Tag Archives: psychology

SI: 7/10 Serendipity Itinerary

Behind every dark cloud the sun indelibly shines. Don’t wait for it. Grab your umbrella, or better, run out to embrace the rain. Be bigger than your circumstances. It tends to lift your head and heart up together rather than to be the tallest blade of the grass that is the 1st to get cut. You of course can duck in those cases.

Perspective. Does the way we react or respond provide our perspective most times? My grandfather used to say, Well, if you’re perplexed, hold your mouth differently for a new perspective. How do you hold your mouth? Such a cool and simple way of expressing volumes. Just a thought placed on the stacked stone cairn of this week’s SI trailhead. May your week be as magical as you make it. May the ground you walk on be as inspirational as the stars in your sky.

Your July 10th, 2020 SI Under a Pisces Moon Moves into Void of Course at 11:49p EST to Emerge in Aries at 1:06a Through the Weekend

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have form-given this weekly gig.

If You

If you have a blog or video or something you’ve produced that you feel to share in this community-building serendipity sandbox, you have my express permission to link to it in the comments. Please do, and by all means self-promote. Add more to the Serendipity Itinerary for people to visit and experience!

Hey, some say not to toot your own horn. What?! That’s absurd. Somebody’s gotta start the band. It needn’t be superficial or me me me stuff. In Make it the I Am kind of stuff your proud of to promote You. Enjoy the exploration opportunities below. And, thanks in advance for promoting yourself.

Tarot Birth Cards for 7/10/20

The Tarot Birth Cards for people and ideas born into the world on 7/10/2020 are The Hanged Man ~ The Empress

Nice! Excellent Pairing. Aren’t They All?

What are YOUR Tarot birth cards? Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

7/10/2020 is a #3 Day, so

59 seconds for your week to… Do some pruning to reveal your most primary structure. Shed a skin or two in a molt like chaff from wheat in the wind. Don’t look back. The snake its skin shedded, the snake its skin not missed… for, look at all the freshened pretty colors. Swim. Wash off unnecessary nuisances under the Pisces Moon tonight when it goes Void of Course at 11;49p EST. Clean yourself up during the Void. Stuff dropped there is often gone as if it never was, and then move forward refreshed from the dropped and forgotten drag weight with positive groups as the Moon enters Aries at 1:06a. Heck, or, just dead-head your pansies.

Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary for July 10th

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I just received her book this week and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full. Robust. Full of feeling and robustly fluid fluency and flow. Majestic. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous watercolors.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! And, other ramblings and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Before We Get to the Music, this gem of a giff re-surfaced week before last when spelunking in the bottomless pit otherwise known as my email. It’s a real keeper.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our orbits within.

Helix and DNA strands anyone?

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music & Video

The Tarot Mechanic. This makes me smile

Planet Sandwich Studio version of Tardigrade

Planet Sandwich’s TardiGrade performed live at the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival

Pardon the links only for the Tardigrade music videos. Something about the videos wasn’t playing nice in the sandbox on these two. It may be that I’m getting hang of the new WordPress Blocks Tool and my fancy fingers clicked something by mistake. Well worth experiencing. The lyrics are excellently crafted and original.

OvniMoon Via Axis ~ Galactic Mantra

Chris Klafford’s cover of ~ Imagine

Jacob Velasquez ~ Amazing performance!

Bad Wolves Cover The Cranberries ~ Zombie

R.I.P. Dolores O’Riordan

Grace Potter & The Nocturnals ~ The Lion The Beast The Beat

Phantogram ~ Turning Into Stone

Hans Zimmerman & Lisa Gerard ~ Sorrow

Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke~Shadow Magnet

Purity Ring ~ Fineshrine

Justin Timberlake ~ What Goes AroundComes Around

Thank you for your support, likes, links, comments, and shares.

Shuffle is my new friend on my Sonos. Hail Pandora + Sonos Channels on Shuffle.


Have a Wonderful Week Your Way!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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SI: 7/2 Serendipity Itinerary

Posting Your Serendipity Itinerary a bit early this week due to the Holiday Weekend on this side of those two Ponds… Plus, looks like something special arriving here on July 4th! Check back and see…

Behind every dark cloud the sun indelibly shines. Don’t wait for it. Grab your umbrella, or better, run out to embrace the rain. Be bigger than your circumstances. It tends to lift your head and heart up together not to be the tallest blade of the grass that is the 1st to get cut… Perspective. It provides you YOUR own perspective… most likely. Just a thought placed on the stacked stone cairn of this week’s SI. May your week be s magical as you make it. May the ground you walk on be as inspirational as the stars in your sky.

Your July 4th, 2020 SI Under a Capricorn Moon

This Week I Put on My Psychic Scuba Gear and Dove over the Liminal Horizon Into Memory Land. Fun Stuff…

And, WHAT a SaWEET Week in Music!

Do you often feel you know before you know? Do you trust that if you do, and/or take your feeling-sense knowing as wise Counsel for your discernment to take under advisement from there? I never recommend being a Yes-Person to psychic contents any more than a Master Gardener watering the garden. Some things come that flow with beauty, others drip in, and others are to crash against the Inner Sea Wall with an indefatigable and unsaid ‘No’ with no words and simply shaking one’s head side to side with eyes-wide-eyebrows-raised in The Look for it to subside and Resubmit As Noted later.

There have been studies that indicate decisions have often mostly likely been presented 10 seconds prior to you “making” them as they surfed over the liminal into consciousness. It’s cool work in neurology and psychology, and I still keep my eyebrows up. That stuff’s a case by case basis, as sometimes Parts come screaming in HOT… Thanks for coming. Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. So, before I dispense prioritizing your message… what IS your message? We can take it from there.

~ Jordan Hoggard

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have form-given this weekly gig.

If You

If you have a blog or video or something you’ve produced that you feel to share in this community-building serendipity sandbox, you have my express permission to link to it in the comments. Please do, and by all means self-promote. Add more to the Serendipity Itinerary for people to visit and experience! Hey, some say not to toot your own horn. What?! That’s dafuqin absurd. Somebody’s gotta start the band. It needn’t be superficial or me me me stuff. In fact, that’ll get deleted. Make it the I Am kind of Me to promote You. Then, all good in my book. Self-centered has a center rather than needily needing the center of attention. Be in context here, and by all means promote your work on Serendipity Itineraries. Further fleshed out context with contribution amplifies the depth of expanse of opportunities for people here to explore. Thanks in advance for promoting yourself..

Tarot Birth Cards for 7/4/20

The Tarot Birth Cards for people and ideas born into the world on 7/4/2020 are The Devil ~ The Lovers

The Tarot Birth Cards for people and ideas born into the world today on the early posting 7/2/2020 are Death ~ Emperor.

Nice! Good Pairings.

Aren’t They All?

What are YOUR Tarot birth cards? Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

7/2/2020 is a 4 Day, so

59 seconds to… May the ground you walk on and the steps you take be as inspirational as the stars in your sky…

Here we are. Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary for July 4th

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Seriously, do you want genuine and authentic where those two words can meaningfully never need to come up, as when natural there’s certainly no need? Like Nature? Yep. Me, too. Travel here to travel with them. That they are here in the world makes the world a better place. This week they added new items in their Etsy shop. Hmmm… be back in a sec. Uh oh! Do you like going junkin’? DAYum. How ‘bout somewhere where they’ve cleaned the filter and pulled out the treasures for you already? I get it. Love junkin’, finding treasures, though their shop struck a different chord with me this week in that regard. What about immersing in serendipity and only beauty at the same time? What about NO junk, no lesser of two evils, and simply what about neither is less and having to choose between beauty after beauty after… Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! And, other ramblings and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Christina Schmidt, MA ~ Sassy Scorpion Tarot. Yes, the name says it all, and there’s always still more as well. And, it’s all true. Intense. On, not off. Sassy, Scorpionic depths to immerse yourself like being in a Tarot hot spring. Go for the spring, stay for the spring in your step after. Also, Christina has Armed With Coffee. Variety is the spice of life? There’s definitely some spice and depth here with consistency and structure that is wonderfully not limited by either. I suggest to experience her reading for Cancer this week.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit.

Wyrd Smythe ~ Logos con carne. Another voice in the interweb wilderness. Thoughtful and expansive and far enough in his experiential application he also has the wicked cool ability to dial in to a sense of humor about it. Sometimes, the humor is separate. No reason to put strips or regs on his alchemy, though. Take a peek… or a portal.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full. Robust. Full of feeling and robustly fluid fluency and flow. Majestic. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous watercolors.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Polymath? Go see.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see!

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit this week’s postings for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, say whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you box? Yes, Susi Bocks. Concision has never had so much consistent depth.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens!

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see.

Before We Get to the Music, This Gem Re-Surfaced from the Library of Alexandria called my Emails. This week I came upon the Solomon’s Mines of my own DRAFT projects parked. LOL. What a wonderful smile and full-boat laughter I got with, Well then, I’ve got some work to do.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230 million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy.

Shifting focus and re-directing scale and side-stepping the clutch double-clutching mid-revving to 6-grand in 5th to … click in the gear-gate (MY Personal Stargate) click click Boom, 6th at 6-grand slid foot touches the floor and BAM I Am One With Recaro Now… YES!

Helix and DNA strands anyone?

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music

This sticks around for another week… at least. LOVE the lyrics… and the vocals and drum work, and the guitar meandering through full frontal though like connective tissue to everything else… Troy rocks it On the drums with smooth intensity. The Tardigrade. How can YOU ake your own laws… remember, if your a cog… Cool. That means you function fluidly and consistently under high heat and pressure without fail… so the gears don’t slip and full-on engagement occurs. What intense places do you sidestep the clutch at 6k without dropping the tranny. Don’t worry if you blow the turbo bypass valve. That just means you’re driving it like it was meant to… over the line into the spec of YOU in Expansive Mode. No button for that. Or, is there?

