Here’s To Your Scorpio Full Moon

07 May

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For everyone out there, especially you Scorpios… Please chime in. Scorpios especially. You often have the apt Nature’ll Kill Ya guidance that’ll keep us alive on the scree field where we may not be supposed to be on the backside of the mountain.

Chthonic Numinosity: Self

I feel we can all learn from the earnest depths that are viscerally and clearly expressed by most Scorpios. It may be a bit simplistic, overgeneralized, to say that Scorpios naturally wield the deep and dark depths from the chthonic, in the light. A simple Scorpionic expression, probably in the day to day, may embrace a fullness of the Chthonic Numinosity that is Self itself incarnate.

Temple In Man

(c) 1992 Jordan Hoggard

Under, About, Within, With, and flowing moved by this Scorpio Full Moon, I feel we can all learn from the Scorpio’s natural way of intensely living honestly. Being pleasant is not valid here. Eff a bunch of that. The Moon, in general, can be about waves and cycles and intense knowings from Beyond. Genius. Poetry. Madness. And, your wonderfully beautiful Inner LunaTic, that when tempered is SUCH a force for your own good. And, frankly, everyone around you.

Your Inner LunaTic

One may find Scorpios affront at times, though, are they really? Are they simply expressing a truth that we care not to throughout our days throughout the rest of the year?, Expressed with the intensity of Nature itself? Isn’t that a snake-tooth of awakening kind of gesture in real-time, wise in time?

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This Scorpionic Full Moon, I am reminded of a tourist copping on local culture rather than empathizing into the When in Rome empathy that nourishes serendipitous experiences when traveling.

For those that like the birth and not the delivery and don’t want to read all this, I’ll give you this. Everyone’s good at something. This guy? He was really good at being a dick. Now, you go away as well, Shoo! I gave you what you wanted.

Well, you said give me the baby not the delivery. Why are you still here? Oh, I get it. Right, you’re sticking around? Well, stop that command of alleged conciseness you give to others. I’d advise to expect that many people are going to cross-check you into the Blue Line wall such that your helmet shatters the glass. I guess that you hold your nose when you go under water? I’ll show you how to get around that in another post. For now, I suggest, seat your rump in the Class 5 rapids raft. It’s on you if you get wiggly and pop out into the river:

036 CtC copy

You take issue with the God(s) or GAWD or Goddeseses in this our place? Hmmm…

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From my martial and meditative background what I love about Jesus’ ‘turn the other cheek” is [[not a common reference for me… I’m more of a Gandhi type where, I love your Christ, though i very much do not like your Christians… and as well, there are some very good ones. Every group has bad apples]] …

After the first hit (physical or metaphorical, etc) , I somehow naturally settle into a Silent calm, very loud in its Silence. I simply breathe in to a very simple mode of, “Ok, somebody wants to play. I’m game. (Look ‘em up and down and then, pause, and right in the eyes Braveheart style). BAM across my cheek. Oops. My bad. Let that happen. Ok, Nice contact. Not on the mark enough, though, ‘cause I’m still right here, a big problem for you, huh? Felt almost like a glancing blow. I mean, it hit hard. Don’t get me wrong, though it felt like you… how do I say? Got lucky? Didn’t mean it. Were smoking hope for the hit? I’m game. Please clarify. Ok, try again.”

“Ok. here you go. Now, this cheek. Balance is important doncha ya think?… You didn’t vet the situation in the first place for potential consequences did you? Though here you are, and now there are some. Oops, that you brought to the fore. I’m presenting you with this other cheek, the opportunity to repeat the same action and expect different results. (One of Einstein’s definitions of insanity). So, whatcha gonna do? It’s all your call from here. Are you even aware of your surroundings?”… ‘cause…

“You ready? You’re responsible for the 2nd time ya know? Go on. Get to it. Time’s a wastin’.” ….

there’s always SO much pause at that point, and of course if they repeat, one is full-on prepared like a re-run to slip the 2nd hit. And, then of course, I’ve heard the word ‘duck’ or hip chick-a-boom is in the dictionary. Well, maybe not the 2nd one.

Don’t really know why that dood and his witnessin’ preachin’ came to mind tonight, though I’ll play. “What would Jesus do?” Solid question. Turning over the money changer’s was not a wimpy gesture ya know? I, too, love helping people. And, like the character you describe, I love helping people like that to a helping of themselves. No-one needs to get hurt… unless they express they do when they miss and hit the wall or the ground… all still of their own accord.

