Tag Archives: sales

The Placemaker ~ The Ace of Wands & the Sacred Rite of Site

The Placemaker ~ The Ace of Wands & the Sacred Rite of Site

First, I do the coffee. Then, I do the things. ~ unknown

Happy NOW Year!

Now Year you say? Yes. Into the gas and out with the clutch and get a move on! There are things to orchestrate and strategize and read and play with now. Commitments to establish and bring to life as you enact them. What’s currently in your Idea Sandbox? towards the front burner?

Well, on December 21st on the Solstice and the Jupiter~Saturn conjunction I pulled a book project from the dusty and sleepy cells of my unfinished library of work and nudged it awake. I gave it a couple of weeks to wake up in low orbit near the front burner of my work. Today, I begin to land it, and share it. And today, I begin to turn up the front burner heat and bring it into being. I will be intermittently sharing excerpts as I reify, create, make, and land them into life to graduate from my Man-Womb Place of Creation as I build the community between the covers of this book in progress. Currently, my working title is Telling Tarot ~ Card Stories from Beyond. Part fairy tales, part anecdotal history, meaning I made them up and feel they fit the resonance of each card’s tenor, and part… well, like YoYo Ma said, Some things cannot be measured. We’ll see how much unmeasurable and moving feeling emanates from this work as I bring it into being to graduate from my sandbox into the world’s. Today, I share a draft excerpt from one card to strike an initial chord, set an initial tone, and begin to ring this work into being. Enjoy!

~ The Placemaker ~

The Ace of Wands & the Sacred Rite of Site

To site a sacred structure or other important building project, the High Priest/Priestess, The Placemaker, would literally engage in a walking meditation rite to initiate the general space where the Architecture was to be built. Minutes. Hours. Days might pass as they conscientiously went Into The Black, went INconsciously in dereistic thought rather than UNconsciously, and began to connect to the genius loci of the place, the god or spirit alive in the heart of a place. The time, the planets, the seasons naturally dialed into the day to reflect in both Light & Shadow… they tuned themselves to align to the whole of the hours, to the minute, the second. They tuned in not in chronological time, the Chronos’ Land of the watch. They tuned into Moira’s Land, the inner rhythms, the natural, inner nature of the Universe and the Self and the Archetypes. They would tune in to Moira’s Land as The All rippled the sacred fingerprint of the place throughout their inner rhythms. Consciously and unconsciously they became the inner ocean and land in the intricate and depthful intercourse we feel as the coastline.

Standing with a foot on both sides is better with a pen or a brush. They stood with a foot on both sides in a float-straddle of the coastline’s back and forth ebb and flow with the omphallos in hand raised above the ground. The omphallos would not touch the earth again until the Place of Power of the heart of the site was magnetically connected and tuned in and tuned to and resonated with in the harmonic of oneness with the place in the world.

in another way The Rite of Site of The Placemaker would continue until such time when the High Priest/Priestess would arrive at a reverberating and synchronized resonance within as they had come to stand right at the unseen Yoniverse heart of the matter of the place. This was an exercise in Actualized Archetypal Cosmology.

They would turn slowly, tune in further. They would turn until their inner resonance synced up with the vibrational energy of the site, connection enacted, and they became one, inter-penetrating force of energy at which point a sacred chord of harmony was struck within The Placemaker. Right there, in the sacred heart of the place, they half-shuffle-stepped to the side to reveal the center to the sky in a consummate acknowledgment of the discovery of the Divine there at that spot, A Place of Power. They would square their shoulders, face out from the center through what was to be the sacred structure’s front entry, and firmly plant the sacred staff of the Omphallos bullseye in the Yoniverse of the place. It is HERE! Done.

Sacred place seeded, secured to come to life, the Scribes would literally mark the front to back and side to side axes based on the stance of the Placemaker. The Heart Direction going straight out perpendicular from the chest was the Key. And then, they would proceed to circumscribe a series of ellipses outward, each centered on that genius loci spot, the Sacred Architectural G-Spot on which the structure would birth from as it was built. This presents Architecture as a Psycho-Spiritual act visible as an open gestation gesture throughout the importance of placement to inform its future construction.

The quaternity in the IV of The Emperor gets us here to this established place of ourselves being The Placemaker of Self. We then fully make the move from the 3 to the 4, with the 4 being the simplest expression of how your personal boundaries are set up and establish themselves through action. Identity is placed and secured and enters into its continual evolution in the Major Arcana IV. This is the Place of Your Creation Placed. At the arrival of The Emperor the evolutionary seed of how one synchronizes one’s Psyche within and with the external world around is planted firmly.

