Tag Archives: laughter

Mystereum Tarot Imagin-Action Funky Friday FreeForAll

Mystereum Tarot Imagin-Action Funky Friday FreeForAll

After blogging mostly daily for while, I’m all warmed up and ready to go!  It’s time!  I’m ready to shift focus and redirect scale here to turn up the heat, and orchestrate Mystereum’s momentum.  Now is the time to explore Imagin-Action with you in daily blogs.

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.  So, look in YOUR mirror.  How close are you?  How close are you to finding your own natural leadership that is present to work with and effectively enliven your own interactions?  Explore the military sandbox of Imagin-Action with these daily blogs.  Sound rigorous?  Sure is!  Sound hard?  Not a chance.  Imagin-Action can enhance the heartbeat and breath of your ideas to effectively play out and build foundation under your dreams.  Imagin-Action can help you make your dreams beyond real.  Imagin-Action can bring your realized dreams into play as natural features in your everyday personal, business, you-name-it course of life.

It’s Friday, so I just pulled 3 cards without a spread. How do they work for you? Pull another to add to the mix.

Each day will bring a different Imagin-Action theme for to you to play with.

Today’s theme is Imagin-Action Freelance Friday.  Fridays are funky, and the cards above are for you to play with, to juggle.  Use them in the exercise that develops below if you want.

So, Fridays are funky.  You want to finish your work week on a high note, right?  You want to cut out early in the afternoon to meet friends and play, yes?  You’d rather be doing what it says you’d rather be doing on your bumper sticker, surely, like ALWAYS?  Sounds like Friday is a day whose all-over-the-map topics are seemingly on leading people to dial in to Presenteeism at work?  Friday feels to be a day custom made for the specialists in the Department of Redundancy Department.  Let’s let their wisdom get this day’s topic on topic so we can be on topic and express things on topic.  So. let’s consult the Department of Redundancy Department about WTH to do with these Fridays we so love and yet even in our enthusiasm seem to become multiple focus days even for some of the most intently focused people.

How’d they do that?!!

As soon as I hit the period at the end of that last sentence, the phone rang.  “This is Jordan,” I answer.  “Yes, Mr. Jordan, this is your Internal Department of Redundancy Department calling.  It seems you have put in a Requisition Order for one How To Make Friday Actionable Consult Team?  It seems you have put in a Requisition Order for a single How To Make Friday Actionable Consult Team to appear?

WOW!! Quick!  I thought they were lost in frenetic arabesque loops.  WTH?

All I have to do is look at that last paragraph, huh?

  • It seems you have put in a Requisition Order for one How To Make Friday Actionable Consult Team?
  • It seems you have put in a Requisition Order for a single How To Make Friday Actionable Consult Team to appear and provide their services?

WOW!  They even changed my 2nd, bullet point entry about them there!  WHOA!  WT Heck is going on here?!

Well, Fridays are pretty simple aren’t they?

Using the example of how I expressed what The Department of Redundancy Department is doing above, figuring out the best course to be actionable and effective is relatively simple.  When you are pulled multiple ways AND want to do them all, STOP!  It’s a lot like the WTH and hootin’ laughter years back when I imitated “Top Gun” with the kids in the car years back.  In my bright yellow car.  It was no speedster, but sunflower-bright-bees-would-fly-in-like-it-was-flower kinda bright it was, and I was feeling the WTHeck can I do.  They wanted me to race the tricked out sportster revving their engine as they had cat-called out the window.  Not rude, simply kids winderfully responding to “OMG THAT CAR MUSTA COST A MILLION!” kinda thing. And, of course I find that dangerous unless on the track.  Too many kiddos-chasing-a-ball-into-the-street variables.  But, it was Friday, and I wanted to play, too.

So, “I’ll race ’em!,” I said

And, here’s where the Friday, how-to-be-actionable-with-lotsa-things-in-the-mix idea comes full circle.  I nodded to the guy like we were gonna lay rubber GO!  Became completely focused through the front windshield at the road ahead and the red light above. Pressed my foot into the brake with the clutch in as I swung my brake-foot heel over to rev rev rev rev . . . and LOL glanced at my rearview mirror when the kids were all stirred up and wouldn’t notice in the background, and noticed a cop car two cars back behind me . . . tried to hold back my smile, and when the light turned green I bellowed out, “I’ll just hit the brake and they’ll fly right by!  That’s how you win, right?” . . . as the other car’s smokin’ tires jettisoned it across the intersection to quickly become smaller and smaller and WHOOSH the cop car flew right by.  See?  And, you thought I was dealing with the car beside me.

The kids were confused

The kids were confused . . . of course for only just a second in that wide-eyed-dropped-jaws slowly looking around kind of way, and then you saw their smiles start to form out of the mayhem as they started bobbin’ around fake-pushing each other around laughing.  “DOOD, did you see that? That cop just FLEW . . RIGHT . . .BY, justa yeah right by.  HEY!  Maverick said that in the movie last night!  You tricked us!!”  I smiled as they kept doing the I’m-turning-into-teenager masterful command of the obvious statements to keep cool present by acting like the world needs to stop and provide fanfare for whatever just happened . . . as I looked away from them in the mirror and proceeded normally across the intersection, they just hip-hop bobbed back in to, “Dood, Did you see that?”  “Oh Dudette, ya saw that, right, un huh?”  I may have never had so much fun just normally crossing the intersection like it was normal on a Friday having so much fun on a Friday.

Wait, The Department of Redundancy Department Team hijacked my sentence!

And, there’s the lesson to assist you to enhance the effectiveness of your Fridays.  STOP!

STOP~, When the light goes green.  STOP on Fridays, for just a little longer than normal, and let all the things in play fly right by so you can see them and focus on them ONE . .  AT . . . A . . . .TIME.  Don’t multi-task.  That’s a myth.  Yeah yeah, the studies say women can and men can’t.  BS on both.  They were looking for lines in that study, and they missed the orbits.  You don’t kill things when you look away.  Things may be out of sight and out of mind at times, but they don’t cease to exist when you look away.

Visualize each area of your day on it own pace as a juggling ball

Get all of these juggling balls going in their elliptical orbits in your mind.  Like juggling, only one thing at a time in your hand.  STOP!  Look at your hands.  Look at the ferris wheel of things above.  GO one frame.  STOP.  Next thing in your right hand?  Last thing now in your left hand?  GO one more frame. STOP. and another . . .wait . . .and another . . .wait . . .and another and another and let ’em get going back flow-orbit smoothly as you juggle them in your mind . . . and, here’s the lesson . . . don’t miss the subtle evolution that continues as it presents itself in the same sentence from one presentation to the next . . . WOW, the Department of Redundancy Department had it right up there . . . and here’s the lesson.

Take your hands off the task. Stop juggling by . . .

The juggling balls are smoothly and fluently negotiating their orbits smoothly as you subtly re-place them into orbit one at a time fluidly like WATTA.  Like BUTTA.  As you continue juggling all the juggling balls representing your areas of focus smoothly, as you continue juggling smoothly, allow them to continue in your mind as you slowly take your hands away.  Friday’s a car that’s already started.  Get your hands on the wheel and out of the engine.  Get your hands on the wheel and steer.  Get your hands on the wheel and GREEN LIGHT!  Whatta you do?

Get your hands on the wheel and out of the engine

There’s your Friday Imagin-Action thought.  In the summer of 2005 after being self-employed for several years, I started “taking Fridays off.”  I was one guy, a one guy sole prop architecture shop.  I had to complete weekly file management and administration and accounting for each and every project, do the overall accounting so Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable existed in the sole prop shop, make my Office Depot run, and all the other things too numerous to list.  Friday became a “STOP!  I’ll hit the brakes, and they’ll FLY RIGHT BY” day, and my business began to run like I had multiple employees . . . which then set the priority of “I DO want Fridays off, so I will make it a priority to be able to hire someone.”