Seriously, keep yourself safe, though the laughing smile on your mechanic’s face when you get an the oil change and they hook up the car chip to the… is priceless when they step back in to hand you the keys

and, (just smiling and shoulders bobbing silently chuckling like they found Nirvana and aren’t keeping any part of it secret) Dood. ok. Thank you. Just (looking around, no one other than us). Fucking thank you. You are SO driving that car like it was meant to be driven. I ticked some gigs I can’t tell you about… (wadding up my bill and tossing it in the trash). Let me know if this week is more enjoyable than last. I have to take that can out now so I’m here when you come back. 😉

Yes. Yes, it was. Talk about some foot. Thanks, Man!

Reminds me of…

Planet Sandwich Studio version of Tardigrade

Planet Sandwich’s TardiGrade performed live at the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival

Bassnectar ~ Nothing Has Beeb Broken

I reached back to find one in particular I hadn’t heard in a while… got sidetracked when the phone rang… email… oh, edit this and that and… email… editing.. email… oh, ok, COOL, I’ll update my Sonos app. Way cool! The Shufle button floated to the top. Clicked. LOL, all my all over the place like an ant moving a mountain a grain of sand at a time untiringly… what I was originally going to go look for from years back? … Perfect. On shuffle, it came on 1st. Maybe Siri and Shuffle have something going on… some wickedly cool strange sounds come from the Kitchen when I deposit my phone in a drawer to lose the eYoke.

OvniMoon Via Axis ~ Galactic Mantra

DO you have Sonos Play One or Sonos Bar? A Marshall stack? Or, neighbors on vacation? Or, just invite them over sop they can’t complain, or they can be sent away of they do.

I suggest… Turn it UP!

Helen Jane Long ~ Through the Dark

New Order ~ Blue Monday Remix 20151


Phantogram ~ Run Run Blood

Legends of the Fall ~ Theme

Blue October ~ She’s My Ride Home

Seether ~ Careless Whisper cover

A River Runs Through It ~ Theme Tune

Halsey ~ Gasoline

Bassnectar ~ Infinite

30 Seconds to Mars ~ Attack

Kasey Musgraves ~ Space Cowboy

Cool story behind this song. I’ll link it when I find it again.

Phantogram ~ Turning Into Stone

The Crystal Method ~ Trip Like I Do

Gladiator ~ The Death of Maximus

Hans Zimmerman & Lisa Gerard ~ Sorrow

Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke~Shadow Magnet

Halford ~ Resurrection

Ovnimoon ~ SatNam for Me, Sat Nam for You

Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke~Shadow Magnet

Blue October ~ You Make Me Smile

Thank you for your support, likes, links, comments, and shares.

I’m surprised no Silversun Pickups or Queensryche or Docken came on this week. Oh well, Shuffle is my new friend again. Hail Pandora + Sonos Channels on Shuffle.

Something new is coming to the Shop ImaginAction store this weekend… was


Have a Wonderful Week Your Way!


Jordan’s Journeys

Proudly sponsored by ImaginAction.

Microsoft Word - ImaginAction Cover.docx

ImaginAction is now available at Shop Imaginaction. Check it out! + my poetry collection Prescient Remembrance: Dialogue of a Vampire is also there!

Take a bite…

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 — 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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SI: 6/27 Serendipity Itinerary

Your June 27th, 2020 SI Under a Libra Moon

Last Weekend & This Week Were One for the Record Books Leading up … to… Wonderfully Intense… Calm? Hmmm… in places… Still intense even there.

Trying to kiss a promise may be easier than smoking hope, though listen to music and read rockin’ poetry instead. Ees Mo Betta.

~ Jordan Hoggard

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have form-given this weekly gig.

If You

If you have a blog or video or something you’ve produced that you feel to share in this community-building serendipity sandbox, you have my express permission to link to it7 in the comments. Please do, and by all means self-promote. Add more to the Serendipity Itinerary for people to visit and experience!


The Tarot Birth Cards for people and ideas born into the world today 6/27/2020 are the Wheel of Fortune ~ Maqician:

How Cool is THAT?!

What are YOUR Tarot birth cards? Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people!

This Week

The Sun Card

46 seconds to You As Only You Can Be

How are you You as only you can be?

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now, put the foundations under them.

~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Serendipity Itinerary for June 27th

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work this week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Christina Schmidt, MA ~ Sassy Scorpion Tarot. Yes, the name says it all, and there’s always still more as well. And, it’s all true. Intense. On, not off. Sassy, Scorpionic depths to immerse yourself like being in a Tarot hot spring. Go for the spring, stay for the spring in your step after. Also, Christina has Armed With Coffee. Variety is the spice of life? There’s definitely some spice and depth here with consistency and structure that is wonderfully not limited by either. I suggest to experience her reading for Cancer this week.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Seriously, do you want genuine and authentic where those two words can meaningfully never need to come up, as when natural there’s certainly no need? Like Nature? Yep. Me, too. Travel here to travel with them. That they are here in the world makes the world a better place.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full. Robust. Full of feeling and robustly fluid fluency and flow. Majestic. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous watercolors.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! And, other ramblings and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience

Charlotte Heather ~ Soprano. Charlotte and her partner are doing weekly balcony concerts in the UK!

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Polymath? Go see.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see!

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, say whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you box? Yes, Susi Bocks. Concision has never had so much consistent depth.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens!

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see.

& This Week’s SI Music

Archie Williams~ Losing Everything.

Planet Sandwich Studio version of Tardigrade

Planet Sandwich’s TardiGrade performed live at the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival

Charlotte & George ~ UK Balcony Concerts!

Blue October ~ Sway

Halsey ~ Bad In Love

Metric ~ Gold Guns Girls

Goo Goo Dolls ~ Here Is Gone

Landau Eugene Murphy ~ I’ve Got You Under My Skin. Note: this is a new fave. SO EFFIN GOOD! This is someone so doing it their way. Go Landau! Site read the track, site read a deck, he site read the audition, his 1st ever!

Ludwig Van Beethoven ~ Moonlight Sonata

Piano Sonata No. 14 in C♯ minor “Quasi una fantasia”, Op. 27, No. 2

Alejandro Aranda ~ Blesser

Step Into the Circle

I appreciate your support, likes, links, comments, and shares. Thank you, and

Have a Wonderful Week Your Way!


Jordan’s Journeys

Proudly sponsored by ImaginAction.

Microsoft Word - ImaginAction Cover.docx

ImaginAction. Where’d the download go? It’s in my new website feature Shop Imaginaction. Check it out!

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 — 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

SI for Your 6/20/20 Under a Gemini Moon…

… in Advance of the ‘Ring of Fire’ Annular Solstice Solar Eclipse tomorrow 6/21. Comms BayBEE! Comms! Clear the way for passionate intensity well-thought-through and empathically interested.
What a great weekend for immersion and connection.

Your June 20th, 2020 SI

Buckle up & Breathe

This Week Was One for the Record Books Leading up to This Weekend Which Is Just as Much So

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit to expand your experience. Heck, it’s also to build some epic spirals of healthy giving and receiving in community. I noticed that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. So, to strike more resonant chords in this world along that same vein… Welcome to this week’s Serendipity Itinerary where…

I Share

I share the stacked stone cairn trailheads, links to others’ blogs, of paths I’ve experienced over the past week. There are people I follow, new people and places I’ve found, and sometimes something or someone featured in the roster just because a topic or person came to mind. Reasons are unreasonable here, just the way I like it. The Now comes from our whole life up to this point… and, to revise Ricky, Lucy, there’s no ‘splainin‘ to do. Enjoy this week’s experiential menu.

If You

If you have a blog or video or something you’ve produced that you feel to share in this community-building serendipity sandbox, you have my express permission to link to it in the comments. Please do, and by all means self-promote. Add more to the Serendipity Itinerary for people to visit and experience!

This Week

Please buckle up for music balance scored to sync up with this week’s character. This week chords were struck to resonate in many areas for me, and you’ll see what occurred over the coming weeks… maybe even one of them later today.


The Tarot Birth Cards for people and ideas born into the world today are:

How Cool is THAT?!

Those are my Tarot Birth Cards as well! Will be saWEET chords struck to resonate if one of my new gigs is re-born today. If not, then cool, this was.

This Week

I’ll add Some royalty as a visual orchestra in chorus with the Music Section.

Of Course

Of course Your Blog, Your Rules. Reasons are unreasonable. You are Sovereign in your life and on your blog, your way. So, let me know if you want to be presented differently, or not at all. You’ve most likely spent a wonderful amount of time on your content and presentation and marketing and messaging. I’ll be the last one to dial interference patterns into that. Let me know. Otherwise, I appreciate you in this mini-epic-spiral-arabesque-circular-branch of community on the Tree of the world. Thanks much for being here and visiting.


I’ll toot my own horn to start the band.

The Sun Card

46 seconds to You As Only You Can Be

As Above, So Below. How do you root? How do you reach? Born to see and having developed your clarity of vision in just your particular way…

How are you You as only you can be?

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now, put the foundations under them.

