Daily Archives: November 23, 2013

Tarot Imagination Tools for Your Nov 24th to 30th Week


My Weekly TarotScope Allies Column Is Now

Tarot Imagination Tools

~ Feature of the Week ~

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I suggest that if you know your Moon and Rising Signs (Ascendant / ASC) to read those Imagination Tools, too.  I find them to be most helpful in composing a more applicable Scope-combo that more resonantly reflects your (astro) personality.

I appreciate your interest in my weekly TarotScope column here, though once AREA 52 was released, I transitioned this column over to express Tarot Imagination Tools for each sign each week from Tarot in the Land of Mystereum‘s 192-page Imagination Primer companion book.

Daily TarotScopes were available in my book AREA 52 ~ 2014 edition: 52 weeks of Tarot day by day. There were weekly themed summaries for each week and a Daily TarotScope for each day of the year. 365 + 52.  AREA 52 ~ 2014 edition: 52 weeks of Tarot day by day. No longer available.


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Weekly Tarot Imagination Tools!

Enjoy doing some exercises this week utilizing Imagination Tools compliments of the 192-page Imagination Primer companion book included with the deck in Tarot in the Land of Mystereum for your card this week, or cards if you also read your Moon and ASC (Ascendant).  Enjoy your Imagination Tool(s) as they enhance and further open your Tarot voice and story to naturally juice up your effectiveness your way this week!

(c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard

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Tarot Imagination Tools 


Your Nov 24th to 30th 2013 Week

Imagination Tool note:

Your Royal Court = Your Higher Self, your highest and best actions for your purpose.

Sagittarius: Nov 22 to Dec ~ Queen of Wands

fire of life, life-acumen, actively energetic clarity directed to attract wants

fire of life, life-acumen, actively energetic clarity directed to attract wants

Sagittarius, “I gift you the tool that your vision is blessed and sacred and magical.” 

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 147.

Capricorn: Dec 22 to Jan 19 ~ 6 of Swords

letting go of baggage, presents already present, surprises in healthy idea exchanges

letting go of baggage, presents already present, surprises in healthy idea exchanges

Capricorn, “We gift you the tool of a portal, a doorway from your imagination out into the reality right in front of you. Count roll with your ideas. Are they all present? Any napping? This doorway likes you to bring the ideas that are awake through.”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 163.

Aquarius: Jan 20 to Feb 18 ~ 2 of Cups

satisfaction, heart's desire, expression, emotional decision time

satisfaction, heart’s desire, expression, emotional decision time

Aquarius, “We gift you another big, bright-eyed smile when you think of your identity and the character of your imagination. You bring it to every situation. Love yourself. Love your identity. Love your imagination. Celebrate it! This can help you to make even tricky situations more clear. It also makes the strong situations you are in fulfill everyone more.”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 105.

Pisces: Feb 19 to Mar 20 ~ IV The Emperor

his horse nestles in becoming his tree. Look at the horse-legroots . . . overseer, place-maker, methodically moving step by step

his horse nestles in becoming his tree. Look at the horse-legroots . . . overseer, place-maker, methodically moving step by step

Pisces, “I give you the gift to notice and develop your own natural sense of order. Feel the presence of your imagination as an idea solar system. Each idea can orbit like a planet or moon. Stars, comets, and asteroids can also orbit. Practice with your placements and how you orbit your ideas. Cycles await you to strengthen your ability to be counted upon and to be reasonable. Feel the value of where you place your ideas.”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 27.

Aries: Mar 21 to Apr 19 ~ IX The Hermit

Memory illuminating forward, inner light, perspective from experience, silent awareness

Memory illuminating forward, inner light, perspective from experience, silent awareness

Aries, “I give to you the idea of a magical cloister as your imagination for long walks. Venture to explore and discover and feel the treasure of your patterns and cycles..”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 39.