So, on your Friday each week, get your hands on the wheel, eyes on YOUR road

Let the weekly cycles of your Fridays be the juggling balls above.  Even give them different colors and give each juggling ball in each Friday a different color in your mind.  Once you get the juggling cycle of what you focus on in YOUR Friday, slowly pull your hands away and really get a sense of how each one orbits.  5 RPMs? 500 RPMs?  5,000RPMs?  Get into the multiple-things-going-on-smoothly Hip Hop groove of the things in your Friday.  Hip Hop into a sense of fluent fluidity with all of them like a one person drum circle.  Work with this here and there each day throughout your week.  Next week we’ll cover Friday in another way so The Department of Redundancy Department can rehash this blog to show you how to use it with even further expertise.

Take the time for laughter. Take time to find the laughable in any situation

It sets a break or segue from whatever you were doing before like jumping around and shaking being all silly for no reason other than . . . to leave that previous moment or activity’s influence and really start fresh into your next activity.  Finding the laughable in no way disrespects even the grieving most difficult times.  It celebrates their goodness by bring you even MORE present when you are with them.

Subscribe and tune in to the Daily Disciplined Sandbox play of Mystereum

I’ll bet you won’t even feel like you worked, and you may start having more to show for your work across the board when you do this.  Gear into your synchromeshed juggling now, and let the clutch out.  Learn to drive the standard transmission of YOU!  Jackrabbit the gears here and there, and then soon you’ll be effective effectively.

Enjoy playing. There is potentially expert skill in your play.  Find Yours!

Magical laughter to you as you to prime your pumper and pump up the volume on your celestial groove with Imagin-Action!  Have a great weekend when Ya get to it!  ~ Jordan Hoggard


This blog is in no way intended to give you the higher octave of ADHD which is ALAS.  What is ALAS?, you say?  ALAS is . . . ATTENTION . . . Look A Squirrel!  Discipline in the sandbox is finding the natural way you flow and play with your ideas effectively.  It is about discovering their value that can take seconds, can take your whole life up to this point.  Each day, each play.  Make ’em count.  The value of a moment can be perennially catalyzing.  The value present in each moment can be infinite.

Oh, and I checked the Cosmic Daytimer.  The future and the past seem to be all booked up.  No room in The Inn.  Now works, though.  There always seems to be an opening for you now.

Happy Friday, and tune in daily for Imagin-Action!  All similar, each unique.

Have a grand weekend!  And remember, “Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge. Find the laughter that is the shortest distance between you and your ideas and effectively implement them with better and better success.

Here’s a side trip scenic overlook for Ya.  Take Mystereum for a FREE sample spin on!


All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Dog Tags left at

Groc the videos at

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Posted by on September 21, 2012 in The Mystery


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Mystereum Tarot Imagin-Action Death~Emperor Scheduling

Mystereum Tarot Imagin-Action Death~Emperor Scheduling

Now is the time to explore Imagin-Action with you in daily blogs with Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.  So, look in YOUR mirror.  How close are you?  How close are you to finding your own natural leadership that is present to work with and effectively enliven your own interactions?  Explore the military sandbox of Imagin-Action with these daily blogs.  Sound rigorous?  Sure is!  Sound hard?  Not a chance.  Imagin-Action can enhance the heartbeat and breath of your ideas to effectively play out and build foundation under your dreams.  Imagin-Action can help you make your dreams beyond real.  Imagin-Action can bring your realized dreams into play as natural features in your everyday personal, business, you-name-it course of life.

Death ~ Emperor Scheduling

All Similar, Each Unique. And, with Imagin-Action and Death ~ Emperor Scheduling you will soon learn to keep your focus fresh like Death always present in the garden, use the D word well (DELETE DELETE DELETE) with forgetting is for getting, and by methodically going step by step, even when your RPM’s are groovin’ the redline under deadline, be able to realign the pace and direction of your whole system in a single step like The Emperor as you complete things and finish wonderfully well with a YEAH BayBEE!

Today will scratch the surface of Death ~ Emperor Scheduling.  I want it to be effective for you.  What I’ve learned and evolved in 20+ years of Project Management will be doled out in appetizer and single-course portions.  I want you to be able to not gloss over a tome, and immediately begin to put things to use and build more effectiveness into the things you do.

Today’s Theme of Death ~ Emperor Scheduling is a short n sweet combo of Wed & Thu themes

~ WEDNESDAYS will be Working Out Your Best Times Wednesdays. Showing you creative ways to play, and play your play into enhancing your effectiveness in ALL you do.  Personal.  Business.  You-name-it!

~ THURSDAYS will be Those Times You Are Most Productive Thursdays.  We’ll find ways to mind those times, notice them, and discover how to better capitalize on synchromeshing them with your Best Times Wednesdays.  Sound like this is Department of Redundancy Department stuff?  Well, tune in and then decide.

One Quote & 2 Questions to figure out when is YOUR best time to work?

  • Juggling around identity and divinity, I feel that identity is divinity expressed personally. All similar, each unique. ~Jordan Hoggard
  • So, What times and periods of day do you feel divine, magical?
  • Which of those times and periods are magically personal, and which of those times and periods are delightfully productive?

That’s It For Today!  WHAT?!, You Say?  What can I . . . .

Ok ok ok. But, stop being so Gotta Look Real Hard To Show I Am Focusing.  This is not presenteeism.

  • outline the times of the day YOU feel magical and divine.  There may be a diff between magical and divine or no.  Your call.
  • outline the periods of the day YOU feel magical and divine. If you’re feeling down, distinguish degrees across the day and pick some winners!  Make ’em a certificate or CUPCAKES!
  • outline the times of the day that you feel ARE magical and divine.  The TIMES of the day.
  • outline the periods of the day that you feel ARE magical and divine.  The PERIODS of the day.
  • Make a simple Monday through Sunday or Sunday through Monday chart, a Week Per View with your current daily order.
  • Anchor-point your current commitments, then begin to fill it in and flesh it out by . . .
  • Describe your 24-hour calendar.  An easy way to be concise and have fun with this part is to TITLE each period, and TITLE the specific times you outliined above.  Give ’em names or story titles.  Have fun with it.  I love detail and repetitive work as it becomes a cadence of a physical meditation, yet I STILL call the daily check-in and weekly updating of what $$’s I have to work with ASSININE ACCOUNTING.  I actually really like it, but I like more to keep a clue present in my environment that a priority is to have staff to accommodate this, and to periodically revisit the priorities and action steps I have to put that in place.  DO Make sure SLEEP has a good block of time wherever you put it.
  • Now, which of the above are YOURS YOURS YOURS?  Times?  Periods?  Whole Days?
  • Which of the above are shared and in need of coordination with another or a group?  Times?  Periods?  Whole Days?
  • Which of the above are when you are uninterruptable and you can, do, or will commit to focusing ONLY on your task and RELATED tasks in orbit at hand? Yes, withOUT interruption?  There’s a new invention called voicemail, and phones tend to have ways to quickly drop the volume without turning them off.  Constant notifications are a far cry from the cadence of a drum circle.
  • in that last regard, be mindful of metronomes in your life that you have simply white-noised gotten used to.  We’ll need to tailor those later, too.
  • Do YOUR homework YOUR way.

Now, that’s REALLY it for today.  Get the above recipe list present and ready.

Do the above as homework, and after you complete it, place it somewhere where you keep it in plain sight.  We will be building on it as we go along with these Imagin-Action techniques for more effectively incorporating imagination into everything you do.  If you like to cook, you’ll understand these prep portions and their pauses.  How ’bout we call the above Your Imagin-Action Ramikens. the little bowls of prepped sauces and sliced n diced stuff that you paint in to your cooking here and there on the way to making a great meal?  Yes, Imagin-Action Ramikens to hold your Imagin-Action ingredients.  Well, you can of course call them that now, though I would suggest to make sure they are clean and ready to go.

