Category Archives: Incarnations

The personalities of Tarot cards expressed as themed characters.

Logos? Eros?

Logos? Eros?

Logos Is Not Just Dead Stuff That Only Has Frequency and Harmonics…

Logos IS the Holy Grail.

You Are the Holy Grail. We Each Are.

Your House. Your Stuff. Your Body As Temple.

Your life is what you fill it with.

Lifelong. Always complete, never finished.

Can you own it?

If So, What do You Fill Yours With?

And, What Is the Container Like That You Fill?

Yup, Logos May Be Dead, Though…

Death Is the Mother of Memory and Dream,

The Confluence of the Perpetual Present Which Contains It to Make It Available Whenever You Want it. Yes?

That is all. The rest today (below) is just filler.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Victor Frankl

A tree can not grow to heaven unless its roots grow to hell. ~ C.G. Jung

Be your own best ally. That way, when you are your own enemy, it’s one less step to take as you’ve already kept your enemies closer. You see, enemies don’t betray you. They can’t, because they are enemies. Betrayal comes from those close to you. So… when you see the waters of the people close to you, or yourself, parting… incoming! Just smile and turn right into it. Surprise! The wits and will of not being surprised at a surprise attack often act as a sea wall for that water to crash on… and flow back out. Then, you can address it… on YOUR terms, hearing theirs. The Royal We is and is not a misnomer. There can only be one mouthpiece. Do you take responsibility for yours? ~ (C) 2019 Jordan Hoggard

Trees with strong roots laugh in storms. ~ Malay Proverb

Avoid Inner Civil Wars by Facing Inner Beasties

A great attitude is great. Though, if you are all love and light, I bet when you are crossed you are a vicious and gnashing rodent due to your own internal imbalance that triggers and lashes out? Is that punitive or accusatory, or just accurate? Isn’t triggered reaction just that? Heck, can you say Thank You inside and know that YOU have something to address? Doesn’t that give new meaning to Don’t kill the messenger? Seems to me that it sure does. Even Don’t kill the messenger becomes a one-liner, single tenet of how to psychologically interact in a way beneficial to self and other. Hmmmm, I think I’ll give it a go. (can) You?

Chthonic Numinosity = Self. You Gotta Marry the Dark with the Light. Cummon… it’s FUN! Well, that’s not the word for it, though isn’t it rewarding? Silence is as valuable as being able to go to 11. Don’t waste trouble. As Alejandro Jodorowski’s Chariot said, I made a diamond out of my misfortune. Can you?

Do you? Will you? Will you face your troubles when they arise, or zip back into the coral shell? Maybe you aren;t as fragile as you’ve been led to believe… Who was it Who’s said?… Keanu Reeves, maybe? Those who have been brutally broken, and can still be kind to others and animals, are badasses with a heart of gold. Welcome to the world, you Badass! Go YOU!

Whose ass are you going to kick with gratitude today? May they kick back, too. Again, Go YOU!

1992 Marketing

The Dark and Light in balance, equals (wonderful) Self. I laugh that when I first thought that, I laughed so hard I almost fell off my Unicorn. 😉

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

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This is coffee, not tea, so no strings or mesh ball to refill. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link

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Blog (c) 2021 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on February 24, 2021 in Incarnations


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The Only Time I ever Failed

The Only Time I ever Failed

The only time I failed was when I blamed someone else

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Victor Frankl

A tree can not grow to heaven unless its roots grow to hell. ~ C.G. Jung

Be your own best ally. That way, when you are your own enemy, it’s one less step to take as you’ve already kept your enemies closer. You see, enemies don’t betray you. They can’t, because they are enemies. Betrayal comes from those close to you. So… when you see the waters of the people close to you, or yourself, parting… incoming! Just smile and turn right into it. Surprise! The wits and will of not being surprised at a surprise attack often act as a sea wall for that water to crash on… and flow back out. Then, you can address it… on YOUR terms, hearing theirs. The Royal We is and is not a misnomer. There can only be one mouthpiece. Do you take responsibility for yours? ~ (C) 2019 Jordan Hoggard

Trees with strong roots laugh in storms. ~ Malay Proverb

Avoid Inner Civil Wars by Facing Inner Beasties

A great attitude is great. Though, if you are all love and light, I bet when you are crossed you are a vicious and gnashing rodent due to your own internal imbalance that triggers and lashes out? Is that punitive or accusatory, or just accurate? Isn’t triggered reaction just that? Heck, can you say Thank You inside and know that YOU have something to address? Doesn’t that give new meaning to Don’t kill the messenger? Seems to me that it sure does. Even Don’t kill the messenger becomes a one-liner, single tenet of how to psychologically interact in a way beneficial to self and other. Hmmmm, I think I’ll give it a go. (can) You?

