Tag Archives: tetrahedron

The Empress’ 4 Agency Form-Givers

The Empress’ 4 Agency Form-Givers

Agency ~ In psychology, agents are goal-directed entities that are able to monitor their environment to select and perform efficient means-ends actions that are available in a given situation to achieve an intended goal. Agency, therefore, implies the ability to perceive and to change the environment of the agent, but crucially, it also entails intentionality to represent the goal-state in the future, equifinal variability

The 4 Queens ~ Agencies of The Empress

The four Queens form the Agencies of The Empress. Queens are natural leaders, and elementally the Queens magnetize themselves together and become a quaternal form-giver to the Nature of The Empress in a Tetrahedron. The Empress may form the 1st self-supporting shape of the triangle, though the 4 Queens come together to form her further into 3 dimensions, the triangular pyramid, otherwise known as the Tetrahedron.

But Jordan, a Tetrahedron only has 3 visible sides + the base. Exactly. And, the Architect oftentimes differentiates a structure to evolve its beauty and function at one and the same time. Such as, see the image below to express one way I see The Empress in a 3-D Archtetypal Cosmology way. It also can apply to The Emperor as shown. Q of P at the Base points ~ that form the extent of the base side which homes the Magician and High Priestess ~ and then Q of C, Q of W, Q of S as the three rising sides ~ that rise to the tetrahedral point at the top which is… still thinking this part through: the Emanation point? The mini-tetrahedon created on top made of Psychic Gold to flow into Self and seed the next, IV The Emperor to establish place — draw another sketch diagram of the pyramid with 4 sides and a base.

Tetrahedrons and Pyramids need no foundation. They are themselves their own foundation

4 Agencies of The Empress. Queens are natural leaders, and each one of the 4 a Temple of herself that come together to form the overall Yoniverse of the Empress, that from which all emanates:

Queen of Pentacles Queen of Cups Queen of Wands Queen of Swords

Empress to be continued…

Emperor up next going under my sketch pen with pyramid and Hierophant… somewhere… to be continued.

Notice all the little people up and down the Soulseat Heartfelt Silverback HieroDood Wise from experiential integration… wisdom, new spirit, activation, down-to-earth spirit

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Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on September 9, 2020 in The Deceptive Simplicity Series


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