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Fives: Birth-Placing Identity

Tarot Birth Identities: The Fives

Welcome to my Tarot Birth Card Identity Blog!  This blog is intended to be a simple overview of Tarot Birth Cards, a casual and concise walk-through of the groupings of Birth Cards to express some of the ways that they can contribute vital components to identity.

Also, I will layer in Birth Card Preludes to express the whole of each Birth Card grouping in a short statement — it’s similar to my Turbo Tarot Reading Method.  I find that these Preludes, as I like to call them, are best stated as triggers to remind one how the Birth Cards can integrate an overall expression of a Birth Card combo in a single voice. Yours!  Enjoy finding your own path with these, and I look forward to hearing your own, personal “trigger” Preludes and Birth Card thoughts directly composed from your feeling-sense of them in the comments.

Note also how these Birth Card expressions and Preludes factor in to hook up and work with my videos on my YouTube channel.  Enjoy the correspondences of the numbers as they flow back and forth between the Major Arcana in the Birth Cards and each of the suits of the Minor Arcana and Courts in the videos.  Also, I encourage you to have some fun and come up with Preludes on your own for the Aces through the Tens, and as well Your Royal Court characters.

So, let’s get started with the Fives Land of Mystereum-style, shall we?

XIV ~ V  ::  14 ~ 5
Note how the numbers of these cards add up to 5, and thus correspond with the Fives in general.
5’s Birth Card Prelude: With Temperance ~ The Hierophant as your Birth Cards you have the ability to experience potently stable, magically mixing down-to-earth mind-body connections. When someone says, I’ve got your number, do they simply mean you live by your natural Nature?
            See how the simple Prelude statement expresses the 2 characters as facets of one personality?  Letting it flow out a bit, to expand the simplicity.  Temperance ~ you have the ability to experience potently stable and magically mixing.  The Hierophant ~ down-to-earth mind-body connections.


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Is Temperance a magical, alchemical mixing within Self, communion with Self?  Dies The Hierophant bring your spirit down to the earth wisely? I don’t play the Tarot Majors iTunes of the angry, old, white man of The Hierophant. That’s The Hierophant on a bad day as the lower octave, stubborn, unbending traditionalist — read in: indicating a lack of confidence via a control problem most likely needing to be addressed. If that’s the case, what traumas trigger you to react? What traumas can be  honored and respected and Powerfully Witnessed so you can relieve yourself of their inertia and integrate more of your self as they re-gain your trust to dose yourself with more of Yourself?

The “continual” aspect of the wisdom built from your life experiences tenors The Hierophant here to make for an altogether new take on the Traditionalist, the way You are a Traditionalist according to you. As, to have the bonehead title of iconoclast to stick, one might just have had to care about the rules in the 1st place. Call the Hierophant an Old King, a Monastic Master . . . or again, TheHierophant on a bad day can be the stubborn and unbending traditionalist. Both/And. No Either/Or negativity need apply, needn’t. be given the time of day here once resolved within you from you.

I find that this continual aspect of life experience applies to The Hierophant especially aptly in the context of this Birth Card dynamic duo. It feels like Temperance might have rubbed off on the Hierophant in the higher octaves. And, maybe The Hierophant rubs off some discipline of the ritual to the operations of magical mixing alchemy of Temperance, so they alchemize more fluidly like The Lovers? Are you able to bring XIV Temperance and V The Hierophant together in a crucible of cohesive alchemy?  I rather like that as an exercise. How can Death be your Master Soul Gardener to help you explore this with these two?

With the XIV Temperance ~ V Hierophant Birth Card dynamic duo, The Temperance card as a higher number can represent your Outer Expression, you when elevated and immersed in the depths of your higher octaves, like when you heartfelt express yourself clearly.  This Outer Expression of Temperance is how most people ‘see’ you in the world.  The Temperance card is known for its ability to balance contrasting intensities with care, attention, and a wise-in-time perspective At speed and in motion wise in time. Tall order. They’re up for it.

In fact, it simply what Temperance does. Like with sword making, there is the quench in the oil or water. Do you hear a zzzcrack? Back to the forge. Do you only hear sizzle, and you magically draw out your creation made? Then, your blade is tempered, hardened by the quickening of the quench. That’s an intense gig. THink of a young and forming sword being put to that test. Is their fear for positive awareness to navigate, or is it afraid kidnapped by anxiety. Both of these cards can assist with navigational clarity, fear simply as trail markers and road signs that express, “Notice. Notice that.” Anxiety is not a quality of either of these cards unless they are stuck and dragged in the dredging of their lower octaves. If that’s the case, can you ask for their guidance to raise your heart and head to grow a Lotus out of that mud?

With the Temperance card representing your Outer Expression, can you experience your natural abilities to bring things together, to magically mix them much as nature does? Do you resonate with a developed ability to pour away interruptions As you are purifying the ablution of your balanced and continual flow — i.e have healthy boundaries as a tool?  How can you keep sight to continually keep each contrasting intensity strong in its identity without diluting it, and at the same time freshly contribute to further continue  to build your value, your self worth?

The Hierophant represents your Inner Expression, the depth of your identity, your character.  This is a side of you that only your closest family and friends ‘see’.  The Hierophant as your Inner Expression can symbolize that you have natural abilities to feel down-to-earth mind-body connections.  Do you have a down-to-earth spirit with which to infuse your world/  New spirit is continually brought in with this combo? How can you be down to earth where you are your own father figure (child having birthed the Parent of the Man or Woman? How are YOU the traditionalist who places and integrates things in your own, personal way.