How one’s natural vibration strikes chords to resonate and then tune to harmonize begins to establish the Architecture of one’s identity where boundaries begin to come into being as the shape of the person, you, whether evolved or not. I make no judgment in that regard. We each are of course where we each are now. Death is the mother of memory, of our yesterdays now gone as they transform into the fertilizer for dreams and tomorrows.

Boundaries and identity track along in a mini-binary star relationship as their tennis match plays back and forth from here. One to the other, the pulse of the heartbeat of personal, self-development begins to emanate noticeably here from your energies.

Meditation Exercise: Allow the Ace of Wands to be your ally to tune your own energetic harmonics as an Energetic Placemaker of Self. With the Ace of Wands in one hand and XVII The Star in the other, ask yourself out loud, When I am tuned to resonate with myself AS my celestial groove, what does that sound like?

~ The End ~

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

What’s This? A Coffee Currency Shop? Why Yes!

Pay in whatever amount of coffee you choose, and then download your fill of my eBook PDFs. No Kindle required.* Heck, pay one coffee or several or 5, and also maybe even periodically tip your server in coffee when you get some goody out of them. Like, Hey, I was using your work and this great thing happened! Thank You. Here’s a coffee!

1 coffee? 9? Whatever amount you choose. I extend my appreciation in advance. You can never have enough coffee. No strings because it’s coffee not tea. Maybe that’s why coffee cups have sayings on them. Is that teabag remorse?

No Kindle required as all the eBooks are currently easily downloadable PDFs.

Buy me coffee and download your fill.

Just click the BuyMeACoffee link which will open another tab. Pay me some coffee. You decide the value in how many coffees you feel to pay. It’s your choice. Pay, then download your fill. It’s that simple. No strings.

Once you have, download any or as many PDF eBooks below as you want. Need eStocking Stuffers or ZOOM Party Gifts or marketing collateral giveaways? Done. Pay me some coffee. Set up your ZOOM meeting or webinar or conference to share these as welcome gifts or bonuses.

Buy Me A Coffee

There You Go. My Coffee Currency Shop,

Because Coffee Has Value to me! I look forward to see if my work provides value for you!

Pay some coffee, then download your fill.

Paid with coffee or shared? Thank You!

Here you go! Download your fill of the current titles. Like coffee, more to come.

Enjoy Coffee Currency Ideas for Your Work

Are You sending out a newsletter?

Here’s an idea. Attach a PDF eBook as a Thank You.

Do you need giveaways for that conference?

Need giveaways as a Thank You for 40 people coming to your webinar and are on a tight budget? I have you covered. Pay or tip me in coffee, download and give them each an eBook. 4. 40. 400. Scale it to you. Also, let me know if you want to team up to customize any of the eBooks to become value-added marketing collateral for your webinars, lectures, promos, presentations, conferences. Contact me by commenting here. I’ll get in touch to arrange to add your links and logo for a creative and collaborative marketing handout. Or, we’ll discuss what you have in mind. Good for you. Good for me. Good for community. What else is there? Oh right. Coffee. Can’t forget that.

Use My eBooks As Marketing Giveaways In Your Collateral

Give my eBooks as an affordable marketing giveaway. Have 40 people on an upcoming ZOOM call? Excellent. Pay me some coffee. Download what you need and set up how and when you distribute to your people. Send my eBooks to your group as a Thank You for coming to your presentation. DONE. It’s good for both of us. You have a creative giveaways that complement your offering without competing. I have coffee, so I make more. Call it AFM — Allied Fields Marketing. Provide value-added giveaways to enhance your offering’s value!

Sure, there’s a big honor system here. What’s the harm in that? Sure, someone can pay me one coffee, $3, and then hand out my work as a marketing gimme promo to many many potential clients over and over. I don’t see the problem. I know the drill. You start a business. You have a budget. You don’t even have P & L yet, maybe don’t even know what that is — Profit & Loss. But, there you are. You’ve started a business, STILL have to make a profit, and you learn as you go. You have a limited budget. Regardless, you STILL need a robust and full presentation package to promote and present your services at the quality level of their value. Nevermind that you are heading into your 1st webinar on your own and haven’t had a sale yet. Is that you? Well, take one more step. Make your offering more robust. Get yourself some giveaways with substance for the price of coffee. Pay some coffee and download these eBooks to complement and enhance your presentation.