Place your Imagin-Action homework in plain sight after you complete it.  Keep a scratch pad in your pocket across a day or several days and let your homework just complete itself basically as you take notes when they strike resonant chords with you.  For the long-haul, keep a scratch pad to scribble down week vs weekend feelings and titles. Keep it simple.  Just time or time period and name or title.  We will get to the moon phases n stuff later.  Keep it simple.  It’ll be your Bob the Biology Skeleton up at the front of your class.  This is about writing down the bones of your time and their character + function in your life.

Tune in, take the time to make laughter, and find the laughable in any situation

It sets a break or segue from whatever you were doing before like jumping around and shaking being all silly for no reason other than . . . to prime your pumper and pump up the volume on your celestial groove. We’re all born to see differently, all similar each unique.  Focus and clarify YOUR vision and effectiveness as you follow along and participate with Mystereum in Imagin-Action!


This blog is in no way intended to give you the higher octave of ADHD which is ALAS.  What is ALAS?, you say?  ALAS is . . . ATTENTION . . . Look A Squirrel!  Discipline in the sandbox is finding the natural way you flow and play with your ideas effectively.  It is about discovering their value that can take seconds, can take your whole life up to this point.  Each day, each play.  Make ’em count.  The value of a moment can be perennially catalyzing.  The value present in each moment can be infinite.

Oh, one last thing

I checked the Cosmic Daytimer.  The future was all booked up, the past was out, and that seems to be the status for quite some time.  No room for them in The Perpetual Present Inn.  Now works, though.  Past and future orbit like memories and dreams.  You might try hookin’ up with ’em in the spa.  Now works, though.  Now works.  There always seems to be an opening for you now.

Get that scratch pad and / or pads, and do pull a card to turn over that Card Back up there.  Will it be your big title to color your scheduling theme?  You’ll have to decide on that.  It’s your schedule, and we want to get you to be the Master of your schedule.

A closing scenic overlook side trip for Ya

Take Mystereum for a FREE sample spin on!

Check out your Taroooooo SHINY Death ~ Emperor copper Dog Tag.

Only one left available for $70 USD.  Unless of course you wanna kill the price and wheel n deal like an Emperor . . . Sounds fun to me!  Though, do it quick, as some Death~Emperors will make sure the 1 available is 1 piece of magic in their hand and zero available.


All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Dog Tags left at

Groc the videos at

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Posted by on September 20, 2012 in The Mystery


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Tarot Tarot How Will You Use Tarot in Your Land of Mystereum?

Tarot Tarot How Will You Use Tarot in Your Land of Mystereum?

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.  So, look in YOUR mirror.  How close are you to you?  How close are you to finding your own natural leadership that is present in your Inner Inheritances? How close are you to work with and effectively enliven your own interactions?  Explore the naturally Blissiplined Sandbox of Imagin-Action and The Land of Mystereum with these daily blogs.  Sound rigorous?  Sure is!  Sound hard?  Not a chance. Rigorous like breath maybe.

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum can enhance the heartbeat and breath of your ideas to effectively play out and build foundation under your dreams.  Imagin-Action can help you make your dreams beyond real.  Imagin-Action can bring your realized dreams into play as natural features in your everyday personal, business, you-name-it course of life.

How Will You Use Tarot in the Land of Mystereum?  Here’s how Karen S is!!   Isis is isIS, huh?

Karen S in month 1 with Mystereum

just after she received her signed copy she ordered direct

I am getting some fantastic feedback using this deck …Hi Karen, Just wanted to say love the way you did the reading for me. Apart from the fact that it was so precise & relevant, I also loved the way you encouraged me to dig deeper which allowed me then to see my role in past & present circumstances. This then also allowed me to understand how I can take part in improving areas of my life that I want to. Many Thanks, Camara xx
I find people like to really throw themselves in and love handling the cards — Karen S

Karen S in month 3 with Mystereum

THAT was quick!  Hi JJH – love your work. I use your deck for a lot of personal work – it has inspired me greatly and I have made and implemented some very creative changes to my life – so if that makes me a fluffy bunny – well kiss my tail !! I like the energy of your deck – it makes be laugh a lot and when I’m laughing… then that is when my ideas start flowing – so thank you x ~ Karen S

Karen S in month 7 with Mystereum

and AMAZING things are happening JUST HER WAY!!  Since purchasing this strange and oddly enchanting deck, that comes in a box with a satisfying magnetic click… That gives me 6 of Cups nostalgia to days when I stored my treasures of pebbles and old coins and autumn gathered conkers in a manly scented old king edward’s cigar box… Well I have to admit that I have become most proficient at handling the cunts that life throws at you every so often… Not only more speedily are they dealt with but also in wildly humorous ways and with effortlessly classy panache … So don’t ask yourself how much does this deck cost? Ask yourself how much will this save me… All those hours soon add up …And to free those up quickly and stylishly…to open up room in your life for what you do want…Priceless ...~ Karen S

All Similar, Each Unique.  How Will YOU Use Mystereum?

If you are on the fence about getting Tarot in the Land of Mystereum, pull a card for the Card Back above, and ask, “How will The Land of Mystereum Magicianly infuse into my life and enhance my World MY WAY?”

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.  1.8 pounds of Tarot!  . . . in the box with the book of course. Noooo No No, the deck is not 1.8 pounds in your hands.  If it was, I’d have to offer Tarot Sit & Get Fit Videos. Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.  1.8 pounds of Tarot!  How will you discover and infuse your Inner Inheritances to enhance Your World?

If You want a X-Wheel pinwheel-n-Deal a Special for your world Your way, simply email me at .  Want a discount?  A payment plan?  Come to the Mystereum table and we’ll work it out.  The dealer always wins, huh?  Be your own dealer.  Pick a card for the Card Back above.

How Will YOU Use Mystereum when yours arrives?

How will each day bring your magic to light?

Tune in, take the time to make laughter, and find the laughable in any situation

It’ll provide fresh workability to discover the treasures in experience.



This blog is in no way intended to give you the higher octave of ADHD which is ALAS.  What is ALAS?, you say?  ALAS is . . . ATTENTION . . . Look A Squirrel!  Discipline in the sandbox is finding the natural way you flow and play with your ideas effectively.  It is about discovering their value that can take seconds, can take your whole life up to this point.  Each day, each play.  Make ’em count.  The value of a moment can be perennially catalyzing.  The value present in each moment can be infinite.

Oh, and I checked the Cosmic Daytimer.  The future and the past seem to be all booked up.  No room in The Inn.  Now works, though.  There always seems to be an opening for you now.

Take Mystereum for a FREE sample spin on!


All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Dog Tags left at

Groc the videos at


Posted by on September 19, 2012 in The Mystery


Tags: , , , , , , ,

Mystereum Tarot Sandbox Daily Blissipline Time Is Money Tuesday

Mystereum Tarot Sandbox Daily Blissipline Time Is Money Tuesday

After blogging mostly daily for while, I’m all warmed up and ready to go!  It’s time!  I’m ready to shift focus and redirect scale here to turn up the heat, and orchestrate Mystereum’s momentum.  Now is the time to explore Imagin-Action with you in daily blogs.

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.  So, look in YOUR mirror.  How close are you?  How close are you to finding your own natural leadership that is present to work with and effectively enliven your own interactions?  Explore the discplined sandbox of Imagin-Action with these daily blogs.  Sound rigorous?  Sure is!  Sound hard?  Not a chance.  Imagin-Action can enhance the heartbeat and breath of your ideas to effectively play out and build foundation under your dreams.  Imagin-Action can help you make your dreams beyond real.  Imagin-Action can bring your realized dreams into play as natural features in your everyday personal, business, you-name-it course of life.

