Monthly Archives: March 2013

Death Perennial, Death Natural

 perennial blessings, as you continually naturalize

Death… the Great Mother of Memory made, the continual fertilizer of dreams created.

Notice The Hermit

Notice The Hermit, the harbinger of cyclical completions, reaching back to memories made, looking forward to dreams created, both present as The Hermit cameo-ing in Death’s double banner.  And, is not the Ace of Wands and the Hermit a 2 of Pentacles’ sort of DNA in the Phoenix-actions connecting memory and dream in the Death card?

Death as the Master Gardener… or would that be the Mater Gardener?  Enjoy the 13-card Death As Master Gardener 13-card spread provided in a free Powerpoint file.


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Prescient Remembrance, Vol.5, The One Night Stand

Prescient Remembrance, Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. In Volume 5, “The One Night Stand,” our seeker begins to open sparks of consciousness in his sleep. Awakening this new awareness his slumbering eyes begin to thaw as he is found by…

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition versions

PDF versions available if you do not have an eReader. See below for ordering instructions.

You may also purchase pdf copies directly from the author. Send $4.99 per volume via PayPal to and specify which volume or volumes you are ordering.  pdf(s) will promptly be attached to an email and forwarded to the email address listed on your PayPal payment.  If you would like your eOrder to be sent to a different email address than your PayPal payment address, simply note that in your order Thanks! I look forward to you enjoying the Prescient Remembrance, Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series.

Prescient Remembrance: vol.5, The One Night Night.

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Vol. 6, The Vampire’s Offspring  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod

PLEASE NOTE: LuLu’s file format is not supported by the Amazon Kindle. iPad and iBook versions available from the Lulu link.

CLICK HERE to purchase your Kindle edition copy. 

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 

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Posted by on March 28, 2013 in Movie Time, The Mystery


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Prescient Remembrance, vol.5 ~ The One Night Stand. (Pass it on)

Proud to announce volume 5 in my new series, Prescient Remembrance, Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death!

v5 published cover jpeg

Prescient Remembrance, Vol.5, The One Night Stand

Prescient Remembrance, Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. In Volume 5, “The One Night Stand,” our seeker begins to open sparks of consciousness in his sleep. Awakening this new awareness his slumbering eyes begin to thaw as he is found by…

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition versions

PDF versions available if you do not have an eReader. See below for ordering instructions.

You may also purchase pdf copies directly from the author. Send $4.99 per volume via PayPal to and specify which volume or volumes you are ordering.  pdf(s) will promptly be attached to an email and forwarded to the email address listed on your PayPal payment.  If you would like your eOrder to be sent to a different email address than your PayPal payment address, simply note that in your order Thanks! I look forward to you enjoying the Prescient Remembrance, Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series.

Prescient Remembrance: vol.5, The One Night Night.

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Vol. 6, The Vampire’s Offspring  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod

PLEASE NOTE: LuLu’s file format is not supported by the Amazon Kindle. iPad and iBook versions available from the Lulu link.

CLICK HERE to purchase your Kindle edition copy. 

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


Posted by on March 24, 2013 in Movie Time, The Mystery


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Paradox is Mo Betta as Pair of Docs or Chucks

Another Stick-Up. This One BY the Inner Sanctum. I Think It’s Catchin’ On.

So, I woke up this morning with a smile to the sun thinking “You can’t trust your judgment if your imagination is out of focus” by Mark Twain. And, the “when something goes wrong you need to change your negative thinking” farce-fest of a snippet-quote started rattling around again like it had a broken set of bearings. Ok, …

Here’s are my real beefs with the thought of changing negative thinking (Change your oil will get you further)

  • Changing your negative thinking feels to be about as effective as trying to clean sewage into a good soup.  That is NOT giving good kitchen.
  • First, it is expressed to let go, to surrender.  Well, being comfortable with the not-knowing in no way removes one from responsibility OR by default makes things YOUR fault. So, …
  • and, then something goes wrong and POOF “change your negative thinking” is tossed in the mix ’cause NOW it’s my fault… ’cause I just exceeded that person’s teaching ability and they don;t have the wits for solid conflict resolution skills?
  • Well, you see it IS my fault. In fact it is ALWAYS my fault. That’s because I am so damn powerful. 😀
  • What I take issue with is the bullshit dualism of yes-it-is rallying with no-it-isn’t.  There’s no Fred and Ginger with her doing it all backwards and in heels there.
  • Duality is bush-league amateur in the context of the integrated opposites of antinomy.
  • DOOD, WTF is this antinomy you keep chattering on about?!  Not antimony like antimonious. AntiNoMy. (hmmmm, there’s something in that capitalization, huh?)
  • It is simple. A car, well at least a car that works, has the integrated inner opposites of antinomy: fire, water, air, it’s solidity (earth) of them all working together inside and out. Not a jalopy with a Hemi, certainly not a kit car with a Yugo engine.