Chthonic Numinosity = Self. You Gotta Marry the Dark with the Light. Common… it’s FUN! Well, that’s not the word for it, though isn’t it rewarding? Silence is as valuable as being able to go to 11

1992 Marketing

The Dark and Light in balance, equals (wonderful) Self. I laugh that when I first thought that, I laughed so hard I almost fell off my Unicorn. 😉

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

No Kindle required as all the eBooks are currently easily downloadable PDFs.

Tip coffee. Download your fill.

This is coffee, not tea, so no strings or mesh ball to refill. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link

Buy Me A Coffee

Blog (c) 2021 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on February 11, 2021 in Incarnations


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Mercury Rx (Retrograde) Squares Mars Today

Mercury Rx (Retrograde) Squares Mars Today

Mercury Rx Squares Mars Today

Mars Rx (Retrograde) squares Mars today, and we will have 6 out of 10 planets in Aquarius today — like big sprays of NOS on your Inner Fire = bonfire potentials.

Avoid Inner Civil Wars. Make Besties With Inner Beasties

From my pro-active ‘make diamonds out of misfortunes’ perspective I’d advise to put the clutch in, rev up the tach, and downshift hard and hold on for some wonderfully intense WHEEEEEEEE of some hella productivity at higher octaves of action with clarity. Beware of those who haven‘t gigged their inner gearbox as they are basically now coasting at speed and maybe without brakes = misunderstandings and squabbles as Gaia Genevieve Richards mentioned. Also, mind internal squabbles and internal civil wars. Marshall your forces. May I suggest for you to look at Pallas-Athena (Minerva) in your Astro Chart? Pallas’ strategic acumen in action makes Mars warring tendencies look like he’s playing checkers to her chess.

If you are less proactive and resonate more with avoiding conflict, I suggest to watch out for internal civil wars, and rain or shine carry a fire and brimstone rated Kevlar umbrella.Either way, no glass ceilings today and tomorrow. They were removed by Astro OSHA so innocent pedestrians on the walk below wouldn’t just be crunching on glass as they walk today, or have it sprinkle their coffee. Can’t mess with the jo.

New Moon Chalice For It To All Go In

Add the New Moon and… what are you going to resurrect and/or rename and/or re-do and or re-up your commitment to? January 1st was a bit arbitrary for New Years Resolutions, though today and tomorrow aren’t. I’d even go so far as to say they are functionally auspicious.How can you get more comfortable with the not-knowing today and allow yourself to expand and contract higher and deeper as only you can. Especially today and tomorrow, Your Life, Your Way.Image credit: The Coming of the Faeries, Tom O’Bedlam 1918 ~ Norman Lyndsay

Just some fun other stuff below to ignite your crucible today.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Victor Frankl

A tree can not grow to heaven unless its roots grow to hell. ~ C.G. Jung

When you make Besties with Beasties, do you remember their names… or, are they one time stands?

How are they allies that contribute to and amplify your ability to take action? Do they integrate or ally with you? Depends, huh?

Thanks for Visiting!

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

No Kindle required as all the eBooks are currently easily downloadable PDFs.

Tip coffee. Download your fill.

This is coffee, not tea, so no strings or mesh ball to refill. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link

Buy Me A Coffee

Blog (c) 2021 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on February 10, 2021 in Incarnations


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Is Your Dog Nice?

Is Your Dog Nice?

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Victor Frankl

Is My Dog Nice?

