Sexism in Architecture… Julia Morgan’d Take You Down!

29 Jun

Julia Morgan

  1. Yup, the interrogating tensions of creativity accept no substitute or error. 🙂 Nope, not on the list. And, then you found your own sacred combo, and COSMIC SAFE CRACKED.The Architect? Remind me a bit of the Ace of Wands… possibly, I would have done better to pair him up with the Queens of Cups and Wands back then? Neh, I didn’t. Will now, though. 🙂
    1. Pure & BlessedJordan HoggardI always think he feels Ace of Swordish but now you mention Wands, the way I read A of W is more in keeping. Maybe he’s the Ace of Bunsen burners mixing and tweaking balance of fire and air to get the right result.
      Q of C! I’m sure she’d love it 🤣Reply1Like
  2. Jordan HoggardAs an Architect, I’d go with all of the above + Q of W and + K of Wands + Q of P for QC + Q of W. Ace of W at the tip of his/her Architect’s pencil, then + the rest of every deck available.Maybe we would do well to ask julia Morgan… as other than Jose Plecznic and Imhotep and whoever did (R.A Schwaller DeLubicz’s beloved) the Temple of Luxor at Karnak, she’s my fave Architect. When asked about Frank Lloyd Wright’s public outbursts and way, her contemporary, she simply responded, “Oh he always does that when he’s broke or about to be. I have too much work to have time for that brand of superficial distraction. He’s just marketing as if his life depended on it, because it’s about to. You can tell when he’s about to go broke. He always convinces the bank he needs a new Cord, and then he shows up looking successful and gets those same type of clients. He does appearances. I do reality.” 🙂 dafuqin LOVE her.Ever heard of Casa Grande, the Wm Randolph Hearst mansion? That’s all Julia. 🙂 As sexist as Architecture is, Julia Morgan rocked it beyond the profession’s walls, seismically, 100 years ago… Go figure. In 1908 -1916 her reinforced concrete structures had seriously strong earthquake survival rates
  3. So did her Presence As Architecture. Unfortunately… ever heard of her? Lots of people keep their brilliant head down and change the world for the better. Maybe she’s one?
  4. As an Architect, I’d go with all of the above + Q of W and + K of Wands + Q of P for QC + Q of W. Ace of W at the tip of his/her Architect’s pencil, then + the rest of every deck available. Maybe we would do well to ask julia Morgan… as other than Jose Plecznic and Imhotep and Carlos Scarpa … whoever did (R.A Schwaller DeLubicz’s beloved) the Temple of Luxor at Karnak, she’s my fave Architect.
  5. When asked about Frank Lloyd Wright’s public outbursts and way, her contemporary mind you, she simply responded, “Oh he always does that when he’s broke or about to be. I have too much work to have time for that brand of superficial distraction. He’s just marketing as if his life depended on it, because it’s about to. You can tell when he’s about to go broke. He always convinces the bank he needs a new Cord, and then he shows up looking successful and gets those same type of clients. He does appearances. I do reality.” 
  6. Oh, did I say that before? Guess it deserved repeating. 🙂 dafuqin LOVE her.
  7. Ever heard of Casa Grande, the Wm Randolph Hearst mansion? That’s all Julia. 🙂 As sexist as Architecture is, Julia Morgan rocked it beyond the profession’s walls, seismically, 100 years ago… Go figure. In 1908 -1916 her reinforced concrete structures had seriously strong earthquake survival rates. So did her Presence As Architecture. Unfortunately… ever heard of her? Lots of people keep their brilliant head down and change the world for the better. She was certainly one. As she expressed, “I have too much work not to.” Maybe she’s one?🙂 re: FLW?:


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One response to “Sexism in Architecture… Julia Morgan’d Take You Down!

  1. Pure & Blessed

    June 30, 2020 at 1:28 am



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