Daily Archives: October 11, 2020

I Realized I Haven’t Posted Anything Much If At All From the “Prescient Remembrance” Poetry Collection

I Realized I Haven’t Posted Anything Much If At All From the “Prescient Remembrance” Poetry Collection

Well, I’ll remedy that!

1992 Marketing
Prescient Remembrance Cover
Prescient Remembrance Cover

Here’s a Sample From

Prescient Remembrance: Dialogue of a Vampire


lying high up in the mountains,
where is brewed the thunder 
and in fair weather 
the dragon sleeps.

Ours is not a lot to be feared. The dragon is a necessary beast
immeasurably deep.

juvenilis puerilis vanitas ostentatio jactatio

Feel Your Prescience

Feel your safety on your holy ground.
Suckle on the myth of your goodness
in those cruciform places you hold sacred,
while I suckle
on the rest of humanity.

We do not follow you to those places
as we cannot
do those things which are conquerable,
and simply cannot bear those places where you sing.

Those places do not protect you.
Enslaved gargoyles,
traitors to us lest their unknowing feet
entrained in those stone shoes that you fashioned,
and an occasional bellringer stroking them
as they drone high above your path,
where the wind is stronger than the scent of your life,
keep us circling above,
intent on your storied portals,
those lists of the best tasting among you.

     Angels.  You misname them.
     They are simply prettier to you
     than their gargoyle siblings
     held down by those enslaving prison-shoes of stone
     that you call cathedrals.

     You should know,

there have been sly ones among you.
Those tricky Nassenes for instance, 
knowing that in our vanity we will not touch our young,
as we, too, find them abominable,
stole away with nine of them,
worshipping them as they grew,
carrot-leading them:

     You are perfect as you are . . .
     Grow strong not beautiful . . .
     Help keep us safe . . .
     Up there you can see eternity.       
     Live up there . . .
     Turn to stone, it is strong . . .

Ignorant of their heritage,
of their eventual grace and stealth and eternity,
they were taught to perceive a strength and power
in your piles of stone conveniently shaped.
     Behold Us!
     We are strong and beautiful.
     Can you resist us?
     Gaze into our eyes and see inside your universe.
     Touch our skin of winter,
     and feel the heat of your passion
     pulsing in the silence of our bodies.
     Peeking through the wonder piquing,
     can you resist us,
     knowing that all we want
     is simply your entire life for just a moment?

Your silent guardians sometimes stir
inside their stoney sleep
still unborn into a life
where they would eventually die into their own eternity.

They lie dormant far above you,
and nightly we circle.

Nightly the bell-ringer.
Nightly they stir far above you.

It is not fire or lightning
that occasionally rips the towers from your cathedrals.

Keep eating your garlic.
We will help you stop sinning more quickly
if you are spiced up a bit.


tempus dies aevum saeculum otium hora in praesentia siquando spaientiae nostrum tempestivus

is to free the prisoners 
when sand sleeps
in the eternity of the tilted hourglass?


futilis frivolus vanus futilitas

fascinates her clock each night
     with innocence 
     and a stake,

while the potent scent of predatorial bliss
that permeates the air each dusk,
sends this lionesse back over the horizon,
sending her away from this sleeping cobra,
never staking
as we are each others’ claim...

Sends this lionesse back over the horizon to sleep
each night just before I wake.

How many centuries will this go on?

The Prescient Remembrance: Dialogue of a Vampire poetry collection is available in the shop to download in pdf format for $1.21 USD. Enjoy! Click here. It’s 2nd from the left on the 2nd row.

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on October 11, 2020 in Promotions


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Sunday Services & Promotion Announcement

Sunday Services & Promotion Announcement

Sunday Services

So, it has come to my attention, from me to myself, that I have an important task. What is that task you ask? To promote my work more openly. And, that comes with a wonderful caveat, again self-issued. This blog will no turn into some buy me buy me buy me from my products and services, though I need to do more than only promote ImaginAction and the like my my Self-Sponsor footer.

All That Said

All that said, I am simply going to take the concept of a full and fulfilling vessel and dial in Promotions to a single blog post each week on the same day. That way, if you’re here for my blogs and to explore community through my Serendipity Itineraries posts, you’ll see Promotion or something similar, don’t know the name yet, and you can mark as read and trash the email so it doesn’t become spam. Heck, once a week isn’t a whole lot, may not be enough, though since this is my life’s work, I’m going to start it out that way. Plus, it’ll get me off the hook to have to continually advertise, and on the hook for the continual banner of writing and feeling my way around my work.


So, I simply felt on this Sunday Services post to share so you’re aware. We all have to make a living, and I’m thoroughly grateful for all of you being here as I just fell into the ablution pool of I have 300 subscribers now. Thank you to each of you here. You make it worthwhile, and I appreciate that.

I simply thought you all should know, so it doesn’t feel like a T-Bone of Oh Shit, he went into advertising mode. Simply, once a week, and I may actually simply make it a Page rather than here on my Posts. I don’t know yet, though Promotion moved from low orbit working on it to landing as I bring my Divination Studio towards being full boat all digital.

Call it Covid Blessings. I have been able to connect more deeply with the professional Jungian Depth Psychology community and as well Tarotists and Astrologers and Philosphers and all you coolio people around the world through Zoom through this There will be no new normal time. We adapt, and continually normalize into pace as we naturalize in the garden of our lives.

There Came A Time

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

~ Anais Nin


Now, is that time for me. The High Priestess and Sophia with her Seven Pillars. Two living arm pillars planted in the ground In the High Priestess. The Meridian of Her Self as the visceral 3rd where the marriage in the heart meets. One emanation each from her shoulders, and one each from Her expanding beyond body in her Draw Down The Moon ritual where she becomes one in Conception with the Universe. There might be 8 when the Pillar of the Earth itself is revered. Though, sometimes it’s time to stop counting the steps and just dance like no-one’s watching.

Thanks for being here.

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on October 11, 2020 in Sunday Services


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