Pens Are Passé in the Pandemic

Have a new business and need promo material while you get started? Cool. Pens are passé in the pandemic. Skip the passé. Give your clients and potential clients my PDF eBooks around the holidays as a Thank You for being your client, for attending your presentation. In person? ZOOM? I imagine you have electronic registration. Even if the meeting or webinar or conference is in person, you can use these eBook PDFs as a Thank You. Or, share over your webinar. Your call.

You get great eBooks + marketing collateral. I get coffee. I can support that.

We Both Win!

Happy Sag Season & into 2021 We Go!

~ Jordan, Inner Gold Emanations

* Note: Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at Amazon and The Library of Esoterica at Taschen are purchased there, are not included in this. Astro Art Charts, Tarot Readings, Coursework also not included. Those prices remain what they are In the Shop ImaginAction.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on January 7, 2021 in Promotions


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Happy NOW Year from The Placemaker!

Happy NOW Year from The Placemaker!

First, I do the coffee. Then, I do the things. ~ unknown

Happy NOW Year!

Now Year you say? Yes. Into the gas and out with the clutch and get a move on! There are things to orchestrate and strategize and read and play with now. And, what’s currently in your Idea Sandbox towards the front burner that you can take one action today towards it being a reality? And, then one more action tomorrow or every other day? If you do, what will it look like next week? Next month? How long until you complete it and move up another? I call my way the BITCh Method ~ Butt In The Chair. Same bat time, same bat channel on the days I schedule creative sessions with myself. Can you dial it in? Can you put something personal on your schedule and commit to it start to finish? Hey! Begin somewhere. Anywhere! Start to finish. You can use this technique to groove in and install a creative on/off switch for each and every project you undertake. See if this provides you a tool to use to more fluidly flow into the fluency of your own creative voice as you reify your ideas and enact them to completion. Give it a go and see, and let me know what shakes out for you.

And, Until Then, Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

I will be resuming my regular blogging this Wednesday with an excerpt from a new book I am working on. I’m holding back the title for the time being. Though, on Wednesday I will give you a taste with The Placemaker of the Ace of Wands.

Shakin’Your Inner Booty and dancing scribes a new world, new life, and place-making with enthusiasm

What’s This? My Coffee Currency Shop? Yes!

Yes, pay in coffee For the downloadable eBook PDFs I offer. No Kindle required.* Heck, pay one coffee or several or 5, and also maybe even periodically tip your server in coffee when you get some goody out of them. Like, Hey, I was using your work and this great thing happened! Thank You. Here’s a coffee!

1 coffee. 3 coffees. 5 coffees. Whatever amount. I extend my appreciation in advance. You can never have enough coffee in the cupboard.

My eBooks are straight up PDFs. No Kindle required. All 6 PDF eBook downloads are available for coffee. And, more are on the way. Heck, just pay 1 coffee, then download your fill. All 6 if you like.

My Coffee Currency Shop

How does it work? Simple. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link which will open another tab. Pay me some coffee. Pay me with 1 coffee. Pay 5 coffees. You decide the value in how many coffees you feel to pay. It’s your choice. Pay with however many coffees you feel to pay, and download your fill. It’s completely your call.

Or, heck! It IS an honor system. You can also just spread the word. That has value for WOMM, Word Of Mouth Marketing. Share my Coffee Currency Shop, or mention it to a friend to mention it to another. Then, download your fill. If you like, please pay in coffee AND share to spread the word. You can also set up a BuyMeACoffee page for your own site to do this same thing if you think it cool and valuable, For you! Excellent stuffstance all.

Once you have, download any or as many PDF eBooks below as you want. Need eStocking Stuffers or ZOOM Party Gifts or marketing collateral giveaways? Done. Pay me some coffee. Set up your ZOOM meeting or webinar or conference to share these.

Buy Me A Coffee

There You Go. My Coffee Currency Shop,

Because Coffee Has Value to me! I look forward to see if my work provides value for you!

Pay some coffee, then download your fill.

Paid with coffee or shared? Thank You!

Here you go! Download your fill of the current titles. Like coffee, more to come.

Enjoy Coffee Currency Ideas for Your Work

Are You sending out a newsletter?

Here’s an idea. Attach a PDF eBook as a Thank You.

Do you need giveaways for that conference?

