Daily Archives: October 16, 2020

SI: 10/16 Serendipity Itinerary

SI: 10/16 Serendipity Itinerary

Here is Your October 16th, 2020 SI with the Moon Direct in Libra since yesterday, 10/15, at 1:54a. The Moon will continue its travel through Libra into this evening to enter its next Void of Course Astro Sign Lunar Synapse today, 10/16, at 6:11p. It will emerge Direct in Scorpio at 1:05a 10/17, and continue Direct through the weekend until diving into its next Void Of Course Psychic Astro Sign Synapse on 10/18 at 5:43p. 10/19 at 12:43a it will emerge Direct in Sagittarius.*

* Note: All times given are EST In the USA.

Take the energetic Libra opportunity to engage in things that speak to beauty in your Inner Home, things you are passionate about That can cascade and expand out to provide those special flourished in your home. What’s your favorite space where you feel a sense of place in your home? Fetch wood and carry water so to speak for that place. How can you amplify it in powerfully simple ways?

Nevermind mastery. Mastery leads to further discovery. Libra can help you sidestep form and dial more in to the feel. Then, you’ll be set and rested and powerfully nestled in for the Scorpionic weekend show. Did I mention the New Moon. Nope. Can’t see it? Exactly. Feel it. Feeling is a mantra that aligns with the weekend this week. And, fill up on that high octane, Scorpionic depths fuel so you can step on the gas back into solid action with fluid fluency when the Moon goes direct in Sag.

Laughter is the shortest distance between people.

~ Victor Borge

Serendipity Itineraries

If you are new to Serendipity Itineraries, you can go click here to check out the intro to see what it’s all about. Come on back once you have, as… We’ll wait. Let’s get this serendipity party started, shall we?!

Your Tarot Birth Cards for Oct 16th, 2020

Hanged Man ~ Empress

Excellent Birth Card Pair to continually embrace transformation in a very matter of fact manner. A crucial component of their reality is that they engage with inner contents and the unconscious in factual ways as easily as they interact with people at a get-together. Psychic and unconscious contents are simply more facts to go with what is out here. Even if these are not your Tarot Birth Cards, it can be a great exercise to explore them as if they were. See what new perspectives you can discover.

With The Hanged Man ~ Empress, Chariot style, what intensely natural, internal, transformative energies that oppose one another In their alchemy will you harmonize to harness for your Higher Good today and this weekend?

There is nothing in the caterpillar that tells you it‘s going to be a butterfly.

R. Buckminster Fuller

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

This Week

It’s a #3 day today, so enjoy the:

Mystereum Tarot Moment 3 of Pentacles

0 min 59 sec


2 min 17 sec

I say, Don’t waste trouble. Jodorowski’s Chariot said, I made a diamond from my misfortune. With Mindfulness in troubled times, how do you establish and/or embrace your established inner light to enhance and align with and in your natural transformation(s)? Is transformation one of the heartbeats of beauty?

One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.

My Friend Fred

I say Fred’s chaos = Nature itself, and one’s natural and immutable Nature of Self.

What messages do The Hanged Man ~ Empress gift you?

Tarot Voice Prompt Exercise

How do you express a fluid fluency with transformational energies in real time on the fly? Record yourself speaking about The Hanged Man ~ Empress. Close your eyes and play yourself back Afterwards. Listen deeply to your voice and what you hear even more than what you said. What do you hear. How do you feel to yourself? Do you hear anything new? What do the highs and lows of your voice tell you? What about the flow? Dance like you’re birthing a star, click record, and speak fluently like no one’s listening. Share what happens if you like. If you’re more visual, doodle like no one is watching.

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go Outside and look in the window… look into the window of yourself (Temple of You) for 0min 59’sec, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder again doing the above, or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What transformations do I craft from the intense pressures in my life? How do you allow this inform your perspective? What will you do about it? Cogs are not less than. A cog functions under intense temperatures and pressures all the while engaging to gear in without slip. And, if it slips, it can often be re-tooled to be put back in place.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series from 2012-2013. Check out her beautiful site!


I’m full-on pleased that my article The Kintsukuroi of Self was published in Issue 35 of The Tarot Association’s Tarosophist International Magazine Equinox Issue. I’m stoked with the honor and the quality of their presentation. Thank you Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin Charlotte and the Tarosophy Team! Note that the Tarosophist International Magazine is a members-only magazine with public print to resume soon.

