Daily Archives: November 14, 2020

Matter Is Spent Light, So Light Came Before Darkness… Well, at least at first

Matter Is Spent Light, So Light Came Before Darkness… Well, at least at first
The Coming of the Faeries
Tom O’Bedlam 1918~Norman Lyndsay

I Really

I really don’t know that Night Vision and Inner Vision are very different from one another… other than To connect with darkness and Shadow within VERSUS To connect with Darkness in the shadows outside. When I practice one, the other is correspondingly enhanced without fail sans dout. I’d say it’s like Non-Local Mind, except for the fact that I live in the perpetual present, and Inner Vision and Night Vision confluence to mix together right in all my senses… so their commonplace connection in my experience makes the distance local at the level of 0’ – 0” away… the same distance away as the perpetual present.

I Love

I love this Image. Reminds me of my Embrace your inner storms. Marry them for life, and Thich Nhat Hanh’s, “When we take good care of our suffering, we can help others take good care of theirs,” and, “Hello, my pain. I know you are there, and I will take care of you. You don’t need to be afraid.”

I run a daily personal ritual called Becoming Besties with My Beasties. It’s a wonderful daily practice. Some people call it Shadow Work. I call it Shadow Mastery. Not for a big, ego head. Mastery leads to further discovery, and trees with strong roots laugh with storms, and I have learned to feel those storms in The reverent fullness of Empathic Silence as they rage. Sometimes, when they subside, they have a message. Sometimes, they ebb and flow back inside. They’ll come again. Differently next time, though they themselves will be the same. I will remember and welcome them… again and again until they spend their Chthonic Michelangelo Marble to reveal their Dark David to be fully in their power. That’s usually also when the message comes. When they’ve re-become what they were before whatever trauma, Have their message, and integrate to re-home in my body to dose me with more of myself… unless the content is an Archetype… In which case there are messages to unpack, though I do not expect integration, Moore the grace of welcoming the presence… and the beauty of confusion they can cause.

Her Divine Light

Her divine light united with the Moon — itself not having its own light as it has light from an unseen source reflected — and the postures of her Beastie Shadowy Entourage… She is defintely the mouthpiece, and they are following her, maybe having learned to patiently wait their turn. They feel enamored with her in this image. Go figure. She is their liberator. As she listens silently to each one fully and without interruption, I gather their storm will begin to subside, wherein she can softly lean in with, “What is your message?” And, upon their response, they integrate to live in her, dosing herself with more of herself, and brightening the light of Self with continual integrations… Very much a Kintsukuroi of Self process In action, with action. No smoking hope in this image. She is full-on engaged…. is my take on the image.

Feeling Into The Image Further

Feeling into this image further, this particular image started to feel so familiar. Not collective unconscious familiar. Not that its instant resonance was no short-timer and grew on me and with me. It simply felt familiar. When I woke up this morning, the message was clear. “Dood, your thesis. remember that thing 1/2 a Chiron Cycle back almost 30 years ago?”   So, I went plowing through an old box Of things I wrote that never made it into any of my work, discards I saved rather than trashing, that I found almost instantly… Call it the Box for Inner Compost. So, Light illuminating Shadow As you said? I say most likely yes… AND at one and the same time to go with that Both~And style… :

In 1991-92 I 1st saw this image and wrote:

I feel this is not light illuminating the Shadow, but Shadow coming to be integrated to amplify the light. I feel the deep and infinite well of the Chthonic, unconscious contents, Shadow and Shadow citizens, is the source of the light…and as well that matter is spent light. At the deepest regions of the unconscious where the pressures get increasingly intense like with heavy water at the bottom of the ocean… the pressure is so great that nothing other than Inner Diamonds are made that then are ejected to the surface to make more room for pressure. Like a singularity compressed so densely it releases energy. ~~ (C) 1991-92 J. Jordan Hoggard during My Architectural Thesis entitled The Temple In Man: Pluribus. Out of Many, One.

Cool to me that I didn’t discover Carl Jung until the week before the end of my thesis, a good year past when the above was written, and OH BOY had I discovered an historical friend when I did. My writings and thinking and creativity and design were wonderfully congruent in that, “If you could sit down with one of your historical friends, who would the 1st be?” Discovering Carl Jung when I was 23, and I FINALLY had someone I would respond to that question with who I previously could only “talk to” in corresponding back and forth in the margins of his books.

For the Longest Time

I’ve for the longest time said, “Don’t waste Trouble.” Recently, I came across a Jodorowski passage where his Chariot speaks, “I made a diamond out of my misfortune.” And, my so dense at the depths of the unconscious where Inner DIamonds are made that are ejected to the surface statement… Time for me to get me waaaayyyyy some Mo Jodorowski’s nourishment as another historical friend. I love finding people from before I was even born, and suddenly I have another to resonate with in my work, and see historical friends and colleagues where our work is in parallel.

And, Yes

And, yes, I am comparing myself to Jung and Jodorowski, Anais Nin and Dorothy Parker even. Big head ego? Nah. If I relate to someone as much as I do them, it actually sets me apart more myself by counterpoint and distinction of identity, and they make me a better person by bringing me to continually work the plodding pace long-term to continually bring clarity to my voice.. That’s what happens with historical friends. I am not on my knees petitioning them or lying prostrate looking for approval. We’re just picking from the menu and Justice carding back and forth on the scale of coffee versus Carmenere as our banter lays down a thick mat of rich sol-luna-soil to garden As we interact. What a wonderful time to be had when you have great friends… alive and dead. Lol, the dead ones might talk back even more, as what do they have to lose.

This One Image

This one image, The Coming of the Faeries, is one my favorite, in my Top 4. It expresses the whole of the Individuation process at its base, completely and in totality. As soon as I find something missing from it, I’ll let you know. If you see something, certainly let me know… though, I gather most things, regardless, will hit and then turn to build right back into it. We’ll see.

My other 3 faves in my Top 4? To be continued…

Holiday Sale Now On!


Posted by on November 14, 2020 in The Deceptive Simplicity Series


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Night Vision

Night Vision

I really don’t know that Night Vision and Inner Vision are very different from one another… other than To connect with darkness and Shadow within VERSUS To connect with Darkness in the shadows outside. When I practice one, the other is correspondingly enhanced without fail sans dout. I’d say it’s like Non-Local Mind, except for the fact that I live in the perpetual present, and Inner Vision and Night Vision confluence to mix together right in all my senses… so their commonplace connection in my experience makes the distance local at the level of 0’ – 0” away… the same distance away as the perpetual present.

Holiday Sale Now On!


Posted by on November 14, 2020 in The Deceptive Simplicity Series


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Bridge, Connect, Adapt, Thrive

Bridge, Connect, Adapt, Thrive

Holiday Sale Now On!


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