Need giveaways as a Thank You for 40 people coming to your webinar and are on a tight budget? I have you covered. Pay or tip me in coffee, download and give them each an eBook. 4. 40. 400. Scale it to you. Also, let me know if you want to team up to customize any of the eBooks to become value-added marketing collateral for your webinars, lectures, promos, presentations, conferences. Contact me by commenting here. I’ll get in touch to arrange to add your links and logo for a creative and collaborative marketing handout. Or, we’ll discuss what you have in mind. Good for you. Good for me. Good for community. What else is there? Oh right. Coffee. Can’t forget that.

Use My eBooks As Marketing Giveaways In Your Collateral

Give my eBooks as an affordable marketing giveaway. Have 40 people on an upcoming ZOOM call? Excellent. Pay me some coffee. Download what you need and set up how and when you distribute to your people. Send my eBooks to your group as a Thank You for coming to your presentation. DONE. It’s good for both of us. You have a creative giveaways that complement your offering without competing. I have coffee, so I make more. Call it AFM — Allied Fields Marketing. Provide value-added giveaways to enhance your offering’s value!

Sure, there’s a big honor system here. What’s the harm in that? Sure, someone can pay me one coffee, $3, and then hand out my work as a marketing gimme promo to many many potential clients over and over. I don’t see the problem. I know the drill. You start a business. You have a budget. You don’t even have P & L yet, maybe don’t even know what that is — Profit & Loss. But, there you are. You’ve started a business, STILL have to make a profit, and you learn as you go. You have a limited budget. Regardless, you STILL need a robust and full presentation package to promote and present your services at the quality level of their value. Nevermind that you are heading into your 1st webinar on your own and haven’t had a sale yet. Is that you? Well, take one more step. Make your offering more robust. Get yourself some giveaways with substance for the price of coffee. Pay some coffee and download these eBooks to complement and enhance your presentation.

Pens Are Passé in the Pandemic

Have a new business and need promo material while you get started? Cool. Pens are passé in the pandemic. Skip the passé. Give your clients and potential clients my PDF eBooks around the holidays as a Thank You for being your client, for attending your presentation. In person? ZOOM? I imagine you have electronic registration. Even if the meeting or webinar or conference is in person, you can use these eBook PDFs as a Thank You. Or, share over your webinar. Your call.

You get great eBooks + marketing collateral. I get coffee. I can support that.

We Both Win!

Happy Sag Season & into 2021 We Go!

~ Jordan, Inner Gold Emanations

* Note: Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at Amazon and The Library of Esoterica at Taschen are purchased there, are not included in this. Astro Art Charts, Tarot Readings, Coursework also not included. Those prices remain what they are In the Shop ImaginAction.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on January 4, 2021 in Card Cameos


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Your Mode of Being, Boundaries, and Being Yourself

Your Mode of Being, Boundaries, and Being Yourself

First, I do the coffee. Then, I do the things. ~ unknown

Love it! Mode of Being Formed at 3 1/2!

Love it! You reminded me of when I strolled into the kitchen when I was 3 1/2 in my diaper or shorts or whatever with no shirt. I politely asked my parents, “Do you want to go to Funland?” The response came back, “No, Jordan, not today, we’re making lunch.” “Ok.” And, out the door I went. They thought I was going to go play in the carport. Nope. I was not asking for permission. I was being polite, asking them if they wanted to go with me. So, down the drive and around the corner, and up a couple of blocks to the highway I went. Walked along the highway for a mile or so to arrive at FUNLAND!! WOO HOO! Funland. It was a local them park with bumper cars and cotton candy and ring toss and… THE FERRIS WHEEL. I LOVED the Ferris wheel. Tiny one, not a big one. It was big enough for me as I was 3 1/2. This is before cell phones, like 1971 or some such. My parents get a call… “Little Jordy is safe on the Ferris wheel, and we’ll keep him here, but where are you?”

Trees with strong roots smile in storms. ~ Malay Proverb

Exceptions to the Rules

🙂 Yes, you’re not supposed to scare your parents. But, no one said anything about terrifying them. So, scroll forward. OH BOY YES was I in trouble. It’s funny how you learn limits and some boundaries are set. Though, I did NOT like that much at all. In fact! The very next morning, same attire, I packed my Snoopy suitcase and ran away. I mean, what else could I do. They exiled my sovereignty. Common! I was 3 1/2 and I had a world to attend to! 😉

I Made It

I made it to the curb. Started crying. Sat down. The neighbor, a local newspaper editor came and sat next to me. “Well, Jordie, what’s the trouble? Why are you crying?” I remember the glare I shot her, and then I softened to, sobbing again, “Because I’m running away!” She smiled and softly said, “So, what’s the problem? Why so sad? That sounds like freedom.” Wiping off the tears I pursed my lips… “Yes! Not NOW! This morning they said I’m not allowed to cross the street by myself!”