Taurus: Apr 20 to May 20 ~ Page of Swords

curiosity, new developments, zeal, 3rd Eye comms

curiosity, new developments, zeal, 3rd Eye comms (communications)

Taurus, “I gift you a tool to balance your discoveries with your Crown chakra and the 10 of Wands at the same time. May your idea solar system be brightly balanced on its sharpest edge with no hands. All on its own may it permeate Your Royal Court with clear expression!”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 171.

Gemini: May 21 – Jun 20 ~ X The Wheel

epochal-cycle, Om--Libra-ohm punning,  complete cycles, full orbits, luck

epochal-cycle, Om–Libra-ohm punning, complete cycles, full orbits, luck

Gemini, “I give you a place to put your magical scale and other tools. I give you the gift that I am also an Imagination Toolbox. I will always change to magically fit the new tools you create, discover, and are given as you go along. And, you can utilize me to tune your perspective as you complete things. Your Imagination Toolbox as Your Wheel is for everything that keeps your perspective clear and fresh. Enjoy the Imagination Toolbox of Your Wheel.”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 42.

Cancer: Jun 21 – Jul 22 ~ Page of Wands

rush of excitement, an adventure, a risk

rush of excitement, an adventure, a risk

Cancer, “I gift you a tool to birth your discoveries using The Moon, The Star, The Sun, The Chariot, Strength, Judgment, and The 10 of Wands. May you bring new energies from deep and dark places into the light of Your Royal Court! May your magical renewal awake!”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 144.

Leo: Jul 23 to Aug 22 ~ 8 of Cups

inner motions, settled, full, head coming out of the clouds

inner motions, settled, full, head coming out of the clouds

Leo, “We gift you a tool of movement to discern things. Paint your whole scene with the ideas that move you.”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 115.

Virgo: Aug 23 to Sep 22 ~ III The Empress

Yoniverse, fresh, nurturing, carrying to full term to bring to life, Great Mother

Yoniverse, fresh, nurturing, carrying to full term to bring to life, Great Mother

Virgo, “I give you a golden glow as you bring your ideas to life. Crayons are a great way to begin using your new Imagination Tool.”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 25.

Libra: Sep 23 to Oct 22 ~ II The High Priestess

intuition, forming, giving form to the formless, conception (to the Mag's inception), fully grounded out-of-body experiences as a matter of course naturally

intuition, forming, giving form to the formless, conception (to the Mag’s inception), fully grounded out-of-body experiences as a matter of course naturally

Libra, “The Land of Mystereum is for you to use with your imagination to form your ideas. Share your imaginative form with your friends here and there. Do so in ways that are right for you that shine forth your best qualities. Be considerate of others’ light. May all your lights form well together and shine like stars.”

~ Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 22.

Scorpio: Oct 23 to Nov 21 ~ 8 of Swords

note the Shadow Hand, noticing and releasing false beliefs, expectations as chaff from wheat cascading away

note the Shadow Hand, noticing and releasing false beliefs, expectations as chaff from wheat cascading away

Scorpio, “We gift you the tool to be positive and quick when you adjust your idea solar system. Keep your ideas bold and your imagination healthy!”

Imagination Tool from the Land of Mystereum Imagination Primer, page 166.

Thanks for visiting Weekly Tarot Imagination Tools by Jordan!

How do your Tarot Imagination Tools

 enhance your Tarot voice this week?  Please comment.

If you know your Ascendant (ASC) / Rising Sign and Moon, I suggest that you may want to read those Imagination Tools, too, and play with those Imagination Tools and cards together. The ASC and Moon often provide messages that enhances the sun sign in ways that flesh out things more resonantly.  I find them most helpful.  

Let me know

Let me know in the comments section how your Tarot Imagination Tools are allies for your week.  Touch base mid-week to see how your Imagination Tools provide you more clarity with your cards. What new wisdom will you find this week with your Tarot Imagination Tools?

Till next time.


… Clarity through Tarot. The Mystereum way.


Listen in to Jordan’s radio Inner State Highways radio show on PEN, the Paranormal Encounters Network.

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“Ride your celestial groove to kick your rut not your butt.” ~ Jordan Hoggard


(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard

All card images (c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on November 23, 2013 in Weekly TarotScopes


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