Putting them back together again in Prelude form minus the titles, incorporating them as a reflection and expression of personality:  You have the ability to experience potently stable and magically mixing down-to-earth mind-body connections . . . matter of factly as a normal personality trait.  And, this is SO not normal . . . Is this one of your natural qualities that you are able to exalt to keep the things you do refreshed and in so doing free yourself up to build more value in your life?  I find that when things are integrated AND contribute their own strength of identity in their own ways, oftentimes simplicity is also vibrantly expansive.  Like the ocean, always continually ebbing, constantly flowing.  Always is still simply the ocean, simply a body of water, and my my expansively deep and discovery-quest-level HUGE!
I hope you have enjoyed this Temperance ~ Hierophant Birth Card Identity Blog.  May you find it useful in your process as you further explore and enhance and express your own, personal Tarot voice!  Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is all about the life-long process of emancipating your Tarot voice in YOUR way.  All similar, each unique, as The Land of Mystereum’s mascot says.  I will also put some more words in Chiron’s mouth, and add, Always complete, and never finished. Where did Chiron come from out of the blue? Well, it was probably out of another color. As the Wounded Healer, he’s had pm=Lenny of enough blue. And, in a sense his life experience prowess lives even beyond The Fool. And, he pretty much was the form-giver to Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.
And, in closing . . . Enter The Hierophant speaking directly
I am the Hierophant, your spirit continually coming to the earth.  I am the source of your life force.  I fill you with light.  I permeate Mystereum along with The Hermit, and address you with ‘I’ to stabilize your identity for love in The Lovers to come next.  The Hermit’s wise and reflective light comes to provide a darkness that consolidates ideas like the moon.  Through the wisdom of that which is pure and not-knowing, I provide an inner light which turns on the mystery of life itself.  Turn on the mystery of life itself within you and I am there.  Feel it in your ideas!
~ (c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard
~ excerpt from Tarot in the Land of Mystereum published by Schiffer Publications
If this article freed you up to be more you in your way, I am thankful.  Happy New Year!  ‘Till next time . . .

Jupiter’s Blessings from The Land of Mystereum, Chiron The Mystereum Mascot, & The Hierophant.

Jupiter’s Blessings,

~ Jordan & The Land of Mystereum

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Posted by on April 9, 2011 in Tarot Birth Cards


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Death As The Master Gardener (+a little extra to chew on + BONUS!)

Enjoy Jordan Hoggard’s fun and depthful exploration of the Death card utilizing a mindset he generated for Schiffer Publication’s 2010 release of “Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer”, available at The Tarot Garden and on Amazon and bookstores everywhere. The Land of Mystereum is composed of a 192-page Imagination Primer + retooled Mystereum Tarot deck to emancipate the personalities inherent in Tarot cards and inspire you to further discover natural components of your imagination that you can personally develop and utilize in powerfully actionable ways throughout your everyday life.  It has Tarot speak, each card in their own voice, to enhance YOUR Tarot voice through dialogue and stories expressed by the cards.

Throughout this presentation keep in mind that if your intuition ever feels a little off, or whacked, or having gone missing, it is suggested to simply let it rest.  Simply, let it rest.  Simply listen and surf and swim with your eyes and ears rather than concerning yourself that your intuition feels off.  Maybe it simply rests in your logic.  In this case let your mind and logic flow. Maybe it is transforming.  You may be pleasantly surprised.  Rest is a death of sorts, a rejuvenation time, especially utilizing the way of The Land of Mystereum.  Death is also outright.  Finishes.  Completions.  Death is the mother of memory, and the fertilizer for dreams.

So, let’s get The Death card to come alive for you and play with Death Mystereum-style!  Here we go!

Visualize leaves falling from a tree.  Focus on a single leaf and follow it all the way to the ground in your mind.  Tis is SO not like trying to kiss a promise. What does it do there once on the ground?  Over time it will decompose.  Think of the concept of decomposing.  Something losing its form.  Something moving back into a formless state.

Now raise your mental focus back to the falling leaves as you begin to notice the tree.  As you begin to un-focus on the leaves, keep a soft awareness of their falling.  Begin to clearly see the tree.  From where you are focus in on the tree.

Smile into the tree as you sense how each and every leaf softly and simply pop-drops off the tree to begin its journey towards becoming nourishment.  As each leaf softly begins to fall, begins this part of its journey, feel how the tree is invigorated as it sheds each tiny little scale of a leaf, like each tiny little chaff shell from wheat in the wind.

Now, enhance your focus on the tree as a life force.  Feel the leaves lost, the leaves shed.  Feel how they strengthen the tree.  Feel how things lost strengthen the clarity and energy of your own focus.

Let’s add a bit more depth and spice here.  The Black Crucible of The Magician!  What is that, The Black Crucible of The Magician?

Closing your eyes visualize the big bowl of your night sky as a huge, black crucible, an immense forming-vessel.  And then, visualize a shooting star to cross this black bowl of your night sky.  Allow The Magician to magically remember the 1st spark of inspiration that crosses your imagination, and the rejuvenating death of its disappearance.  Remember the 1st spark of an idea.  Visualize that shooting star AS the 1st spark of an idea.  Slow its instantaneous coming and going down as you watch it slowly cross your night sky.  Watch it and smile.  Imagine it again.  Now, as you begin to imagine it again, slow down your big bowl of night sky that is around it and watch the whole scene as the shooting star appears and slowly, slowly moves across your big bowl of night sky slowly. Slowly.  Slowly.  And, it is gone again, going through a cycle of life, a cycle of death.  Run slowly through that again as you count to 9.  Remember the shooting star as it plays slowly in long-form each time you have an idea.  Remember this slow-form of your idea to gear into ITS mode of cycles before you jump in and write it down.   Adjust to the pace and rhythm of you idea.  Slowly gear into it as you steer yourself to jot down the remembrance in its own particular ways, with its own, personal, identifying qualities.

Think of something you struggle with or identify a challenge you enjoy.  As you open your eyes, no need to stay Tarot-related here, open your eyes and jot down an idea that came to you, any idea.  Really begin to express the particular core of this idea, a primary connective tissue of its influence, its essence.

This idea will be your topic to explore the Death card in a Land of Mystereum way with direct and Actionable Imagination as a tool.  We will utilize a 3-card Treasure of Tuning over the Stones Tarot spread and The Treasure of Turning Over the Stones methods of Tarot reading here.  This is a session to further and clearly illuminate multiple ways to utilize the change of the Death card for transformation and regeneration WHILE you are experiencing the change. This is a way to enhance your view and feeling-sense of the Death card to further experience interactivity in your Tarot sessions with yourself and with clients, an also to utilize the nourishing qualities of Tarot in your everyday life.

Death indicates that you yourself, alive, that you ARE The Phoenix!  Life and death are the same thing here really, or, one thing, a life-and-death.

