Daily Archives: November 24, 2012

Tarot. Women & Men. Chess & Checkers. King Me, Matey! Arrrgggg

Tarot. Women & Men. Chess & Checkers. King Me, Matey! Arrrgggg

Discretion is the better part of valor.” Common paraphrasing of Falstaff’s ‘The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life.’ from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part One, 1596

Discretion IS

the better part of valor. Valor is very yang-y, very male. Valor could be bluster. Could be glory. I don’t see a woman creating discretion, though, much less it being valor’s better part. How could it be? It’s too much an attempt-at-strategy yangy-y. Women are strategists. Men, the emotional ones. Is there a coded statement in Shakespeare? Yea, duh, right? Still, women wouldn’t have created discretion. They may touch your shoulder and secretly lift a finger and their gaze . . . but, discretion? They couldn’t have created it. They don’t need it. Women can use a comma or a look instead while they unwaveringly stick to the point.


You don’t believe it? Or, do you simply not want to hear it? It’s just an observation. Why the rise? Girls justa wanta have fun. Thanks, Cindy Lauper (Willie Nelson, songwriter). Boysa justa wanna play.

Look. Women talk to each other. SaWEET!

They tell each other everything! Oh, saweet or not so sweet?  Well, mostly yes. Depends on you, huh? Men try to keep the advantage. They attempt to. These are not mysaginyst’s statements. They are simply observations. Heck, being discreet would be the only way to maintain valor and shine gloriously, huh? Or, at least stay off the front of the tabloids . . . at least for a little while. lol You can of course also simply do what you say you will, or mean what you say . . . I like that. It’s not discretion, though. Doesn’t seem anything other than irony to others most times. In fact I must be downright lie-ing, must be hiding something if I say something so clearly and simply. I laugh that over the years I can look back, and being too honest, or honest to a fault, I gave up my advantage. Maybe that’s why I resonate with community service. To help others out. It feels right.

Oh cummon,

women are strategists. They aren’t all mysterious n stuff. Guys, this is for you. Women aren’t mysterious. That’s just what you have to tell yourself to cover that no matter what you do they, like in chess, still move, they still check their mate, or at least move in response. That women are mysterious is just what many have told themselves to cover for none of their male reasons to figure them out actually working. And, go figure. Women move, like in they respond like in dance. WOO HOO! SOMEbody’s alive around here. I sometimes wonder if many a man has looked at Medusa with his emotions. Turned to stone. What’s up with that? Time to call the sculptor. . . or, break the mold! WhatdaYa feel DOODS?! Gotta start somewhere. Then, you can get good at expressing your emotions. Maybe there discretion is to be learned?

The First Tea Party

Women are strategists from the first dang tea party where they kick out the 3rd girl. Always kick out the 3rd girl. It seems constant that 3rd girl getting the boot. Always kick out the 3rd little girl without even a substance of a reason . . . just something like, “You need to go and think about what you have done!” Tail between her legs scared to there by Alpha Girrul, the 5-year old superheroine strategist. Tail between her legs the 3rd girrul goes and tries to brood, though with nothing to brood, no substance, only a false sense of shame or guilt as she must have done something wrong. Alpha Girrul said so. It must be true, right? Nope. Alpha Girrul simply started to feel overloaded a bit and naturally dumped the drag on her system. She didn’t wait for the right time, when  . . . well, it would have been too late and not apropo(s).


Full-on hullaballoo, that women are strategists?  Think about it. 2 little boys will play and play. A 3rd one steps into the play. The more the merrier, huh? And, they will play and play. They will play and play until they all overload in a hyper-tired ball of tears.

Then comes the socialization trickster working its darnedest to get them to forget these innate qualities. These aren’t mysaginist statements. This is where balance comes in. Can’t have good and solid and substantial strategies without feelings born of emotions steering them. Can’t have the rubber of emotions meet the road if there is no structure or strategy to place them and give them reason. Should those be interrogative statements? Neh. Someone this week finally discerned what it was that the Queen of pentacles’ throne is planted on. The base of The High Priestess. And, noticing, “What up with the sides of the throne, Jordan?” Look at the purple and gold. Look at Judgment’s unfurled wing extended. The Queen of Pentacles’ throne sits upon The High Priestess’ fully grounded out-of-body whole-Self mode of being, she the HP who gives form to the formless.

You say men are from Mars and women are from Venus? PuhhhLEEZ! I SO laugh at that statement. I laugh it off with . . .

Men are from Mars, women from Venus, and right in between is a big ole . . . place called earth.  What?! You thought I was going to say “right in between is a big ole . . .” what?! Ahh, get your mind out of the gutter. That’s my job. I’m a guy.

The Queen of Pentacles’

throne sits upon the HP’s giving form to the formless, resting the concept of perennial in the Q of P, the Q of P’s throne sitting season after season perennially rebirthing her naturalized garden with Judgment’s unfurled wing furled bringing resurrection to furl forth within.

Why else would the Magician first-spark like a shooting star from his wonderfully intense focus? I’ll tell ya . . . he didn’t learn THAT from another guy. In comes the High Priestess to evolve him so his formless focus is given form and direction, so he can use his wand mo betta.

I grew up

I grew up in the South, and I love strong strategy. I love that men may have made policy for years and years, but I always liked the balanced notion that some matron probably most times secretly strolled into the Senators’ backroom poker respite playtime to say, “Ok boys, here’s what policy you’re going to make this year. . . .”

The Q of P and the HP have time for checkers. Make time for her chess.

Men play checkers.  Women play chess.  King me.


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CAUTION: Simple observations can be hard to swallow. Like chocolate. Chocolate doesn’t need sauce, unless it’s chocolate sauce of course. Make each card’s voice a chocolate. You never know what you’re gonna get. Thanks Forrest. Run Forrest Run Get Yours Today!

All Similar, Each Unique. Forgetting is for getting.

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All images (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

(c) 2012 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on November 24, 2012 in Card Cameos, The Mystery


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