading Testimonial

“Jordan, You did something other than just the reading or as part of the reading that changed us on the inside. As soon as I read your cards, I felt a weight lifted, a cleansing, healing. I wasn’t angry anymore. I have been calm since then. You have brought a great peace to me. Each of our readings opened us to our own healing in our own way. You did this with such fun, too! We each thank you. ~ C.C.

All Similar, Each Unique.

Open Up from your core Mystereum, In Ways Best-Suited to You.

Jordan’s Readings are a Great Value for Gift Certificates!

Make more room for the good stuff with Mystereum and a Reading by Jordan


All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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STOP Trying To Think Things Into Submission

Oh Cummon!

Seriously, STOP!

Here’s a poem:


Who is to free the prisoners

when sand sleeps

in the eternity of the tilted hourglass?

WhatEffinEV.  Look!

What’s YOUR gig?


THANK yourself for the fact that YOU are HERE! And, get on with it.

Oh, by the way

Don’t be a prisoner in your own, tilted hourglass of inertia. How do YOU do it whatever it is you do?


How do you express your mode of being?  Fine. DO IT, yet make your own Facebook mini-poster memes.  Seriously! Take a pic of your cat. Caption it. Upload it and post it. That’s it! There Ya go.


Instead of explaining . . . you HAVE to know that this mode ALWAYS comes across as petitioning, pleading even. Don;t explain. Express!


Don’t . . . ahhhh EFF this part. When you know what’s wrong, it leaves you with just one thing. Everything else. That’s vague. Try to let the clutch out on that one.  Oh, please say excuse me if Ya cathart-fart in public.

Your inhibitions will enslave you as easily if not more than your excesses. The Mystereum XV Devil knows that.

I wonder

I wonder how I will further open up and develop this area of thought over time.

Open up Mystereum. Open up your Imagination, Actionably!

Open up your signed set and see!

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is

78-card Mystereum Tarot Deck + 192-page Imagination Primer companion book in a lidded box with magnetic clasp. 1.8 pounds of Tarot goodness. Approximately 3 pounds when packaged for shipping.

CAUTION: Mystereum will not perpetuate any body issues you have. Homey don;t play that game

Reading Testimonial

“Jordan, You did something other than just the reading or as part of the reading that changed us on the inside. As soon as I read your cards, I felt a weight lifted, a cleansing, healing. I wasn’t angry anymore. I have been calm since then. You have brought a great peace to me. Each of our readings opened us to our own healing in our own way. You did this with such fun, too! We each thank you. ~ C.C.

All Similar, Each Unique.

Open Up from your core Mystereum, In Ways Best-Suited to You.

Jordan’s Readings are a Great Value for Gift Certificates!

Make more room for the good stuff with Mystereum and a Reading by Jordan


All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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High Priestess & Chariot. Stop Saying Eeewww To Your Parents Having Sex

Oh Cummon!

Seriously, if you say or feel Eeeewwwww thinnking of your parents having sex, you are opening yourself up . . . though missing that one insight of the VERY REASON you are here. Sure, your spirituality and your meditation, sure your wish for everyone to get along.  Cummon! They won’t get along. It’s your job to populate your field with characters that resonate so you don’t have to give a rat’s ass about that and do so MORE. . . and at one and the same time can mind and respect your concern to do your highest good in this world . . . without the Spiritual Elitism of saying or buying in to the bullshit discussions of pop-culture gurus basically saying “I am more evolved than you.”

Well, we can blow that crapola out! Wait, is there a Crapola color in Crayolas? Nope. There Ya go.

WhatEffinEV.  Look!

Look, I have reached enlightenment more than once. It’s not a big deal, really.  Everything simply cascade-opens-up, and guess what . . . you are productive!  Too many times to count, really. The Hanged Man advises to hang out with enlightenment once in a while. When you do, I hear it will leave the light on for Ya. Don’t be afraid to finish things, either. The Hanged Man teaches a consummate, yes, consummate inner feelingsense that his enlightenment is temporary. Well, at least at first, like a first step. Over time The Enlightenment Talent can be systematically made, put together, AS a developed ability. Talents are innate, are inner inheritances you are pretty much born with. Ability is developed. What’s YOUR bliscipline (blissipline ?) to get the awesome cadence of YOUR steps doing Your thang OUR way?