So, I remember

So, I remember finding early on in life that to surrender in my (artistic, architectural… thought) process, to let go, to be comfortable with the not-knowing WHILE completing things… I remember that to be a ROCKIN’ thing bringing things to even out across time and get in the zone, the groove, and GO MAN GO! … OOPS, and then when things went… uh hem… South… Who really cared, though?  I resonated with things going South right in the middle of a deadline, and then a mini-deadline that reared DURING the deadline, as an opportunity to see something new.  And, I created a detail that ultimately won an award.  That’s process not in ups and downs.  It’s process in… well, I surrendered even to the process in the process. That wouldn’t have happened if I had sent myself to the Inner Prison of “oh DAYum, I better pout and sputter out and stall so Santa doesn’t visit this year.” I took it straight into the wall so to speak or took a failed outside loop right into the ground pulling hard the whole time.  Got up. Shook it off.  Walked to the pits. Fashioned a new vehicle. And, set a quality time all the while in the process.

You see…

You see, the surrender part is not my problem with “change your negative thinking.”  I got that.  I utilized it.  I didn’t waste trouble and then found gold by working the problem on the way at speed in real-time through stalls and crashes and all.

And, I also got that not everything I see in someone else is a mirror of me.  That would be boring.  Well, the parts that aren’t me would be, ’cause I, like you, ROCK!  Beware the smoke and mirrors of projection redirection.  They’ll never make Inner Wimbledon.

Stick it back…

Beware the smoke and mirrors of projection redirection.  Stick it back to them with humor or a silently half-raised eyebrow and not a peep… and continue right back to running the Imagination Solar System in focus that is Your process.  “Yes Madame, I am drunk. Though, I will be sober in the morning and you will still be ugly.” ~Winston Churchill … ’cause if you stop to address every barking dog along the way… you’ll forget where you were even going (also Sir WC) … or start a shelter.

But, alas…

But alas, the jackass who was still spouting the surrender speech and then flip-flopping that it was then someone’s fault when things went awry… I saw it. He had NO up-front Loki.  No beautiful trickster to magically pick Inner Locks to get the whole picture.  He was more of a long-form conceptually tone deaf metro-gnome.  Everyone knows from garden gnomes that metro-gnomes are outcast even by the least savvy of outcasts. He’d probably say, “There’s no I in team.” Cocking my head, “Well well, you are certainly right on that, man.  And, if you aren’t more careful there will be no U in this team, either.” Remember there are two U’s in gUrU, though.  Be your own, at least twice.

Letting go and surrender are not about losing responsibility for your actions. They are a function of exploring uncharted territory with the Shadow Map of your unconscious.  Go to a game.  Have some fun.  Have you ever noticed that no-one writes much poetry while playing frisbee?  Poetry during frisbee is like texting while driving. Somebody is gonna get a frisbee in the teeth… Oh, that would be an accident that IS their fault, huh?  … Still, I bet little to no poetry is written while playing frisbee.  Composition is another thing, though.  How does your Inner Frisbee play?

Try It

Try it. I dare you to explore only expressing your beef with people with humor, higher octave positive qualities of your beef with them or what they express. Try it. Try and let go to missile-launch back with humor at close range without even a flinch in a non-insulting way.  It’s called wits.  Give yours a shot.  You might want to wear pads the first couple of times, though. Or, that would be an accident that is YOUR fault, huh?  Try this: when someone attempts to insult you, simply smile and say, “You’re welcome.”

Try it. I dare you.  One foot in front of the other. Left. Right. Left. Right. When you get good at walking, feel free to remove the periods.  Left Right Left Right.  Docs or Chucks?  Well, whatev.  Have some style while doing it, too.  It is part of the fun. How does our Inner Frisbee play?

Magical Irreverance to Ya!

The Prescient Remembrance ~ Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series is now available at Amazon Kindle and Lulu.

v2_cover published copy

Prescient Remembrance is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. His centuries-long search for . . . Volume 2 is Walking the Night… we discover an artist of life, an artist of life eternal painting within…(Click for more) (this is the link for Nook and iBook).

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition copy.

If you do not have an eReader, I also have pdf copies available directly. Send $4.99 via PayPal to and specify which volume you are ordering. Thanks!

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Volume 3  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod Available Soon!

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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No Negativity? I Guess I Missed It. What Was That Again?

This Is Another Stick-Up, Inner Sanctum. Get Used To It.

Hands Up Where I Can See ‘Em!

Surrender … and skip to the exercise below for the baby and not the delivery

Surrender.  Give Up. Forget Ego.  Forget Self.  Forget yourself so you can show unconditional love.  What?!  W.T.F????  Did I hear that correctly?  Wait a second.  Does that mean YOU’RE picking up lunch?  Oh wait. Now, I remember.  I see the smoke and mirrors without the experience behind it, that half-baked stuff missing its up-front Loki.  Isn’t that type of thinking like someone only doling out only half of a koan?  At least make it half a scone.
If I remember correctly… yeah yeah tappity tap on the keyboard… No thanks, my memory isn’t stored on the Google Oracle or Wiki-this-or-that… and, if I can;t remember something, maybe that means it is a natural indication that it is falling together in a new way…

So, if I Remember in My Now-Correct Evolution of it Correctly

So, if I remember correctly, it was or would become… Hold on a sec as I first read this when I was 7 as my mom brilliantly made me into the first interactive audio book for what she was reading when we were on road trips… It was Zen Flesh, Zen Bones… Cool book!  Thought that then, and I remember at least that part of it, and the word Centering. what koan was that, the ONE that jumped out at me resonantly that day?…. That was a good drive.  When I went silent gazing out the window, she asked if all was ok as I had just stopped, one of those Silences that goes to 11.  “You stopped reading out loud.  Are you ok?”  (gazing bright-eyed yet calmer than ever…) “Yes, fine. I just already do this next one.”

