Tag Archives: advice

Tarot. TarotScope Allies for Your Oct 6th to Oct 12th Week


Click here for the upbeat videos on my YouTube Channel.

In general this week mind your pace.  Make subtle re-adjustments to well-worn paths and interestedly discover new ones.  It’s a great week to re-establish or refresh your priorities and also to begin outlining new ones.

TarotScope Allies for Your Oct 6th to Oct 12th, 2013 Week

Libra: September 23 to October 22 ~ King of Pentacles

Master Builder, stunningly solid qualities, indomitable

Master Builder, stunningly solid qualities, indomitable

Libra, This week take stock in the solid things in your home and life that you have built.  Orchestrate things in a “just so” manner to tidy up the Royal Court of your surroundings.  Allow the things that catch your eye through the week to play their part as wise Counsel to your decisions.  What feel like tough situations to others this week may come across to you simply as weather washing through.  Keep your wits on the ready and have a joke or two handy for levity.  See past the tricksters of conflict this week so that the heart of the matter in each situation is your only core concern.  You may be noticed this week whether you want to be or not.  Keep things, even intense things, mellow, not melodramatic.  Don’t get swept up in floods of reaction and flocking behavior from things that are sensationalized.  You may be able to utilize the bait ball behavior of how things flock here and there to see what is really driving situations so you stay abreast and in charge.  People will look to you this week like their rock.  Be open like a geode to the inner treasures that make you who you really are.  Address conflicts with grace and humor this week, and the solid way you naturally present yourself will play most things to your advantage.  

Scorpio: October 23 to November 21 ~ The Fool

journey, natural expressions, new directions

journey, natural expressions, new directions

Scorpio, A natural new direction you take this week will begin to enliven your experience. Serendipity will be no coincidence for you this week.  Take time to treasure all the wonderful new things you now see from your newfound vision on the paths you take.  Like the Fool in the card nimble-toe-finger crab-walking across the golden pillars of Fabric in the card, make every touch and step count.  See your toes as little ground-grabbers this week, fingers for your feet, and embrace your connection to the ground in each step. It may slow you down a bit at first, though this can appropriately re-adjust your pace to sync up with the natural new direction you are taking. Putting your best foot forward this week is key, so make each step along the beginning of your new direction count right off the bat.  You may want to make your steps into a left right left right dance here and there across the week.  Keep the skip in your step this week to enhance your fresh start.

Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21 ~ Ace of Pentacles

Treasure of Inner Booty is discovered, new assets and seeds

Treasure of Inner Booty is discovered, new assets and seeds

Sagittarius, This week treasures are coming to the fore like seeds cracking open underground.  Unpave the way a bit so that the treasures of new sprouts and details can re-adjust how you work on things.  Allow the new details in your life to begin to establish new paths as you take care to notice them poking their noses up and give you guidance as to how to adjust your path.  Find a park you’ve never been to or a hike you’ve never been on to explore the feeling of walking with fresh eyes.  A single-minded focus, your eye on the prize, is your best bet this week rather than trying to do too much.  Focus in on and consistently work the details this week.  The way you handle details this week will open up a new portal to how you access and expand through your big picture.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19 ~ Ace of Wands

Shakin'Your Inner Booty scribes a new world, new life, place-making, enthusiasm

Shakin’Your Inner Booty scribes a new world, new life, place-making, enthusiasm

Capricorn, This week is a grand time to scribe out new places in your work and life.  There is a creative energy in the mix for you this week that is as pure as it is experienced. Be aware of how you square your shoulders when speaking with people this week.  There will be a clue for you as to how you naturally engage things.  Do you face your shoulders straight forward?  Do your shoulders angle off a bit to one side or the other?  It’s your call as to how that factors in to your effectiveness, though an awareness of how you engage with your shoulders may well give you a temporary self-consciousness that grounds you to be more present in situations.  There are vast clues to your view and vision living in where your shoulders are faced.  Allow your shoulders to direct your view this week like a steering wheel directs where the rubber meets the road.  Doing this may increase the effectiveness of determining just where you infuse your energies to place or locate or scribe out new places like a High Priest setting the sacred staff of his Omphallos and facing his shoulders as if viewing out from the heart of a temple about to be built there.  Take the direction of your shoulders to heart this week.  Your eyes may wander and scan your surroundings, though your shoulders may inform you where your interest actually is.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18 ~ 7 of Wands

decisive action, strategies, taking charge, going in regardless of the odds

decisive action, strategies, taking charge, going in regardless of the odds

Aquarius, This week is one of those “against all odds” weeks for you.  And, I bet you are smiling as you go in with wholehearted energies regardless.  Nietzche has a great quote that works wonderfully with the 7 of Wands going-in-regardless-against-all-odds energies. “One must still have chaos in oneself, to give birth to a dancing star.”  Be the best you you can this week as you fully direct your energies right on target.  Visualize this week as finding that just-right gap between moving cars for you to cross an intersection.  Keeping aware of the state of your energies and your capabilities this week will do a grand service to crossing through odds without a care in the world as to beating them.  I bet you have big places to go this week.  Fully and wholeheartedly direct your energies this week to cross through chaos and birth your own star in completing your goals.  Allow your dreams to be the heartbeat of your goals this week where you keep in mind the energies in your goals… as a goal is usually a dream that has been analyzed, prioritized, and given a deadline. 