Visualize Death as a winter garden, a place where things rest to renew.  Sense the winter garden in the space between each and every moment you experience. Visualize a winter garden space between each moment that infuses the moments you feel flux, feel the rest for rejuvenation of the winter garden.  Feel the rests.  Sense the pauses.  Feel the spaces between moments.  Feel the rests, the little deaths in pauses that prepare you, prepare you AS Phoenix for continual renewal, to keep you refreshed during change.  This is as continuous as the body’s chaff of dead skin flaking off.

Not such an attractive image there? You are right! Death can have a putrid quality.  But, like wheat, feel the chaff, the chaff blown off, the chaff blown off dead in the wind.  As the chaff disappears see and feel only the wheat reveals!  Your dead skin flaking off as an unattractive image?  Sense and feel the amazingly attractive image of YOU continually revealed!  Feel yourself here AS The Phoenix!  Experience the Death card from life, with you AS The Phoenix!

Now, let’s take this interactive quality further.  I suggest to close your eyes again, but I simply suggest that.  You do what you feel best.

Visualize leaves falling.   Visualize a tree in the background.

Still the tree blurred in the background.  Still it. Make it motionless.

Begin to focus on the tree.  As each leaf hits the ground in its Morticia-style love of death, the tree focused in your mind, feel each leaf kiss the ground,

feel each leaf kiss the ground to return, to nourish, your tree.

As each leaf falls from your tree feel the tree subtle things live more brightly,

feel your tree subtly live larger moment by moment, moment by moment it expands as each leaf leaves the tree, as each leaf kisses the ground.

There can be a Morticia-style kind of death-love that nourishes your tree here.  Take several deep breaths, several deep breaths, and subtly, leaving the tree in your mind, come back to the room.

I would like a short period of silence for you here.  Settle in.  Let sound die to thicken the living rue of silence.  Count to 9 in your mind slowly.

This presentation is primarily visualizations to bringing images to mind as I feel Tarot is about visual story, about images and their influences.  Here images can catalyze and emphasize your ideas, creativity, and intuition as the 4-charactered voice of imagination, the 4-charactered voice of imagination where the 4th character is the space between idea and creativity and intuition that brings the 3 into relationship.  Listen and fully sense this 4-charactered approach of imagination’s voice as simply one of the many ways to enhance the actionable and effective qualities of your imagination.

Now, here is a GRAND image for experiencing the magical and imaginative qualities of death:

A caterpillar sees the end of the world in a flower, where a Master envisions, dreams a butterfly sipping the nectar.  Walk-talk-see-feel yourself to travel as a caterpillar.  Maybe you feel there is something in a caterpillar of one of your ideas that you must do.  Do you encase the idea in a chrysalis?  Are you able to let the idea you fall asleep in its caterpillar life, let it sleep in the psychic winter garden of this chrysalis? Your idea may fall asleep to your life, and what of when it awakens transformed?!  This is about Death as a letting go where you are able to respect the variety of timing and cycles that most naturally nourish any particular idea as you transform it to provide the most effective influence from its naturalized identity.

To truly let go of your idea as the caterpillar does in the chrysalis, your idea can literally liquefy inside the chrysalis as it transforms to its new, natural state.  To truly let go like a caterpillar does in totality, your idea can liquefy to awaken in new form. . . with wings even!

You see, a caterpillar doesn’t go on a diet, lose some legs, and grow some wings.  A caterpillar literally liquefies into a primordial soup in its case, its vessel, its chrysalis that operates as its personal self-made womb, an alchemical life-crucible of its own making to liquefy within and throughout so that it may naturally reconstitute! It may naturally reconstitute as a butterfly!  Hear that?  How cool!  The caterpillar soup reCONSTITUTES, reconstitutes to beCOME a butterfly! How cool is THAT?!

It slide-emerges out of the chrysalis it made as it cracks it like a snake with egg-tooth from its egg as the NOW butterfly swells.  It unfurling-its-wet-wings emerges as, more than meets the eye as it wings unfurl as if larger than possible from that tiny chrysalis, its skin shedded like a snake, its skin not missed.  Let one of your ideas crack-hatch here as it emerges from the forming life-crucible of your own making.  Experience this emergence as Death, in an awakening!  The chrysalis can crack open and with wet and folded wings the butterfly slowly stretches to unfold and unfurl its new “LEGS” like a cat waking from a nap.  Its legs to get around are now wings!  And, where did the other legs go?  Interesting, that butterflies taste with their feet.  Cracking the vessel of its chrysalis, the butterfly literally broke the mold . . . and I would venture to guess when a butterfly sees a catterpillar, it might just think, “What’s that pretty crawly thing?”  Like a pond turning over, I gather that the butterfly remembers the caterpillar only in its newfound fertility and flight as a way of life.

The butterfly broke the mold to emerge slowly. . .as a butterfly!  Notice a smile as its wet and folded wings unfurl?

Not as chaff to be blown off by the wind, the butterfly leaves the chrysalis, having broke the mold as it emerged, to fly ON the wind!  To raise into the winds of change as it flies!  And, once you can fly, flight becomes a way of life so says the butterfly!  The Phoenix flies!  Your ideas can fly as you unfurl your arms and you slowly wake to the room! Fly back right here!

So, here I will simply make some statements for reflection, for dreaming of flight.

Force is not necessary to change.  Forces are, but change may be effortless on your part.  Maybe.  Massage this like clay.  Throw a mind-pot on your imagination’s potter’s wheel.

Be comfortable with the not-knowing like the caterpillar who knows there is something that simply has to be accomplished. Accomplishment = meaning that occurs AS action here.  The not-knowing?  What is that really?  It means that meanings and reasons occur IN your actions rather than in explanation.  Meaning occurs in the act.  Meaning occurs AS the act, infusing it throughout.

Meaning.  Reason.  Meaning and reason IN action!  Think of the not-knowing as your personal path to enhance your ability to be attached to one thing.  You do not need to be attached to life.  As the comedian Lazy Boy says with a big laugh, “Have fun and do your thing.  None of us are getting out alive.”  So, what is this one thing to be attached to?  Death takes care of your outcomes?  More than that natural feature.  That feels rather uninspiring.  Explore simply being attached to one thing.  Explore being attached to being pleasantly surprised, often.  Be attached to being pleasantly surprised daily!  Lose the trip-ups.  Spread your wings and lift your legs, glide right over them . . . and maybe even begin doing so naturally, unaware of them, eyes on the flower, eyes on the prize.