Before I recount the memory… put the card captions together in order as a mini-story or short poem.  Of course you can change the order of the captions.  Heck, change the captions!  What would yours be for this card sequence?  Of course you can replace the cards, too, though please go sit at the small table — hint: it’s a lot more fun over there… like the Little Bus with food.

Koan number…

Oh, I have no clue what the koan I read actually said… I do recollect as I re-collect the experience that it was something like “84. Centering.”  I’ll go to the library to refresh it later this afternoon, and see what treasured takeaway it blesses me with currently. Though, in the interim it went something like… “When encountering another, forget Self. Hear and see as if through their eyes, rippling the pond only from their expression. No Self.  Center. The pond’s calm returns.  Remember Self.  Respond.”  Something like that
That’s GOTTA be the worst memory I’ve paraphrased EVER!  Oh, what’s that Mr. Mark Twain?  You say horseshit, that that’s a fine recollection as I re-collected the idea in my Idea Solar System?  Oh that’s RIGHT, you DID say “You cannot depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus.”  Thanks historical friend dood.  Imaginative memory?  Oh, not revisionist memory or irony or lies.  It is re-collecting rather than recollecting.  It’s sculpture made from rich Inner Booty Inner Earth clay.  Thanks for the glasses, Mark!  As a novelist I know often says  when asked whether something was true or not. “Oh, it’s certainly true the way it happened.  It’s just a lot more true the way I tell it.”

I Guess I missed It.  What Was It Again?

Oh, I guess I didn’t really get it… what to do when something goes wrong.  Somehow I missed the reason for blaming ourselves for things beyond our control with the directive-suggestion to “Change your negative thinking.”  I must have skipped class that day.  Really?  Like it’s all in my power to visualize better and better and then if something goes wrong I must have been doing it wrong, and it’s the fault… of my negative thinking?  Wait! They’re right!  It IS my fault.  It is ALWAYS my fault. I am just THAT powerful!!  lol  Then again, we each are that powerful with no lol after, and even more so when we lol while having fun together.

Change your negative thinking?

Change your negative thinking” to me is simply more Modern Renaissance High Church Self-Affirmation-then-hair-shirt-beat-yourself-up Bullpoopy from my perspective. Is it simply crowd control delegated to get people to nip at their own ankles, to hold their own grace hostage?

I suggest NOT to try and change your negative thinking.  Changing your negative thinking feels to be about as effective as trying to clean sewage into a good soup.  Where’s the exhaust pipe?  Step on it bayBEE!  Ahhh Inner Sanctum… Put your hands up where I can see ’em!  You better start getting used to it.  This is a stick-up!  Gotta empty your cup before it can be filled, huh?

But, WAIT! There’s More!

No, really. All that up there I just wrote is simply ground to support this simple figure of an exercise to take for a spin.

  • Before you fire an idea or a person or or or.  
  • Before you go into the societal erosion mode we are pretty much unconsciously supported by and trained to embrace.  
  • Try this… Plus something.  Plus it. What’s “plussing”? It is ONLY saying constructive things. It is seeing THROUGH the chaff to get the wheat… without mentioning the chaff.  
  • The FIRST thing you think about something… ESPECIALLY if it pisses you off might best be… “What treasure is hidden among these swine, and what part am I playing in… Ahhh, I see… SCREW THAT MIRROR… in fact I will BREAK that mirror into … not 7 years bad luck.  I will break the mirror into its multiple perspectives as they waft away like smoke revealing… the treasure takeaway!”  
  • Do that doggedly and selfishly in the first thing you THINK about something that gets your goat, causes you to WANT head butt… THEN 
  • With that as the selfish first thing you do which minds you of your own self-respecting boundaries… you may become strong enough to be gentle, and like a Silverback… forget yourself as…
  • …with the above as the first thing you THINK… the first thing you SAY can be expressed to embrace the priceless treasure you found inside… about someone else’s idea or expression. And, this is not speed chest with that slap-the-clock stuff. Find the rhythm of the expression. Express it.
  • Plus something. Plus it with plussing as a descriptive verb. In fact, pull the stonewalling invisi-ropes on your inner design team’s M.O. or your design team at work… watch how power flows then. Watch as the elegant smoke and mirrors, the houses of cards fall to…
  • Surprise yourself and try this. No negative comments. It’ll make the most practiced know-it-all a French mime mute… or concise if they can play that way.  You may also find the treasures people are protecting that enhance THEIR role… the treasures they are protecting from themselves so they can continue to miss themselves AS the key to freeing themselves from holding their grace hostage and shining more fruitfully THEIR way.