~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Serendipity Itinerary for June 20th

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Christina Schmidt, MA ~ Sassy Scorpion Tarot. Yes, the name says it all, and there’s always still more as well. And, it’s all true. Intense. On, not off. Sassy, Scorpionic depths to immerse yourself like being in a Tarot hot spring. Go for the spring, stay for the spring in your step after. Also, Christina has Armed With Coffee. Variety is the spice of life? There’s definitely some spice and depth here with consistency and structure that is wonderfully not limited by either. I suggest to experience her reading for Cancer this week.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Seriously, do you want genuine and authentic where those two words can meaningfully never need to come up, as when natural there’s certainly no need? Like Nature? Yep. Me, too. Travel here to travel with them. That they are here in the world makes the world a better place.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. Please welcome Naima to the community. It’s a pleasure to have her here. She may have just started on her blog path, though she’s no novice. It’s my impression that her whole life in its entirety up to now brought her to this point. She reminds me of white belts in the black belt class I taught years back who came in as THEMSELF and didn’t cow. I’d start them there to insure they were immersed in examples without bad habits from the start, and to make sure they didn’t ballast-drop their life up to that point so they’d come in with THEMSELF and progress FROM there rather than some feigned I have to start over perspective. Again, please visit her site to see what she’s about. In that regards her words will be better than mine. Here, you’re getting one perspective, mine, which is simply a description and implied invite. There, on her site you’ll have the perspective of directly engaging with her to see for yourself. Enjoy.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? Those are for annoying know-it-alls. Check out Bonnie’s site for her way. She’s certainly got one that I resonate with.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity? Possibly. Depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. It’s not that I see the light coming from the dark, or the shadows coloring the light. I see a chthonic numinosity in her words in her poetry that is akin to stained glass. Regardless of the color or light or dark of the panes (verses), the leading between each of them is interstice inclusive of Other. Stained glass in words. It’s been said that the stained glass in cathedrals was to express the voice of God/Divine in light. Hey, with my alchemist’s bents I might be a little biased about the leading. Oh wait. That’s not bias. That’s taste, and there’s no accounting for that. Well worth the visit.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full. Robust. Full of feeling and robustly fluid fluency and flow. Majestic. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous watercolors.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience

Charlotte Heather ~ Soprano. Charlotte and her partner are doing weekly balcony concerts in the UK!

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Polymath? Go see.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see!

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, say whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you box? Yes, Susi Bocks. Concision has never had so much consistent depth.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! And, other ramblings and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens!

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see.

SUCH a Great Week in Music! Made all the better by…

my Sonos Play One speaker. It’s like having the support of a Marshall stack behind you that’s the size of a canteloupe. Such an amazing piece of wireless music tech. Deeply crystal clear robust sound quality. I love music, and I love quality. Both together? That sounds like a description of beauty. Yup, music is good. Great music is ambrosia. Like a coffee or beer or red wine that… Well, I can’t see light through it, so that’s a good start.

What A

What a smorgasbord(g) of a week in music. It felt like the wonderful feeling up running up and down the gears in my Audi TTS back in 2001. Tach-ing up kelping the clutch for some shifts to be seamless segues, side-stepping the clutch on others for wonderfully intentional catapult-launches … into the brakes riding rails into turns, rockets ON at apogee and I was one with the seat. En-Vig-Or-Ating. Fun stuff G-forces are.

Rather Than

Rather than the Dalai Lama Lama being his humorous self pranking at a burger joint asking them to make him one with everything, I’ll take being merged into a Recaro baseball leather stitching seat when side-stepping the clutch at 4,500 rpm. And, they’re off! Heck, the 12 Bose speakers in that tiny little cockpit…Splendor in clear and up-there Db levels is a solid start, too, and one to keep the juices flowing.

I Missed

I missed the exquisite experience of that car this week. Sold it back in late 2001. It just kind of wandered back into my mind Monday morning like it was high noon and it had some words for the Sheriff in town. I nodded to it and YES! You get no pushback from me on that. Count me in!


So, this week while working and doing other things, instead of missing my TTS, I didn’t waste trouble. I ran the Sonos up and down the gears to fill the spaces with that feeling. I hope you like the everywhere of scales of raising. Super high, super low, super intense, super calm. So, here’s your music supermarket for this week. Not many will groove with them all, though I hope you find a treasure or two.


Normally, I don’t play Top Bill or Top Gun on the music section. Though, this week… this week there wasn’t even a decision about it. I just started nodding Yes before the thought even presented — there are neurological studies about prescience being the ability to clearly access ideas and thoughts fully in that 10 seconds before they consciously present where they’ve already been there hidden on their way surfing the bleeding edge of that liminal horizon inside as they reify into consciousness — my words not those expressed in the linked article.

The brain makes decisions to serve up to our discretion and discernment before we even know it? Another story for another time, I’ll simply stack stones like a cairn at a trailhead by linking this sentence.

Back to the Music

This week

This week I suggest to bring your racing gloves and heart and wits and wisdom and tissues and yoga/meditation/tatami mat and comfy chair and dancing shoes if you prefer to listen to music while you’re moving around… yup, especially bring the tissues.

Here’s SI’s Week In Music. Beautiful kinds of links that don’t need to be fixed. Oh, before we start in to the music, I have to say a sociologically important observation occurred this week that I found intrinsically important to share to stop this flagrant and blatant abuse not setting children up for success:

I really think porn does a great disservice to our kids’ expectations of how things work in the real world. I mean, seriously! For example: it vastly and unreasonably exaggerates how quickly a plumber will actually get to your house after you call them. We really should be conscious about educating the kiddos so they are wise to the ways of the world doncha think? Teach them how to inspect their expectations so they can re-set as required to keep evolving without deflation. Agreed?

~ Public Service Message from ImaginAction overheard who knows where

Maybe This Is a Better Message for the Kiddos

So, onto it, on to Top Bill! Archie!

SI Top Bill ~ Archie Williams

Archie Williams~ Losing Everything.


SI’s Week In Music

James Horner ~ A Beautiful Mind: A Kaleidoscope of Mathematics

James Horner ~ Legends of the Fall: The Ludlows

Charlotte & George ~ A Little Mozart and Handel

Trevor Jones ~ Last of the Mohicans: Massacre Canoes

Halsey ~ Bad In Love

Metric ~ Gold Guns Girls

Bebe Rexha – Meant to Be (feat. Florida Georgia Line) 

3 Days Grace ~ Animal I Have Become

Goo Goo Dolls ~ Here Is Gone

Goo Goo Dolls ~ Better Days

3 Doors Down ~ Away from the Sun

Landau Eugene Murphy ~ I’ve Got You Under My Skin. Note: this is a new fave. SO EFFIN GOOD! This is someone so doing it their way. Go Landau! Site read the track, site read a deck, he site read the audition, his 1st ever!

Breaking Benjamin ~ You

Ludwig Van Beethoven ~ Moonlight Sonata

Piano Sonata No. 14 in C♯ minor “Quasi una fantasia”, Op. 27, No. 2

Alejandro Aranda ~ Blesser

Look at the cover I found. Seether ~ Careless Whisper

Shinedown ~ The Crow and the Butterfly

Seether ~ Words As Weapons

Staind ~ Epiphany

Matchbox 20 ~ Back 2 Good

Underwear Goes Inside the Pants

Step Into the Circle

I appreciate your support, likes, links, comments, and shares. Thank you, and

Have a Wonderful Week Your Way!


Jordan’s Journeys

Proudly sponsored by ImaginAction.

Microsoft Word - ImaginAction Cover.docx

ImaginAction. Hmmm… where’d it go? Hmmm… what’s he up to today?

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 — 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Serendipity Itinerary 06132020

Serendipity Itinerary for 06132020

Reflections (c) 2009 Jordan Hoggard

Buckle up

Brahma Bull Shamanically on the Way

Serendipity Intineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit to expand your experience. Heck, it’s also to build some epic spirals of healthy giving and receiving in community. I noticed that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. So, to strike more resonant chords in this world along that same vein… Welcome to this week’s Serendipity Itinerary where…

I share the stacked stone cairn trailheads, links to others’ blogs, of paths I’ve experienced over the past week. There are people I follow, new people and places I’ve found, and sometimes something or someone featured in the roster just because a topic or person came to mind. Reasons are unreasonable here, just the way I like it. The Now comes from our whole life up to this point… and, to revise Ricky, Lucy, there’s no ‘splainin‘ to do. Enjoy this week’s experiential menu.

If you have a blog or video or something you’ve produced that you feel to share in this community-building serendipity sandbox, you have my express permission to link to it in the comments. Please do, and by all means self-promote. Add more to the Serendipity Itinerary for people to visit and experience!

This Week

First off, it was an intense week. Just turning the music down to take calls or to go into readings or meetings was actually an Admin thing this week, was an actual thing taking time. The more intense it gets for me most often translates directly into the volume level on the Sonos — sometimes… too bad the neighbors are home. It’s ok, though, when I can’t hear them knocking. 🙂 I wonder what this week was like for you?

So, please buckle up. May not be a wild ride, though it’s intended to reflect the rockin’ intensity of the week. Hopefully, I got the word and image and music balance right to tune into to attune the energies to balance and align and sync up with this week’s intensity. This week certainly deserves at least that. It felt like The Chariot upgraded to a bigger engine.

SI Will Be a Little Diff This Week

Playing and working in and dancing with the intensity of this past week, I’m going to engage something different this week. I’m going to utilize a Came to Mind Reading technique (non-related link, serendipity) with each person’s listing below. I’ll place 2 cards and/or images that came to mind for the feel of their blog and messaging — or, their Tarot Birth Cards if I know them.

The 1st card image is intended to be the Primary aspect of the feel. The 2nd card is intended to be an Accentuator to color the tenor of the 1st Primary card/image. Pardon any psychic dyslexia on my part if I reversed your feel, or general inaccuracy if I’m full-on just off base. OFLs — Opportunities For Learning.

What do you feel?

What do you feel about the cards that came to mind for your rockin’ blog?