I find it most important at those times not to be some ego-hero, though to provide a seriously solid and intense interference pattern that upsets their balance. And, not move. Scorpios? Anyone care to chime in, here?

Scorpio Moon? What’s your message?

No need to hit them. Most oftentimes, I’ve found it to be a cool chick-a-boom hip to their hip when they get in close after I haven’t moved and they’ve closed the distance expecting me to move, that sends them flying… for another chance to think about what they are doing.


Inspect what you inspect. ~ unknown

Scorpio Moon Mantra or Rantra?

Inspect Your Expectations. This goes into the actionable qualities behind the simple talent of awareness, talents being innate, and abilities being the same though conscientiously developed into abilities. Vast abilities. Innate talents aren’t worthless. They have value. Though, they are simply not useful treasure until developed into abilities.

Response vs Reaction

Some people rile up further at intensity. That’s typically acting out, unresolved traumas speaking. Parts talking. Psychological Projection or Projective Identity. Neither of those modes tend to level out and acclimate to intensities.

Is someone

under the spell of psychological projection, or projective identity? That may be a top-heavy hit to you. I’m not a Psychologist, though I’m qualified for life, qualified to speak, though I’m not a Psychology professional. Are you qualified for life?

Nature’s Natural Intensity Is Also Yours

Hmmm. That’s too bad either way that they don’t feel Nature, don’t feel themselves with an awareness conducive to…

It’s a Fucking Scorpio Full Moon

No ‘ ! ‘ needed, implied here.  Scorpios tend to live a live where the ‘ ! ‘ is the baseline, their normal.

Under the Scorpio Full Moon

NOW, is a time to Class 5 rapids run your own river and slip the rocks for a consummate survey of your flow, honestly. Honestly. Bye Bye shame and guilt. Scorpios don’t apologize for themselves. I feel that’s a wonderful quality that they don’t. Do you?


For the Scorpio, most likely, honesty is not an issue, and most often is simply matter of fact AND intense as well. They tend to have almost 100% uncut personlaities. 100% of anything is undiluted = naturally intense. You may have to dose, though full-on engagement is much mo’ betta metta. Can you be present with yourself so intensely accurately that… well, your intensities are YOUR normal, where your foundation is something strong to build on? Foundation like the Rock of Gibraltar unmoved by the stormy sea?

ImaginAction Asks

What cornerstone do you have in your life that you consistently brace against?

Baseball n More

And, well, from the previous dood, that’s what 3-strikes-and-you’re-out in baseball is about. Whole other story. Stay with me, here.

Track through the images below for a divination sketch problem of visual individuation experience to get into a meditation for Your Scorpio Full Moon Experience.

Feel free to not take yourself so seriously, and consequently release yourself to flow more intensely in your natural way. What can you discover about yourself watching the segues from The Tower through…

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An Awakening with new energies directly placed and emanating?

It’s not violence when you slip someone’s movement and they slam into a wall. It’s almost like they thought hitting the wall was a good idea. Heck, did they think I would think that them hitting me was anything other than a bonehead idea? Shaking head. No, I wouldn’t think that a good idea. Not then. Not now. Maybe they figured that out by now? That’s not a Scorpionic Full Moon Gig, though. This time is about YOUR intensities tuned up and amplified to sync you up into being comfortable with yourself… AT the level of your natural intensities.

Violence is never the answer. Though, when I smilingly slip to move out of the way at the last moment, then they slam at full speed into something other than me? That isn’t violence. That’s them not being a very good driver. Gotta shift-n-corner bay-be, and when they hit the turn in the wrong gear… OOPS. Oops is all I have to say when they careen into the wall. That’s all them. That’s all on them. Scorpio Full Moon point, here? Yes:

Do Not Allow Your Intensities To Be Interrupted. They Are Yours. Wield them Naturally. Yup, may take some practice, though aren’t they yours? Worth it? I suggest yes. I suggest, invest in yourself. I hear it lasts a lifetime. Especially Now, under the Scorpio Full Moon, invest in yourself. Invest in ownership of your intensities. They may be what most makes you, You.