How do YOU smile with your ears in storms to full-on hear the gift of BOOM n BLUSTER n ALL THAT you are being given by your internal world? What messages of your FORAYS in life do you tell yourself from what you did as a kid?

Thanks Much for Visiting Today.

My natural mode of being?… I can cross any street by myself now. 😉

We’ve been silent this past week for the most part. Serendipity Itineraries and blog articles will resume shortly after this wonderful conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Road Closed. Pedestrians Only Past This Point. Dogs and cats encouraged.

============ ++++++++++++++ ============

EeBook PDFs by Coffee Currency

Pay In Coffee

My eBooks are straight up PDFs. No Kindle required. All 6 PDF eBook downloads are available for coffee. And, more are on the way.

Buy Me A Coffee

Download Your Fill. More Brewing.

Enjoy Coffee Currency Ideas:

Are You sending out a newsletter?

Here’s an idea. Attach a PDF eBook as a Thank You.

Do you need giveaways for that conference?

Use My eBooks As Marketing Giveaways

Pens Are Passé in the Pandemic, Give eBooks Instead

(You)(great eBooks) + (I get coffee) = !

Happy Sag Season & into 2021 We Go!

~ Jordan, Inner Gold Emanations

* Note: Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at Amazon and The Library of Esoterica at Taschen are purchased there, are not available by Coffee Currency. Astro Art Charts, Tarot Readings, Coursework also not included, unless of course you want to pay the amounts in the Shop in coffee and make a note when you do. Hmmm… That sounds fun. If you do, tell me in the note what you are interested in. I’ll email you to schedule and get you set up.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

1 Comment

Posted by on December 22, 2020 in The Deceptive Simplicity Series


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Redux ~ Griefus Interruptus ~ To Discern Workability in Crisis Can Transcend Grief Formation, and Actually Gift You Excellent Stuffstance

Redux ~ Griefus Interruptus ~ To Discern Workability in Crisis Can Transcend Grief Formation, and Actually Gift You Excellent Stuffstance

First, I do the coffee. Then, I do the things. ~ unknown

When You Focus

When you focus on the ‘good’ or ’bad’ of your fellows, you make an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you. ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido


Don’t waste trouble. ~Jordan Hoggard

I Made

I made a diamond out of my misfortune. ~ Alejandro Jodorowski’s Chariot

You Desire

You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering. ~ Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Crystal Clear

Crystal clear, sharp and bright, the sacred sword allows no opening for evil to roost. ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido

When In

When in trying times, how can you step back to be more present within? How can you see through the expectation blind spots of the good and the bad? How do you discern the workability in a situation, crisis, discussion, argument, predicament, and/or danger?

When you do that, when you discern the workability in the situation rather than the blamestorming crisis-mongering… how are you able to better dial into continual solutions and resolutions? And, first off, how can you breathe, and simply discern that you do not have to attend every argument or conflict you are invited to?

Does someone stir something up within you? Cool. Can you put the clutch in when you get triggered, and simply use that energy to listen more intently without a peep? Or, without even a reaction rippling your serenity? I don’t suggest to forget it of course. I do, though, in fact suggest to remember it fully. Honor it. Revere it even. And, after the conversation, where you did NOT react to the trigger… go forward with yourself and engage that trigger… and… listen to THAT with as much amplified awareness as you did the person who triggered you. Listen to your Inner Parts. They need voice. And, when they arrive, something, a trigger or other, gave them an open portal. That often means they are ready to engage… Can you NOT engage them directly? Can you simply listen and experience what they need to jump around and stomp all over about? Let them. They may have coupled up Psyche Cabin Fever. Give them berth. When their storm passes… they may have a message for you after… but, only after you listen in Empathic Silence I find.

Trees with strong roots smile in storms. ~ Malay Proverb

How do YOU smile with your ears in storms to full-on hear the gift of BOOM n BLUSTER n ALL THAT you are being given by your internal world?

Thanks Much for Visiting Today.