Call the cards a Sun Primary card with an orbiting Moon card. Only the Blog Owner and you can discern if I missed the boat, and instead got a good swim in the water below.

Of Course

Of course it’s Your Life, Your Way. Your Blog, Your Rules. If you would rather I input your Tarot Birth Cards, I certainly will. Click for the Tarot Birth Card Calculator at The Tarot School in NYC, Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone’s splended, online, Tarot home. Alternately, if you’d rather not be included here at all, certainly let me know in the comments. DO let me know. You won’t be callin yourself out to be excluded in the comments. Instead, you’ll be Sovereign and straight-up owning honesty YOUR way for your best sake. I’ll promptly take you off, as again, Your Blog, Your Rules. Reasons are unreasonable. You are Sovereign in your life and on your blog, your way. Let me know, and as soon as I can get to it, consider it done — will edit this one as well.

Respect is foundational. You’ve most likely spent a wonderful amount of time on your marketing and messaging. I’ll be the last one to dial interference patterns into the splendor of what you’ve built If your presence here feels like it does.

To Be

To be transparent, my Tarot Birth Cards are The Hanged Man~The Empress. Interestingly enough, according to Wald Amberstone, The Hanged Man is The Empress’ son. I not only buy that, it also resonates with the way I build back in and nourish my creative process like a Master Gardener, like in the Reflections image above.

Gardening Reciprocates

Gardening reciprocates, naturally. Great for all involved. My BITCh method creative process was gifted and is ingrained in my texture from my Mom, and is unfortunately the extent of my current gardening. Mamma’s boy?Pardon, while I contain my laughter. We’re now resonant peers. My apple didn’t fall far from the tree, though it’s a great apple. And, I gather she Is able to add some more choice words about how we are each our own. I’m nodding glad that my apple doesn’t have a worm. Nodding glad is mo’ betta than fighting mad. It’s just an apple. That in itself rocks!

To Dial In, I’ll Share This

So, to start off this week’s gig… hmmm what vid of mine will I share?… Cool, Ok, I’ll go with that thought: simple numbers Adding up much like Birth Cards are generated. It’s 06132020 = 6 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 14 = 1 + 4 = a 5 day. So, I’ll abduce a 5. Sometimes 5s present a problem card for people. I don’t feel there are any bad cards, though, and that’s robustly understandable that Nature of the 5 gets under some peoples’ skin. Depends on how you take it? Depends on how your perspective responds? WHat do you think about the 5s, or 5 in general?

Also, notice the use of abduce above rather than abduction. (Period not italicized, or is it?). No abduction here. Abduction is a bully level of petty controlling behavior based on being afraid rather than fear. There’s plenty of abduce-ing to be experienced here, plenty drawn out and to draw out.

What do you abduce?

How do you draw your creative ideas out?

Or, do they just arrive?

I See 5s as…

I see 5s not as chaos, but as a number of Nature. In fact, THE number of Nature. 9 is the Nin or 9th kanji of Ninjutsu mediation where the concept is Tao, and the color is White and you view through your thumbs-index fingers raised up as a digit-ized circle to focus the Moon in the night sky. Interestingly enough, if you count the segments along the path of your thumb and index finger, 7 each hand, that’s 14 = 1 + 4 = 5, so the 9 of the Nin kanji brings YOUR Nature to form the seamless segue segmented circle of YOU as you swim in the Moon.

3 is the number of the 1st group, the 1st self-supporting structure, and the impetus and/or onset of perceived beauty reified as an externalized gig. Call 3 Beauty-DNA. 7? Oh yeah. 7 is where the shit potentially hits the fan. At 7, you are far enough away from base camp origins in the process so to speak so as to not be able to safely turn back, though you also have not yet reached the false summit of the plateau of 8 where you can safely rest. 7s can rock you. Best to forget endurance and will with the 7s, the snake its skin shedded, the snake its skin not missed much like chaff falling off from wheat in the wind kinda thing and just keep on keepin’ on. You’re not off the mountain until you are. You’re not at a safe pause point until you are. Keep going. Breathe. Drink water if you have it. You’ll get there.

Nothing Ever

Nothing may ever be resolved with a 5. Though, with the perspective that 5 is THE number of Nature and the weather simply is what it is… there’s Justice and straight up owned honesty that, without even the concept of honesty or integrity anywhere. Nature doesn’t need that stuff as it doesn’t lie. Of course it doesn’t tell the truth, either. What is, simply is. What’s the weather like? What’s your Inner Weather like?

And, Nature is… uh hem… so natural, right?! In Nature the concept of facts is also ridiculously ludicrous — though, not to mean discernment and response aren’t warranted. I ask, with Nature, why would there even NEED to be resolution? Instead, there is dynamic experience that yes, has plenty of intereference patterns, though no more than all the earth, trees, flowers, animals and wind on a windy day. Each experience is what you make of it. Is it a crazy-making static-generating wind, or just a good clearing out to freshen the air? I feel 5 is weather incarnate. 5 is honest without fail and without intent, just like Nature. Nature doesn’t have emotions. Nature has weather. Whether you weather your Inner Weather or do something with it or about it, that’s of course your call. What do you feel about 5?

2 Questions

Are you your best Self when naturally aware of your internal weather?

Does that inform you how to be more wise in time in the moment? To continue to build rather than bring you to hit the inner beep beep beep of reverse gear to back up and apologize?

5 of Pentacles Mystereum Tarot Moment

Some people say

Don’t toot your own horn. Seriously?!, shaking my head. Guess they’ve never been on stage or in a band or been on point with their life on the line? Maybe that’s wonderful for them, though that’s as close to alien to me as I know. Again, though, excellent for them as they certainly have a different mode of being and experience to live out. SaWEET! All similar, each unique. Everyone is different, like everyone else.

It’s been an intense week,

and I see that now in how

I’m handling this post. GEEZUS, get on with it, Dood. You just FINALLY got to the beginning! 🙂

so… without further adieu…

Don’t toot your own horn?

DAYum, somebody’s gotta start the band.

Uh 1 a 2 a 1 2 3…

Serendipity Itinerary for June 13th

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Seriously, do you want genuine and authentic where those two words can meaningfully come up, though somewhere there’s no need? Like Nature? Yep, me, too. Travel here to travel with them. That they are here makes the world a better place.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full. Robust. Full of feeling and Robustly fluid fluency and flow. Majestic. Gorgeous watercolors. Hi Mom! She loved 1st bill last week, though suggested that things that stay in one spot stagnate, and to keep the placement organic, more artful. Love it, Mom. Love, Jordan

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be?

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience

Charlotte Heather ~ Soprano. Charlotte and her partner are doing weekly balcony concerts in the UK!

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add ore words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… Note: some people make trite and puerile attributions to Princess. Inspect your expectations? Remember, a Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting. You might find her in the garden with the succulents. Sometimes rolls that way… intensely.

Christina Schmidt, MA ~ Sassy Scorpion Tarot. Yes, the name says it all. And, it’s all true. Intense. On, not off. Sassy, Scorpionic depths to immerse yourself like in a Tarot hot spring. Go for the spring, stay for the spring in your step after. Also, Christina has Armed With Coffee. Variety is the spice of life? There’s definitely some spice here with consistency and structure, and not limited by either.

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Polymath? Go see.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see!

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, say whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you box? Yes, Susi Bocks. Concision has never had so much consistent depth.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! And, other ramblings and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens!

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see.

So, Music This Week?!!

Disturbed. The Sound of Silence

Alejandro Aranda. Audition? More like Debs for Doods. Oh Yah!

Phantogram. When I’m Small

Where’s Reznor Now? — no, not the ceiling heater unit

Q: Not what you expect from Trent? A:Artist;’s Art. Experience…

Nine Inch Nails. Letting Go While Holding On

Different than what you expect from Trent? It’s not Head Like A Hole, though just as good… It’s Trent. Need I say more? Different than you’d expect? Why? It’s Trent! He’s an artiste! Follow his process, don’t expect to stay comfortable. 🙂


Meg Myers ~ Desire. NSFW, full-on YES!

And, just because (Some Metric next week?)

Silversun Pickups: Circadian Rhythm

Judas Priest. Painkiller

So, Disturbed’s cover of The Sound of Silence CERTAINLY played the BUILD TO A CRESCENDO and resonated into its finale and ROCKED IT, though… …. …. And, the award for best BUILD in a song this week goes to…

Bullet For My Valentine ~ Your Betrayal

Grog say! ::: JORDAN, a Video from 2004?!! Did they even have internet in our caves back then?? How did they shoot the video? Hmmmm. Grog See. Hmmmm. Still no know how still relevant. Hmmm. Is!. Wise AND Grog SAY Hilarious. Grog keep from last week. No questions! Grog say COOL.. Grog go now hunt for dinner! Grog say, can I borrow your phone to call for delivery?


DAYUM. Grog’s getting it!

Underwear Goes Inside the Pants

Texas-Born Waking Up

Beware: Poignant video below, magnanimous splendor of a system.

The Texas Boy vigilante in Me is waking back up. Am I becoming a Prison Abolitionist? Thank you for the name for it, Charles C Earl!

That part of me waking back up from a 17-year Cicada Sleep, I see something in our culture. What is it I see? I see people using shaming behavior systemically under the petty guise of education of what’s right right and (sic) moral.

Dafuq? Lambasting someone for mistakes does not make them work harder to do better to not make them. It drives them to hide their mistakes. How the hell is someone going to be Sovereign with themselves when they have been taught to pay their dues before themself instead of with their work, and have it implied to be slippery-stealthy with their Self even to themselves? Mistakes? Nope, there aren’t any. It’s about experience and OFLs — Opportunities For Learning. Can you powerfully witness someone this week with no words? Just let them go on until they are finished to really feel what they are saying? Just a question if you’d like to give it a run. I’d be curious to see what happens. Disconnection? Connection? Deepening in a more simple and natural and intensely natural way?