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Well, I have one more thing to say.“If I went to your country, I would want to get to know the people better regardless of whether or not I agreed with their worship or them calling their deity by a different name than the one I believe in.” Please visit Jolie’s Attic for that. Frankly, it inspired this Rantra, inspired this. Thank you, Jolie.

… and Karen for Rantra!

Scorpionic Poetry

First off. Common! Isn’t Scorpionic Poetry redundant as Scorps are oftentimes naturally poetic by nature, like a Full Moon moves the ocean kind of naturally poetic? ‘Nuff said.

Your Nature Is Important

Poetry and accord of respect and empathy for other people in the face of a bully, and/or simply facing intensity… Are YOU you your most intense adversary, creating YOU own Civil War? There’s more than something in that. It’s more than common. Remember, that when behaviors are less than tolerable, they are not to be ignored… as both cheeks have already been turned… especially your own behaviors towards yourself.

I suggest

… for internal Civil Wars… I suggest to listen to The Civil Wars, as they had they’re own. You can feel it, and you can also feel the life in their lives lived through it.

Scorpio Full Moon Cast

Under this Scorpio Full Moon may I suggest you disarm yourself to yourself though no other for just a cycle?  Can you discern yourself and your own intensities and your presence with them more fully than you ever have? And, as they are yours, your natural Nature, how can you live them into your life in your most intense way for your own good?

Under The Scorpio Moon?

How Are You More Intensely You?

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Under This Scorpio Full Moon

May You Speak to Yourself This Intimately

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13 responses to “Here’s To Your Scorpio Full Moon

  1. Pure & Blessed

    May 8, 2020 at 4:39 am

    Gawd blimey Guv’na! There’s a couple of words in there which I’m not sure if they’re typos or intentional but they give me big smiles either way. Clam/calm? Weird/weild? Keep clam and weird on!
    I was going to share a few thoughts about some memories I had yesterday after pondering on my Neptune in Scorpio in 11H. But past is past and lessons learnt and I’ve just stumbled across a funny phrase that makes a good motto for the day. Carpe Scrotum!

    • Pure & Blessed

      May 8, 2020 at 4:43 am

      P. S. M HP reversed showing the big flying owl is one of my favourites 😁

      • Jordan Hoggard

        May 8, 2020 at 9:14 pm

        Thank you, Karen. Yeah, when I was scrolling through the media I have, I got way down deep into 2011 n around there, and I hadn’t seen that Mystereum High Priestess upside down/reversed vignette I ecCropped out of my card in forever. Just made me smile at its intensity and that it told a whole ‘nother side of her that felt to naturally segue itself in here. Very much, “VIP on the list.”

        • Pure & Blessed

          May 9, 2020 at 1:27 am

          Funny, a few days ago, I also refound an image in my files of Her sat in Calla lillies 😊

          • Jordan Hoggard

            May 10, 2020 at 11:06 am

            SItting in Calla Lilies with her Calla Lily hands. 🙂

    • Jordan Hoggard

      May 8, 2020 at 11:25 am

      Thanks Karen!

      Pardon misspellings and word substitutions. Autocorrect often does things I didn’t Nintendo.

      • Pure & Blessed

        May 8, 2020 at 11:56 am

        Nope! I will not pardon. I will embrace as bonus gifts!

  2. joliesattic

    May 8, 2020 at 4:13 pm

    I love how other people’s blogs can inspire and take you on a journey you didn’t know you wanted to go on.
    Beautiful piece.

    • Jordan Hoggard

      May 8, 2020 at 8:47 pm

      Me, too, Jolie, and I’m thoroughly pleased that your post inspired one for me. Thanks much for the accolade! I appreciate that.

  3. Christina Schmidt, MA

    May 9, 2020 at 8:30 pm

    Jordan, Scorpionic Poetry is well put and I particularly like the Civil Wars reference. Scorps – we are our own worst enemies. The most sincere of enemies. Cheers.

    • Jordan Hoggard

      May 9, 2020 at 8:39 pm

      Christina, Thanks much. I really appreciate that from a wonderfully candid Scorp. “The most sincere of enemies.” Love it. Agreed on the Civil Wars reference. It resonated. I do have to laugh on the “we are our own worst enemies.” The last time someone said, “and keep your enemies closer,” I just about lost it laughing. “Closer? How? DAYum, I used to kick my own ass waaayyyy too much. Can’t keep me any closer than myself.” 🙂
      Cheers as well. I’ll lift my Carmenere to you.


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