Try It

Try it. I dare you to explore only expressing potential benefits, positive qualities, and effective aspects of any idea presented in a group setting. And, there can be no punishment… because no exceptions to expressing an enhancement of or benefit to what is presented… no exceptions are allowed.

Try it. I dare you.

Magical Irreverance to Ya!

The Prescient Remembrance ~ Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series is now available at Amazon Kindle and Lulu.

v2_cover published copy

Prescient Remembrance is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. His centuries-long search for . . . Volume 2 is Walking the Night… we discover an artist of life, an artist of life eternal painting within…(Click for more) (this is the link for Nook and iBook).

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition copy.

If you do not have an eReader, I also have pdf copies available directly. Send $4.99 via PayPal to and specify which volume you are ordering. Thanks!

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Volume 3  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod Available Soon!

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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The High Priest’s Elliptic Ecliptic~ Astrology, Omphallos, Tarot, Time

Building on the previous Astrology as Time Machine blog…

In some ancient cultures the High Priest would be akin to the modern day Architect. The High Priest would be the one to set and direct the location and orienting of a structure. Yes, he would be intrinsically familiar with the identity of a place, it’s genius loci. Yes, he would be familiar with sun angles and even potentially with how light works like a masterful clock as it shadow-light cascades through well-thought-out spaces. And, he would also most probably wholly rely on Astrology to set the time when he ventured out into the city or onto the land to set his omphallos, his sacred staff… with which he would set the structure.  Call it a ground discovering ceremony prior to the design and consequent ground breaking ceremony.

As The Sun Also Rises, The High Priest Sets…

The High Priest and his entourage of architectural scribes, oftentimes 4 of them, would venture out into the city or onto the land. He would walk to the place that felt auspicious for a building to be located. He would settle in to that place as he felt into it. When he felt he his feet were planted in the right place, he would take a shoulder-width sidestep… and plant his omphallos in that place he felt the genius loci magic, that special quality of a place. At attention the whole time, taking in his every move, the scribes would then wholebody focus in on his torso and his movements. Stepping back over to his omphallos, and standing on the North side of it, the High Priest would then begin to slowly turn around it like a sundial and compass needle at once, he himself feeling both inside.

The Priest’s Elliptic Ecliptic Stance-Dance

And, when the High Priest stopped and took his affirming big breath as he settled his energies down into to the earth and flew them up into the heavens from his staff, the scribes would play their instant orbit quick-game. Two of them moving out longways from him on an axis directly through his heart until he motioned them to stop.  The other two would move shortways front and back from him centering their axis as well through his heart until he motioned them to stop.  These four points would be then connected by the continuous curve of an ellipse. And, geometrically an ellipse is actually composed of 2 pairs of identical arcs in opposition-pairing for 4 arcs total. Longer flatter arcs at each the bottom and top cupping to one another, and shorter, more circular arcs at each side cupping to each other… each pair mirroring their counterpart and tangentially touching their neighbor arcs.

These arcs are actually…

These arcs are actually all circular.  They are each a segment of a circle. Each pair simply has a different radius than the other.  And, they meet together tangentially so that they appear to be one, seamless arced line.  Just an fyi for all you fellow Jungians who play with squaring the circle and quaternities.  Ellipses have what is called an eccentricity.  The eccentricity of an ellipse is the degree, literally, to which it is actually a circle viewed in perspective. For example… a 15-degree ellipse is a circle leaned down to 15 degrees from the horizontal, and what is seen looking through or to it.  A 60-degree ellipse is what is seen when a circle is leaned at 60 degrees from the horizontal. AND, when each pairs’ radius is the same, the eccentricity = 1.  And, in that unity where the ellipses eccentricity is 1, it is no longer an ellipse.  It has become a circle.  Pretty cool that unity pulses even in how geometry is composed.

Simpler, with not so much whatev kinda jargon like a drafting lesson

Another way to visualize this which is much simpler? Visualize the ellipse as the shape projected on a vertical plane from a leaning circle. And, since the drafting term of “projection” can have beautifully ambiguous psychological crossover implications … which leads to another way to see this. Shine a light on a circle that is leaned down. Its shadow that is cast will be the ellipse. Uh oh. We have a homonym of a shadow in play here.  Kinda frickin coolio!  I get so much psychology mileage out of architecture. And, it’s not just the architecture.  The actual methods of the drafting and drawing methods themselves have some interesting cross-over terms with psychology. Projection. Translation. Perspective. Axis. Equilibrium. Mirror.  Area like a sphere of influence. Line.  Arc. Tangent. Center. Hmmm… Where’s the center?  Well, the center is not always necessarily in the middle in nature.  Think of the nucleus of a cell. Your heart.  That’s something to chew on. Center vs middle.  So, if sin is bad, is cos good?  da bum bump chzzzzz.