I reject the bullshit pause behind the curtains of moral and right puritanical and guilt-based statements. There are not fetishes. There is simply no accounting for taste, and how anyone else and oneself included plays out their life as resolved now. Your whole life brought you right here to now. I’m honored your whole life brought you to this point in my blog. 😉

Heck, isn’t guilt just an upper octave (read in: bottom-feeder, low grade rob-power-from teachers kind of people) form of digested shame that people allow themselves to be influenced by in the 1st place?

Our teachers don’t need to be yoked by having to buy their own supplies. Free them up such the contrary-to-popular-belief-God’s-last-name-isn’t-dammit educational system listens to the teacher rather than the other way around. Similar in medicine versus/with insurance companies? Similar in lots of areas in … pervasive is a word. Enough is enough. This video brought cascades of ablution tingLes and tears when I 1st saw it. Still does as well now, though it is now simply a gardener watering my constitution and resolve. May it resonate and influence you in ways that are important to you as well.

Step Into the Circle

Pheww!! What a great week! Great week to get some amped up and vigorous rockin’ ‘tude In the mix. Love this community I’m discovering and I’m lovin’ it just doin’ it! Love it… 5 words for 2 copyright violations in those last 5 words. Good poets borrow. Great poets steal ~ Jordan Hoggard. Ok, not really. ~ T.S. Eliot. 🙂

What meaningful thing can you abduce, draw out of yourself, this week? Not abduction. Abduce. Be kind to yourself. Things inside might just start to surprise you even more.

Have a Wonderful Week!


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Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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Serendipity Itinerary 060720

Thank You Tuesdays have been moved to Sundays. Services of Thank You Tuesdays are now… SSI

Sunday Serendipity Itineraries

Serendipity Itinerary for 060720

Thank You Tuesdays has now been moved to Sunday and is now Serendipity Intineraries. This post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, enjoy and/or follow and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit, to expand your experience. I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. So, to strike more resonant chords in this world… Welcome to the week’s Serendipity Itinerary.

Explore the Serendipity Itineraries each week where I share the stacked stone cairn trailheads of paths I’ve experienced over the past week. People I follow, new people and places I’ve found, and sometimes just because a topic or person came to mind. Reasons are unreasonable here. Enjoy your experiential potentiality menu.

If you have a blog or video or something you’ve produced that you feel to share in this serendipity sandbox, you have my express permission to link to it in the comments. Please do, and by all means self-promote. Add more to the Serendipity Itinerary for people to visit and experience!

… epic spirals of giving and receiving …

Some people say

Don’t toot your own horn. Seriously?!, shaking my head.

Somebody’s gotta start the band. Uh 1 a 2 a 1 2 3…

Serendipity Itinerary for June 7th

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full. Robust. Full of feeling and Robustly fluid fluency and flow. Majestic. Gorgeous watercolors. Hi Mom! Of COURSE you’re 1st bill. Everybody’s 2nd to a Great Mom. Love, Jordan

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be?

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience

Charlotte Heather ~ Soprano. Charlotte and her partner are doing weekly balcony concerts in the UK!

Christina Schmidt, MA ~ Sassy Scorpion Tarot. Yes, the name says it all. And, it’s all true. Intense. On, not off. Sassy, Scorpionic depths to immerse yourself like in a Tarot hot spring. Go for the spring, stay for the spring in your step after.

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Polymath? Go see.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see!

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, say whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you box? Yes, Susi Bocks. Concision has never had so much consistent depth.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! And, other ramblings and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens!

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see.

And, The Finale. From 2004? Waaaayyy still relevant.

Wise AND Hilarious

Underwear Goes Inside the Pants

Have a Wonderful Week!


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ImaginAction (c) 2008 — 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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After II

Beautifully Enigmatic

…Yes, we are. Well put. When we are not ourselves, when we do not actionably put into place our dreams, there’s a hole in the Universe puzzle where we were supposed to be. No reason to be MIA from oneself in one’s own life. It’s impossible to hide from ourselves anyway as we know where we are. Though, strangely as it were, people ARE able to hide themselves away from themselves. Beautifully En Ig Mat Ic.

I Prefer

I prefer to reveal character and keep my boundaries on a workout regimen to both train people how to treat me, as well as enhance, reinforce, and strengthen them. Them, meaning my own character of identity, and them meaning other people as I feel we enhance and amplify one another as we stretch together experiencing one another’s perspective.

That In

That in itself is simply one tool I use to tune the clarity of my voice and vision through action as one would tune a piano. Not nebulous at all. A little Neptunian boundarylessness, though not vague. And, maybe not even a tool at all as more often than not it’s simply how I operate. Practice 10,000 kicks and cool, though so what? Practice one kick 10,000 times, and the mind forgets as the body remembers. Things focused on and immersed in or with integrate things naturally. That’s why it erodes people over time to stay in negative or toxic environments, regardless of how centered they are. Water conforms to its cup. You get shaped. Shit spatters, and that stuff gets in.

Water Conforms

Water confirms to its cup.

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in ateapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. ~ Bruce Lee

Be fluid, though don’t blindly go with the flow. Only dead fish go with the flow. Turn upstream to strengthen. Experience the water bringing the food downstream to you.

There Are

There are no dead end roads. When you get to the end of one, what’s the view? What’s the vantage point? What’s the advantage point? Pause. What’s the workability there you would have otherwise never experienced? Can there be any MORE questions in this paragraph?

Experience The Advantage Point before going, hmmmppph. Worth keeping the experience? Cool. New jewel of experience. Not Worth keeping? Just as cool, so don’t. Cut it. Drop it. Dissolve-evaporate-release it fully. No goodbyes, certainly no long goodbyes. Let go like deadheading pansies, and feel your energy no longer spent there further fuel what you do keep. Feel how deadheading keeps things fresh and viscerally vibrant.

As I

As I expressed in the Imagination Primer book portion of Tarot in the Land of Mystereum ( (c) 2011 Jordan Hoggard, published by Schiffer Publications 2011), Forgetting is for getting. It makes more room for the good stuff. There are also no failures. Only OFLEs. OpportunitIes For Learning Experienced. I don’t look for the positive in negative situations. I look for the workability.

As soon as as you concern yourself with the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you. ~ Morihei Ueshiba

Quoted from The Art of Peace by Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido. Translated by John Stevens, 2007, Shambhala

There is a way of survival which helps and strengthens you; there is a way of destruction, which pushes you into oblivion.

Quoted from The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Translated by Thomas Cleary. 2005, Shambhala

Embrace the creation and destruction and making and Death As the Master Gardener in the unforgivingly interrogating tensions of the creative act where edits are integrated and/or disappeared as effortlessly as chaff, from wheat, in the wind.

Just like Nature’ll kill ya in an instant high above treeline above 14,000 feet on a 14’er, allow YOUR Inner Nature to be as natural. Roll the weather in and out through the world of your creativity As Nature does in the world. No malice. No rage. No happy or sad or glad. 100%, pure, uncut identity. That’s intensity. Take the care of the Alchemist, though. Like 100% cranberry juice is toxic, has to be cut with apple juice or other, so it is with your deep well, your Inner Inhertiances and innate talents you’ve developed into abilities. Do you flow or crash? People conform to the cup and vessel of their world. What shape have you made your world into on the potter’s wheel of your life? How do YOU grow a Lotus out of the mud so to speak?

Quoted from After II right here by Jordan Hoggard. Today,

Heck, Even

Heck, even fear and stress are solid navigation tools when not allowed to be hijacked by anxiety which distorts it into being afraid. DUCK! Yep, glad I listened. Fear can be like radar, like a cone zone on the highway. No need to drive through the cones and off the portion of the bridge that’s out. Well, if you have a flying car… Otherwise, that’s on you.


And, Fear

And, FEAR, like the butterflies in the stomach before a speech kind of fear that’s really your body warming you up, your nerves reaching out, your nerves engaged in preparation for activity. Your anxiety will never tell you you are in danger, because anxiety is what will get you in danger in the 1st place. Fear doesn’t step in the pothole twice. The next time, fear will walk you around a different way never to engage that pothole again.

Before the Speech

Before the speech? Your Will will tell you it’s just warming up the car, preparation for activity nerves. Fear, is Radar Love. FEAR. Feeling Energized And Ready yet?

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ImaginAction (c) 2008-2012 Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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I May Be Hated for This

I may be hated for this, though, I’ll say it without shame or recourse as it’s not something I need to explain. I Intend to simply express it.

Time is too valuable. Yours. Mine. Both/And. There’s no either/or on that.

2 Weeks

2 weeks prior to the shutdown, I opened back up my blog after a 5-year radio silence (another story).

There you go. That’s it. I am glad I gave myself the swift kick to jump start myself once I had done what I needed to over the 5 years plus-minus, and been free of the mess — another‘s, mine simply allowed it in. I will certainly own that — I needed to clean up. And, I did.

What did I do? 3+ years of bi-weekly.monthly Brainspotting sessions. As a Psychologist in the UK expressed, I’ll call her C… That’s hardcore. Yes, though hardcore was necessary. Frankly, hardcore was minimum. Had to be addressed, Had to be addressed robustly and fully.

The Strong Survive?

You see, I feel, yes, the strong survive… in all the times in between times like now. But, not now. Now, the strong may fall away like chaff from wheat in the wind. Now, in this-pandemic in-between epochal time, the adaptable thrive. Not to forsake anyone suffering, though I am not suffering. Quite the contrary. And, I know better than to put my life on hold until everyone else is better. I feel that’s just false empathy that is self-destructive behavior.

