Daily Archives: October 1, 2020

Thank You to the Full Harvest Moon in Aries, and to Mars Rx Planted, Emanating

Quinta Regeliera, Portugal. Tarot Initiation Well. The Inverted Tower. World-Altaring rather than World-Altering.

…which will be Direct In Aries (Full Harvest Moon Officially full at 5:05p EST on 10/1, not Mars Rx) until it journeys into the Psychic Synapse dark passage Void Of Course at 1:47a on 10/3 to emerge at 11:12a on 10/3 in Taurus. Thank You Harvest Moon. May Golden Splendor flow up from within to navigate fissures of Self from within as Kintsukuroi of Self connections rather than scars. May the celebration of the embrace of the experience be as Iolite to always navigate day or night directly.


*Lilith got a bad wrap. Men spread seed. Lilith spread life. Nothing to fault her in the negative there. She may not have talked such a good game uttering the ineffable, but DAYum can she box! Like Kali braced against the ultimate calm cornerstone of Shiva so her actions don’t slip one bit when she moves. To brace against her cornerstone of Shiva, she engages her full power without diminishment. Simply high intensity when uncut identity presents?

It Felt Important to Note Today That

To my knowledge there are ZERO laws regulating mens’ bodies. I firmly feel that is the same number that should regulate womens’ bodies. Temple in Man, Temple in Woman… Both-And whole, Temple in (Wo)Man, Temple Of (Wo)Man. Temple of Self. Here’s to solid and fluid balance of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine for wholeness for each of us. Hey, like Oscar Wilde was fond of saying, Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

KintsuKuroi of Self Readings Coming Soon

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on October 1, 2020 in Incarnations


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Blog By Comment ~ IX The Hermit & Holly’s Resonance

Blog By Comment ~ IX The Hermit & Holly’s Resonance

Jordan Hoggard As inspired by Holly Troy’s Figuring Out the Flow on her Cosmic Holly site..

Ohhhhhh, the synchronicity. First off, I bow in reverence to your accolade. Thank you, Holly.

It’s relatively confirmed now that I had Covid in late January/early February. The fluid in the lungs, the lying on my stomach for 3 days to hang my lungs to be able to force gasps of air in. The 3rd day, where severely weakened I would try to half-plank up on my elbows, rest of body down the floor, and coordinate quick push-up drops to slam my lungs open to gulp a gasp of air. The 2 weeks after feeling sluggish like I had been hit by a truck, and 3 weeks later, not back to anywhere near 100%, it came to me that something wasn’t right. WIth my health. WIth my primary source of income. I scheduled a sizable battery of blood tests. Liver testing, heart, lungs, etc, etc. 22 vials of blood. I smiled just now going, DOOD, Tarot Blood Tests! Shaking head. What came out of that? My Lymes antibodies from 4 years ago were almost gone, and I had a B12 deficiency. So, I picked up B12, Rosemary Supreme, COQ10, and Oregano oil capsules. I opened out of a 5-year Tarot and Astrology radio silence. 30 days later, the 3/19 shutdown happened. I wonder if B12 Would help higher energy to run the tach up to downshift to your new fall pace?

ConGRATS on the Telecaster! SaWEET.

And, from what I hear and see and feel from especially this post and even moreso from your paintings you’ve shared… — Thank you by the way —. I see 8 Primary Eyes in them. Spider. Mother of the Universe energy? Empress, the Yoniverse from which all emanates. Your tone sounds Rx — Retrograde — and hearing the deep bassy chords of that voice resonate in the gut, it feels that like an Rx larger planet, you yourself resonate as Rx. Planted. Emanating. And, impatient as hell as you are driven, future-driven, and actionable.

What came to me recently is a similar “over the last year” quality of I cannot turn back, and further in March decided to protect the freshly born ImaginAction like a parent does a newborn. What came to me last month was, “maybe my life’s not about to fall apart in this mess I am experiencing. Maybe I am simply not used to it falling together so synchronously.” Adjustment and adaptability later inspecting my expectations rather than going with the tried and true of what I know…. I’ve almost live a year in the last 3 weeks. And, what a grand year.

Bob Place — The Alchemical Tarot — told me a great story about The Hermit at Readers Studio 2009 about his intent on The Hermit seeing his own footsteps in his Hermit card Image. I will expand that here into a meditation for you: Visualize The Hermit, in the darkness. He takes his 1st to steps over the threshold, initiating himself into this cycle. He stands there in the mud, feet side by side. He balances. He syncs. We steps forward into the unknown. Now, Rip Van Winkle sleep The Hermit’s cycle. He goes around the world. And, one night he comes to a place that feels like a place of Sacred Power. The sky is cloudy. The stars, eclipsed by the clouds, and there is no moon. Darkness. He feels what he feels, though, and listens, though fully blind. He sits. Sleeps. And, in the morning when he opens his eyes to the light he looks over wondering ‘what place of power could stop my cycle like that?’ He rolls over and up sitting to look in the direction he was going when he reverently stopped the night before. He looks down. Before him are two footprints. They are his from his start. Now, though, they are not squishy in mud. Their space has cured in the hardened earth. They are foot-shaped-negative space cornerstones PTO brace against. He steps into his own footsteps as if Shoes of the Earth gifted by his own Nature left to cure properly. His whole body cascades in ablution tingles As he steps into his own steps. His being vibrates in resonance as he steps out of them to stand in front of them. He protects and cherishes his past. Though, now? Now, he pauses as you have. He pauses to listen. ‘Certainly, this is the way. For things that cannot be certainly now are.”

You, Holly, are a Hermit with a Telecaster. From what I know of you, I’d say that’s like the Dalai Lama with a 20-piece Tama double-base kit. Or, Terri Bozzio in a pinch. 🙂

Kudos to your paintings making their way around the world. I hope you travel to places they haven’t, and they simply send you postcards from places they have. It sounds like you are walking and driving differently. Have adapted. Have grieved differently. Heck, we all grieve differently, and differently each time, though you… you sound like you’re listening clearly. It’s Fall, and the wind whispers as it nods in reverence, “go you. you hear us. go you, Holly. go you.”

KintsuKuroi of Self Readings

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on October 1, 2020 in Blog By Comment


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