You ask that with a straight and unknowing face while the fury of your dog is full-on orbiting in a gnashing bark-fest at the end of their leash? Is my dog nice? Yes! And, she’s 125-pounds of nice. Though, your dog’s an asshole! Why do people ask that? Oh, I see. People don’t see themselves when they brush their teeth in the morning. That must be it. People don’t see themselves. Hmmm. Well, maybe the Ego is NOT such a bad thing after all. Dismissing it is just another shame-born gesture? Ok, then. No matter. The Ego is a short-timer anyway. It’s my understanding that it comes on so strong, because it can only last 2 minutes at a time. So, having problems with it? Just do deep breathing for 3 minutes, and then don’t be surprised when you open back in and look around and go, “So, what was so pressing? What was the problem, again?”

Please Inspect Your Expectations

Your dog may be telling you more than you know. You…. may be telling yourself more than you know. Strike that. Aren’t you?!!


Note: This blog will now have more of a Bukowski bent. Unrepentant. Zero shame. Zero explanation. Not comfortable with that and yourself and owning your stuff? Cool. No judgment, though, I suggest you leave. I will not respond to further private messages or comments that play the explaining or demeaning cards either way. Please make your comments in public, so that you have to take responsibility for how they come across in the context of the rest of us here who care about shit n stuff, and sometimes even some stuffstance. Clear?!


And, you lurkers who like x like 25 in under 12 seconds? Please go the fuck away, too. You are skewing my stats, and sending me an inordinate amount of bullshitic emails. I’d rather sincere engagement. 2 weeks from now, I will track through and remove you all. I will respect you more if you remove yourself. Tick tick tick… . . . . . . . . .


A tree can not grow to heaven unless its roots grow to hell. ~ C.G. Jung

When you make Besties with Beasties, do you remember their names… or, are they one time stands?

How are they allies that contribute to and amplify your ability to take action? Do they integrate or ally with you? Depends, huh?

Thanks for Visiting!

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

No Kindle required as all the eBooks are currently easily downloadable PDFs.

Tip coffee. Download your fill.

This is coffee, not tea, so no strings or mesh ball to refill. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link

Buy Me A Coffee

Blog (c) 2021 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on January 16, 2021 in Incarnations


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Toss Roses Into the Abyss

Toss Roses Into the Abyss

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Victor Frankl

A tree can not grow to heaven unless its roots grow to hell. ~ C.G. Jung

When you make Besties with Beasties, do you remember their names… or, are they one time stands?

How are they allies that contribute to and amplify your ability to take action? Do they integrate or ally with you? Depends, huh?

Thanks for Visiting!

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

No Kindle required as all the eBooks are currently easily downloadable PDFs.

Tip coffee. Download your fill.

This is coffee, not tea, so no strings or mesh ball to refill. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link

Buy Me A Coffee

Blog (c) 2021 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on January 11, 2021 in Incarnations


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Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Don’t Believe Everything You Think*

Love it!

*Featured image, Don’t Believe Everything You Think, (c) Loui Jover, Australian Artist

More than just the title which kinda implies being an Inner Spectator, not my cup of tea, I am digging that more than just to deal with external forces, Victor Frankl’s words also apply to the title of this blog with Loui Jover’s artwork used as the Feature image, internally.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Victor Frankl

Can you engage your thoughts as your own Inner Customs Agent, just conduct the flow of un huh NOPEs off to back from whence they came? Or, just over to the seive of the recycle filter for compost? Heck, can you put the clutch in on your thoughts. Just watch the tach(ometer) spin up. If your thoughts get into the redline, (anxiety), not to worry. Just call out inside, “NOPE. HOLD IT. FREEZE RIGHT THERE ANSD PUT YOUR HANDS UP.” Am I suggesting to police your thoughts? Yes, I very much am Suggesting that. If not you, who Then? Take responsibility in there 1st, and less trip-ups happen out here, fewer interference patterns tumble out to interrupt the things you enjoy. Like a big fart at the opera, just mentioning for a friend.

Police your thoughts… NAH! Be their pre-school and graduate school and sandbox teachers. No shame or guilt, just listening. That way you can mess up in your own way, not just in ways that slow you down from dancing with your path. That way you can mess up in your own way instead up messing up yourself even more in other peoples’ ways.