The Hearth

This place in space where the axes crossed through his heart would be noted as to where the Hearth or center would be located in the home or structure or complex. The long length of the structure would be oriented along the left-right axis (usually East-West though not always). The front and Main Entry of the structure would be designed on the side the High Priest’s chest faced, the back of the structure to his back.
Though, let’s demystify this architectural site meeting just a hair.  You see, the High Priest usually knew of how the sun travels through the sky and affects structures throughout the day. So, the longways, side-to-side axis would typically be oriented at 15 degrees from the true East-West axis.  I won’t go into that further to save you from a Passive Solar Spatial Design Course.  Suffice it to say it works wonders for a structure’s feel which enlivens its function.  Call it synchronizing the light and shadows via the structure being seen as a clock.
Scribes new world

Scribes new world

How We Experience Unseen Astrology?

I feel to be the chief form-giver of this whole process is something typically unseen. That is the “when” of this process of locating and orienting a structure.  The High Priest’s knowledge of siting or placing a structure certainly came into play as did views and drainage.  As did elevation changes in the land and land-forms and site features.  As did genius loci and climate and prevailing wind direction.  As did as did as did etc, etc.  What is key here is… WHEN the High Priest set out and did all this.  When he set out to do all this.  When he set out for this siting/placing of a structure. And, when he would place the omphallos.

And, When…..

And, when would he set out on his way to place the omphallos to set the structure?  And, then when would he actually set the omphallos in the ground and square his sun-dial-Self compass-shoulders to orient the structure in its location?
His Astrologers, himself oftentimes one of them as his own wise counsel, would have determined the most auspicious time for him to set out, and to explore the place for how long as the energies came to be auspicious, and then when to settle into the space of the area of the hearth, and when… once all was in place… when to set the omphallos and compass-square-up his shoulders. Lotta “whens” there for what pretty much simply equates to… Once upon a time a Divine Dood took a walk with his staff. He gets to this uber coolio spot and BLAM he plants his staff in the earth. And, then these 4 Divine Priest Paparazzi scurried about and drew an ellipse in the sand about him.  And, they are all important “whens” in the mini-time sequence of events that in their overall compose the whole process.

The When~Win Situation

Once upon a time Astrology provided the time WHEN the High Priest’s compass and square introduced the Hearth to pulse in the genius loci of a place. You can still of course use Astrology to best place a structure every day… You!  Check your chart.  Don’t check your chart for tomorrow, it’s too late in regard to effective syncing for planning.  Play your cycles in the big clock of your life so you can better shift your focus and redirect your scale to other gear to engage more resonant Astrological energy as it becomes present.  Doing this you may begin to notice more how you naturally orchestrate your momentum in different gears.  Then, you are doing your part to more fully begin to allow your Astrologer’s Readings to more fully come to effectively inform YOUR whens.  It’s a When~Win situation working long-form with your Astrologer. You don’t have an Astrologer?  I would suggest to remedy that.  I can recommend…

And There You Have It

And, there you have it.  There you have a great many of the unseen things that come into play BEFORE the design of a structure even begins, before a shovel ever touches the ground.  Well, for Architects who care enough to understand their High Priest-driven lineage it does.  Play your own When~Win situation with your Astrologer to more effectively plan for a more auspicious orchestration of your momentum… of your cycles of momentum… with setting the structure of your life over time.  Like in an ellipse, the math is more important than you know.  If you see clearly, though, it is in your surroundings, too.  Say “when” to your Astrologer to create your own When~Win situation.

Ciao For Now … is now a When.

The Prescient Remembrance ~ Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series is now available at Amazon Kindle and Lulu.

v2_cover published copy

Prescient Remembrance is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. His centuries-long search for . . . Volume 2 is Walking the Night… we discover an artist of life, an artist of life eternal painting within…(Click for more) (this is the link for Nook and iBook).

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition copy.

If you do not have an eReader, I also have pdf copies available directly. Send $4.99 via PayPal to and specify which volume you are ordering. Thanks!

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Volume 3  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod Available Soon!

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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Astrology As Time Machine… Tarot As A Tool

So, I woke up early thinking about structure…

So, I woke up early thinking about structure… and Tarot and Astrology… and was impressed by the robins playing in my pond that are as big as small chickens this year.  Was I still dreaming? What’s IN that water? Sip of coffee and… nope I’m awake and this is no dream. Alfred Hitchcock is probably smiling in his grave at these birds.

And, Hierarchy Came to Mind

And, hierarchy came to mind… and then anarchy just due to the archy rhyme part as I was halfway thinking about architecture, too.  And, it dawned on me… pretty appropriate I’d say for being in the morning.  It dawned on me from a convo I had with a great friend recently that Astrology was this giant clock where you can run it backwards in all its wonderfully complex simplicity of ephemeris-moving celestial bodies way like elegantly refined gears in a clock with infinite abilities of shifting focus and redirecting scale… even simultaneously when charts are danced together. You can run astrology forwards into the future like a time machine… much more into the future than that the Oz of the Land Down Under of Australia is 16 hours in the future relative to me here writing this right now. Maybe I have already posted this 16 hours ago. 😉

And, it struck me. I am thinking Astrology is the top of the food chain… AND Astrology is a time machine that already exists and functions wonderfully.