Pisces: February 19 to March 20 ~ Knight of Wands

unfamiliar energies in action, awakening, incorporating energies on the move

unfamiliar energies in action, awakening, incorporating energies on the move

Pisces, You may feel a real and definitive and concrete energetic awakening this week.  Look at the Knight emerging from the cracked house in the card.  Rather than hard-to-mend damage to the house view this as an awakening, each hand with their energetic egg tooth leading the way into the world.  The egg tooth may fall off, though the energies are then intact in your touch.  It will be a great week to meditate and ponder while getting a manicure.  It may sound wonderfully pleasurable and mundane, though at the same time realize you are taking care of your touch.  Might want to get a pedicure, too, for those little ground-grabbers of your toes while you are at it.  Then, even the simple steps you take each day will have a respectful touch embracing the places you go as being sacred.  Do mind typos and mispent efforts this week very carefully.  Like an author accidentally typing “scared space” when they meant “sacred space.”  Some typos just can’t be erased from the mind.

Aries: March 21 to April 19 ~ 8 of Cups

inner motions, settled, full, head coming out of the clouds

inner motions, settled, full, head coming out of the clouds

Aries, Are you excited?  Tired?  Are your emotions literally all over the map?  Allow them to be.  Feel into the level of expansiveness you have when your emotions are all over the place.  Literally, look at where they are in each place across your vast emotional plateau.  Sometime emotions simply come out to play, so don;t fault yourself or take yourself too seriously.  Laughing with friends and humor of all sorts may appeal to your senses in a whole mindbodybeautiful way this week.  Allow the expanse of your 8 of Cups emotional plateau to reach out and be energized by an 8 of Wands ally.  It will help keep your emotions fresh and warmed up as they stretch you a bit.  It is a week to prepare for future growth with accomplishments you have recently had.  Take good care to spend as much time laughing with friends as you do focusing on your work.  Laughing with your friends and enjoying your work are each contributing equally to your success this week.  Don;t mind things if they are all over the map.  Act as if they are gifting you something.  Reach out and discover the treasure that each thing all over the place wherever they are is pointing you to.

Taurus: April 20 to May 20 ~ 6 of Swords

letting go of baggage, presents already present, surprises in healthy idea exchanges

letting go of baggage, presents already present, surprises in healthy idea exchanges

Taurus, You may feel really sensitive when communicating things this week.  Don’t try and reach out for more as you may be sensitive as you are full up with what you need.  Have healthy communicative exchanges this week to use that full tank you have.  Allow your comms to take you places where your sensitive touch is appreciated this week.  Your clarity may be going well beyond your spoken words this week, so note how you do or do not communicate with your hands.  The eyes/Is may have it this week, though are your hands giving you clues to the things you are working to grasp?  Speak and communicate this week in a way where you are acting in an exchange rather than a give and take.  Make it a giving and receiving kind of week so what you put out there is wonderfully received and exchanged with increases in your grace.  Oh, and note if someone is holding their grace hostage.  Your sensitive touch softly reaching out in a single, small way may mean everything to them… which in turn can do big, positive things for you which in turns enhances your capability to reach out at the right times.  You may feel and think you have to say it all this, though do yourself a service and rein that in by simply letting it clue you in that something really interests you.  Mind chronic over-sharing this week so you don’t undermine the effectiveness of your touch.  Use the over-think as fuel for your interest so that your restraint provides more of a structure to form and really clarify the identity of your interest.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20 ~ XVIII The Moon

vision, genius, madness, poetry, illumination from unseen sources, powerfully intense reflection

vision, genius, madness, poetry, illumination from unseen sources, powerfully intense reflection