The way I look at death in this way is this.  The older I get, the more comfortable and happy I get. Frank Lloyd Wright put it this way, “The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.”

So, for Death I have presented you with:

the not-knowing and the chrysalis

You as Phoenix and your ideas as leaves

Ideas as a tree.  Feet as taste buds of earthly connection.

As you are here alive, I see death, as in the Death card, as this totality of transformation. Transformation, then, is a way to open up, to break the mold.  Transformation is a way to open portals of discovery in ways like a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly, your ideas that become more than you never dreamed as you garden them to naturalize over time and cycles and seasons.

So, lastly before I share aspread, I hope there have been inspiring moments for you throughout this presentation, and that there have been and will continue to be inspiring moments in each of your lives that emerge from chrysalises, each chrysalis to be posited in lineage, as it is forgotten into flight.

So, in the final moment here of my presentation, as I die it to completion, I will touch on grief from a Death card perspective.  We each grieve differently, and we each grieve differently each time.  So, each time you draw the Death card take a moment to silently let the chaff and the falling leaves disappear to reveal the wheat and the tree and the Phoenix as they present themselves in your reading.  To reveal lineage forgotten into the treasure that is flight.  Literally, sense fully to get at what is emerging, and what emerges rather than what is falling away.

And, in big ole chaff and falling leaves ways, think about any marked disruption in a life.  Yours.  Somebody else.  The life of an idea.  It may not be that their life is truly falling apart.  That may be caterpillar thought.  It may be that their life falls together for the first time, and feels different, even alien to the previous.  Like comparing a caterpillar to a butterfly.

spoken in a 1st person voice of Death like in The Land of Mystereum, to literally and really let the cards speak:


I am the marriage of things that bridge, bridge by going somewhere else,

that go somewhere else, to marry each of us to the Other, always alive.

The Other always alive receives death with open arms to marry us here to live our celestial groove.

So, forgetting the leaf . . .for. . . .getting the tree.

Forgetting the caterpillar. . .for. . .getting the butterfly.

Forgetting the chaff. . .for. . .getting the wheat.

Forget your loss. . .for. . .getting the natural change and evolutions in your life.

Getting your life . . . You . . . Alive . . . Death is an ally

You . . . alive . . . Are your best ally!  You ARE THE PHOENIX!

The Phoenix is reincarnation incarnate . . .

and with that, I come to the epitaph of this presentation so it may rest in peace . . .

Death’s epitaph speaking to reincarnation:  I have been dying my whole life to get right HERE NOW, and always will be!  Ask me again tomorrow where I may be differently informed.        ~ The End ~

Thank you for your time.  I encourage you to feel your transformations and move and feel and think with the fresh new abilities your transformation awaken for you.  I encourage you to feel your transformations wise in time, experiencing them AS they happen, the meaning occurring in the act, and throughout their durations.  Feel your own wisdom inform your change DURING the change to work with it and enhance and refresh your fluidity.  I do not feel that transformations give you self-development homework to reason with to chew up your value and compost your dreams.  I see the patience of a butterfly in transformations. Can you be patient like the butterfly enjoying the scenery, noticing flowers and a natural draw to them?  A few wet flaps in the wind to get the good gist, and . . . flight!  May you always get your good gist.  Wet and new like a butterflies wings, may you in a few short flaps see your own flowers.  Thanks for your time!

Jupiter’s Blessings,

Jordan Hoggard

The Land of Mystereum

Spread Bonus sprouted for Death ~ 3-Card Treasure of the Stones spread:

to experience expectation and lineage and chrysalis in a card

to discover the treasure of the card’s flight under the chrysalis, under the stone. . the treasure of turning over the stones.

Shuffle your cards and once you feel your shuffling is at a place that resonates with you, your deck is in sync for your reading, hold your deck out over where you read, maybe 2 or 3 inches above it.

Drop a portion of the deck as one pile or stone as I call it.  Drop another next to it as a second stone.  And, a third.  Do this to make 3 mini-decks of stones.

~ Top of the 1st stone is Card 1: The chrysalis of your current idea or situation.

~ Top of the 2nd stone is Card 2: The chrysalis of what you need to know about your current idea or situation.

~ Top of the 3rd stone is Card 3: The chrysalis cracking card.  The card of breaking the mold.

Read your cards from those perspectives.  THEN!  Pick up the 1st stone and shake it all around to get the imaginary sand off of it.  And as you are rolling it and shaking shake shake shake holding on to it FLIP your hand to turn over the stone.  The bottom card is the treasure of the top card.  How does the treasure emerge from the top card like a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis?  Work these two cards to together.  Let the top card be lineage, be place, be the subject.  Let the the top card be informed by its treasure. Express how the bottom card can be the treasure of the top card.

~ Bottom of the 1st stone is Card 4: The treasure of your situation from Card 1.

~ Bottom of the 2nd stone is Card 5: The treasure that emerges from what you expected to need to know from Card 2.

~ Bottom of the 3rd stone is Card 6: The treasure of the magic carpet of flight that emerges from Card 3!

And, another version of this spread can be experienced at Donnaleigh’s wonderful Tarot site:    Enjoy!

Thanks for reading!  I hope this provides valuable infusion for YOU to aspect and evolve and enhance your Tarot voice!

Jupiter’s Blessings,

And, if you have made it this far, you are a real trooper!  So, here is another added bonus spread.  All I ask is that when the spread indicates for you to remove cards and make them disappear, do so like deadheading in a garden.  Cleanly snap ’em right off so the other flowers of cards can thrive.  Or as New Zealanders might say, Deedheeding, Man. Do kiwis use commas? ;-D

Death_As_The_Master_Gardener  (fyi: a Powerpoint doc, .ppt)


Posted by on April 9, 2011 in Incarnations


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A Prelude to Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer.  The Original Mystereum Tarot Inception Story.   Enjoy!  So, you have a sense of how the Mystereum Tarot and The Land of Mystereum came to be . . .