Up on the mountain, Mt Democrat near Breckinridge in October 1998 — ?, 1999?… cool that something this vivid has fired time. Now, I don’t really recall except to pin it at 2+ decades ago. I was above treeline, at 14.363+ feet. So, let’s generalize and switch the personage since it’s not trauma for me anymore. Let’s switch it not to You, though to the editorial you.

You’re on the ride. Nature’ll kill ya. Regardless of your experience level, Nature’ll kill ya.

You slip off the back cornice into the scree field. You slide. You slowly slide for 2,500 vertical feet the wrong way down. The front of the mountain to down is a story. The back side down has a 2+ second drop-off. That’s death. You maybe can, though I can’t survive a 2+ second fall onto craggy rocks. Well, I don’t know that, so I’ll mod the statement. It’s most likely that I can’t survive a 2+ second fall onto craggy rocks. Thousand 1, thousand 2, click.

So, you’re stuck. You accidentally made just THAT mistake, an honest one, though nonetheless made it, and Nature doesn’t discern forgiveness that way. At this altitude in these conditions, Nature’ll kill ya. Instantly, without hesitation.

You slipped at 2pm when you should be getting off the mountain the other way. 1 hour. 2 hours. The sun starts to set behind the rim of the bowl.

1 more hour, 2. It was 73 degrees F When you slipped. Now? It‘s 23 F going to 19 F. A storm comes in, you’re still day-dressed. Shorts and a T-shirt because you carried the heavy 2 cases of water up while someone else packed your fluffy ski coat in their pack..

What was 73 degrees F, after the sun dropped below the crescent of the bowl, is now in no less than 4 hours, 23. Then, after 6 hours? 19-degrees F. It’s late October. I reiterate the temp. 19. In shorts and a T-shirt, that’s butt-ass frickin cold.

You Skip

You skip the long, middle heart of the story here, because now you’re not there anymore, have received the message, have healed the shock, have told the story time and time again, and are now relatively tired of just the feat of the story. Now, you’re here. You’re here, now, again.

Though, the memory, now not charged anymore is indelible. You’re bleeding at the summit with no water. Blood and sand. You’re by yourself past midnight having made it back to the fateful back basalt cornice At the top. Nothing but yourself and just shy of 14,363 feet above sea level and 19 F. Actually, trauma soul-skins were shedded on the backside scree field. You are less than yourself. Stripped down to, Adversity doesn’t build character. It reveals it. ~ James Lane Allen. You’ve disassociated the pain as simply a sensation as you don’t have time for entertaining your will crumbling to crippled.

And now? It’s dark. It’s 19 degrees F. Sand-Aid bandaids NOT by Curad. You pack the sanguine blood flows with sand. Face. Forehead. Left knee. Calves. Hands. You work hard with sand to keep your red life inside, not bleed out. I’m done. I want to get off this. No more. I can’t take anymore. You never have that thought. If you did, you could sit down. And die, as that’s a way off the mountain. But, you can’t. You’re alive, and that’s that.

Life’s Not a Ride

Life’s not a ride like that you can get off of. Neither is the pandemic.. At that time on the mountain, above treeline, in the dark, freezing, living ion blood and sand, you live, or you do not live. And, until you’re off the mountain, until December 2020 when it’s settled and safe… you’re not. You must take care. You must adapt. You must do this until you get back down. THere’s no deadline. There’s no hurry. There’s no rest.

Never hurry, never rest. ~ Goethe

Statements liKe that above just don’t mean anything in these times. We can’t complain or whine our way out. It’s not over until it’s over, and until then, you’re on the mountain. You can’t just intolerate the situation to make it better. It is what it is. Like now. Pandemic. One of those In-between times in between the other times.

Do you continually NOT resist the change and adapt? Do you continually more and more each day reveal the character of what you love and begin to see sunlight through the trees so to speak? Glimmers not of hope, but of thriving?

Up There

Up there, above treeline, in 19F, day-dressed, you can’t just say, I’m done I want off. I want to go home. Well, again, you can. You can sit down, not move for several hours in a row ion 19 degrees F and 45-50 mph winds, and freeze, and die. I don;t think your story will be penned as The Shining II, though.

So, you can’t. You can’t, because you’re alive. NO matter how dire or downtrodden or deflated or or or. You’re alive. And, the pain let’s you know that. You feel pain. It’s clear. You feel pain. And, that let’s you know you’re alive.

You can’t waste that kind of energy reserve up there, can’t even have the slightest inkling of thinking about it. You have to focus everything you have on what works By adapting. Otherwise… Nature. It’ll kill Ya! Your tears. You even consciously stop crying because you are squandering your water. Like your blood. Gotta keep the life inside, so more stuff can come from within Later.

So, you keep moving. And, you keep moving WITH Nature. It’ll still kill ya, though at least you have the companion of Nature until then. Pretty good one I might add. Especially, when it reveals YOUR Nature.

And, that’s my point. You see, I see the, only the strong survive statement As spin marketing false. That is dafuqin simply bullshit. No charge. No anger It just is. The strong survive in the in-between times? Yes. They certainly do, when it’s fuckin’ easy, and they can delegate or rather most times abrogate. Like now, though, are they gone when it matters? Or, attempting to lead a charge into… NOPE. STOP. Not comfortable with where I just asked myself to go. Pause. Just Pause. No leading the lemmings over the cliff ‘cause the government said I could go back to the office.

Mark Twain: “I am a patriot always, always supporting my country. I support the government only when it deserves it”

Isn’t That Like Now?

Isn’t that like now? Where, YOU decide what feeds your adaptation? Cool, you can legally go back to the office. BUT. Ethics Self Care question. SHould you?

Like now. The strong don’t survive these times. The adaptable ones do. And, the most adaptable ones THRIVE.

May I suggest for you to please blog your gig? Please blog your gigs of adaptation full of emotion (with solid boundaries of course). But, please DO? Will you seed community wisdom like that, a blog at a time? And, also, DON’T. BLog what you love! And, do it your way well!

We need that. At least I SAY we do. I find it of value To full-on dig the robust variety of people I follow and experience blogging. And, tenor and tune and tailor all of You perspectives to YOURS as we continually adapt towards community thrival. We ALL need community to survive. And, we ALL need the Inner Inheritances Community Of Your Inner Self. Not vampirism. I’m not asking for a bountiful harvest of people-beauty. I’m asking for…

Fully focusing on and into your creative work… Immersion births ablution. I feel you make the world a better place by doing so.


Personally, there’s only so far I can go without creative or adaptive influence before I starve. And, though I put in my vote at Mt Democrat at 14,363 ft up and down per the above truncated example, I’m not going to that experience again. Will you comment on your particular experiences of adapting? How you implemented workability for your own thrival? Heck. All similar, each unique. Ther are stupid questions, though their are not stupid experiences. Ok discount your 20s, then comment. 🙂

As Christina Schmidt expressed, If I read one more startup blog about COVID-19 I’m going to Hulk-out and start throwing things. I need the work of my fellows to keep me inspired. A-dafuqin-men!

I concur. I robustly and resonantly concur. If I do, I’ll effin HURL, too. You see? Right there. She Hulks-out. I Hurl. All similar, each unique. We’re all different, like everyone else.

Please Dial Into

Please dial into what you are feeling in that powerfully clear way you are feeling in that way you are particularly adapting. Can you comment from that place? I, for one will listen.

You, as only you cane be? That rocks! How do YOU do that? WithOUT Covid-19 Or 19 degrees F. Not denial. Not omission. Not avoidance.. LIFE! Life, NOW! How have YOU adapted? Not coped. That’s a to maintain mode that too easily backslides. How have you already adapted? Cool. You might naturally be doing things you aren’t aware of until you stare into them, shine light on…?

It’s Ok

It’s ok. after the shutdown, I did feel a little ashamed that I started shining 2 weeks before the shutdown, and almost felt to hold back. Almost. Then not. Then, NOPE. Fuck a bunch o’ that.. Why? Because I was shining. The a little ashamed part? That wasn’t until after the shutdown. I better keep it all quiet and stuff that I’m now having the time of my life. And, that’s when it hit me.

Pandemic? Yes. Serious as a heart attack? Yes. Has any bearing on my work? NONE. None at all. Well, other than it took a pandemic and my Dad’s massive heart attack last summer to take a week off, twice. That’s an issue. I get it.

Though, pandemic affect? Other than I have 2 more hours in the day for exercise, meditation, and creating as my commute sentence was commuted! Add, the mask, which ironically I had internal dropped. I stole back MY time. And, I’m not giving it back. I’m giving back, with creativity and imagination again. Shouldn’t have handed it over in the 1st place, though, hey, experience has value. And, I got my fair share of that value.

SaWEET! That felt gourmet good for my boundaries.

I Decided To Live Again

I decided to live again, then. And then, this hit. So, I… lived…DIFFERENTLY? NOPE. I dafuqin adapted, from a strong place of healthy, creative work I protected like family. Like a gardener mindful not to trample new sprouts, and adjust the path accordingly.

Day by day, what do I need to do differently? Day by day… new day by day rituals, mods, adjustments, shed skins not missed… etc, etc, ad infinitum ad nauseum. Just more INTENSELY now… for a while. Then, I decided to KEEP THAT. I decided to keep thriving on top of that new foundation. Even, amplify it. YES! Ok, I got this. What a NEW opportunity to refresh the discipline of my rituals! Heck. Jump in. Help out the change. Start shaking the tree. What ELSE can you shake out?

The only shame is it took a pandemic or my Dad’s heart attack last summer for me to take a week off, twice. That’s a problem. That’s on me. 🙂 + sunglasses.