Again, This Week, A Meditative Suggestion in Regards to This Week’s Music Selections

Rather than listen to the words as being from one person to another, or the artist to you or to another, will you allow the words to be yours spoken to you and your internal community? As if a play produced about you? Some of them may fall flat and not apply. Then again, some may spark something inside with this listening exercise. Dance along to your play if you feel to. Give it a go, and see what happens when you turn poetry/lyrics inward to speak to yourself as if they originated from you to you. I played with Silence this week, so the music is the same as last week’s. Listen or hop right over it with Silence and dig into the intensities in everyone’s blogs this week.

SVRCINA ~ Battlefield

Digital Daggers ~ Nothing’s Broken

Here We Go into Your Serendipity Itinerary for October 16th

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

There are excellent new posts this week! Think you’ve seen them before? Me, too. Then, there was this week. The vibe, like the world, is all over the place, to each their own. All similar, each unique. My image is splashing in the water. Just splash and splash and let the splash be… unless you’re in Oz or South Africa. Then, do that in a pool. I wouldn’t want you to hear dangerous cello music in the ocean. Du Nuh…

I suggest take 2 sites you are familiar with and revisit their current post(s). Then, I-Ching ’em and run your own Serendipity Itinerary to 2 that are new to you. Another great week. Prepare this month to not waste trouble Diamonds take some time it seems. The stars and planets are menacing only if you let them be. They are magical allies if you OWN them, especially when they are intense. How can you partner with your intensity to surf your own celestial grooves of transformation this week?. I suggest to not take shit from the stars this week. It’s YOUR world. Turn around and see where they are coming from. Your perspective might shift to your benefit as they partner with you, even if at odds. There’s still a relationship in that scenario as well. Breathe out and take out your broom to clean sweep anxiety out! Fear is like Inner Iolite, the Nordic Compass. Use it as awareness as your adaptability drives transformation. And, please do take care not to let anxiety hijack your Fear Awareness Radar Tool from you and jack it into being afraid. SHIELDS UP for the rest of the month! October 2020 Astro is quite a ride. Make it so! And, here’s a 3rd Astro link I value. Susan Miller, Rob Brezsny, and Verdarluz are three Astro voices I work with to complement mine as I Chart course.

Enjoy Your SI

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors. Check out Carsten’s beautiful new book, The Beauty of Abandoned Places,

Donald L. (Skip) Conover ~ is creating Videos for laymen about the Collected Works of Dr. Carl G.Jung. Founder of the C.G. Jung Depth Psychology Reading Group. Dive in to the over 1,200 videos he has produced for a healthy dose of rockin’ness.

Tim Holmes ~ Tim Holmes Studio. A passionate artist with vision and an actionable mission consistently doing something with it for the good of the Self and the world. Hearing His Own Voice: A Life of Sculptor Tim Holmes. By Brian D’Ambrosio. Also, explore Tim’s Jung And Alive Meaning Finder.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Elisa Markhoff ~ The Fiery Angel. Journalist, Researcher, and Iconographer doing wonderful work with Sophia and Divine Wisdom.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog. Please share his recent Black in AI 2020 Call for Papers post to magnetize others who might not have otherwise been aware of the opportunity to advance the AI (Artificial Intelligence) community.

Jean Raffa ~ Think Psychologically. Live Spiritually. A former television producer and college professor, Dr. Raffa changed directions in midlife to discover and write about her passions. Informed by over 30 years of psychological and spiritual study, her books and teachings guide others to growth and self-empowerment.

Author Melissa Crismon ~ Oceans of Love. Melissa is the author of the MerSea series about a conservationist mermaid. Painting in her mom’s studio, studying modern dance, and playing the pedal harp informed her childhood. A bachelor’s degree in visual and performing arts made sense. From angelic harpist to romance author, Melissa began writing as a theatre reviewer for local and online media.Her Golden-State-of-the-Art Blog started out as a California arts blog that covered a lot of theatre, but rolls with the punches and has expanded to the vegan lifestyle.