We’ve been silent this past week for the most part. Serendipity Itineraries and blog articles will resume shortly after this wonderful conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Road Closed. Pedestrians Only Past This Point. Dogs and cats encouraged.

============ ++++++++++++++ ============

EeBook PDFs by Coffee Currency

Pay In Coffee

My eBooks are straight up PDFs. No Kindle required. All 6 PDF eBook downloads are available for coffee. And, more are on the way.

Buy Me A Coffee

Download Your Fill. More Brewing.

Enjoy Coffee Currency Ideas:

Are You sending out a newsletter?

Here’s an idea. Attach a PDF eBook as a Thank You.

Do you need giveaways for that conference?

Use My eBooks As Marketing Giveaways

Pens Are Passé in the Pandemic, Give eBooks Instead

(You)(great eBooks) + (I get coffee) = !

Happy Sag Season & into 2021 We Go!

~ Jordan, Inner Gold Emanations

* Note: Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at Amazon and The Library of Esoterica at Taschen are purchased there, are not available by Coffee Currency. Astro Art Charts, Tarot Readings, Coursework also not included, unless of course you want to pay the amounts in the Shop in coffee and make a note when you do. Hmmm… That sounds fun. If you do, tell me in the note what you are interested in. I’ll email you to schedule and get you set up.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on December 21, 2020 in The Deceptive Simplicity Series


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Griefus Interruptus ~ To Discern Workability In Crisis Can Transcend Grief Formation

Griefus Interruptus ~ To Discern Workability In Crisis Can Transcend Grief Formation

First, I do the coffee. Then, I do the things. ~ unknown

When You Focus

When you focus on the good or bad of your fellows, you make an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you. ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido


Don’t waste trouble. ~Jordan Hoggard

I Made

I made a diamond out of my misfortune. ~ Alejandro Jodorowski’s Chariot

You Desire

“You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering. ~ Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Crystal Clear

Crystal clear, sharp and bright, the sacred sword allows no opening for evil to roost. ~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido

When In

When in trying times, how can you step back to be more present within, see through the expectation blind spots of the good and the bad, and discern the workability in a situation, crisis, discussion, argument, predicament, and/or danger? When you do that, when you discern the workability in the situation rather than the blamestorming crisis-mongering… how are you able to better dial into continual solutions and resolutions.

Thanks Much for Visiting Today.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Road Closed. Pedestrians Only Paast This Point. Dogs and cats encouraged.

============ ++++++++++++++ ============

EeBook PDFs by Coffee Currency

Pay In Coffee

My eBooks are straight up PDFs. No Kindle required. All 6 PDF eBook downloads are available for coffee. And, more are on the way.

Buy Me A Coffee

Download Your Fill. More Brewing.

Enjoy Coffee Currency Ideas:

Are You sending out a newsletter?

Here’s an idea. Attach a PDF eBook as a Thank You.

Do you need giveaways for that conference?

Use My eBooks As Marketing Giveaways

Pens Are Passé in the Pandemic, Give eBooks Instead

(You)(great eBooks) + (I get coffee) = !

Happy Sag Season & into 2021 We Go!

~ Jordan, Inner Gold Emanations

* Note: Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at Amazon and The Library of Esoterica at Taschen are purchased there, are not available by Coffee Currency. Astro Art Charts, Tarot Readings, Coursework also not included, unless of course you want to pay the amounts in the Shop in coffee and make a note when you do. Hmmm… That sounds fun. If you do, tell me in the note what you are interested in. I’ll email you to schedule and get you set up.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Enjoy My Coffee Currency Shop

Enjoy My Coffee Currency Shop

First, I do the coffee. Then, I do the things. ~ unknown

What’s This? My Coffee Currency Shop? Yes!

Yes, pay in coffee For the downloadable eBook PDFs I offer. No Kindle required.* Heck, pay one coffee or several or 5, and also maybe even periodically tip Your server in coffee when you get some goody out of them. Like, Hey, I was using your work and this great thing happened! Thank You. Here’s a coffee!

1 coffee. 3 coffees. 5 coffees. I appreciate that. You can never have enough coffee in the cupboard.

My eBooks are straight up PDFs. No Kindle required. All 6 PDF eBook downloads are available for coffee. And, more are on the way.

My Coffee Currency Shop

How does it work? Simple. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link which will open another tab. Pay me some coffee. Pay me with 1 coffee. Pay 5 coffees. You decide the value in how many coffees you feel to pay. It’s your choice. Pay with however many coffees you feel to pay, and download your fill. It’s completely your call.

