Driving Inner State Highways. Tarot Traffic

26 Jul

You know when you are driving

You know your driving personality pretty well, huh?  What is your Tarot reading personality?

There are 2 U’s in gUrU.  Do you kneel to the On-High when you drive?  Or, are you at a minimum twice as much U with no gurus anywhere in sight?  You’re not alone in that, however you responded.  Is there a clue to your Tarot reading style there?

How do y0u merge into other traffic when you are driving?  Well, you know how you merge.  I know how I merge.  And, I try my best not to disparage other drivers, though despite my best efforts there is more than occasionally still a “Drive like you mean it!” that slips out of my mouth . . . well, more like a verbal RPG really.  I think I keep it around 7 or 8 now, though, rather than the GOES TO 11 of years past.  Driving can be a people-watching experience like a moving zoo, though the Geico Gecko and your wallet might thank you more for some awareness as you are both spectator and actor.

On the same token

What’s up with talking about traffic and how any of us merges into traffic when Tarot is the order of the day on this blog?  Well, does how you merge in traffic provide you with useful clues to your Tarot reading personality?  Does how you merge into traffic reveal helpful resonances into how your imagination works?  I am thinking your driving style at speed in traffic in real time provides more than a simple glimpse of your Tarot reading personality.  Does your driving style actually paint a world-size picture of your Tarot reading personality?

How do you merge into the creative traffic in your Idea Solar System?  Wait!  What’s an Idea Solar System?  It is a concept in the Land of Mystereum dealing with the natural orbits of your ideas, how they weightlessly move in mind and into and as your work.  How do you merge into the creative traffic of your Tarot reading style?  Is each spread you work with a snapshot of cards that are really all verbs?  Is each spread a place of creation, a sanctuary of Inner State Highways speaking?  Don’t text while you Tarot.  It’s dangerous. 😉

I am going to pull a card about driving style clueing us in to our Tarot reading personality.   I drew XXI, The World card.

Is your Tarot reading style expansive and infinite?  When you master things does that mean you have no more to learn from them?  Does your mastery lead to further discovery?  What’s the style of your Inner State Highways when you drive Tarot in your readings?  What’s your driving style?  Take a little drive somewhere and see.  Is your driving style wonderfully similar to your Tarot reading personality?

The Tarot GPS with the sexy Aussie voice that distracts me when I am driving repeatedly with “recalculating route” will finally say, “You have arrived.”  I rather like that part.  I also rather like the new things I discover while she is recalculating my route.  What do you discover in your driving style about Tarot and the Inner State Highways of your Idea Solar System?

Enjoy your driving World!  And, X + X + I = 3, have fun driving around with the 3’s and . . .

The 3’s Birth Cards as Inner State Highway GPS

Here’s the 3’s Birth Card Blog, too.
Have a great one!

All images (c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on July 26, 2012 in Card Curiosities


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3 responses to “Driving Inner State Highways. Tarot Traffic

  1. Karen Sealey

    July 26, 2012 at 8:43 pm

    III Empress … qu’elle surprise! Toyota Previa !!!


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