The Grapevine

Word tends to get around in your head, and then you find you aren‘t Really alone, ever, and also that you are not the only one working to get the others to behave. Then, heck, weather washes through. And, trees with strong roots laugh and smile through storms, just say ‘Thank You” for the free power wash after.

Clutch the ripe and raw geode thoughts and begin to enact them in action. Or, put the clutch in on them to leave external inaction in their internal orbits and let them play the aged-like-fine-wine game. Who let the dogs out?! Be mindful of your inner casks, though. Not much develops on its own inside until you have set it in motion out here, too. Then, things can live and evolve in the back of your head so to speak.

A tree can not grow to heaven unless its roots grow to hell. ~ C.G. Jung

As Above, So Below, How Do Your Roots Grow?

How does that contribute to and amplify your ability to take action?

Thanks for Visiting!

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

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Tip in Coffee. Download Your Fill

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on January 11, 2021 in Incarnations


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Re-Run ~ Dead-heading Pansies of Self,

I Culled Myself and Woke Up and Called Out

Death is the Mother of memory, the organic fertilizer that nourishes dreams, ideas, intuitions, imagination. 

What message do I have for myself from this experience?

Feel it. Hear it inside. GIve its resonance space to expand until it settles. Now, say it.

Keep it.

Pansies Are…

Dead-head your pansies in your garden, or pots, or urns, or wherever you have them. It’s a verdant gesture to keep them thriving and vibrant. There’s so much cool color when you do. So much cool color ALL the time. Dead-head the flowers as they start to wilt and drop them to the base of the plant. Death will then be the Master Gardener to nourish. Death, the mother of memory, will fertilize future flowers’ dreams. Dead-head, and that energy can go into the soil, and the energy that was going to that flower will strengthen the remaining full flowers and new growth.

patience, respect, renewal, resurrection, feeling unseen seeds cracking underground

Pansies Are Delicate, Though…

Pansies are delicate, though they are hardy. Pansies in the garden are no weaklings. Pansies are SO not pansies. Trauma works like pansies to a degree…


So many times after an intense experiences passes, I feel there is a tendency to say, Phhuuuuueeewww. Glad that’s over. Run away! Like Monty Python. Run away! Run away! 

Is it. Is it over? Is the experience really over? Or, is The End really Just The Next Beginning? Or, is the over simply that we escaped with our life? Or, escaped to be emancipated with more life, more of ourself revealed, now more evidently present?

Maybe, instead of Glad that’s over, somewhere along the line I’ve learned to dwell IN the experience while it was still fresh just afterwards, and then not have to dwell on it as some nebulous unresolved why-dafuq-do-I-get-triggered-that-way by who knows what that reminds me subtly enough that I don’t groc it until too late, for years to come.

Feel into trauma and experience wise in time or just after. Own it. Listen to its message. Allow it to integrate itSelf on its own terms. Continue WITH it as a new asset. Feel your empathy tuned up a notch in so doing. Respect and resonate in powerful witness with the trauma messenger inside. Be grateful to the person who triggered you BEFORE you act out driven by the trauma and not the totality of what you were the moment before. Express, Thank you for digging just there. I need to breathe and feel into that. ANd, if they are a solid friend comfortable in their own skin, they’ll understand, maybe even silently stay with you for the short vigil while you acclimate to the trauma re-surfacing, powerfully and respectfully and grateful listen to it in all its ferocity and candor and quiet subtleties.

Once Your Trauma Has

Once your trauma has re-acclimated to you as well — its birth to peel off from you to protect you and bleed off overload in the system and become a disconnected Part and be buried deep inside may Be the last time it saw you — get re-acquainted, and do so allowing the Part to lead. Don’t poison it with any words or expectations or presumptive putting words in its mouth. Allow it to speak, and do so on its own time rather than yours. The 1st session with a Part may simply be an awareness of one another session. Each encounter is different. It may leave and come back to check in later. Minutes. Days. Years. Simply reserve a place At your table for it when it presents each time.

Amending The Soil

It feels like fingers in black earth while amending the soil in the garden. If, just for a moment, I honor myself enough to be silent and still, not frozen, not in shock, silent and still, when I feel into the intense experience after I have washed up on the shore on the other side after the storm I’ve experienced has broken, I can feel-discern with a fresh clarity of vision in a new perspective framed by the experience before it evaporates. And, it informs me. It gifts me the message of my experience while it’s still fresh, instead of disappearing inside to become a trigger where the trauma is always kept fresh.