Or, heck! It IS an honor system. You can also just spread the word. That has value for WOMM, Word Of Mouth Marketing. Share my Coffee Currency Shop, or mention it to a friend to mention it to another. Then, download your fill. If you like, please pay in coffee AND share to spread the word. You can also set up a BuyMeACoffee page for your own site to do this same thing if you think it cool and valuable, For you! Excellent stuffstance all.

Once you have, download any or as many PDF eBooks below as you want. Need eStocking Stuffers or ZOOM Party Gifts or marketing collateral giveaways? Done. Pay me some coffee. Set up your ZOOM meeting or webinar or conference to share these.

Buy Me A Coffee

There You Go. My Coffee Currency Shop,

Because Coffee Has Value to me!

Pay some coffee, then download your fill.

Paid with coffee or shared? Thank You!

Here you go! Download your fill of the current titles. Like coffee, more to come.

Enjoy Coffee Currency Ideas for Your Work

Are You sending out a newsletter?

Here’s an idea. Attach a PDF eBook as a Thank You.

Do you need giveaways for that conference?

Need giveaways as a Thank You for 40 people coming to your webinar and are on a tight budget? I have you covered. Pay or tip me in coffee, download and give them each an eBook. 4. 40. 400. Scale it to you. Also, let me know if you want to team up to customize any of the eBooks to become value-added marketing collateral for your webinars, lectures, promos, presentations, conferences. Contact me by commenting here. I’ll get in touch to arrange to add your links and logo for a creative and collaborative marketing handout. Or, we’ll discuss what you have in mind. Good for you. Good for me. Good for community. What else is there? Oh right. Coffee. Can’t forget that.

Use My eBooks As Marketing Giveaways In Your Collateral

Give my eBooks as an affordable marketing giveaway. Have 40 people on an upcoming ZOOM call? Excellent. Pay me some coffee. Download what you need and set up how and when you distribute to your people. Send my eBooks to your group as a Thank You for coming to your presentation. DONE. It’s good for both of us. You have a creative giveaways that complement your offering without competing. I have coffee, so I make more. Call it AFM — Allied Fields Marketing. Provide value-added giveaways to enhance your offering’s value!

Sure, there’s a big honor system here. What’s the harm in that? Sure, someone can pay me one coffee, $3, and then hand out my work as a marketing gimme promo to many many potential clients over and over. I don’t see the problem. I know the drill. You start a business. You have a budget. You don’t even have P & L yet, maybe don’t even know what that is — Profit & Loss. But, there you are. You’ve started a business, STILL have to make a profit, and you learn as you go. You have a limited budget. Regardless, you STILL need a robust and full presentation package to promote and present your services at the quality level of their value. Nevermind that you are heading into your 1st webinar on your own and haven’t had a sale yet. Is that you? Well, take one more step. Make your offering more robust. Get yourself some giveaways with substance for the price of coffee. Pay some coffee and download these eBooks to complement and enhance your presentation.

Pens Are Passé in the Pandemic

Have a new business and need promo material while you get started? Cool. Pens are passé in the pandemic. Skip the passé. Give your clients and potential clients my PDF eBooks around the holidays as a Thank You for being your client, for attending your presentation. In person? ZOOM? I imagine you have electronic registration. Even if the meeting or webinar or conference is in person, you can use these eBook PDFs as a Thank You. Or, share over your webinar. Your call.

You get great eBooks + marketing collateral. I get coffee. I can support that.

We Both Win!

Happy Sag Season & into 2021 We Go!

~ Jordan, Inner Gold Emanations

* Note: Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at Amazon and The Library of Esoterica at Taschen are purchased there, are not included in this. Astro Art Charts, Tarot Readings, Coursework also not included. Those prices remain what they are In the Shop ImaginAction.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

1 Comment

Posted by on December 14, 2020 in Promotions


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New Shop Format. My Coffee Currency Shop

New Shop Format. My Coffee Currency Shop

First, I do the coffee. Then, I do the things. ~ unknown

What’s This? My Coffee Currency Shop? Yes!

Yes, pay in coffee For the downloadable eBook PDFs I offer. No Kindle required.* Heck, pay one coffee or several or 5, and also maybe even periodically tip Your server in coffee when you get some goody out of them. Like, Hey, I was using your work and this great thing happened! Thank You. Here’s a coffee!

