Tag Archives: Librra

A Horoscope Reading Suggestion


Here’s a suggestion on how to get more in the big picture out of horoscopes from Astrologers you subscribe to. Not the ones from the newspaper. Those often feel like they are written by Clairfraudulents. Do you Wake up tired in the morning. OMG I have this. Write this down! Or, something like: I see pain in your past. All right, wait. Hmmm, let me see… DUH! Please don’t respond to those vague and Angler Fish parlor tricks. Every field has frauds. I just see them as rocks in the river, and flow riggghhhhhtttt around them untouched. Oooooohhhh SHINY. GULP!

The Angler Fish. They are often up to 6’ long? Hmmm… the size of some people I know…looks just like ‘em, too, once you see it. One of those things you can’t unsee. ANd hey, they have their pain most likely causing that as well. Hopefully they’ll dial in to wrest it free. Until then, though, NOPE, not on the list. NEXT.

Or, read the horoscopes in The Onion If you simply need some silly to cut some daily bs that’s gone down. Breathing deeply is certainly not the only way to relieve stress. My fave Horoscope in The Onion was from back in 2006-2007 for Sag:

Dear Sag, If your are reading this, we really apologize for predicting your untimely death last week. Though, if you are reading this without arms, we have to say we told you so.

Horoscope Reading Suggestion

In regards to horoscopes, I read my Sun Sign of course, Sag. And further, I read my Moon’s sign, Cap for my Moon~ASC conjunction per a rockin’ suggestion years back from none other than my Mom. I also then read Virgo for my 8th House Pluto~Pallas~Uranus conjunction there. Then, Libra for my 7th House Jupiter, and Scorpio for my 10th House Mercury~Neptune conjunction. Funny, I don’t read Pisces for my 2nd House Chiron, or Aries for my 2nd House Saturn~Moira conjunction. Further, hmmm, I also don’t read Libra for my 9th House Juno~Venus conjunction in tandem with the 3rd Sacred Sister also in Libra, Ceres, their near neighbor in the 8th House. Hmmm. Hmmmmms… Glad I’m writing this post as I just noticed those GLARING omissions. Bet there’s some of the good stuff there.

And, Cycle Through

Afterwards, which group or groups or groupings resonate with you that day. I feel our magnetism is alive, and we are naturally geared to dial in to different parts of our Natal Chart daily, weekly, monthly, annually, etc. Based on the orbs of influence of the relationships of the orbits of the celestial bodies — planets, asteroids, etc.

I Find

I find this technique gets me out of the Oh, that Sun sign horoscope fell flat. Bet it didn’t. Bet it was asleep or just has delegated by tooting its own horn to start the band, is just listening and groovin’ and kelping to the rhythms of the band as they play their tune from their section of the your Natal Charity stage and strike the chords that resonate with you from your Chart.

Also, Look At

Also, look at your Astro transits, transiting planets and asteroids. They often strike chords around your Chart that resonate. When you know to look for them, maybe They can inform how you dial through your Chart to know in advance the most resonant horoscope to read that day. Or, if one upsets you, by all means dial into that one. Bet there’s a gift waiting to burst out of its seed into your Soul Gardener’s tools.

Asteroid suggestions: Chiron, Moira, Juno, Ceres (with Venus you’ll have 3 Scared Sisters in your court), Pallas-Athena, Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith, Astraea. There are plenty more. Like with cooking. Use the herbs and spices differently for each meal. Cherry-pick which asteroids you’d like to hear from on a given day. I leave them all there, just dial in to focus on the message that most resonates… or, the one that upsets me or makes me uncomfortable. In that case I stop, drop, and roll right up to that one and face in to tack into the wind of its voice. That’s a no-brainer for me. That one’s digging shit out, and once the dirt stops flying my way… Oooooooohhhhh SHINY! Oh, right. Be mindful… and heartful.


Happy post-Bastille day yesterday. May this horoscope reading suggestion help you tip your cup to spill some beauty and tip your hourglass up to freshen your flow and clean out any places of stagnation for increased Self-awareness.

Our Cups

Our cups are continually being filled with beauty. There’s an art to learning techniques to tip your cup and spill beauty. Beauty, the mess you don’t need to clean up. And, in regards to things that are stuck, what techniques and habits can you develop to tip your hourglass back up? I mean, to get your flow to flow through stagnant places and wash them out. Here’s a poem I wrote in 1993 for Bastille Day that may lend an example to how you can tip the scales of your Natal Chart in your favor To get it flowing more and read the most resonant horoscope each day rather than only your Sun sign. Actually, I always read my Sun sign, and then whichever other group is orbiting closest in resonance with my feel and sense that day.

And remember, your Sun is always shining behind every dark cloud. That may be where those silver linings are coming from.



is to free the prisoners

when sand sleeps in the eternity of the tilted hourglass?

(C) 1993 Jordan Hoggard

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ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


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