All Similar, Each Unique

Each day will bring a different Imagin-Action theme for to you to play with.

Today’s Tuesday Theme is Time Is Money Tuesday.  Discipline for Blissipline

So, right off the bat, if you think time is money, you’re probably still punching the clock in your mind and haven’t really valued your time.  Not saying to quit your job.  More a How To Assign Value To Your Time day.  Not saying that if you punch a clock or turn in a timesheet or fill out a time card that your work is not valuable . . . simply look at your writing down of your time or your clicking the clock as money that is your energy that you have turned solid.  Your time is energy that you can record, and in doing so solidify your time to BECOME money.

Your time is energy

Your time is energy that you can make solid, solidify.  Your energy across time can build money.  I love to remember hearing, “Money may not make me happy, though I just want the chance to see for myself.” Notice every quote or expression or atatement you hear about money for one, whole day.  Jack be nimble Jack be quick jump over the candle of every one.  Do this by listening to them.  Then repeat them.  Then, ask yourself what is really being said.  Is what is being said really wise?  Does what is being said express common sense? What’s the real message embedded in the twilight spaces between in each statement?

And, common sense in regards to money.

It’s often not so common, huh?  Otherwise, everyone would have some, even plenty.  Look at how YOUR sense is common for you.  What value can you reasonably assign to your time to start?  What can you do to literally see through the blind spots of expectation you have about money?  As you place your energy across time, let what you place solidify, congeal like concrete.  How do you do this?  For example put your money on your altar for 24 hours before depositing it or pocketing it.  Let it form another place in your mental real estate space.  As it does, pick it up and deposit it.

And, another tricky tip.  Tricky if you have a little or a lot

Tithe to yourself.  Tricky if you have a little or a lot as we tend to expand to our means.  Think about it.  Straight out into your 1st job, how much did you make per year?  What were you able to do with that amount?  How much do you make now?  Have you consistently increased your expenses keeping up with the Jones’ of your own perceptions of what you deserve?  Or, have you consistently expanded your base?  Stop it!  At least for a day.  Look at your situation.  Re-evaluate what it is you value. Build back IN!  Do you value security?  Travel?  Entertainment?  Books?  Tarot decks?  Make a savings or investment fund for what you value.  Actually, make 2.  Make one for that thing or activity you value.  Make another just for YOU for no reason . . . well, you deserve it, right?  I won;t ask if you value your kiddos, though please value yourself just as much.  You might only teach them lack if you always give THEM everything while you sit back like your time has passed.  Try doing something TOGETHER with your bonus.  Tell ’em, and see what happens when they KNOW how the money’s being spent.  They’ll certainly probably teach you more than this blog.  They know you better, huh?

Every time you make money

So, every time you make money, allocate an internal bonus for yourself.  Give yourself a bonus every time you make money.  Take 10% of it, and put it in your savings or investment account.  If you have made the 2 accounts above, 5% to each, or of course if you LOVE detail . . . allocate your own percentages.  This is best when you do it enough for it to become a requirement.  Not a requirement you can get in trouble for.  Let it become like a long-form big breath and heartbeat.  Every time you make money, your accounts pump and breathe.

That’s it for this segment of Time Is Money Tuesday!  Except . . .

Pick a card for the card back up there.  You have Magic and a Card Back and 6 of Pentacles epic spiral of giving and receiving and Your Whole World.  Turn over the Card Back to add your own money color into your mix.

Everything following below is wonderful extra stuff in general about play-working in the Mystereum Tarot Daily Discipline Sandbox.  Click to see what this followed to enhance from yesterday.  And, See Ya tomorrow!

Cheers!, Jordan Hoggard

Author, Tarot in the Land of Mystereum


Tune in, take the time to make laughter, and find the laughable in any situation

It sets a break or segue from whatever you were doing before like jumping around and shaking being all silly for no reason other than . . . to leave that previous moment or activity’s influence and really start fresh into your next activity.  Finding the laughable in no way disrespects even the grieving most difficult times.  It celebrates their goodness by bring you even MORE present when you are with them.

Subscribe and tune in to the Daily Discipline of the Mystereum Tarot Sandbox

I’ll bet you won’t even feel like you worked, and you may start having more to show for your work across the board when you do.  Thinkin’ I’ll gear into this new synchromesh beginning Monday.  Then again, I may step on it over the weekend . . .

Enjoy playing. There is potentially expert skill in your play. Let’s find it!

Magical laughter to you as you to prime your pumper and pump up the volume on your celestial groove with Imagin-Action!  Bring YOU to the table to enliven your life, your effectiveness, in the higher octave way only YOU can!  We’re all born to see differently, all similar each unique.  Focus and clarify YOUR vision with Mystereum Imagin-Action!


This blog is in no way intended to give you the higher octave of ADHD which is ALAS.  What is ALAS?, you say?  ALAS is . . . ATTENTION . . . Look A Squirrel!  Discipline in the sandbox is finding the natural way you flow and play with your ideas effectively.  It is about discovering their value that can take seconds, can take your whole life up to this point.  Each day, each play.  Make ’em count.  The value of a moment can be perennially catalyzing.  The value present in each moment can be infinite.

Oh, and I checked the Cosmic Daytimer.  The future and the past seem to be all booked up.  No room in The Inn.  Now works, though.  There always seems to be an opening for you now.

Happy Friday, and tune in daily for Imagin-Action!  All similar, each unique.

Have a grand weekend!  And remember, “Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge.  We may find that laughter is the shortest distance between you and your ideas and effectively implementing them with better success.

Here’s a side trip scenic overlook for Ya.  Take Mystereum for a FREE sample spin on!


All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Dog Tags left at

Groc the videos at

Leave a comment

Posted by on September 18, 2012 in The Mystery


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Mystereum Tarot Monday Imagin-Action BitC Technique

Mystereum Tarot Monday Imagin-Action BitC Technique

It’s time!  I’m ready to shift focus and redirect scale to turn up the heat and open up Mystereum to show you simple ways to orchestrate your own momentum.  Now is the time to explore Imagin-Action with you in daily blogs.  I use these original techniques to make productive turn into prolific without over-working myself.  You can, too.  It just takes a little practice to adjust new techniques into your process so they become natural and all your own.  And, every person I have found who has used these techniques find nothing short of magic appearing in their creativity and effectiveness.

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear

So, check your mirrors.  How close are you?  How close are the things around you?  How close are you to finding your own natural leadership that is present to work with and effectively enliven your own interactions?  Today’s Imagin-Action tip is to assist you in effectively exploring your work and production and effectiveness as disciplined, sandbox play.  It is the simplest of the Imagin-Action techniques and it is called Butt In The Chair.

Butt In The Chair?  That’s IT?!! How will that help anything?

Well, don’t try it if you are that skeptical.  No really, Scat!  Move along.  What’s that? A glimmer of interest in your questions?

Imagin-Action can enhance the heartbeat and breath of your ideas to effectively play out and build foundations under your dreams.  Imagin-Action techniques can help you make your dreams beyond real.  Imagin-Action can bring your realized dreams into play as natural features in your everyday personal, business, you-name-it course of life.  Imagin-Action techniques naturally groove the discipline into your process, and take the hassle out of working, so you can fully focus.

All Similar, Each Unique

Each day will bring a different Imagin-Action theme for to you to play with, and today’s Monday theme is the 1st step in the Butt in the Chair Imagin-Action Technique. BitCh IT for short, or Bit-C, if you prefer.  The Butt in the Chair Imagin-Action Technique transfers presenteeism to productivity, for if you are there you will be in the mindset to be there. So, what is the Butt in the Chair Imagin-Action technique?

