Daily Archives: April 17, 2020

8 of Pentacles Mystereum Tarot Moment

Here is your Mystereum Tarot Moment video for the 8 of Pentacles

44 seconds to…

a portal to bring your ideas and their potential to the ground,

to land them on the plateau, give them home, and actionably work on them,

to bring them to solid fruition.

8 of Pentacles

exquisite pause, intermediate completion point, Bindu top and bottom of breath, stable focus in context

Thanks much for visiting!

There’s a surprise from the past is in the 6 of Pents link below. Enjoy as well.

Ace of Pentacles     2 of Pentacles    3 of Pentacles    4 of Pentacles    5 of Pentacles

6 of Pentacles   7 of Pentacles

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video and images  (c) 2011 J. Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 J. Jordan Hoggard


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The Alchemy of Fear versus Being Afraid

I find there is an Alchemy between having fear and being afraid. Maybe it’s that I’ve been in enough places where being afraid will literally kill you?

My perspective now is simply that fear is a wonderful tool of awareness, a friend, an ally, a fecund compass sentry notifier to inform navigation. Things in our surroundings, whether they’re polished or predatory, they notify us. They simply notify us.

Do you have fear, or are you afraid?

From my perspective fears notify us as subtly as cone zones on the highway. They notify us as clearly as a heaved lip on the sidewalk we don’t trip on, and sometimes as intensely as flashing lights indicate a part of the bridge ahead is out. Sensing them, feeling them, listening to them, incorporating them, I firmly feel one can use fear as an intense notification and navigation tool. One can intend to navigate, wise in time, around what would otherwise be impending danger right on the fly. And further, good boundaries further present one’s greater intentions to move forward.

Are good boundaries fundamentally applicable? I think so. I guess this would otherwise be known as, “How Do You Own it?” Heck, there’s NO Principle’s office when you adult, or are a non-pupating adult. It’s your responsibility and accountability that present as drivers. Unless of course one is in Sales. Then, oftentimes there is no reverse gear, as they simply opt for solutions-oriented responses. “Great. What are you going to do about it?” Watch out for implied delegation, It’s often a question without a question mark. No reason to say, Yes” when “No, do it/resolve it yourself,” is the answer. No prob. People in Sales often leave accountability and responsibility in the dust with their lack of a reversed gear in their unaddressed past (detect a bent and a Rantra there? Thanks Karen Sealey for you. Rantra SUCH a great word!). For them, is it then all about, “Ok, what do you propose we do?” Is it all about workability? Don’t know, seems so, seems dead on. Of course certainty can certainly have its own trappings. What do You think/feel?

Digression broached, it seems simple. Simple. The simple of you’re not in trouble. Can you own that? Can you connect with fear, and dispense with the anxiety terrorist trying its best to hijack it? Have you already done so in your wonderfully unique way? Whichever or whatever it is, it’s yours. Can you stand up to that, or HOW do you already stand up to that? Do you stand up to you? Can you give examples? Please comment. I’m certainly not the effin Principal of anyone but myself. This stuff interests me. Understood if no.

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The 5th Ace: Death & My Greatest CruxLike the Frog Grown Wings Alchemical painting expressing the process of transformation of the tadpole through to the flier where at every step the caterpillar’s concept of…

And, it was retitled by the Owner to be Flying Frog. I dig that. It’s more resonant with it’s NOW evolved character of where it is in its current life from its original name at its creation, which was of course simply present tense par for the course for me at the time from the Place of Creation.

So, hammering the chords all over the place on the piano that resonate with me to get lost in the feeling of… fear versus anxiety… I stopped playing. Silent. Huffing exhales. I was SO ON! The mountain arose. And, Who are my current and past and historical friends on this? I kneeled to the Google Oracle 😉 lol, and …

When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings. ~ Dean Jackson

‘You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.            ~ Trinus Paulus

The caterpillar turns to liquid before turning into a butterfly. Liquid. Thus washing away any speck of his caterpillar self as he lies completely vulnerable to his environment in his chrysalis shell. One good solid gust of wind and the caterpillar’s boned. ~ Hippie Snowflake Obsidian

A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.  ~ Mandy Hale

If nothing ever changed, there wold be no such thing as butterflies. ~Wendy Mass

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. ~Rabindranath Tagore

When I thought that my life was already over I became a splendid butterfly. ~ The Caterpillar, author unknown

And, my favorite…

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anais Nin


Today, instead of allowing anxiety to kidnap your legitimate fear and torture it into being afraid right in front of you… how can you round your wagons so to speak and protect that sacred sentry that is fear from the constrictor that’s the Anxiety Predator?

I ask for you to entertain for just a moment that anxieties are like hyenas, 4-legged swarmers similar to hornets. One bite or sting won’t take you down, though when you’re covered… and they turn your tide the wrong way after that by continually cornering you with their false logic, when they’re just starving…

Today, how can YOU utilize your fears today as informative, wayfinding allies in the Alchemy of your life?! How can you ask your anxieties what their message is so they give rather than falling prey to their kidnapping taking of your sacred fear?

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Today, how can YOU utilize your fears today as informative, wayfinding allies in the Alchemy of your life?

Thanks much for visiting!

Pssssst. Peering out of the shadows. Yeah, psssst, over here. No, I’m not an anxiety. I’m on the lamb from them. Just wanted to tell ya there’s a treasure in the 6 of Pents link below. Oh, gotta go, they’ve sniffed me out again. No worries. I’m good. ShaZAM!

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Images  (c) 1993, 1995, 1999, 2011 J. Jordan Hoggard

Blog (c) 2020 J. Jordan Hoggard

Ace of Pentacles     2 of Pentacles    3 of Pentacles    4 of Pentacles    5 of Pentacles

6 of Pentacles


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