Like chaff, from wheat, blown off in the wind. Like the snake its skin shedded, the snake its skin not missed, I started adapting. In one step, I realized I was getting 3 weeks to the gallon of gas in the vehicle without the double commute. Then……


How do you thrive in these times? How are you wonderfully adapting?

How do YOU thrive in these times? How do you adapt?

I, for one will listen. WIll you comment yours?

I’ll Start to Pause

I’ll Start to pause for now with this.

Fear? Fear is GREAT! It alerts you to duck. To drive around the cone zone instead of off the bridge that’s out ahead. Fear s radar, actionable and informed intuition straight from your Nature, your instinct. It’s anxiety that’s the fucker. It’s anxiety, when it kidnaps the radar of your fear, torture-distorts it into being afraid, that’s the problem. That’s not a good problem to have. Fear is, though.

How do you use your healthy, radar fear, intuitive alert system to amend your soil and keep thriving?

You see, vulnerability is the birthplace of courage. ~ Brene Brown

You see, I expressed I was a little ashamed earlier. In doing so, I realized I was not. I was not ashamed. My fear, that Radar Love Fear i cherish as Inner Community Family. I had allowed myself to slip. I allowed myself to slip off the cornice of Mt Democrat. I allowed myself to slip off the cornice of the pandemic for just a second. I am not ashamed of that. I caught this one in time I allowed anxiety to hijack my cherished fear. For just a second. I allowed It, just for a second. And, just for a second is long enough to…

… long enough to start a slow leak towards deflation, which then feeds on itself to continue to diminish Self, and then to…

Depletion indicates mis-spent efforts. ~ Jordan Hoggard

I am Not

I am not ashamed. I am not ashamed, anymore that I was momentarily afraid. Not anymore. I felt the inner pressure gauges drop then. BAM, as clear as the temperature dropping on the mountain. Now. This time, my radar communicated to me, and I powerfully listened in powerful witness OF MYSELF. The inner pressure gauges just dropped out, like a psychological mini-stroke, just off-line suddenly and just as suddenly back on. What was that? I noticed. I was aware. I asked my Inner, what’s your message? That particular fear is no longer kidnapped. The message was, I do not dissolve, and I live in your heart. I no longer allow that grace to be held hostage.

How do you hold your grace hostage?

How can you Soul Retrieval retrieve being afraid from its incarceration, and bring it back to fear? How can you commute the anxiety commute to get fear back home in your heart?

One must have a chaos in the heart to birth a dancing star. ~ Friedrich Nietzche

And, by chaos, I discern Nietzche’s intent to be Nature. Though, I’ll not presume that, just resonate with how it strikes chords with me.

How can you thrive, regardless? How do you thrive? What can you do to thrive? What supports your thrival?

How Do You Hold Your Grace Hostage?

How Can You Mod to Your Current Now?


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Thank You Tuesday Tours 060220

TY Tuesday Serendipity Itineraries


Thank You Tuesday Serendipity Intineraries are about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, enjoy and/or follow and/or simply experience. Explore the Serendipity Itineraries Below where I share the trailhead, stacked stone cairns of paths I’ve experienced over the past week from people I follow, new people and places I’ve found, and just because they came to mind and I put them in the menu.

If you have a blog or video or similar that you’ve produced that supports any comment you make here, or want to add in to the sandbox, you have my express permission to link to it in your comment. Please do. By all means self-promote. Add more to the Serendipity Itinerary and gift people more places to visit and experience!

… epic spirals of giving and receiving …

Some people say

Don’t toot your own horn. Seriously?! Shaking head.

Somebody’s gotta start the band. Uh 1 a 2 a 1 2 3…

Today’s Serendipity Itinerary

Philip Edwards Pmespeak’s Blog ~ Remember! Once warmth was without fire. Our antiquity is animated!

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here.

Charlotte Heather ~ Soprano. Charlotte and her partner are doing weekly balcony concerts in the UK!

Christina Schmidt, MA ~ Sassy Scorpion Tarot. Yes, the name says it all. And, it’s all true. Intense. On, not off. Sassy, Scorpionic depths to immerse yourself like in a Tarot hot spring. Go for the spring, stay for the spring in your step after.

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too!

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see!

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, say whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. You talk a good game, but can you box? Yes, Susi Bocks. Concision has never had so much consistent depth.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! And, other ramblings and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full. Robust. Full of feeling and fluid fluency and flow. Majestic. Hi Mom!

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens!

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see.

Have a Wonderful Week!


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Stress Is Not the Issue

Trees with strong roots laugh with storms.

~ Old Malay Proverb

I’ve seen

I’ve seen a lot of articles on Eustress over the years, the positive form of stress. Don’t get me wrong. My intent is not to dismiss them out of hand, or at all. They provide some wonderful tools and perspectives, some brilliant. I haven’t linked any here. You can kneel to The Google Oracle for that. They’re mostly valid, some brilliant and ground-breaking, though for the most part, I don’t think they really get off the ground or dive deep to get past the surface. Again, no slam. Just me expressing that I think there’s a blind spot in regards to stress.

From my perspective stress is not a problem In the 1st place. It is simply an often over-used buzzword that now borders on crisis–mongering, attention-getting slang, instead of KEEP GOING. Keep rockin’ your gig. Oh Jordan! Stop being so nit picky-word-specific. You and your semantics are just SOME ANTICS. Stress, stressful. What’s the diff?!

To which…

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug, the lady and the ladybug. ~ Mark Twain

Stress Is

Stress is not the actual issue from my perspective. Stress is simply a force applied, an influence, an experience. It’s Strain that’s the driver as I see it. Strain is deformation, causes something to be bent from a memory perspective with things like wood or steel. Strain affects an indelible influence. I don’t believe you can have stress. It’s a potential influence, certainly real, though it’s IF stress affects or influences you that that I question. I don’t think you can have stress. If affected or influenced by stress, it is not stress anymore. It is causative strain.

Damage Versus Influence

I think you can experience stress or stresses And eustress. Though, if the force stresses you such that you don’t bounce back to form, then it’s not stress you have. It’s strain. Stress is like pointing to the water or environment you swim in, and strain it what they do to you, how they affect you. That also has to do with your wits and wisdom and ability to keep perspective… in stressful situations. I firmly feel you can have strain, though. That’s what I feel most people are referring to when speaking about stress. Most have the concept they experience right on the money, though just the wrong word to pair with it.

It can be difficult to sort out the signal from speedy, newsfeed noise and head-chatter-inducing static driven by the false sense of urgency of media and the amount of information we encounter even in a single minute. That in itself can put you in a heightened sense of trauma, and in addition make for a dulling of your senses by overload such that the inertia of it makes it more and more difficult even to fathom pulling yourself out of the pond so to speak, much less to counter it in response rather than reactionary ways. And, then in that vulnerable state, you are fed highly repetitive, psych-slang of stress... among other misinformed things.

If you do not read the paper each morning, you are uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed. ~ Mark Twain

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. ~ Mark Twain

Vulnerability is the birthplace of courage. ~ Brene Brown

Adversity doesn’t build character. It reveals it. ~ James Lane Allen

The arrows above indicate the stress or stresses, the force(s) applied.

Structural Psychology (my words to reflect Structural Engineering as I see it applicable to Psychology… Most likely not the Psych profession‘s version, though that can be TBD)

I take a Structural Engineering view of psychological stress. Stress is simply a force applied. Strain, the strain of your experiences and traumas and influences are the gigs I see worth actionable exploration. ~ Jordan Hoggard

The thing that is stressed bends or moves or deflects. When the stress is removed, it returns to its original form. Strain is when that stress pushes something past its elastic limits, past the memory limits of the material or identity. And, when the stress is removed, it doesn’t return to its original form. There, strain has occurred. Permanent deformation. Indelible, or poignantly present influence. Call it influence. Call it experience. Call it trauma.

Influence is not inherently good or bad, though I feel it important to discern the what of what has occurred. The material or person that is bent or dented or marked or influenced in some permanent, indelible way — at least until replaced if a material, or as a person you psychologically address it — it’s your call whether by yourself or with a Psych Pro. I certainly don’t intend psychological advice. I’m not a licensed Psychologist. I’m a layman who has a noggin’, and I consider myself qualified for life with it.

Are You Qualified for Life

Openings, Forces Applied to Self

Eight forces sustain creation: Movement and stillness; Solidification and fluidity; Extension and contraction; Unification and division. ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido

As soon as as you concern yourself with the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you. ~ Morihei Ueshiba

With Your Presence As Architecture, How Do You…?

How does a building stand on the ground?

How does it extend to the sides?

How does it open and close?

How does it reach for the sky?

~ Four existential questions about Architecture from Christian Norberg-Schultz. How can you apply them to yourself:

(Invisible, unseen, how stable is your foundation? How strongly are you rooted?)

How do you stand on the ground?

How do you extend to the sides?

How do you open and close?
How do you reach for the sky?

Perspective, Stability, Power

I see stress as being what you make of it, how it influences you, and/or how you do or do not allow it to influence you.. If your perspective is born of healthy boundaries and comfortability in your own skin, then trees with strong roots needn’t fear intense winds applies. or storms make oak trees take deeper roots.

With healthy boundaries, one is naturally aware of their strength and their strengths, and not prone to even flinch, but to experience, or DUCK! — like this Rock of Gibraltar Lighthouse is unmoved in the stormy ocean without any thought or will. It just is. Proudly, with no hubris. Simply is, itself grounded strongly in context. How do you design and develop and train yourself to be like this lighthouse regardless of the intensity of the forces present in your surroundings?