Butt In The Chair

What is the 1st Butt in the Chair Imagin-Action technique?  Well, like it sounds . . . plant it!  Assign a project to your Imagin-Action studies.  Just one project to start.  It will give you a comparison to your standard routine with other projects.

  • Assign yourself your own deadline to complete this project .
  • Assign Same Bat Time Same Bat Channel periods daily for this project.
  • No matter what, your butt is to be in that chair the whole time.  It can be kind of a trip, so like a road trip, make sure you use the restroom first and have some water or tea set out within reach.
  • The only thing you are allowed to think about during your BITCh time is your project ~ like in a car you can’t be in multiple gears at once and still be driving or have an operable transmission.
  • Odds are this kind of focus will seem impossible at first.
  • All that is asked of you is that for the time you assign in your schedule for your project that you show up, and get your Butt In The Chair.  That’s it.

2 weeks to Celestial Groove Glimmers

Show up, and get your Butt In The Chair, and only think about your project, and/or work on it of course, too.  That’s it.

Thing is that what usually begins to happen is about 10 minutes before your BITCh time you’ll do an inner nod towards it, and begin naturally moving towards it so you are warmed up prior and on time and ready when you need to be.  It’s like a standing meeting.  A standing meeting time weekly or daily eliminates scheduling and cancellations and rescheduling as it puts in place a commitment and discipline to be there which can transfer to the topic or project at hand.  BITCh is like this, though you are expected to laugh and enjoy being there, too.

Try BITCh for 2 weeks

I set 2p to 5p Monday through Friday for 3 years to complete the original Mystereum Tarot and 48-page LWB on my self-issued 3-year deadline.  3 years was as long as I could give it, initially.  At a point between 3 1/2 and 4 years my hand changes.  Any art series I am workiing on portalp-moves to transition into the next series.  It’s simply a timeframe cycle I’ve noticed, so 3 years gave me a little schedule-slippage wiggle room.

If someone called to schedule a meeting for during those times I would simply say, “Oh, I am COMPLETELY stacked with standings all week.  How do your mornings or just after lunchtime look?”  You see, it will also get you to be the Master of your own schedule, too, and not be a pushover for the things YOU want or need to be working on. And, if the phone rings during BITCh time, maybe that’s what voicemail is for.  Do note whether there are family emergencies n stuff.  Don’t guru out your common sense of course.

Especially if you work at home

try closing the door with the rule that if the door’s closed, you’re at the office.  Nevermind that it happens to be down the hall.  People might not disturb you at your office across town, so groove them to respect the same for your home office.  So, that’s it. Butt in the chair, focus only on the one project for the time you have assigned, and don’t go under OR over on your time.  Tomorrow holds your next session, and that’s when you’ll get back on the project you have assigned to try this.

Tune in, take the time to make laughter, and find the laughable in any situation

It sets a break or segue from whatever you were doing before like jumping around and shaking being all silly for no reason other than . . . to leave that previous moment or activity’s influence and really start fresh into your next activity.  Finding the laughable in no way disrespects even the grieving most difficult times.  It celebrates their goodness by bring you even MORE present when you are with them.

Subscribe and tune in to the Daily Discipline of Mystereum

to discover expert skill in your play.  I’ll bet you won’t even feel like you worked, and you may start having more to show for your work across the board when you do.  Thinkin’ I’ll gear into this new synchromesh beginning Monday.  Then again, I may step on it over the weekend . . .

Enjoy playing. There is potentially expert skill in your play. Let’s find it!

Magical laughter to you as you to prime your pumper and pump up the volume on your celestial groove with Imagin-Action!  Bring YOU to the table to enliven your life, your effectiveness, in the higher octave way only YOU can!  We’re all born to see differently, all similar each unique.  Focus and clarify YOUR vision with Mystereum Imagin-Action!


This blog is in no way intended to give you the higher octave of ADHD which is ALAS.  What is ALAS?, you say?  ALAS is . . . ATTENTION . . . Look A Squirrel!  Discipline in the sandbox is finding the natural way you flow and play with your ideas effectively.  It is about discovering their value that can take seconds, can take your whole life up to this point.  Each day, each play.  Make ’em count.  The value of a moment can be perennially catalyzing.  The value present in each moment can be infinite.

Oh, and I checked the Cosmic Daytimer

The future and the past both seem to be all booked up, lot of long-term reservations.  No room in The Inn.  Now works, though.  There always seems to be an opening for you to start now.  So laugh and out your butt in your chair, and schedule putting your butt in the chair.  “Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge.  We may find that laughter is the shortest distance between you and your ideas and effectively implementing them with better success.

Here’s a side trip scenic overlook for Ya.  Take Mystereum for a FREE sample spin on!


All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Dog Tags left at

Groc the videos at


Posted by on September 17, 2012 in The Mystery


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Synchromeshing the Mystereum Imagin-Action Military Sandbox Gears

Synchromeshing the Mystereum Imagin-Action Military Sandbox Gears

After blogging mostly daily for while, I’m all warmed up and ready to go!  It’s time!  I’m ready to shift focus and redirect scale here to turn up the heat, and orchestrate Mystereum’s momentum.  Now is the time to explore Imagin-Action with you in daily blogs.

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.  So, look in YOUR mirror.  How close are you?  How close are you to finding your own natural leadership that is present to work with and effectively enliven your own interactions?  Explore the military sandbox of Imagin-Action with these daily blogs.  Sound rigorous?  Sure is!  Sound hard?  Not a chance.  Imagin-Action can enhance the heartbeat and breath of your ideas to effectively play out and build foundation under your dreams.  Imagin-Action can help you make your dreams beyond real.  Imagin-Action can bring your realized dreams into play as natural features in your everyday personal, business, you-name-it course of life.

All Similar, Each Unique

Each day will bring a different Imagin-Action theme for to you to play with.

MONDAYS will be a Butt in the Chair Mondays. BitChD for short.  Or Bit-CD, like Bitsy D, if you prefer.  Things like  . . . if you are SO attached to presenteeism, that you have to be AT the office to be productive, we’ll have your Butt in the Chair another way.  Such as, you’ll draw a picture of a chair with you in it, even a stick figure chair + you, place it in your back pocket, grab a notepad and something to scribble with, and get yourself to the park for a new perspective. . . with your butt in your chair in your back pocket.  Kinda like, “Hey boss, I have a vision problem.  I just can’t see coming in today,” though you may actually get more done.

TUESDAYS will be Time Is Money Tuesdays.  With things like, if you think time is money, you’re still punching the clock and haven’t really valued your time.  Not saying to quit your job.  More a How To Assign Value To Your Time day.

WEDNESDAYS will be Working Out Your Best Times Wednesdays. Showing you creative ways to play, and play your play into enhancing your effectiveness in ALL you do.  Personal.  Business.  You-name-it!

THURSDAYS will be Those Times You Are Most Productive Thursdays.  We’ll find ways to mind those times, notice them, and discover how to better capitalize on synchromeshing them with your Best Times Wednesdays.  Sound like this is Department of Redundancy Department stuff?  Well, tune in and then decide.

FRIDAYS will be Freelance Fridays.  We’ll work on ways to provide ongoing re-evaluation, weekly check-ins on your dreams n stuff with things like “After you are already doing your most resonant work, how to ask what you would do if you could really do if you were free to do what you wanted?”  Again, more Redundancy Department redundancy.  Bettin’ Nope on that.  Even Blissipline needs to be kept fresh.  Not rotting produce allowed.  And, better seeing the shelf lives of your ideas in play and their progress from different perspectives.

SATURDAYS will be Wind In Your Sails Saturdays.  Things like where have you been, and where ARE you WHEN you are going?!