“Reflections” (c) 2005 Jordan Hoggard

Still Near It, Fresh

Still near it, fresh and wet behind the ears from my birth from The experience, before it’s truly past trauma, still focused by it and immersed in it rather than by me, a bit still hanging toes in the unconscious semi-liminal, it or I may gift myself a message from the experience before I fully step back over the trauma prison of Inner Beyond to here. Psychologists have plenty of titles for this. That’s cool. Creativity is not a diagnosis or a malady or a disorder. The only titles that matter to me are Tarot Reader and Author, Astrology Reader and Author (by Blog), Artist, Poet, Writer, Alchemist, Architect, someone who is Alive. Bold. Courageous. Caring. Empathic without being mushy… unless of course we have our toes in the mud… to grow a Lotus from the mud in joyous and as-if-without-thought-or will sandbox garden.


Fearlessness doesn’t apply here. I have plenty of fears. I simply don’t let anxiety kidnap them and torture and distort them into making me afraid. Guess that helps get off the mountain when those torrentially experiential storms come in rain-singing, Nature’ll kill ya. Keep breathing, and you’re still alive so you’re still a problem. Keep breathing. Nature’ll kill ya. Nature’ll kill ya. And, Nature will make you stronger when you relive yourself of the excess, when you deadhead the pansies in the Soul Garden so they keep thriving more and more strongly towards perennial naturalization each year.

I’d stay in that place as long as it took, not running for dear life to get as far away as possible, certainly not frozen, quite the contrary. Not fight or flight or freeze. Aware. Still. Focused. Patience is not docile or omissive. Patience is concentrated strength.

To In-dwell, To Enact

I in-dwell in the feelingsense home of the space, of the place, of my recent, intense experience. Sometimes 5 seconds. Sometimes an hour. Sometimes decades cycling around through its paces throughout my psyche. No deadline, no expectation. I simply make serendipitous stumbles in meditative momentS moving forward in a powerful and respectful witness of what just occurred. I don’t waste trouble.

And, I do that until I’ve psychic-gold-panned past the experience’s rough geode exterior to see beyond the rawness in the moment to the refined, potent message. I see into to the colorfully kaleidoscopic, living crystal, juicy gemstone, geode interior. And, the message comes as my head begins nodding. Almost without fail. Almost without fail is an acceptable risk to me.

I’ve had historical friends for as long as I can remember. Sometimes they are spectators, sometimes assistants, sometimes colleagues, and sometimes I’m the spectator when I Engage in process towards the message with something like: What would my friend Fred do?; How would my friend Bill B handle this?; What does CG‘s ‘Red Book’ have to offer?

How Do You Keep It?

Who Are Your Historical Friends?

How Can They Help You Today?

How do I keep it? I keep it with an open palm up to the sky where it would nestle in my hand. No closing my hand and holding tight white knuckling to possess it. That suffocates things. Embrace it. Embrace the person or thing as a talisman, a talisman of THEMself on their terms. No need to digress into Psychological Projection or Projective Identity. Those two are the horseshit born of not owning your own stuff.

How do I embrace and meet up with inner, geode messages?

Open handed, reciprocal figure to ground touch, the Both/And touch of the Yin-Yang, the apogee master violin bow single-stroke bindus connecting inhale and exhale, forming breath as prayer. That’s how I embrace and meet up with these inner, geode messages.

Adversity doesn’t build character. It reveals it. ~ James Lane Allen

Be there. Be present. The present is perpetual.

Boundaries that create separation simply induce self-imposed anxiety. Boundaries that establish identity and distinctions can dance and immerse in one another without dissolution. I love swimming. I love swimming immersed with another and their uncut intensities even more. Fun stuff.

Then, if you‘re still alive, keep it.