If . . . what’s up with people who attempt to use sex as a weapon? What’s up with people who make sex into a big deal, when it may very well be the biggest deal and deal-breaker of them all. The French call orgasm le petit morte, the little death. Ancient Egyptians might have had this breath-as-prayer natural sense and feeling about it, too. How is that a natural whatever-whichever-what? Cummon. Don’t let your resentment build spikey fences with glass on top. That looks like trash, and when you relax . . . they’ll still be there like anti-gargoyles.


THANK the very act that brought you here. Even if you chose your parents and reparented and yah dee yah dee la la lost-in-too-much alleged reasoning land . . . STOP.  Thank . . . you parents . . . for the very act . . . that brought you here.

Orgasm is a great way to say thanks. Heck, the High Priestess heard that the Knight was the consort of the Queen, and they are Romper Roomin’ it as we speak. Just hope you can enjoy that scene in Delicatessan rather than it being a trigger. WHAT? You don’t know that scene?  I’ll fix THAT for a laugh. 🙂

Oh, by the way

Existentialism is like French without the passion. Do yourself a favor, and pull a couple of cards. Let them go on a first date. Heck, let ’em do what YOU feel they do.  Some pairs may hop right in the sack and only see the light when they need to dial for delivery. Then of course that initial cycle of limerence will come to a close, and they will take another first step.

The first step is yours. The first step is always yours. I hear the Universe and the Yoniverse tend to dig people steppin’ . . . the way you do.


How does your Yonk enter the Yoniverse or Your Yoniverse like Yonk? If you say Yonk, then Yoniverse is your context? If you say Yoniverse, then Yonk is your impetus?  Nevermind the clear and present gender references. You know better. You know you will interpret this any way that suits YOUR fancy. That’s your job in fact. Rather than comment here, go do something for yourself. Don’t make it a treat. Make it like breath.


Instead of that sounding limiting, what’s the feeling you get from Your Ankh Activities?  Maybe it’s not sex, so . . . what gives you feelings of everlasting life to invigorate you WHILE you are living? Enlightenment may come at the end.  Though like any purple-haired ecentric firecracker of a person . . . it takes decades of practice.  Oh, and puEFFINleeeeezzzzz . . . no comments about how you have done or are doing the work. Ya might as well go back to age 4 standing on the diving board with, “Look . . .loooooook . . . LOOK! Watch me dive.”  If you do, please take pictures.


Don’t make life’s joys a treat, ’cause if you do, I gather life will also always be a treat with an H . . . a tHreat . . . like eeewwwww in regards to your parents having sex. Two old wrinkly people going at it is not some Carnivale sideshow act. They’re aLIVE! They’ll probably both flip you off if you stumble onto them . . . you hope. Close the curtain before they ask you to. It’s your life Ya know? lol

Make life and enlightenment and sex and/or whatever you do like breath. DO IT! . . . and take a Chakra Test from Carol Tuttle while you’re at it. Oh cummon. Google it. Has your iDevice enslaved you SO much that your fingers are broken?  With the above, I certainly hope not.

I wonder

I wonder how I will further open up and develop this area of thought over time.

Open up Mystereum. Open up your Imagination, Actionably!

Open up your signed set and see!

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is

78-card Mystereum Tarot Deck + 192-page Imagination Primer companion book in a lidded box with magnetic clasp. 1.8 pounds of Tarot goodness. Approximately 3 pounds when packaged for shipping.

CAUTION: Mystereum will not perpetuate any body issues you have. Homey don;t play that game

Reading Testimonial

“Jordan, You did something other than just the reading or as part of the reading that changed us on the inside. As soon as I read your cards, I felt a weight lifted, a cleansing, healing. I wasn’t angry anymore. I have been calm since then. You have brought a great peace to me. Each of our readings opened us to our own healing in our own way. You did this with such fun, too! We each thank you. ~ C.C.

All Similar, Each Unique.

Open Up from your core Mystereum, In Ways Best-Suited to You.

Jordan’s Readings are a Great Value for Gift Certificates!

Make more room for the good stuff with Mystereum and a Reading by Jordan


All images (c)2010, 2013 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard

Groc the videos at for entertaining learning.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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