SUNDAYS will still be STP. Sunday Tarot Passages where I will give short, guided tours for you to further explore Tarot in the Land of Mystereum, the reason any of this even came to be. 🙂

Tune in, take the time to make laughter, and find the laughable in any situation

It sets a break or segue from whatever you were doing before like jumping around and shaking being all silly for no reason other than . . . to leave that previous moment or activity’s influence and really start fresh into your next activity.  Finding the laughable in no way disrespects even the grieving most difficult times.  It celebrates their goodness by bring you even MORE present when you are with them.

Subscribe and tune in to the Daily Military Discipline Sandbox of Mystereum

I’ll bet you won’t even feel like you worked, and you may start having more to show for your work across the board when you do.  Thinkin’ I’ll gear into this new synchromesh beginning Monday.  Then again, I may step on it over the weekend . . .

Enjoy playing. There is potentially expert skill in your play. Let’s find it!

Magical laughter to you as you to prime your pumper and pump up the volume on your celestial groove with Imagin-Action!  Bring YOU to the table to enliven your life, your effectiveness, in the higher octave way only YOU can!  We’re all born to see differently, all similar each unique.  Focus and clarify YOUR vision with Mystereum Imagin-Action!


This blog is in no way intended to give you the higher octave of ADHD which is ALAS.  What is ALAS?, you say?  ALAS is . . . ATTENTION . . . Look A Squirrel!  Discipline in the sandbox is finding the natural way you flow and play with your ideas effectively.  It is about discovering their value that can take seconds, can take your whole life up to this point.  Each day, each play.  Make ’em count.  The value of a moment can be perennially catalyzing.  The value present in each moment can be infinite.

Oh, and I checked the Cosmic Daytimer.  The future and the past seem to be all booked up.  No room in The Inn.  Now works, though.  There always seems to be an opening for you now.

Happy Friday, and tune in daily for Imagin-Action!  All similar, each unique.

Have a grand weekend!  And remember, “Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge.  We may find that laughter is the shortest distance between you and your ideas and effectively implementing them with better success.

Here’s a side trip scenic overlook for Ya.  Take Mystereum for a FREE sample spin on!


All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available at Amazon

The 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Birth Card Dog Tags are sold out

Groc the videos on my YouTube Channel

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Leave a comment

Posted by on September 14, 2012 in The Mystery


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Mystereum Tarot Monday Mayhem

Mystereum Tarot Monday Mayhem

So, if you are similar to me and a lot of other Tarot readers, sometimes we see and read things in simple images, in a tree, in a group of people.  Well, I thought, what the heck, it’s Monday and I woke up on the bright side.  So, enjoy this Tarot warm-up technique of reading 1st 5 spams in your spam email folder.  Heck, they’re free, and it’s a great way to loosen up, warm up, and get your juices flowing with a smile.  Then of course the ever important “D” word in marketing.  Delete.  Some things simply do not deserve your time anymore.

Think about it.  You are probably going to say NO! to most spams anyway, and I’d bet Tarot isn’t going to change your mind about that.  BUT, why not say a NO! with the higher octave of humor.  Humor is playing with the steps like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers which is beyond learning them.   Dance with your steps to warm up today.  Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem spam email topics submitted by Karen from the UK.  Send your contributions to be included in future Monday Tarot Mayhem blogs.  You can simply place them in the comments here for consideration.  Only type the spam email title and the snippet of the body text you can see without opening the spam, when it is unread.

Reading Spam As Alchemy, Serendipity, a Warm-up Exercise?  Sure!

Don’t be afraid to toss the banana peel so to speak after you get all the free goody out of it. Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem Spam emails Titles/From and Subject Line snippets are . . .

Card 1 ~ Mark Habert. Business Proposal herbal roots supply

2 of Wands

  • The 2 of Wands indicates warning of potential disaster by overload and imbalance. Look for your natural path. Do not become overwhelmed by perceiving many little things as one big thing. Being aware when you are daydreaming is also indicated. See though the mirages of your fixations. Listening, waiting, and being on the move clearly is indicated to pull you through this time where you may feel barraged.
  • So, it is pretty much indicated to see past the Den Of sensory overload Iniquities, see past the blind spots. If I look for the overall pattern I might find the awesome Den Of Iniquities of that secret spot.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = Sounds like you should have made a Business Plan, Mr. Habert, BEFORE you got all the way to harvest.  I suggest a freezer so you don’t waste your bountiful root supply.

Card 2 ~ Mr. Paul Nwanze. Re: Your Atm Master Card Release

XVII The Star

  • The Star indicates continually finding your cosmic groove and going for it! Eternal hope in the diamond-like seat of your mind-body-beautiful is indicated to be sparkling brightly! The Star card indicates the immutable and vibrant presence of your memories, your hope, and your knowledge. The Star encourages you to shift your focus and re-direct your scale without moving the gaze upon your focus. Even the smallest star provides a glimmer of hope. This is a bright time for feeling your possibilities expanding!
  • So, is my ATM Mastercard incarcerated?  I’ll probably be more frugal if I let it sit there a while.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = Dear Mr. Paul Nwanze, Thank You for your consideration in this matter requiring the utmost urgency of my attention.  I suggest some milk and cookies on the ready ’cause that card’s gonna get AnCY and throw GATLINE GUN-level tantrums if you don’t give it the breathing room to go out shopping.  I’d say that I hope you’re a great card-Warden, uh hem, I mean babysitter.  From experience, though, I know better. If you have my card, it sure sucks to be you.  Don’t lose your key, Dood!

Card 3 ~ Chase Online. Security Issue

9 of Swords

  • The 9 of Swords indicates situations or events nearing completion or another plateau waiting. Feel experience AS the situation. Also indicated is that you have passed through the mental anguish of false summits. Though misery, suffering, and desolation may be present, the 9 of Swords loves that the path is clear, false summits and immediate horizons are trail-markers rather than destinations, and progress is being made!
  • So, it’s pretty clear unless I have alzheimers and don’t remember properly that I do not bank with Chase anymore even though their “We HAVE YOU SURROUNDED, New Mexico” map presence still makes me laugh.  What? The whole STATE’s gonna come out with our hands up.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = Uh, Dear Chase, I predict a long line at your Drive-Thrus today.  Your immediate horizon should be to not forget the obvious policy you have of making sure that fewer tellers are scheduled when you are busy like you will be today.  Did you learn that from the grocery store or vice versa?  You certainly have a way of taking the dynamism of this 9 and whipping it into a frenzied agitation of snipey communications all over the place, doncha?

Card 4 ~ USPS Service. USPS Delivery Information # Error ID4654

VII The Chariot

  • The Chariot indicates you are bringing powerfully diverse, internal forces into harmony. Indicates agility at speed in your process. Take note of your strategies as chariots typically engage from the side rather than head on. Look to the powerful forces in your life to feel where strain needs to be tuned back in to balance. The embodiment of stand-alone, self-nourishing connections is indicated in the agility of your actions. Shift and corner! This is a great time to feel the agility of your responsiveness!
  • So, I think I need to notify the USPS that the agility of their responsiveness is out of whack because they have an information # error and go so far as to assign it an ID.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = Dear USPS, Your Information # Error with ID exposes the chief problem with your system.  EVERYBODY knows the only # not in error is 42.  Geez. I know better than to be tricked by a 4-digit imposter when a 2-digit one will do.