So, Where’s this leading?

So, where is this leading I ask myself?  It is leading me from a knowledge that Alchemy birthed medicine and psychology from its operations that from the Astro-event forensics concept in that convo with a great friend that psychology and medicine and architecture and Tarot and divination… they are all potentially TOOLS of and for Astrology to utilize, though Astrology is the top of the food chain.  Like Architecture with its arche of inception and creating and its techne of conception and making and putting together… Astrology is math spirited by divination… where, though time gives life to the clock, the clock itself would be akin to psychology and medicine and and and… with the Time Machine of Astrology giving life to their schedules… well, if someone wants to work under the most auspicious circumstances.

So, Where’s This Leading?

It looks like I already got there. Astrology is a Living Time Machine that Movado could only dream of imitating. I got there.  Interesting point. Astrology Is A Living Time Machine.  What I am really giggin’ on is that it seems I just set the stage for whatever I come up with tomorrow.  So, as I turn this little knob forward to…. hmmm, that’s interesting. I think I will pull a card and see how they play together in this place… Oh… thanks, I think I am keeping my card to myself today. Enjoy yours as well if you pull one.

Oh, and the hierarchy~anarchy~archy~tecture thought I hung out there above…. really wasn’t so random… I was throwing myself a pass for a touchdown down here. You see Anarchos is how God used to be referred to in some circles. The chaos of anarchy as it is commonly used is really a very narrow political version of the word. Anarchos in its more natural home moving larger is… “that without ruler.” A divine top of the food chain? Nah, that’ll get squirrely working with that one without an appropriate goofiness… so, my whole point for pondering today is… Astrology Is A Living Time Machine… Astrology Is A God Clock.  Plus, my card of course.

Ask Me Again Tomorrow. The Magic of Astro Structure to Ya!

‘Cause I’m on deadline… and though I might run out of… Astrology will never run out of time. Time’s simply a wonderful tool it seems. Pardon, I’m slow sometimes.

The Prescient Remembrance ~ Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series is now available at Amazon Kindle and Lulu.

v2_cover published copy

Prescient Remembrance is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. His centuries-long search for . . . Volume 2 is Walking the Night… we discover an artist of life, an artist of life eternal painting within…(Click for more) (this is the link for Nook and iBook).

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition copy.

If you do not have an eReader, I also have pdf copies available directly. Send $4.99 via PayPal to and specify which volume you are ordering. Thanks!

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Volume 3  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod Available Soon!

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


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The Psychic Synapse of Ostara…

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Posted by on March 20, 2013 in Tarot Birth Cards


F**k Forgive and Forget. Really, With A Smile. I Much Rather…

F**k Forgive and Forget. I Much Rather…

Forgive and forget?  No way!  My memory is too good to forget. Heck, 8~38~32.  What’s that?  The combination to the gold and black faced bicycle lock I had in kindegarten.  Plus, when you don’t forget, whatever it was can lie nascent and dormant never to be seen or heard from again UNLESS it gets resurrected for a repeat performance and is played into pattern recognition.  I never forgive and forget.  Forgiveness and apology are best from my perspective when they create a deepening… when they morph more into a Queen of Swords “no bullpoopy” where no news is good news.  Forgive and forget?  Nope.  Notta chance.  I much rather forgive and expand together.  And… here is a short video to prefigure an epic spiral of giving and receiving…

2-Way Street of Forgiveness

You see, I feel that forgiveness is a 2-way street where there is a reciprocality to an apology in a way to move forward after a mutual shedding of pain caused by self or other to self or another… and, key to it being successful is not passive-aggressively bringing the “forgiven” thing up again, don’t scratch the scab. A key is the forgiveness that creates a deepening, together. Rather than forgive and forget, I go by forgive and expand, where forgiveness, like grief, is a catalyst to a process rather than being an event or the two words, “I’m sorry.”And, what caused any of it in the 1st place? One of your Parts acting up? Well, can you listen to that Part until it, within you, trusts you again? If so, it may also then have a message for you, relieve it squeeze on your sovereignty, and consequently integrate into you. When a Part integrates after you’ve received its message, once it trusts you enough to do so, its energy enhances you, gives you more of you, doses you with more of yourself. Then, most often it’s not behavioral mods that are necessary. When a Part relieves you, you most likely stop re-living the trigger that caused what you needed to apologize for in the first place. Well, at least that’s been my experience, and 1 or 2 others I know.

Forgiveness and Cards that Express It?

And, in regards to cards? How do they factor into forgiveness?  I will venture to put the 10 of Swords and XVI The Tower leading to an enhanced celestial groove with XVII The Star as a series of cards that can be utilized to express the process I refer to above. I utilize these cards as a process of forgiveness. Cups would certainly be driving to get to the process emotionally, though I feel that these other cards suit the mindful empathy to round the forgiveness experience through the process and reconnect back into the Queen of Cups — as restored harmony in the emotional and intuitive realms.

How Do You Play In? 