The Mystereum Tarot Card Back


 I do not believe that reading the tarot is soothsaying or prophecy, and as well those are fun!  I do not believe that the cards give you anything that you don’t already have, much as the future does not, either. That’s an important point from my perspective.  The cards provide archetypal image references, seats for your mind, places to give place to your story.  And, a good tarot reader might tell you your story much in a way that many are not accustomed to in day to day language and experience. A Reading can be as much a non-sequitur that opens a part of your world as a catalyst, or act directly as a guide on your path. The cards compose a graphic story of psychic place, a set of images from and into which to unfold your context which is oftentimes already present, and simply not seen.  Informed perspectives are priceless!

The concept of setting into the creative adventure of this tarot deck began several years back when I made a connection between the meaning of architecture and The Magician and The High Priestess. And when I say the meaning of architecture I am literally looking to the word architecture itself. There is a four-point mode of being that I enjoy for the general purpose of architectural analysis which I will use to preface this connection for conversation’s sake, and to provide just a moment of suspense. This four-point mode is somewhat existential, and I have to honestly say I don’t think about these four points much anymore unless a building really perplexes me. Things incorporate over time, are amended into the soil so to speak:

1 How does a building stand on the ground?   How do you present yourself?

2 How does a building extend to the sides?  How do you extend beyond yourself and interact?

3 How does a building open and close?  How do you receive and set boundaries?

4 How does a building meet the sky?   How powerfully and clearly do you feel your dreams?

Now, for just a bit more suspense. I won’t go in to whether something has to be a building to be considered architecture. That’s another story, and tarot is the order of the day here. 

OK. Architecture. The meaning of architecture. If I disassemble the word into its Greek roots, I get arche and techne, and I STILL can’t remember how to make the accent over a letter work on my keyboard. I ask that you please imagine the accent and play along. Further for your imagination, that the accent starts low on the left and ends high on the right. Accent ague? Accent grave? Imagination. Arche, techne. Say ar-kay. Tek-nay. And, here’s where I made a connection.

Arche is the first inkling, the creation, the first spark of an idea. Arche is the place of inception, your place of creation, the internal house of your making, the vessel for all the things you bring into your world. Techne is the making, the putting together of the idea that has been created. Techne is the place of conception, where you give form to the formless. . .where the fledgling identities you create thrive! And, I saw The Magician and The High Priestess with their respective 1st spark of The Magician in the Place of Creation, and then the giving form to creations in the making of The High Priestess. And though I remained fascinated with the deck and stayed my course with architecture and art, the connection didn’t stick. Or, so I thought. . .

Scroll forward several years to the summer of 2006 while I’m gardening, and I look up at my turn-of-the-century Victorian house (1906) and realize that I’ve been working on the cards here and there, reading text and history when I can, or simply come across it with a welcome freshness, and …RUSH inside and rinse the dirt off my grubby hands and open up the folder on my computer. . . and there I saw. . . just down the page!…The Empress carrying to full term! The Emperor overseeing! And, it came to mind that I was thick in the middle of the largest scale project I have ever undertaken, had been discovering its sacred burial ground as I amended the soil in my own garden. Imagine my bright, wide eyes when I eventually came to looking at the Judgment card having a Hanged Man moment!  Afloat in clarity with consequences as my only thought!

Though architecture provided a form-giving metaphor for the creation of the Mystereum Tarot. . . from which I lifted arche, techne, identity, place, and context. . . the architecture may or may not stop right there. . . as the warm-up is oftentimes not a member of the performance, but an informing feeling. Either way or neither, though, my path was re-experienced and re-built, built back in upon refreshingly. . . expanding and contracting. . .pulsing with new life re-invigorating a continually pulsing path through the scales of life, driven by life itself.

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum Card Back

The tarot cards are wonderful trail-markers as well as storytellers along the path. Sometimes there is the soliloquy of a single card as the context. Sometimes a card or cards speak with the chorus of the other cards to flesh out context. Most all tarot decks present a visual vitality that speaks to the mind – you can call it consciousness or anything else for that matter. . .but in this regard, never-mind the research in this area(s) in this regard though fitting and inspiring even…in this regard there is no proof or re-proof but life itself. In this regard we each have our own say. With vitality at a variety of scales, and incorporating the concept of all similar, each unique to the cards, to ourselves, a whole world is present and complete at each and every scale. . .

And there, at that point was a shell in my garden cracking open of its own accord underground, felt and yet unseen, the story of the creation and making of this deck sprouting, remembering origin and destiny as one and the same maybe. Or not. The roots of tarot and architecture will flower perennially in my garden, naturalizing over time.  A wonderfully complete deck becoming dog-eared from use, naturalizing in the garden of life!   I will move from there now to the fruits that began to come from my garden in the summer of 2006.

Enjoy the Mystereum Tarot as it has made its way to become Tarot in the Land of Mystereum in 2010.  Thanks for visiting!  Proud to now have Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at The Tarot Garden, on Amazon, and at bookstores everywhere! 

Jupiter’s Blessings!,

Jordan Hoggard



Posted by on April 8, 2011 in The Mystery


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Fours: Birth-Placing Identity

Fours: Birth-Placing Identity

Tarot Birth Identities: The Fours

DEATH ~ EMPEROR  ::  XIII ~ IV   ::  13 ~ 4

Welcome to my Tarot Birth Card Identity Blog!  This blog is intended to be a simple overview of Tarot Birth Cards, a casual and concise walk-through of the groupings of Birth Cards to express some of the ways that they can contribute vital components to your identity.  Also, I will layer in Birth Card Preludes to express the whole of each Birth Card grouping in a short statement — Turbo Tarot Reading I call it. Short, sweet, and oftentimes deceptively simple.

I find that these Preludes, as I like to call them, turbo-readings of sorts, are best stated afterward, later to be utilized as initial triggers to remind oneself back to how the Birth Cards can tenor and integrate an overall expression from a single, natural voice.  Enjoy finding your own path with these, and I look forward to hearing your own, personal “trigger” Preludes and Birth Card thoughts directly composed from your feeling-sense of what you experience when you work with them..

Note also how these Birth Card expressions and Preludes factor in to hook up and work with my videos like the Grounding WIth the Family of the Fours.  Enjoy the correspondences of the numbers as they flow back and forth between the Major Arcana in the Birth Cards and each of the suits of the Minor Arcana of the same number, and as well your Courts in the videos.  Also, I encourage you to have some fun and come up with Preludes on your own for the Aces through the Tens, and as well Your Royal Court characters.