Card 5 ~ Blog Advertising.  Premium High Traffic Blog Ad Software

3 of Cups

  • The 3 of Cups indicates seeking celebratory fulfillment working with someone or a group. Personal growth experienced by developing friendships and partnerships is also indicated. Note how trees help each other stay strong and healthy when they grow in groups.
  • So, DAYum right there!  Gotta get some Ad Software called MY FRIENDS to do some WOMM, Word Of Mouth Marketing.  OH, they already do that.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = So, let me see.  After consulting with my people, we have come to a position.  Our email addresses are ours, so we are Natives and you are Pilgrims Ad Software coming a invadin’ our addy beaches . . . We have a statement: “So let me get this straight. First, you arrive here illegally.  And, now you want us to teach you about corn?”

Thanks for warming up your dance with today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem! Part of

the Mayhem today was a big ole interesting ????? why did I nuke my Sunday spams? What was I thinking? How does Monday come back around so quickly? ZooooooooMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!   Having to STOP depending on Spam sounds absurd, though if my be-prepared-and-finish-groups-of blogs-for-launch/scheduling-together I’d say hmmmm, I better pay more attention, huh?  Maybe next week I won’t trash ‘[em, but keep ’em all and INTERVIEW MY SPAM to see which 5 make the cut. LOL

Higher octave your week with humor!

Discover the treasure of the gifts that arrive when you say NO with GUSTO!  You’d be surprised at the table turner of humor.

“Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge

“It’s a small world. But, I wouldn’t want to paint it.” ~ Steven Wright

Have a great week!

Take Mystereum for a FREE reading spin!  Mystereum at MyDivination!

Please subscribe and share.  Thank You!

All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Birth Card pieces of magic left at

Groc the videos at


Posted by on September 3, 2012 in Card Curiosities, The Mystery


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Monday Tarot Mayhem

Monday Tarot Mayhem

So, if you are similar to me and a lot of other Tarot readers, sometimes we see and read things in simple images, in a tree, in a group of people.  Well, I thought, what the heck, it’s Monday and I woke up on the bright side.  So, enjoy this Tarot warm-up technique of reading 1st 5 spams in your spam email folder.  Heck, they’re free, and it’s a great way to loosen up, warm up, and get your juices flowing with a smile.  Then of course the ever important “D” word in marketing.  Delete.  Some things simply do not deserve your time anymore.

Think about it.  You are probably going to say NO! to most spams anyway, and I’d bet Tarot isn’t going to change your mind about that.  BUT, why not say a NO! with the higher octave of humor.  Humor is playing with the steps like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers which is beyond learning them.   Dance with your steps to warm up today.  Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem spam email topics submitted by Karen from the UK.  Send your contributions to be included in future Monday Tarot Mayhem blogs.  You can simply place them in the comments here for consideration.  Only type the spam email title and the snippet of the body text you can see without opening the spam, when it is unread.

Reading Spam As Alchemy, Serendipity, a Warm-up Exercise?  Sure!

Don’t be afraid to toss the banana peel so to speak after you get all the free goody out of it. Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem Spam emails titles and snippets are . . .

Card 1 ~ Move Her.  Do you move her with your mountain nightly?

The Knight of Wands

  • The Knight of Wands indicates pausing with too great an emphasis on spiritual matters and un-reflected actions. Being mindful of new and unfamiliar actions and feelings is also indicated. Visualize a house cracking not as hard to mend damage. . .see this as an awakening! Introspection and flux. Transition and healing. Feel renewal as you experience more spirit. Actively grow from your spiritual core rather than from the edges!
  • So, it is pretty much indicated to grow from your spiritual core to WHOLLY gettheheckOUTTA THERE!  Grab your partner and dosey DOH!  NOt much introspection and flux going on.  Awaken. RUN!!!
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = I don’t know about you, but this sounds strangely dyslexic, like making what comes out the other side sound attractive.  Move her with your mountain?  Movement?  Mountain?  Big pile?  Maybe it’s just me, but does this sound like HazMat kink?  I guess this Knight suggests to moves on into the night by being Atlas and moving your mountain.  Do you have to break it from the ground at the bottom first?

Card 2 ~ Psychic Tarot.  10 minutes FREE!

9 of Wands

    • The 9 of Wands indicates that preparation is complete and there is a fitting pause of commencement. Sitting back and taking a deep breath looking into the distance with a smile, a wonderful feeling of contentedness is also indicated. This is an auspicious time to have a great get-together! Or nail that important presentation! You feel ready, one big breath before the first guests arrive. One big breath before you enter the room for your big presentation. . . Deliver enthusiastically and let your celebration begin!
    • So, is this like a BS version of hockey tickets from work? I thought I gave the minutes more than received. Hmmmm.
    • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = Preparation is complete.  NO. My prep’s good. Go ahead. After you, please.

Card 3 ~ Vigray C1al15.  Love her through the Night

King of Pentacles

  • The King of Pentacles indicates being the Master Builder, a loves building concrete and psychic structures together. Things created and living of their own accord, standing the test of time, is indicated. Only things of quality need be considered at this time. Be filled with life in the directness of your every gesture. This is a fitting time of grand and exquisite strength and wit.
  • So, it’s pretty clear that something grandly and exquisitely fishy is up as this King is titling his email in easily discerned number substitution code.  Love her through the night with Viagra and Cialis?  Sounds like a trap.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = Please spell your words with letters, thank you! And, spell them properly, too.  Hard AND gray?  Not like there’s anything wrong with that, though . . . .

Card 4 ~ Nocturnal dreams.  Why sleep when partner still wants you?

2 of Wands

  • The 2 of Wands indicates warning of potential disaster by overload and imbalance. Look for your natural path. Do not become overwhelmed by perceiving many little things as one big thing. Being aware when you are daydreaming is also indicated. See though the mirages of your fixations. Listening, waiting, and being on the move clearly is indicated to pull you through this time where you may feel barraged.
  • So, I think I need to sleep . . . SOME time. I still can’t get over the feeling of “partner” in this query.  It sounds less and less like a PC way to say one’s significant other and more like a fling with a Western movie star on set.  I can hear John Wayne saying “Whya sleep whiiiinnnnaaa pardner stilll wantzzz Ya?”  Uh, no offense, but uh . .  let me think.  No.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = All those little glowing things swirling around your head?  They’re real.  Dreams are coming out to attack you and drag you in if you don’t at LEAST take a nap right now.  Either you rolled in a mountain of something or your delusions are like technicolor flies.

Card 5 ~ Bank of American. IMPORTANT account reactivation required

8 of Cups

  • The 8 of Cups indicates a freeze-framing in your midst. You may feel this as listlessness or lack of purpose. Move away from what no longer works to something new. The baby steps of new actions just poking through are also indicated. Let in the laughable of your current situation. Traveling to a new place, even if it is simply the park around the corner may help to clear things of their own accord. Feel free to pause your focus and deflate your troubled inertia as you move around in new surroundings!, even for a little bit.
  • So, DAYum right there’s a freeze-framing.  First off, banks tend to spell their own names correctly. Isn’t it Bank of American, or is someone somewhere else referring to all banks used by Americans? Secondly, I bank elsewhere.  I’ll pause my focus as I expand on the vertical plateau of my screen.  Select, DeLETE.  Ahhhhh.  Next.  Oops, that’s all folks.  This was Spam recognition Novice Level!
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = The moral of the story I would like to take the time to express today is that even if YOUR bank emails you and it lands in Spam . . . don’t click.  Go to your bank site manually.  Banks have a habit of making sure their notifications go to the right places.  Let the endless plateau of spam be a clue for some guilt by association for emails.  It’ll break that click response and strengthen your mouse pointing skills. 🙂

Thanks for warming up your dance with today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem! Part of

the Mayhem today was a big ole interesting ????? .  I didn’t receive Spams much this morning.  That’s almost unbelievable. Still a little quizzled as that has NEVER happened.  Must have been some glitchy something somewhere.  Oh well, maybe I should make up a spare tire for Mondays.  Having to STOP depending on Spam sounds absurd, though maybe with keyword connectivity the trash-barnacles of spam retreated into their shells or blew away like trash.  I’d say hmmmm, though not worth the time.  Heck, if it’s a Big Bro gig, that’d be awesome having Big Bro staff taking out the trash each day.  So long as they don;t mistakenly pick any emails I valued. Lol

Higher octave your week with humor!  Discover the treasure of the gifts that arrive when you say NO! with GUSTO!  You’d be surprised at the table turner of humor.

“Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge

Have a great week!

Mystereum at MyDivination!

Tarot For Tips Tuesday is tomorrow!  Please subscribe and share.  Thank You!

All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Birth Card pieces of magic left at

Groc the videos at


Posted by on August 28, 2012 in Card Curiosities, The Mystery


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Monday Tarot Mayhem

Monday Tarot Mayhem

So, if you are similar to me and a lot of other Tarot readers, sometimes we see and read things in simple images, in a tree, in a group of people.  Well, I thought, what the heck, it’s Monday and I woke up on the bright side.  So, enjoy this Tarot warm-up technique of reading 1st 5 spams in your spam email folder.  Heck, they’re free, and it’s a great way to loosen up and get your juices flowing with a smile.

Think about it.  You are probably going to say NO! to most spams anyway, and I’d bet Tarot isn’t going to change your mind about that.  BUT, why not say a NO! with the higher octave of humor.  Humor is playing with the steps like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers which is beyond learning them.   Dance with your steps to warm up today.  Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem spam email topics submitted by Karen from the UK.  Send your contributions to be included in future Monday Tarot Mayhem blogs.  You can simply place them in the comments here for consideration.  Only type the spam email title and the snippet of the body text you can see without opening the spam, when it is unread.

Reading Spam As Alchemy, Serendipity?  Sure! It’s a great way to warm up, too

Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem Spam emails titles and query snippet  were sent in by Karen in the UK.  Sometimes,, though, there’s only so much spam you can take, so she only sent in 4.  Add one from your spam folder to customize your warm-up.  Here is my warm-up reading of the 4 spam emails that were sent in by Karen S from the UK.  Thanks, Karen!  I left Card 5 blank so you can fill in your own for Monday Tarot Mayhem.

Card 1 ~ Need Cash? Let me triple your deposits today

King of Swords

  • The King of Swords indicates your discerning clarity of perception while being logical and fair. Here you do not allow emotions to interfere with your abilities to bring beliefs and often very innovative ideals to fruition. You carefully weigh all angles of a situation and make a fair decision that befits all involved. Cunning and cleverness are non-existent here. Your clarity is indicated to go beyond your spoken words.
  • So, it is pretty much indicated that no-one ever listened themselves out of their money.  Be your best discerning self today, the Master Communicator whose silence is as much a contribution as his speech. I won’t be listening to this email other than to say . . .
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = If a King ever rolled his eyes, it was at THIS email.  Everyone knows that Kings like fours. They are little Emperors.  Geez!  The King of Swords suggests to wait until a “quadruple your deposits” offer is made in earnest.  Be even more crystal clear in the interim about what builds value in your communications.  Like this King of Swords.  He is no chameleon.  His very being beCOMES the scene.  Doesn’t get much more clear than that. . . . well, until that quadruple-y thingee mabob comes along.

Card 2 ~ Enter subject liner. TU E-MAIL TE HA GANADO!

The Empress

  • WTH is a “subject liner”?  Is it like a ship sailing on an ocean of content?  Anyway, spelling born of language barriers aside, The Empress indicates you carrying your ideas and projects to full term, abundantly bringing them to fruition. Feel the stability in the depth of your character as you orchestrate the crucial last gestures and finishing touches. This is a wonderful time to fully bring things to life! A creative or physical birth of some kind is indicated.
  • I don’t speak this language, so a quick visit to The Google Oracle is needed to translate the message of this card. Oh, my email is filled with sheep, pigs, and cattle?  Well, THAT certainly makes more sense now.  Thank You Google Oracle.  I guess The Empress thought it funny to carry a livestock truck full term on its trip straight into my email.  Yeah yeah she’s being tricky instead of just tellin’ me to go visit my copy of Animal Speak where  . . . hmmm, let me see.  OH!  Sheep and pigs and cattle don’t exist.  Or, at least they have no spiritual and magical powers of creatures great and small meaning worth listening to.  Hmmm, she’s not insulting these 3 wise . . . .  She’s telling me to keep the references handy today and not concern myself with wasting time by chasing every ground ball today, so I make sure I ripen the fruit of connections in my schedule without picking things too soon. All meetings are to be set just so.
  •  Strangely, the Tu e-mail te ha ganado kinda sounds like Yo Momma.  Is this a spam insult?!
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = The ocean liner of sweetly ripe connections are on their way to be scheduled.  Hmmm, that was more of an affirmation than a reading.  Well, stranger things, huh?
  • When someone sticks their tongue out at you, notice closely.  Is it tongue-colored?  Does it say bright bright I have candy or does it have that sock-lookin’ sulphur stuff on it which is as clear as a Wet Paint sign about bad breath.  Suggest a lemon to them.  And, don’t schedule lemons of people into your schedule this week.  Your time is not cattle.

Card 3 ~ Tink Her Bell.  Be the Pied Piper of Chicks

7 of Cups

    • The 7 of Cups indicates dreams, or possibly simply having your head in the clouds. Dreams are indicated to be flourishing at this time. Note, though, if your dreams are encroach upon your situation at the expense of your actions. Mind not getting caught in your dream world at the expense of your reality. Take a big, deep breath. Visualize a great wind as you exhale. Increase your actions and clear the clouds and the chaff from your air with a newfound zeal!
    • So, it’s really important to fantaSIZE about a handbell choir today to make sure I have all the tools to woo that special person with the dang ding ding ding dong of my flautist expertise.  Or, maybe I should have flautas for lunch.  Or, OH I SEE.  Flute is a SYNONYM!  I can be so dense sometimes.
    • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = I am NOT going to expect to play a little recorder from the rooftop edge and expect a train of hypno-seduced women to flowingly appear below.  Basically, get off the roof and get in there. The closer your head is to being in the clouds, the less you are going to hear the messages you need to hear and resonate with close up today.  Ahh, get some Close-Up and get close.  Get close with no hal i tose . . . is.

Card 4 ~ Half Price Lasics.   Get one eye done

10 of Pentacles

  • The 10 of Pentacles indicates prosperity and close relationships. A love of inheritances is also indicated. . .the kind you were born with! YOU! Practical stability and the tangibly material, physical world may be vibrantly infusing your intuition. Meld close relationships and prosperity. Enjoy this time of ties and enrichment where you celebrate your inborn inheritances!
  • So, it’s pretty clear that I have a pair of eyes and that they are related somehow.  I really don’t know how they are related, but I’ll be just as bold back and simply be comfortable with the not-knowing and say, NO!  That’s not a deal unless I want to be the one-eyed pirate or have a Darwin Award level of a surgical procedure that would then just cause me to squint with the other eye.  WhatEV.
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! = Get one eye done?  I’ll think I’ll buy half a car instead.  If I really need your service, I won’t know the difference other than that your half price special DID NOT help me triple my deposits.

Card 5 ~ (fill in your own)

(Card name)

  • The ____________ indicates
  • So,
  • The Knock It Outa The Park NO! =

Thanks for warming up your dance with today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem!

Higher octave your week with humor!  Discover the treasure of the gifts that arrive when you say NO! with GUSTO!  You’d be surprised at the table turner of humor.

“Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge

Have a great week!

Mystereum at MyDivination!

Tarot For Tips Tuesday is tomorrow!  Please subscribe and share.  Thank You!

All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Birth Card pieces of magic left at

Groc the videos at


Posted by on August 20, 2012 in The Mystery


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