Martha Ann Kennedy’s Blog ~ I’m A Writer, Yes, I Am! Her recent post Through the Looking Glass from The Global Exclaimer is powerful and full-on apt about this racism disease going around more powerfully in this current time where the Civil War is like the EverReady Bunny just going and going and going — like it seethed under the surface for over a century, the internal war that never ended. About Martha: After thirty years teaching writing in San Diego, in 2014, I returned to live in my home state, Colorado. I live in the remote, beautiful and mysterious San Luis Valley. All my life, I’ve been a writer. Sometimes, I’m also a painter, but I am always a hiker.

Scott Parker-Anderson ~ Waldina. Waldina was my maternal great-grandmother. Her life story has inspired generations of our family. I write about what inspires me.

Andrea Badgley ~ Butterfly Mind. Creative Nonfiction by Andrea Badgley. Andrea Badgley holds a B.S. in Ecology, but left that field to raise children and write. Her Butterfly Mind blog reflects her inclination to flit. Her work appears in Southern Women’s Review, on the Brevity blog, and on The Daily Post. You can also follow her on Twitter @andreabadgley

Anne Elise ~ MBTI Journey. Life is a journey, not a destination. – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Welcome to MBTI Journey! If you want to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery then this is the site for you. Through MBTI and this blog you will learn more about yourself, the people you love, and even the people you don’t understand.

purplepeninportland ~ Sharing Poetry and Hugs. I am a freelance poet, born and bred in Brooklyn, New York. I live with my husband, John, and two charming rescue dogs–Marion Miller and Murphy. We spent eight lovely years in Portland, OR, but are now back in New York. My goal is to create and share poetry with others who write, or simply enjoy reading poetry. I hope to touch a nerve in you, and feel your sparks as well.

Mr. Purrington ~ Carl Jung Depth Psychology. Life, work and legacy of Carl Jung.

Fernando Kaskais ~ by F. Kaskais. The Esoteric Meaning Behind Neo’s Interrogation in The Matrix.

Deborah Bridge, PhD. ~ Soul Tending. Depth Psychologist.

Becca Tarnas, PhD ~ Scholar, artist, and counseling astrologer, Becca is the editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal CosmologyShe received her PhD in Philosophy and Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her dissertation is titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear. Check out Keith’s recent Skyscraper post. It starts with a wicked cool image, and keeps going from there.

Janet Rudolph ~ Feminism and Religion. Thoughtful. Poignant. Meaningful. Janet plays the depths with her tune. Both-And is embraced, and though either/or is not dismissed, it is seemingly most often precluded by her forthright and engaged gesture. Janet posts from a deep well. Want some thought that has meaning and place and is engaged? Cool. Then, please visit her work.

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

M K MacInnes ~ Talking of inner journeys, since PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a major theme in my work, I have devoted an entire page to signposting readers who are interested in finding out more about it.

Donna’s Poetry Blog ~ Hope. Courage. Poetry. Faith. Love. An experiential read that is well worth it.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within, and looks like the DNA orbits within us as well. Go figure. Know thyself and know the universe just took on a simple tone as well.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

Thanks for Trekking with SOMA Serendipity Itineraries

Coming Very Soon!!

KintsuKuroi of Self Readings for Your Inner Golden Splendor to flow up and fill the fault lines between tectonic life-shifts. Kintsukuroi, the Art of things being more valuable for having been broken, put back together with the gold lacquer of connections in celebration of the experiences. Kintsukuroi You as only you can. Kintsukuroi of Self Readings coming soon.

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

I’m honored that 2 card images from my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck + book box set published by Schiffer are featured in Taschen’s new Library of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books


Posted by on October 16, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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Visceral Path ~ Sacral to Crown Walk Through the Feel of Sacred Architecture

Visceral Path ~ Sacral to Crown Walk Through the Feel of Sacred Architecture

I Walk

I walk the path of knowing 
living in the not-knowing, 
death as the mother of memory,
the nourisher of dreams 
in this confluence of all things 
that is the perpetual present. 

Comfortable with the not-knowing, 
forgetting is for getting. 
It makes more room for the god stuff to breath. 
That often magnetizes 
more good stuff 
for more intense breath,
for more intense forgetting,
for getting
the good.

Is health simply integrated armor?

Are We

Are we all the unmoved mover? 
Do we all move like entering Mont St. Michel? 
The scheduling danger of coming and going. 
Too attached to your plans? 
Cool, I suggest to not attend the visceral, 
experiential feast that is Mont St. Michel then. 
Though, if fluid, 
and not going with the flow,
as only dead fish go with the flow, 
do you tack the sailboat of your life 
with fluid fluency
into the wind? 
Back and forth navigating forward into the intensity,
do you move from depth
to heights
to rise up and open yourself 
like a corporeal cloister?