And, saturation needn’t be drowning in the distress of a situation. Like a high performance, high speed, X-rated radial tire — rated for speeds over 134 mph, it’s on you to take responsibility for how far you take it above that… they’re not concerned about a court case at that level above 200 mph as that’s on you top make sure — you and your tires are filled up to 33 psi for stability, and maybe dropped to 32psi for added grip in the turns in the cold? Yes. Vrooom, shift n corner, baby! Shift n corner TOGETHER!

Message Gifts Kept

From your experiences, what gems of messages have you mined to keep?

They are yours, I respect that, and ask that you do as well. No need to comment them here. Please comment only IFF if and only if you care to and are full-on comfortable to share them. Otherwise, they are yours to tune your Soul’s liquid silence with the resonant chords of you and nurture the healthy boundaries of the Royal Castle Around You forming you as Presence As Architecture, or whatever you decide you do with… (Hey presumption, get the effa outa here and know when to shut dafuq up)

May I suggest that Your Presence Is Architecture, Presence As Architecture. Keep it. Upkeep it. Nourish its powerful limits and boundaries. Fly as high as your roots go deep. Swim as deep And infinitely as your dreams expand within.

How do you dead-head the pansies of trauma to nourish yourself by respectfully integrating them?


What Have You Mined, and Kept That You Use to Enact Your Priorities? Does Form Follow Priority? And/Or, Is The Form Simply the Consequence of Your Form-Giver?

I go with the form-giver. Beauty necessarily has some weirdness she’s, some flaws. Otherwise, it’s just pretty. Like quick fixes have shallow roots, pretty is temporary. Beauty endures, as beauty evolves to continually be itself.

You have no responsibility to be who you were even 5 minutes ago. ~ Alan Watts

Thanks for You, as only you can be, visiting here today in the perpetual present.

Holiday Super eStocking Sale Going On In The Shop!

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008, 2011, 2012, 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on November 29, 2020 in Card Curiosities, Incarnations, The Mystery


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Visceral Path ~ Sacral to Crown Walk Through the Feel of Sacred Architecture

Visceral Path ~ Sacral to Crown Walk Through the Feel of Sacred Architecture

I Walk

I walk the path of knowing 
living in the not-knowing, 
death as the mother of memory,
the nourisher of dreams 
in this confluence of all things 
that is the perpetual present. 

Comfortable with the not-knowing, 
forgetting is for getting. 
It makes more room for the god stuff to breath. 
That often magnetizes 
more good stuff 
for more intense breath,
for more intense forgetting,
for getting
the good.

Is health simply integrated armor?

Are We

Are we all the unmoved mover? 
Do we all move like entering Mont St. Michel? 
The scheduling danger of coming and going. 
Too attached to your plans? 
Cool, I suggest to not attend the visceral, 
experiential feast that is Mont St. Michel then. 
Though, if fluid, 
and not going with the flow,
as only dead fish go with the flow, 
do you tack the sailboat of your life 
with fluid fluency
into the wind? 
Back and forth navigating forward into the intensity,
do you move from depth
to heights
to rise up and open yourself 
like a corporeal cloister?

Once Said

Christian Norbert-Schulz once said:

How does a building stand on the ground?

How does it extend to the sides?

How does it open and close?

How does it reach for and zipper with the sky?

To which I will add,

How does it feel?

What Are the Consequences Of Feeling?

Well, ice crystal recording devices can be a cool gig.

Look What Can Happen

To the top of your car
when you come home 
in butt-ass cold one winter evening
as the sun sets
after a 30-minute drive 
after giving a Tarot reading 
that fills you with, 
This is why I do this,
and discover THIS the next morning.

I Draw, and in So Doing

I draw
And, in so doing
I abduce,
I draw out...

Yesterday evening.
I drew The Emperor,
and said nothing.

That spoke volumes to me, 
That I said nothing. 
Just sat,
feeling Silence.

That spoke volumes to me,
the Architect.
Too attached to form.
Too attached to results.
Too drawn.
Too specified.
Too dimensioned.

Place established,
I now care less about dimensioning beauty.

It’s time to over-listen,
and in whole-body listening,
as I feel into my Silence,
as I listen to others.

I Currently Have 6 Favorite Quotes

I have six favorite quotes in no particular order. 
They all orbit together 
in my Idea Solar System 
as they do at any given time. 

they are all Rx, 
powerful as they sit and emanate.
Retrograde, Rx, is a stationing, 
a sitting planted strongly, 
the intensity
of the focused power
of patience.