What is forgiveness to you? And what cards express or play with the concept of forgiveness from your perspective?

Magical Irreverance to Ya!

The Prescient Remembrance ~ Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series is now available at Amazon Kindle and Lulu.

v2_cover published copy

Prescient Remembrance is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. His centuries-long search for . . . Volume 2 is Walking the Night… we discover an artist of life, an artist of life eternal painting within…(Click for more) (this is the link for Nook and iBook).

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition copy.

If you do not have an eReader, I also have pdf copies available directly. Send $4.99 via PayPal to and specify which volume you are ordering. Thanks!

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Volume 3  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod Available Soon!

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


Posted by on March 14, 2013 in Movie Time, The Mystery


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Hey There Inner Sanctum. Hands Up! This Is A Stick-Up

This Is A Stick-Up, Inner Sanctum. Hands Up Where I Can See ‘Em!



Surrender.  Give Up. Forget Ego.  Forget Self. Forget yourself so you can show unconditional love.  What?!  Did I hear that correctly?  Wait a second.  Does that mean YOU’RE picking up lunch?


Forget Self?!  Forget Ego.  Well, color me blind.  Wouldn’t dissolution of Self and Ego seem to indicate a paltry lack of boundaries where identity simply erodes like a battered coastal cliff… oh, it goes further than that does it, huh?  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I am ALL FOR Neptunian sponge-like boundaries, their boundarylessness, where boundaries and edges of identity themselves are like whisker-hands reaching out to energetically inform someone of their surroundings… and where things comingle… and also, where the sponge-like boundaries need to be kept fresh and unclogged… though I’m not hopping in an alleged loss of boundaries with just anyone… and honestly, that kind of exchange of psychic “bodily fluids” serves more to enhance the strength of freedom WITH identity and its exploratory discoveries… with the right person or people of course…

The Ego

Heck, the ego isn’t bad. It is the egomaniacal people that suck, and egomania is a far cry from ego. Having an ego no-where near implies egomania, not even close.  That would be like trying to pick a bad apple from a seed.  Aint gonna happen.  And, isn’t the ego wired directly to the magical locks of the Inner Sanctum that is guarded by the dragon?  Hmmm… Maybe the Ego is what’s so deftly guarded in there.  Maybe the Ego is what is magically locked away in that Inner Sanctum thingee.

Magical Thief

Ahhh, would that really be ashame?  That we play consummate and magical thief and sneak past the dragon guarding our Inner Sanctum?  That we sneak past and stealthily pick the magical locks of our Inner Sanctum? That after all this Cirque du Soleil level exploration of our inner selves… we open our Inner Sanctum… and find… that the Ego is what is protected there?  Interestingly, that brings a smile. It’s not bad at allllll. And, it’s certainly not Geraldo Rivera’s bust on live TV opening Al Capone’s vaults.

How Powerful You Are

There is a lot of talk of how people might just be afraid of how powerful they are. I like that immensely as I don’t let myself bully me, and I don’t run that line the other way, either. I TRY and treat myself like chocolate … though chocolate isn’t as affected as much by me as I am when I have it.
There is a lot of talk of how people might just be afraid of how powerful they are.  If they saw that the ego antennae that is on the surface is somehow contributing to awareness… like antennae or sponge-like… … and that the Ego was directly wired or piped to the Inner Sanctum Tank… if they saw that the ego filled the Inner Sanctum Tank with Ego at a universal, collective unconscious level… filled our Inner Sanctum core level as easily as pumping gas… into your vehicle… Literally, that helps you GO places. Why do people note a bruised ego, then scoff or slink away at the first whiff that they HAVE an ego when it is not hurt?  Remember, bactine is only for surface scratches.

Wrong Turns

Hmmmm, taking wrong turns along the way.  Nah, there aren’t any.  If I got pulled unduly by some crack idea… well, I fire that idea and rubber band bounce back to my path.  That happens less than you might think, though. First, it is that there are no mistakes, and I usually discover some treasure when pulled that way… and, that I still LOVE to chase butterflies. Too bad they only live a month after their magical twilight in the chrysalis.
So, is HAVING an Ego forbidden fruit these days?  Not that I care, really. I am curious.  Is going YOUR way forbidden fruit?  Hmmm, I’m downshifting back to notion that forbidden fruit is High Bullpoopy issued from the Renaissance High Church for crowd control.   Is forbidden fruit really so yummy, anyway?  I bet it isn’t ambrosia.

Over the Counter

Do people seem to think that all the good stuff is behind the counter?  That they don’t already have it?  Guess so a lot of times.  I bet I have at LEAST once.  Hmmm, isn’t the good stuff IN you naturally?  Aren’t your Inner Inheritance there to be discovered?  And, you don’t even need to reach for that… maybe simply feel your own breath as prayer… the high octane of your actions!

Knowing What’s Wrong

Knowing what’s wrong with something only informs the edges of your Path, and as a mode is the consummate expression of the annoying know-it-all. Knowing what’s right with something sets up the opportunity for the Path to have workability WITHIN the outer space just off of it.
Isn’t the good stuff IN you naturally?  Aren’t your Inner Inheritance there to be discovered?