This lighthouse is simply stable, comfortable with itself in context. Stands there in powerful witness, might not even notice, just enjoy the intense foam and spray, like a welcomed massage session, or listening to music. I

I first suggest, especially with questions, to listen to others as if their voice is music. Do you want to immerse in it? Let it go to a wonderful and driving 11?! Do you want to change the channel, or click OFF? Take it from there. See if the technique is both natural and easy, and secondly whether it’s effective for you. Listen to people as music. Where does that go for you?


And, the lighthouse. Even during the most intense storms. It is a beacon to those out at sea, a beacon to help them navigate their storms, so they can wash up on the beach refreshed once the storm has broken rather than breaking them.

As I Began With

Trees with strong roots laugh with storms.

~ Old Malay Proverb

Sometimes I

Sometimes, people get their hackles up when asked a question. Expecting to be scolded — nascent trauma memory from childhood/the past being triggered from Inquisitor parents? — or expecting to take a hit actually or metaphorically, and/or expected now to do something, maybe that they don’t want to do? So many possibilities and permutations there. Parents are naturally, the Both~And of the Mentor/Tormentor. That is not dual. It can teach about the importance that is to engage your Shadow, to literally turn and face it… daily as required, if necessary, until it is not. I would suggest this is lifelong to continually refresh the Both~And of having a light and numinous world an ally on one shoulder, and dark and chthonic things allied on the other. Each allied with the other, they are a binary Star~Black Hole system that orbits around the Sun of you to keep you fresh… and do remember to change the filter before winter fully sets in.

46 Seconds To

Understand, though, every question/comment/request is urgent to the asker. I suggest to not assume urgency, or anything for that matter, When someone asks you a question, especially if they don’t couple their ask with a timeframe. That’s asking you to do their scheduling. Abrogation, is a word, putting ones’s responsibilities off on another. Delegation is cool, though, think through what you agree to receive there. Ask questions back. Once you agree, it’s your responsibility, regardless of missing clarity or requirement features.

Simply put, I suggest to inspect your expectations. Inspecting your expectations helps mitigate blind spots, assists to be able to listen more fully. And, also provides the opening for ‘No’ without explanation to be a complete sentence.

Duty in the World Community

I find it to be our duty to ourselves to be that tree in the wind, the Rock of Gibraltar Light House unmoved by a stormy and powerful ocean around it, simply fully engaged in the world. Are you able to simply and fully listen to questions asked in powerful witness, with Empathic Silence all the way through until someone is finished? And, pauses are not them pulling the trigger for “your turn.” Feel the pauses. How do they help you feel what is being conveyed? Then, take YOUR time with your response or non-response. You are not the asker, so with your priorities intact, the ask may not even be something you would even entertain in the first place. Stand there, and when the storm or high wind or potential influence passes, when the question or communication is complete, Take your time to feel into your response, especially if the asker is poke-prodding. That just implies a desperate false sense of urgency that they need to get it off their hot plate. Heck, keep some hot pads around. Hand it back to them. “So, you are asking… (insert ask)? Is that correct? Tell me more about what you expect for (insert x,y, etc). Please clarify those with things I missed.”

A concept that is simply luminescent and glows on healthy boundaries is, Lack of planning on your part will in no way constitute an emergency on mine. I suggest you plan better. It’s important to not support bad behavior. You are only training people how to treat you poorly. When we do that, it’s squarely on us to own.

Before You Respond

Before you respond to a question, question the question to yourself so you acclimate to it inside. How did the question feel? Is the person delegating within reason. Are they abrogating, or in other words being lazy and smoking the narcotic hope that someone will complete their responsibility? You know, looking for a sucker? Are they asking for advice, perspective, wisdom? Mundane? Large? There are as many kinds of questions as there are people to ask them, though until you say, ‘Yes,’ there are only two kinds of questions. Those questions that are responded to, and those that receive silence. It’s ok to imply no with eyebrows up and a smile non-verbally saying, as if. They’ll move on. There’s a sucker born every minute. It is each of our jobs to have sovereign boundaries that are simply in the shape of ourself with runflat sidewalls and road ready pressurized to 33 psi. Well, on a cold cold day, maybe drop to 32 psi for some squash factor for extra grip. Slipping’s no fun. Sliding can be.a joy. How’s your traction control in life?

Sometimes II

Sometimes there’s not even any reason to respond to a question or a stress, except to discern whether it begs a potential priority to be established on your part, or a response. And, if so, what degree of urgency, if any, is it given? It’s like noticing the weather. This isn’t a harsh or cold and insular and disconnected way of interacting. It trains people how to treat you and trains how well you care to care for yourself. And, if it’s their stuff, to take care of it themselves with just two eyebrows up and pursed lips with no words in response. Always put the onus of responsibility on the asker to find out for themselves first, if they are able. Many people I know, though, are simply curious and asking a question. That’s an invitation to engage in conversation, which most times I full-on dig.


I would ask, instead of stress, how do you clearly experience the weather of Nature or weather of events or people around you? Initially, how are you influenced? Do you react out of hand, jump to respond startled and quickly? Do you powerfully whole-mindbodybeautiful listen completely until they have finished, and give the question Silence and a place to open up and expand between the two of you?

Sometimes people solve their issue right there in front of you while they are working the stress out as if it’s TO you. Sometimes in the asking of the question, the person is saying the thought out loud for the 1st time, and in so doing run the process through, and at the end of their question, their head pops up with a smile. Nevermind. Just got it. It brings a smile when I see someone do that, work out their question right there in front of you.

Interpersonal Connection

There’s a certain, sacred, Oracle quality to interpersonal connection from my perspective. And, sometimes only one person needs to speak. Like you go to the “Oracle” of a friend to ask a question. They are stable and quiet, and fully listen. They simply provide you a wonderful mirror, in safety, where Your words not mine smiles into play.

This Friendship Oracle, as I began to call it while penning this blog, also makes it unnecessary to discern whether there is potential danger of Psychological Projection or Projective Identification to watch out for. (Yes, I ended a sentence in a preposition… we have a response for that in Texas… re-end the sentence to some with an expletive). You’re not required to respond except by yourself.

In the case of PP or PI may I suggest the following response: (Do not respond, don’t become ensnared or entangled in the Tar Baby), or Your words not mine. I’m glad you can describe yourself so aptly. Good for you! (In a happy tone, no conflict engagement, though no taking it on, either). 

If you have a Narcissist or Sociopath on your hands, the best way I find to argue with them? Just don’t. Walking away is a complete sentence there, and a last sentence as you re-prioritize your placement to move yourself to safety. Nevermind their follow-up chatter in your wake where they spill the beans of PP and/or PI with shaming and vitriol. They just attempted manipulation, and your stable mirror of that Light House can reflect it all right back where it should be. In them.

After their feign, their sweetie-pie lie-shiny-Angler-Fish-bait to lure you in, they out themselves to boot. You might even have an ablution cascade of tingles flow through your body full-on pleased and proud of yourself when you walk away, viscerally feeling how much you did the kind thing for yourself. No hubris. Just feels good.

Realistically, though, from my experience — and I’m sure there are PLENTY of exceptions — this type asks very few questions, if any at all. Questions imply interest, and that in itself speaks volumes about them, and how to maintain safe passage navigating away from them. I‘ve experienced them most often leading in with a psychological rib-spreader knife, just opening with some kind of shaming statement to try and appeal to some inner guilt. Not playing. They open with that play, and the play ends. Exeunt stage left to transform them… into Ex.

Another response I remember using, and of course I might as well have detonated a bomb… You’re a great Angler Fish, though not a very good fisherman. At least drop the hubris and pay your Inner Electric Bill to get the light thingee turned on for that dangly thingee. Your brightness is supposed to come from within, NOT gulp others’ to your within.

How Do You Experience?

How do you experience the weather of things you experience around you? Can you tune to your signal and discern more for what resonates with you from your perspective? I hope de-personalizing experience into weather can give you a better handle, and improve the strength of owning and healing places where you may hold your grace hostage. I hope you tune into You As Only You Can Be.

Disciplined Action Is Important. What Do You Hear With This 46 Seconds the 2nd Time Around?

How Can You?…

How can you brighten yourself? How can you train your innate talents into developed abilities? How can you do this in ways that enhance your natural intensities to make yourself more of who you are? I suggest to dose yourself with something good about yourself. Meditate not about a problem. Try meditating fully immersed in something wonderful about yourself. See what happens.

emotional and intuitive harmony, discerning feelings clearly, hidden depths seen

If you stop to address every barking dog along the way, you’ll never get anywhere. ~ Winston Churchill. He was on quite a journey, huh?

What’s Your Weather Response When It Looks Like Rain?


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Let The Holiday Fun Begin with…

eStocking Stuffers!

Load up your cart at the Shop with inexpensive eProduct Stocking Stuffers, complete your order, and then have fun shopping for Just the right color thumb drive. Drag and drop the eAstro Art Chart(s) and other eProducts onto it, and smile as you slip it into Holiday stockings. Your thumb drive is the wrapping, and then color and life in the Art Chart And other cool PDF gifts opens right up on your/their device of choice. 

Or, Try this! You as Santa set up draft emails with your eGifts attached. Sit around the tree or ZOOM eTree Screens eTogether and point and shoot to each person. Ok, who’s next? Click Send on their eStocking by email and they receive it right on the spot from the same room or around the ZOOM eTree. How cool is it when all can share in the joy of each person’s eyes light up with the colorful feast of music for the eyes begins to play into their world. Astro Art. Tarot Readings. Artwork Monograph. Tarot Reading Methods. Poetry.

Which eStocking Stuffers will you give this season?

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Jordan’s Journeys

Proudly Sponsored by The Shop ImaginAction Store

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ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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