Mercury Rx?
Re-sync to the new tach level.
Dial in
to dive in differently.

Mercury Rx in Mars Rx?
We might need a new transmission soon.
Till then,
shift n corner differently as only you can.
Your Life, Your Way.

It’s not no better time than the present.
The present is perpetual.

What am I,
What are You,
going to do with all this future in front of us,

Death may be the Mother of memory,
and Nourisher of dreams,
is always the time.

I chose The Tower.
I drew The Tower.
I had already created and made The Tower.

Though, now?
World ALTARing.

when it appears that everything fell apart,
did everything simply fall in place
for the first time
outside the bounds
of your expectations?

Inspect your expectations.
Has your life simply come together
for the first time
in a way you are full-on unfamiliar with?

It can certainly induce a startle.
Fortunately, I run towards gunfire.
I tack the sailboat into the wind
square my shoulders to face
the time
in the space
of this place
now unconcerned with form and results

with Self. 

Be yourself. I hear everyone else is already taken.

~ Oscar Wilde

I Currently Have

I currently have six favorite quotes:

Symbolic representation and imagistic writing are the pure hieratic forms of esoteric expression. Through symbolism, and through it alone can we read the thought of the Ancients. It is only through the symbolical that we will be able to coordinate the known elements of this great civilization and that the writing may take on its true meaning.   

 ~ R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz — The Temple In Manp. 19

There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the Bud was more painful than the risk of blossoming.

~ Anais Nin

Trees with strong roots laugh at storms.

~ Malay Proverb

A heart in love with beauty never grows old.

~ Turkish Prverb

Forgetting is for getting. It makes more room for the good stuff to breathe.

~ Jordan Hoggard riffing off of to evolve the Imagination Primer from Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.

If you don’t read the paper each morning, you’re uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed.

~ Mark Twain

Cloister of Self ~ The Temple In Man

The Temple of Luxor at Karnak

How Do You Listen

When Silence Presents

The Oculus of Itself To Self,

To You?*

* Note: Jung, Nietzsche, and the Wm pair, Blake and James, were napping at the time of this post. Well, that’s what I was told When they could not be reached for comment to provide a quote. I’m pretty sure they played hooky and are hanging out with Julia Morgan and Harriet Tubman and Cleopatra and Sophia. Pallas-Athena and Moira and Astraea will take your cover at the door.

From deep and chthonic Sacral places Kundalini-ing up through numinous Crown

How Do You Listen

When Silence Presents

an Oculus of Connection?*

Tip Your Server? Cool, Buy Me a Coffee. Thanks Much.

* Note: The Portal of the Seamless Segue wormhole in the 9 of Pentacles gifted by The World looking up from within the obelisk.

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on October 16, 2020 in Incarnations


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Kintsukuroi Your Heart Progression. Stage III Complete + Notes (Public Version)

Kintsukuroi Your Heart Progression. Stage III Complete + Notes (Public Version)

Spread Complete With Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

I Took

I took this spread in stages. Lately, I’ve had more Major Arcana showing up than not. That indicates an important time in my life — please steal that idea into your readings as a free reading tip..

So, I approached this reading as a Turbo Reading, though took the time to allow it to steep. Call it a Hybrid in respect of the way it’s particular identity presents.

One, were more Majors going to continue to show up? And two, if they were I was going to be DAYum sure to receive the gift of the message as a long-form intensity to recalibrate, and not a BAM of a one-hit wonder.

Over the Summer and this Fall I’ve had a grouping of Major honors come together, Oscars of sorts in the Divination Community. That in itself provides a quality of reinforcement to enhance and strengthen the way I receive my readings when I read for myself. It is an important time in general. It is an important time, personally. I both respect that and steep in it. And. I also do not sit idly for it to pass me by. Surf your celestial groove, BayBEE.

In Regards to the Public Version

In regards to the Public Version of this spread’s notes. I will not go into goals and action items and implementation procedures for the personal policy I write for myself. I am leaving it at the level of the initial Turbo Reading with the intent to share. Some may be able to mine it for gold about our current time. My stuff is great for me, though might not resonate in any way in general with another except to induce interference patterns. So, I kept the notes to the scale of the initial Turbo Reading.