So, WAIT!  I guess they were right all along to surrender, to give up.  Yes, they were right all along. I GET it! Bye bye worry. Shake your Inner Booty!  I guess I didn’t bring a gun for the stick-up…so, this little puck of an air freshener oughta do.  They WERE right…
They meant… Find your Inner Treasure, your Inner Inheritances.  Find it, and shake your Inner Booty.  Shake it YOUR WAY!  I am so glad I spent the time to figure out what they meant.
Oh, I guess I didn’t really get it.  Somehow I missed the Law Of Attraction’s blaming you for things beyond your control with the directive-suggestion to “Change your negative thinking.”  Really?  More Renaissance High Church Bullpoopy from my perspective.  If a person is a drag on the system, they get fired, not changed. If an idea is a drag on the system… FIRE IT!  JETTISON IT!  And, enjoy a huge sigh of an exhale of relief.  Change your negative thinking?  Neh, fire the adversity of it.  “Adversity does not build character. It reveals it.” (Anon.)
I suggest to not try and change your negative thinking.  Changing your negative thinking feels to be about as effective as trying to clean sewage into a good soup.  Where’s the exhaust pipe.  Step on it bayBEE!  Put your hands up where I can see ’em!  This is a stick-up!  Ahhh, you’ll get used to that little puck thing in each armpit.

But, WAIT! There’s More!

No, really. All that up there I just wrote is simply ground to support this simple figure.

  • Before you fire an idea or a person or or or.  
  • Before you go into the societal erosion mode we are pretty much unconsciously supported to embrace.  
  • Try this… Plus something.  Plus it.  
  • The FIRST thing you think about something… ESPECIALLY if it pisses you off might best be… “What treasure is hidden among these swine, and what part am I playing in… Ahhh, I see… SCREW THAT… Where’s the treasure takeaway?”  
  • Do that doggedly and selfishly in the first thing you THINK about something that gets your goat, causes you to head butt… THEN 
  • With that as the selfish first thing you which minds your own self-respecting boundaries… you may become strong enough to be gentle, and like a Silverback…
  • …with the above as the first thing you THINK… the first thing you SAY can be expressed to embrace the priceless treasure you found inside.
  • Plus something. Plus it. In fact, pull the stonewall invisi-ropes on your inner design team or your design team at work… watch how power flows then. Watch as the elegant smoke and mirrors, the houses of cards fall to…
  • Surprise yourself and try this. No negative comments. It’ll make the most practiced know-it-all a French mime mute… or concise if you play that way.  You may also find the treasures people are protecting… the treasures they are protecting from themselves so they can continue to miss themselves AS the key to freeing themselves from holding their grace hostage.

Try it. I dare you to explore only expressing potential benefits, positive qualities, and effective aspects of any idea presented in a group setting. And, there can be no punishment… because no exceptions to expressing an enhancement of or benefit to what is presented… no exceptions are allowed.

Try it. I dare you.

Magical Irreverance to Ya!

The Prescient Remembrance ~ Infinite Moments, Love Beyond Death series is now available at Amazon Kindle and Lulu.

v2_cover published copy

Prescient Remembrance is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. His centuries-long search for . . . Volume 2 is Walking the Night… we discover an artist of life, an artist of life eternal painting within…(Click for more) (this is the link for Nook and iBook).

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to purchase your Kindle Edition copy.

If you do not have an eReader, I also have pdf copies available directly. Send $4.99 via PayPal to and specify which volume you are ordering. Thanks!

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Volume 3  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod Available Soon!

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


Posted by on March 11, 2013 in Movie Time, The Mystery


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Prescient Remembrance, vol.4 ~ Succubus. (Pass it on)

Proud to announce volume 4 in my new series, Prescient Remembrance!

v4_cover published

Prescient Remembrance, Vol.4, Succubus

Prescient Remembrance is a 10-volume story series by Jordan Hoggard told in poetry. A vampire. His centuries-long search for his true love torn away from him . . . In “Prescient Remembrance” vol.4, “Succubus”, our searcher occupies himself with his secret fantasy, learns from exploring his secret… (this is the link for Nook and iBook).

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

Click here to see the Kindle Edition versions of all volumes.

Volume 4 is titled Succubus.


If you do not have an eReader, I also have pdf copies available directly. Send $4.99 via PayPal to and specify which volume you are ordering. I will promptly attach a .pdf and get you your copy. Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you.

Prescient Remembrance: vol.4, Succubus.

Bite the Night, and . . . Pass it on.

Stay Tuned.

Vol. 5, One Night Stand  + .mp3 audio narrations for your iPod

Available Soon!

PLEASE NOTE: LuLu’s file format is not supported by the Amazon Kindle.

CLICK HERE to purchase your Kindle edition copy. 

Click here to purchase your Nook and iBook copy.

(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard


Groc Jordan’s Tarot videos at for entertaining and informative Tarot.

Get e Free Mystereum Taster Spoon reading at 


Posted by on March 6, 2013 in Movie Time, The Mystery


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