So, to start for example with this 2-card Birth Card combo, the 1st card can represent a person’s Outer Expression.  The 2nd card can represent their Inner Expression.  So for example with the Birth Card Chart combo of a XIII, IV; 13, 4; Death ~ The Emperor:

13 is the Outer Expression              4 is the Inner Expression

A Prelude of your own making can create and make your own brand of an Added Incentive that is integrated, hides in plain sight as something simply natural, and /or is simply inherent from your perspective.

Example: 4’s Birth Card Prelude: With Death ~ The Emperor as your Birth Cards you might have the ability to experience transformational senses of place?  Hold that thought, and . . . let’s get started walking through the the 4’s shall we?

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[ XIII ~ IV  ]   [ 13 ~ 4 ]
Note how the numbers of these cards add up to 4, and thus correspond with the Fours in general, and the Grounding WIth the Family of the Fours video on the Videos page of my Mystereum YouTube Channel.

The Death card represents your Outer Expression.  This is how most people ‘see’ you in the world.  The Death card is known for its abilities to renew, rebirth, and regenerate. It’s a bit like the 8th House in Astrology — sex, death, and regeneration. No wonder orgasm in the French is le petit morte, the little death. With the Death card your Outer Expression is represented by the experience the re-growth of things that replace decay. Are pregnant with ideas?  Do you keep sight of their refreshing qualities?

The Emperor represents your Inner Expression.  This is a side of you that only your closest family and friends ‘see’ — notice a them with the Inner Expression aspect?  With the Emperor as your Inner Expression, is it symbolized that you have an intrinsic sense of home and place and environment? — very Taurus and Libra, and some may take issue with this, though also very Sagittarian.  Do you have a genius driven by both place in general and your placement within most any situation?

4’s Birth Card Prelude: With Death ~ The Emperor as your Birth Cards you are graced and imbued with abilities to experience transformational senses of place. Do you see how this simple Prelude statement can express the 2 characters together as facets of one personality?:

Death ~ You have abilities to experience the transformational.
With The Emperor, astute senses of place.

Putting them back together again: Do you have developed abilities to experience transformational senses of place?  Enjoy your Birth Card Prelude as the cadence of a heartbeat to energize the things you do.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog, and find it useful in your process as you further emancipate And further enhance, reinforce, and strengthen the clarity of your own, personal, valuable Tarot voice!

Jupiter’s Blessings,

~ Jordan & The Land of Mystereum

Mystereum Spread Advert

Tarot Birth Cards Links

Tarot Birth Cards Calculator at The Tarot School in NYC


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video(s) and image(s)  (c) 2011, 2012  J. Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 J. Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard.  Images and video (c) Jordan Hoggard 2010, 2011, 2013


Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on April 8, 2011 in Tarot Birth Cards


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Threes: Birth-Placing Clarity

Threes: Birth-Placing Clarity

The World ~ The Hanged Man ~ The Empress :: XXI ~ XII ~ III

Welcome to my Tarot Birth Card Identity Blog!  This blog is intended to be a simple overview of Tarot Birth Cards, a casual and concise walk-through of the groupings of Birth Cards to express some of the ways that they can contribute vital components to identity.  Also, I will layer in Birth Card Preludes to express the whole of each Birth Card grouping in a short and integrated statement.  You may also find the Preludes to be expansive catalysts, too.

I find that these Preludes, as I like to call them, turbo-readings of sorts, are best stated afterward, later to be utilized as initial triggers to remind one of how the Birth Cards can integrate an overall expression of the Birth Cards from a single voice.  And, they can of course be utilized first in a way like a Significator Card comprised of, in this case all 3.  Enjoy finding your own path with these, and look forward to hearing your own, personal “trigger” Preludes and Birth Card thoughts directly composed from your feeling-sense of them in Your Tarot voice.

Note also how these Birth Card expressions and Preludes factor in to hook up and work with my videos like the  Twos To Pair and Grounding with the Family of the Fours.  Enjoy the correspondences of the numbers as they flow back and forth between the Major Arcana in the Birth Cards and each of the suits of the Minor Arcana and Courts in the videos.  Also, I encourage you to have some fun and come up with Preludes on your own for the Aces through the Tens, and as well Your Royal Court characters.

So, to start for example with this 3-card Birth Card combo, the first card can represent a person’s Outer Expression.  The 2nd card can be their Added Incentive.  And, the 3rd card can represent their Inner Expression.

So for example with the Birth Card Chart combo of a XXI, XII, III; 21, 12, 3; The World ~ The Hanged Man ~ The Empress:

21 is the Outer Expression    12 is the Added Incentive     3 is the Inner Expression

For a 21, 3 combo:
21 is the Outer Expression    3 is the Inner Expression.  A Prelude of your own making can create and make your own brand of an Added Incentive integrated, hiding in plain sight, and /or simply inherent from your perspective.
So, let’s get started walking through the the 3’s shall we?

[ XXI ~ XII ~ III ]   [ 21 ~ 12 ~ 3 ]
Note how the numbers of these cards add up to 3, and thus correspond with the Threes in general, and my Mystereum Tarot and the Threes video. If you resonate with the videos on my YouTube Channel, please share them, and spread the word far and wide about Tarot in the Land of Mystereum. Feel free to embed them on your blog or site. Wholehearted thanks if you do!

3’s Birth Card Prelude: With The World ~ The Hanged Man ~ The Empress as your Birth Cards you have abilities to feel expansively afloat in clarity as you abundantly carry things to full term.  A Birth Card Prelude can be as simple as a few words, and as inviting and expansive as the title of a book, the ever-evolving book of You!

See how this simple Prelude statement expresses the 3 character as facets of one personality:
The World~expansive    The Hanged Man~afloat in clarity  Empess~carry to full term

Putting them back together again as an integrated Prelude statement: With The World ~ The Hanged Man ~ The Empress as your Birth Cards you have abilities to feel expansively afloat in clarity as you abundantly carry things to full term.  Does this strike chords to resonate with you? Are you comfortable with the not-knowing while consistently being actionable, getting things done?