Once Said

Christian Norbert-Schulz once said:

How does a building stand on the ground?

How does it extend to the sides?

How does it open and close?

How does it reach for and zipper with the sky?

To which I will add,

How does it feel?

What Are the Consequences Of Feeling?

Well, ice crystal recording devices can be a cool gig.

Look What Can Happen

To the top of your car
when you come home 
in butt-ass cold one winter evening
as the sun sets
after a 30-minute drive 
after giving a Tarot reading 
that fills you with, 
This is why I do this,
and discover THIS the next morning.

I Draw, and in So Doing

I draw
And, in so doing
I abduce,
I draw out...

Yesterday evening.
I drew The Emperor,
and said nothing.

That spoke volumes to me, 
That I said nothing. 
Just sat,
feeling Silence.

That spoke volumes to me,
the Architect.
Too attached to form.
Too attached to results.
Too drawn.
Too specified.
Too dimensioned.

Place established,
I now care less about dimensioning beauty.

It’s time to over-listen,
and in whole-body listening,
as I feel into my Silence,
as I listen to others.

I Currently Have 6 Favorite Quotes

I have six favorite quotes in no particular order. 
They all orbit together 
in my Idea Solar System 
as they do at any given time. 

they are all Rx, 
powerful as they sit and emanate.
Retrograde, Rx, is a stationing, 
a sitting planted strongly, 
the intensity
of the focused power
of patience.

Mercury Rx?
Re-sync to the new tach level.
Dial in
to dive in differently.

Mercury Rx in Mars Rx?
We might need a new transmission soon.
Till then,
shift n corner differently as only you can.
Your Life, Your Way.

It’s not no better time than the present.
The present is perpetual.

What am I,
What are You,
going to do with all this future in front of us,

Death may be the Mother of memory,
and Nourisher of dreams,
is always the time.

I chose The Tower.
I drew The Tower.
I had already created and made The Tower.

Though, now?
World ALTARing.

when it appears that everything fell apart,
did everything simply fall in place
for the first time
outside the bounds
of your expectations?

Inspect your expectations.
Has your life simply come together
for the first time
in a way you are full-on unfamiliar with?

It can certainly induce a startle.
Fortunately, I run towards gunfire.
I tack the sailboat into the wind
square my shoulders to face
the time
in the space
of this place
now unconcerned with form and results

with Self. 

Be yourself. I hear everyone else is already taken.

~ Oscar Wilde

I Currently Have

I currently have six favorite quotes:

Symbolic representation and imagistic writing are the pure hieratic forms of esoteric expression. Through symbolism, and through it alone can we read the thought of the Ancients. It is only through the symbolical that we will be able to coordinate the known elements of this great civilization and that the writing may take on its true meaning.   

 ~ R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz — The Temple In Manp. 19

There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the Bud was more painful than the risk of blossoming.

~ Anais Nin

Trees with strong roots laugh at storms.

~ Malay Proverb

A heart in love with beauty never grows old.

~ Turkish Prverb

Forgetting is for getting. It makes more room for the good stuff to breathe.

~ Jordan Hoggard riffing off of to evolve the Imagination Primer from Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.

If you don’t read the paper each morning, you’re uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed.

~ Mark Twain

Cloister of Self ~ The Temple In Man

The Temple of Luxor at Karnak

How Do You Listen

When Silence Presents

The Oculus of Itself To Self,

To You?*

* Note: Jung, Nietzsche, and the Wm pair, Blake and James, were napping at the time of this post. Well, that’s what I was told When they could not be reached for comment to provide a quote. I’m pretty sure they played hooky and are hanging out with Julia Morgan and Harriet Tubman and Cleopatra and Sophia. Pallas-Athena and Moira and Astraea will take your cover at the door.

From deep and chthonic Sacral places Kundalini-ing up through numinous Crown

How Do You Listen

When Silence Presents

an Oculus of Connection?*

Tip Your Server? Cool, Buy Me a Coffee. Thanks Much.

* Note: The Portal of the Seamless Segue wormhole in the 9 of Pentacles gifted by The World looking up from within the obelisk.

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Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on October 16, 2020 in Incarnations


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