Co-Creation on the Fly

So, the Quaternal Journey of the Emperor spread, a co-creation on the fly in an Albuquerque Tarot Tribe Meetup Session With several of us, was a collaboration that I felt to participate in personally By utilizing it for this reading. Hey! Fresh bread is excellent for a set-you-up-for-success sandwich — add the Dill Havarti to the Roast Beef with Brown Mustard, etc.

The below Turbo Reading notes come from the discretion of Client Privilege. I am my own client here, so this is even more than I would convey from client readings, as those are private without question. They are theirs. Though, this is mine. In this important time in my life and in the word I feel to share this spread result so that others in the DIvination Community or Community at large might benefit.

To Dial In To Life Kintsukuroi Style

The Quaternal Journey of the Emperor Spread sets up a 4-card reading. So, last week I sat down to dial into it just in advance of and into the Full Moon*. (See “ clarification below). I drew the 1st 4 cards. I steeped in them. I usually draw a clarifier card for Majors to activate them more as the Majors are Archetypes, and I draw until I get something other than a Major to dial into actionable gigs to generate daily/weeklymonthly/annual action items dependent on the Minor’s element.

Pentacles — Annual
Cups — Monthly
Wands — Weekly
Swords — Daily

On a recent blog it came to me that, Well, OK! As I continued to draw Majors to clarify a Major. You EverReady Bunny Majors! This can only go on for another 19 more cards as I already have 3 Majors in this reading, 2 even to clarify the last Major. Excellent smile born of that. That spread is Available here. I love the experience of that spread, am still working with it in tandem with this one.

Back to the Point

Back to the point of this 3rd in this series to publicly track through a spread so people can watch something be built.

Set the Concrete Foundation Forms Over a Week-ish

10/1/20 I drew the 4 cards. Major in the spread, and another Major as the final card. I decide to let that steep. Give it the proper reverence in Silence and pause and directly work with it.

10/4 I draw 2 cards to clarify the last Major of the initial draw. I also let that steep. I give those the proper reverence in Silence and pause and directly work with them to steep and incorporate and outline my actionable gigs from them. This feels like making a soufflé. SO much prep work for the final 45 minutes in the oven. Good stuff. Isn’t the prep work almost the more important stuff? I mean, seriously. Aren’t you then dealing with your whole life up to that point? I don’t know about you, though I certainly work that way. The present is the tip of the iceberg, and I’m always surprised that metaphor doesn’t melt with the rockin’ forces in play.

10/6 I draw the card for the QueenS and how he Queens support The Empress and the way those Empress energies actively burst forth into my life.

And, Here is the Foundation. Concrete Poured into the Forms, and It Now Begins To Cure

That curing is a 28-day process, Many things occur between now and then, though here is the initial formwork that received the concrete pour of my card draws. The goals and implementation procedures I will actionably craft to set myself up for success with this are private, my own. Though again, I feel this particular reading provides a great, experiential teaching tool and was simply too experiential for others not to benefit. So, there;s the rationale for the share of a personal reading.

How Do You Craft the Chapter Headings of Card Indications When You Turbo Read This Spread?

  • Oh, the * above in regards to the Moon Above. It is technically not a Blue Moon with two Full Moons in this month. To clarify, a Blue Moon is when there are four Full Moons in a 3-month season. That necessarily indicates a month will have two, though as well there may be a month without one. Technically, a Blue Moon is the 4th Full Moon in any given 3-month Season cycle. I love that I cross-checked mySELF into the Blue Line wall last week when I discovered I’d had that wrong for over 2 decades. Hail clarity of vision. Always complete, never finished. Cool to learn something!

How Do You Craft the Chapter Headings of Card Indications When You Turbo Read This 4-Card Spread That Ended Up With 10 Cards?

KintsuKuroi of Self Readings

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


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Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on October 6, 2020 in Incarnations


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Kintsukuroi Your Heart Progression

Kintsukuroi Your Heart Progression
KintsuKuroi of Self Readings

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on October 6, 2020 in Incarnations


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