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The World card represents your Outer Expression.  This is how most people ‘see’ you in the world.  The World card is known for its ability to endure and support many complex systems. With The World card representing your Outer Expression enhance your natural ability to work with boundary-less concepts across the board. Know that you cast a wide net. If you have strong Neptune in your Astro Chart may I suggest to wring your sponge often to squeeze out foreign intensities that may fetter your clarity, and enhance and reinforce clear expressions without unnecessary inclusions. Influence can be grand, though after experiencing intensity notice how cats and dogs, other animals, too, literally shake it off. Some thing this an adrenalin dump. I find it freshening, shakes off encumbrances, like switching gears to enhance movement.

The Hanged Man represents your Added Incentive.  This is a card of being afloat in clarity, and what many call enlightenment. And, enlightenment may not be a constant state once reached, may not even be a stable state. Though, from my experience it happens more than people know. Glimpses. Tastes. Theosophic visions, i.e. awakedreams. I’m not qualified here to make a distinction between an awake dream or theosophic vision and an hallucination. A Psychologist might better speak to that. When The Hanged Man is part of your Added Incentive you can expect to feel clear and comfortable in most any situation in your life. Are you able to stand in intense situations and simply experience? Are you able to not absorb, and simply be present and experience without words, simply provide a mirror of truth to whatever comes your way?

The Empress represents your Inner Expression. This, like the High Priestess, is a side of you that only your closest family and friends ‘see’ — notice the character in The Empress all Golden and at full term. It’s The High Priestess character in Mystereum who gave form to The Magician’s formless inception. She conceived. The Empress then carries that sequence to full term from her Yoniverse, that from which all things emanate. The Empress as your Inner Expression symbolizes that you nurture abundance as you carry things to full term, willfully, actionably, and naturally. Do you have an ability to be the consummate, soulful gardener of your life? Does your vast strength come from within?

And, to simply return to the Prelude . . . the 3’s Birth Card Prelude: With The World ~ The Hanged Man ~ The Empress as your Birth Cards you have abilities to feel expansively afloat in clarity as you abundantly carry things to full term, and I would like to show this again to show how simple this simple Prelude statement expresses the 3 characters as facets of one personality . . . how simple something that is both integrative AND expansive can be:

The World ~ You have abilities to expansively

The Hanged Man ~ feel afloat in clarity

The Empress ~ as you abundantly carry things to full term.

Putting them back together again: You have abilities to feel expansively afloat in clarity as you abundantly carry things to full term.  Enjoy your Birth Card Prelude as the cadence of a heartbeat to energize the things you do.  Have a depthful blast creating and making your own.  Have your ideas, and then put them together just so in just Your way!
I hope you have enjoyed this blog, and find it useful in your process as you further enhance and freely emancipate your own, personal Tarot voice!

Until next time!

Jupiter’s Blessings,

~ Jordan & The Land of Mystereum

Mystereum Spread Advert

Tarot Birth Cards Links

Tarot Birth Cards Calculator at The Tarot School in NYC


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video(s) and image(s)  (c) 2011, 2012  J. Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 J. Jordan Hoggard

Prescient Remembrance: Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death the eSeries

Zazzle Store

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard. All images (c) 2010, 2011 Jordan Hoggard


Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on April 7, 2011 in Tarot Birth Cards


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Twos: Birth-Placing Clarity

Tarot Birth Identities: The Twos
Judgment ~ Justice ~ High Priestess

Welcome to my Tarot Birth Card Identity Blog!  This blog is intended to be a simple overview of Tarot Birth Cards, a casual and concise walk-through of the groupings of Birth Cards to express some of the ways that they can contribute vital components to identity.  Also, I will layer in Birth Card Preludes afterwards to express the whole of each Birth Card grouping in a short statement.  I find that these Preludes, as I like to call them, are best stated afterward, later to be utilized first as triggers to remind one of how the Birth Cards can integrate an overall expression of the Birth Cards in a single voice.  Enjoy finding your own path with these, and look forward to hearing your own, personal “trigger” Preludes and Birth Card thoughts directly composed from your feeling-sense of them.

Note also how these Birth Card expressions and Preludes factor in to hook up and work with my videos like the Aces Four Potential and Twos To Pair:  Enjoy the correspondences of the numbers as they flow back and forth between the Major Arcana in the Birth Cards and each of the suits of the Minor Arcana and Courts in the videos.  Also, I encourage you to have some fun and come up with Preludes on your own for the Aces through the Tens, and as well Your Royal Court characters.

So, for example to start with a 3-card Tarot Birth Card combo, the 1st card can represent the person’s Outer Expression.  The 2nd card can be their Added Incentive.  And, the 3rd card can represent their Inner Expression.  So for example with the Birth Card Chart combo of a XX, XI, II; 20, 11, 2; Judgment ~ Justice ~ High Priestess:

20 is the Outer Expression    11 is the Added Incentive     2 is the Inner Expression

For a 20, 2 combo:

20 is the Outer Expression    2 is the Inner Expression.  A Prelude of your own making can create and make your own brand of an Added Incentive integrated, hiding in plain sight, and /or simply inherent from your perspective.  Enjoy the Prelude at the end of this blog, and may I suggest to utilize it as a trigger 1st next time you visit your personal, Birth Card combo?

So, let’s get started walking through the the 2’s shall we?

[ XX ~ XI ~ II ]   [ 20 ~ 11 ~ 2 ]  (Strength is XI in Mystereum; Justice is VIII)
Note how the numbers of these cards add up to 2, and thus correspond with the Twos in general, and the Twos To Pair video.
So, in The Land of Mystereum you may find that a JUDGMENT – STRENGTH – HIGH PRIESTESS combination fits you more personally.  I look forward to express this grouping in a future blog.

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XX Judgment

patience, respect, renewal, resurrection, feeling unseen seeds cracking underground

VIII Justice

balance, befitting, honest is-what-it-isness, Justice knows no loyalty


Giving form to the formless, connections throughout the All all at once comfortably and naturally

Twos Birth Card Prelude: With Judgment ~ Justice ~ High Priestess as your Birth Cards you may often experience powerful renewals through your fair and far-reaching intuition.  A Birth Card Prelude can be as simple as a few words, and as inviting and expansive as the title of a book, the ever-evolving book of You!
See how this simple Prelude statement expresses the 3 character as facets of one personality:

Judgment ~ powerful renewal(s)                   Justice ~ fair and far-reaching                High Priestess ~ intuition

Putting them back together again: With Judgment ~ Justice ~ High Priestess as your Birth Cards you may often experience powerful renewals through your fair and far-reaching intuition.