1 coffee. 3 coffees. 5 coffees. I appreciate that. You can never have enough coffee in the cupboard.

My eBooks are straight up PDFs. No Kindle required. All 6 PDF eBook downloads are available for coffee.

My Coffee Currency Shop

How does it work? Simple. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link which will open another tab. Pay me some coffee. Pay me with 1 coffee. Pay 5 coffees. You decide the value in how many coffees you feel to pay. It’s your choice. Pay with however many coffees you feel to pay, and download your fill. It’s completely your call.

Or, heck! It IS an honor system. You can also just spread the word. That has value for WOMM, Word Of Mouth Marketing. Share my Coffee Currency Shop, or mention it to a friend to mention it to another. Then, download your fill. If you like, please pay in coffee AND share to spread the word. You can also set up a BuyMeACoffee page for your own site to do this same thing if you think it cool and valuable, For you! Excellent stuffstance all.

Once you have, download any or as many PDF eBooks below as you want. Need eStocking Stuffers or ZOOM Party Gifts or marketing collateral giveaways? Done. Pay me some coffee. Set up your ZOOM meeting or webinar or conference to share these.

Buy Me A Coffee

There You Go. My Coffee Currency Shop,

Because Coffee Has Value to me!

Pay some coffee, then download your fill.

Paid with coffee or shared? Thank You!

Here you go! Download your fill of the current titles. Like coffee, I’m steeping and percolating. More is always brewing.

Enjoy Coffee Currency Ideas for Your Work

Are You sending out a newsletter?

Here’s an idea. Attach a PDF eBook as a Thank You.

Do you need giveaways for that conference?

Need giveaways as a Thank You for 40 people coming to your webinar and are on a tight budget? I have you covered. Pay or tip me in coffee, download and give them each an eBook. 4. 40. 400. Scale it to you. Also, let me know if you want to team up to customize any of the eBooks to become value-added marketing collateral for your webinars, lectures, promos, presentations, conferences. Contact me by commenting here. I’ll get in touch to arrange to add your links and logo for a creative and collaborative marketing handout. Or, we’ll discuss what you have in mind. Good for you. Good for me. Good for community. What else is there? Oh right. Coffee. Can’t forget that.

Use My eBooks As Marketing Giveaways In Your Collateral

Give my eBooks as an affordable marketing giveaway. Have 40 people on an upcoming ZOOM call? Excellent. Pay me some coffee. Download what you need and set up how and when you distribute to your people. Send my eBooks to your group as a Thank You for coming to your presentation. DONE. It’s good for both of us. You have a creative giveaways that complement your offering without competing. I have coffee, so I make more. Call it AFM — Allied Fields Marketing. Provide value-added giveaways to enhance your offering’s value!

Sure, there’s a big honor system here. What’s the harm in that? Sure, someone can pay me one coffee, $3, and then hand out my work as a marketing gimme promo to many many potential clients over and over. I don’t see the problem. I know the drill. You start a business. You have a budget. You don’t even have P & L yet, maybe don’t even know what that is — Profit & Loss. But, there you are. You’ve started a business, STILL have to make a profit, and you learn as you go. You have a limited budget. Regardless, you STILL need a robust and full presentation package to promote and present your services at the quality level of their value. Nevermind that you are heading into your 1st webinar on your own and haven’t had a sale yet. Is that you? Well, take one more step. Make your offering more robust. Get yourself some giveaways with substance for the price of coffee. Pay some coffee and download these eBooks to complement and enhance your presentation.

Pens Are Passé in the Pandemic

Have a new business and need promo material while you get started? Cool. Pens are passé in the pandemic. Skip the passé. Give your clients and potential clients my PDF eBooks around the holidays as a Thank You for being your client, for attending your presentation. In person? ZOOM? I imagine you have electronic registration. Even if the meeting or webinar or conference is in person, you can use these eBook PDFs as a Thank You. Or, share over your webinar. Your call.

You get great eBooks + marketing collateral. I get coffee. I can support that.

We Both Win!

Happy Sag Season & into 2021 We Go!

~ Jordan, Inner Gold Emanations

* Note: Tarot in the Land of Mystereum at Amazon and The Library of Esoterica at Taschen are purchased there, are not included in this. Astro Art Charts, Tarot Readings, Coursework also not included. Those prices remain what they are In the Shop ImaginAction.

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

Leave a comment

Posted by on December 13, 2020 in Promotions


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