Prescient Remembrance Painting?

03 Jun

Sometimes pattern.  Sometimes, direct prefiguration.

Not many words for this right now.

Cicada resonances across time.

Suffice it to say the paintings to wand progression

gave me a beautiful pause, a scenic overlook, in process.

Day Painting to Night Painting to Wand.

Prescient Remembrance Painting.

1994 to 2008 to 2011.

Memory is dream, Dream is memory,

both living in the perpetual present,

each birth brilliant in its age.

1967 to 2005 unknowingly tilling the soil for the Mystereum Tarot.

1973, 4 1/2 cards spread on floor telling me stories.  Reading Tarot began.

Reading Tarot began by literally reading cards.

April 2005 to September 2007 gardening daily, creating The Mystereum Tarot

May 5, 2008 The Mystereum Tarot decks arrive with 48-page LWB

Readers Studio 2009: contract with Schiffer Publishing for a different kind of Tarot project

June 2, 2009 to December 10, 2009 192-page Imagination Primer created and written, deck evolve-tailored

January 5, 2011 The Land of Mystereum is discovered at The Tarot Garden, on Amazon, and soon to be on your local shelves.

(c) 2011 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on June 3, 2011 in Card Cameos


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7 responses to “Prescient Remembrance Painting?

  1. Bonnie Cehovet

    June 3, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    Jordan –

    Love the new background! 🙂

    This is a very deep thought, the prescient painting. Whenever imagery repeats itself like this, there is a reason. In each of these time periods, something was kicked in that was/is connected tot he other time periods. IMHO, anyway. 😉

    The energy moving into wand at this point in time is necessary. It as come to a point where is can now be used to activate other things in your life.


    • mystereum

      June 3, 2011 at 7:29 pm

      You are right on the money, gloriously with no need of humility, Bonnie! What has kicked in is an absolute celebration and reverence for my multiple so-close-to mountain experiences AND a dispensation with the residual hangers on of rationing and going without just to make it through the experience. Time to treat those like a dog swimming, and shake off, tail UP and trot away from them. I served myself well to live through those experiences. The memories served me well to express the power of life, of my life, the power of presence in experience. But, their directly present time has passed, and that is what my noticing of the pattern is indicating to me. . .that art talisman tokens as trailheads of my experience resurged forth graciously to simply step into view to marshall forces. Three, the number of the first shape, the triangle the smallest module of a potential structure. Three stand for me to flex my temples in a far-seeing smile knowing indomitable spirit, and now more feeling an Emperor step by step where I am realigning my pace and direction. . .step by step. . . realigning the whole system in a sungle step. . .step by step.

      I thought I was through those experiences, and recently I began to feel a bit too dead-man’s eyes about them. . .like I was in the wrong gear with them. And, I now feel I anesthetized parts of me to get all of me through them. Perennials and gardening and Death and Master Gardener. . .I have been poking up my perennial nose in my garden it seems. Rise and Shine Me! 😀

  2. Bonnie Cehovet

    June 4, 2011 at 12:19 am

    Jordan –

    I agree! Shake off the residue from those experiences, and use the wisdom to do far greater things. You are on track and movin’ fast, my friend!

    Your wand has magickal qualities that you are not yet aware of. What I do know it that you will respect both the wand and its abilities. Garnet does not mess around! 😉 I think we do have to have the dead man’s stare to get through some of life’s experiences.

    Now it is time to “Rise and Shine YOU!” 🙂


    • mystereum

      June 11, 2011 at 9:40 pm

      And, shakin’ like a wet dog on a sunny day! 😀

  3. Bonnie Cehovet

    June 11, 2011 at 10:54 pm

    Jordan –

    Beware of those wet dogs! 😉


    • mystereum

      June 12, 2011 at 12:50 am

      ;-D it goes everywhere!


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