The Judgment card represents your Outer Expression.  This is how most people ‘see’ you in the world.  The Judgment card is known for its ability to rejuvenate much as perennials wake up underground after their winter sleep.  With the Judgment card representing your Outer Expression experience, know that your patience can build fitting anticipation to put you in places long enough to see what crucial connections are missing. Keep sight of the fact that when things appear slow, there is often a lot going on in unseen places. Can this slowness be a clue for you to inspect what you expect, check your expectations at the door, and discern unseen things in a situation?

Justice represents your Added Incentive.  This is a card of equitable fairness and balance, and what many call authenticity and integrity.  The goddess Maat weighs your heart against her feather. Rather than only a for-the-afterlife Paradise gig, in the day to day when Justice is part of your Added Incentive, you can expect to feel, strongly feel, whether things are positive and healthy in your life. Is this one of your most natural talents, one of your most prominent developed abilities?

The High Priestess represents your Inner Expression.  This is a side of you that only your closest family and friends ‘see’.  The High Priestess as your Inner Expression symbolizes that you can influence a great many things with a happy and generous anonymity. You know the powerful worlds you create, that you gift. Do you have an inner gift to give form to the formless? Does your strength gift you the ability to take care and as well be taken care of openly and fluidly?

I look forward to express the JUDGMENT ~ STRENGTH ~ HIGH PRIESTESS grouping in a future blog.  Some people roll their number sequence with Strength as 11, and that is pretty cool I would say, divinatory choice that is all yours.  Stay tuned!

I hope you have enjoyed this blog, and find it useful in your process as you further find, emancipate, develop and enjoy your own, personal Tarot voice!

Until next time!

Jupiter’s Blessings,



Tarot Birth Cards Links

Tarot Birth Cards Calculator at The Tarot School in NYC


Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

video(s) and image(s)  (c) 2011, 2012  J. Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 J. Jordan Hoggard

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on April 7, 2011 in Tarot Birth Cards


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Ones: Birth-Placing Clarity

Tarot Birth Identities:

Ones: Birth-Placing Clarity With The Sun ~ The Wheel ~ The Magician

Welcome to my Tarot Birth Card Identity Blog!  This blog is intended to be a simple overview of Tarot Birth Cards, a casual and concise walk-through of the groupings of Birth Cards to express some of the ways that they can contribute vital components to identity.  Also, I will layer in Birth Card Preludes afterwards to express the whole of each Birth Card grouping in a short statement.  I find that these Preludes, as I like to call them, are best stated afterward first as triggers to remind one how the Birth Cards can integrate an overall expression of the Birth Cards.  Enjoy finding your own path with these, and look forward to hearing your own, personal “trigger” Preludes and Birth Card thoughts directly composed from your feeling-sense of them.

Note also how these Birth Card expressions and Preludes factor in to hook up and work with my video like the Mystereum Tarot Moment for the Ace of Pentacles.  Enjoy the correspondences of the numbers as they flow back and forth between the Major Arcana in the Birth Cards and each of the suits of the Minor Arcana and Courts in the videos.  Also, I encourage you to have some fun and come up with integrated Birth Card Preludes on your own for the Aces through the Tens, and as well Your Royal Court characters.  You will experience an example Prelude below.

So, to start for example with a 3-card Birth Card combo, the first card can represent the person’s Outer Expression.  The 2nd card can be their Added Incentive.  And, the third card can represent their Inner Expression.  So for example with the Birth Card Chart combo of a XIX, X, I; 19, 10, 1; The Sun ~ Wheel ~ Magican:

19 is the Outer Expression10 is the Added Incentive 1 is the Inner Expression

For a 10, 1 combo: 10 is the Outer Expression1 is the Inner Expression.  A Prelude of your own making can create and make your own brand of an Added Incentive integrated, hiding in plain sight, and /or simply inherent from your perspective.

So, let’s get started walking through these shall we?




[ XIX ~ X ~ I ]   [ 19 ~ 10 ~ 1 ]
Note how the numbers of these cards each add up to reduce to 1, and thus also correspond with the Aces in general.


One’s Birth Card Prelude: With The Sun ~ Wheel ~ Magician as your Birth Cards you have the ability to tap into magical cycles of identity.     A Birth Card Prelude can be as simple as a few words, and as inviting and expansive as the title of a book, the ever-evolving book of You!

See how this simple Prelude statement expresses the 3 characters as facets of one personality:

The Sun ~ identity        The Wheel ~ cycles      The Magician ~ magical

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Putting them back together again, and note that the attributes are utilized in reverse.  That’s your call: With The Sun ~ Wheel ~ Magician as your Birth Cards you have the ability to tap into magical cycles of identity.

The Sun card represents your Outer Expression.  This is how most people ‘see’ you in the world.  The Sun card is known for its subtle strength of constancy.  With The Sun card representing your Outer Expression experience the subtle strengths of the constancy of your perspective and presence as you brightly express yourself.  Know that even when it is overcast or dark or you experience emotional weather, you shine somewhere regardless.  Keep sight of what you brighten.

The Wheel of Fortune represents your Added Incentive.  This is a card of synchronicity, cause and effect and what many call karma.  When the Wheel of Fortune is part of your Added Incentive you can expect to feel catalyzed as you move through and into new cycles in your life.

The Magician represents your Inner Expression.  This is a side of you that only your closest family and friends ‘see’.  The Magician as your Inner Expression symbolizes that you present things clearly, but subtly distorted from the way others might expect.  You have a uniquely complete thought process and imagination to infuse your actions.

Hope you have enjoyed this Birth Card Identity and Birth Card Prelude I have put together for you.  Comments always welcome.  Look forward to hearing from you in Your Tarot voice!  Powerfully evocative and life-ful Tarot experiences to You and Yours!

008 Breath As Prayer copy

Sample: The Breath As Prayer Tarot Spread. (c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Until next time!

Jupiter’s Blessings, ~Jordan


Tarot Birth Cards Links

Tarot Birth Cards Calculator at The Tarot School in NYC


Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

video(s) and image(s)  (c) 2011, 2012  J. Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 J. Jordan Hoggard

Constructing the Center Watercolor (c) 1995 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction Tarot Spread (c) 2013, 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on April 7, 2011 in Tarot Birth Cards


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