Gemini, This is a big week for you to reflect light from unseen sources. Now, what the heck does that mean you ask?  Like the moon reflects the sun at night when you cannot see the sun. Like that.  Feel into how your light is brightened by what may seemingly be outright crazy monkey business kinds of things.  There will be a genius in the madness for you this week.  It’s a great time to write or read poetry, to paint, to craft.  Shine your creative energies to brighten up dark recesses of things you’ve had on the back burner for a while.  Bring them forward and down to earth right in front of you.  Reach out and get your hands actively working into the energies living in your week. Getting your hands into clay throwing a pot on a potter’s wheel would be an ideal thing to do this week.  Get creative on how you glaze and finish things this week to put your brightest, creative abilities to their best use.  Heck, you might even find your own, inner LUNAtic.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22 ~ 2 of Wands

directed focus, seeing past tricksters

directed focus, seeing past tricksters

Cancer, This week will be all about seeing through mirages, seeing past tricksters.  Mind that you don’t get frazzled by perceiving many little things as one big thing.  It’s energetic decision time.  Be decisive with your energies.  Focus more on the moon than which finger is pointing to it this week.  The energy in the details will open you up to a bigger picture this week in very tangible ways.  Watch for doors opening as others close ad adjust the pace and direction of your energies accordingly. Forgetting is for getting this week. It’ll make more room for the good stuff to come in.  Go out and make energetic decisions this week.  You may just find a new gear as a natural Inner Inheritance.  Use what you discover to gear up your giddy up n go this week.

Leo: July 23 to August 22 ~ Knight of Swords

generating ideas, being well-placed, incorporating thoughts at speed in motion

generating ideas, being well-placed, incorporating thoughts at speed in motion

Leo, Have you been playing both sides of something recently only to discover that rather than an either/or proposition it is a both-and situation or thing?  You are in a prime spot mentally to spin-juggle both sides as easily as flipping a coin this week.  Use the inclusiveness of what you have discovered to your advantage by working with it rather than trying to figure it out.  Treat your discoveries as literal tools you can use in sequences that get your ideas out there and on the move.  Also, Knights have a higher sight from their view up there on the horse.  Is there really no horse in this Knight of Swords card image, or is it more a visual expression of directly seeing things from an elevated place where you have fully integrated the vehicle that supports you up there?  Like the card, assume your own horse this week.  Mind your view as you realize how different your elevated perspective is from others’.  It is more a week to pass things back and forth than to bring them to the ground like in volleyball.  This week my be more of an Air Polo week, though.  Don;t be surprised if you start thinking you are seeing eye to eye with your dreams. They may be bringing you to them to show you more closely how to build foundations under them on the ground.  What do your dreams need from you this week?  Be careful of your assumptions with your tools this week, though.  Just because you have a hammer in your hand doesn’t mean to only go around looking for nails.

Virgo: August 23 to September 22 ~ 9 of Cups

spirit, blossoms, blooms, dynamic or intense fulfillment

spirit, blossoms, blooms, dynamic or intense fulfillment

Virgo, Well well well.  Are all these dynamic emotions you have becoming as easy for you to read as a clock?  Note the orange thingamabob reaching like a stem to the flower-bell of the cup. It’s almost as if that is 7 on a clock, a marker that gives you reference for all the other unlabeled cups.  This week find your own, emotional sun dial and begin learning to tell time with your emotions.  Learn to tell time by how you feel at different times each day.  What I gather will soon start to happen is that your schedule book will start to get set in stone as you concretely figure out when you are at your best for each thing you do.  Learn to tell time with your emotions this week.  More than simply finding your best and most productive times, I bet all the unscheduled things will begin to fall into place as they earn homes between the important stuff.  Learn to tell time with your emotions this week.  It may not be as goofy as it sounds.  It may enlighten you more as to the time you spend taking care of business and the time you take taking care of yourself… and maybe those are both-and sides of the same coin.   Learn to tell time with your emotions this week.  It may not be as goofy as it sounds

How does your TarotScope enhance your week!  If you know your Ascendant / Rising Sign and Moon, you may want to read those, too.  I find it most helpful as they often seem provide a message that enhances the sun sign in ways more resonant with one’s personality.  Comment how your Scope is an ally for your week, and touch base mid-week to see how it’s providing you more effective workability in your schedule and in your life.  Till next time.

Even in a card with no people, there is always one… You looking in through the card portal.

Visit The Divination Studio for more Tarot Goodness!


Listen in to Jordan’s radio Inner State Highways radio show on PEN, the Paranormal Encounters Network.

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  Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.  Tarot voice and stories.  The place where cards literally speak to you.  Mystereum.  It’s all about discovering your Inner Inheritances.  Always complete, never finished. Always complete, never finished.

“Adversity does not build character.  It reveals it.” ~ James Lane Allen

“Gig your celestial groove to kick your rut not your butt.” ~ Jordan Hoggard


(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard

All images (c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on October 6, 2013 in Weekly TarotScopes


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Tarot. TarotScope Allies for Your Sept 29th to Oct 5th Week


Please use The Divination Studio website noted at the top if the vid. There is also a link to my 9-part Birth Card blog series where you can learn more about your Tarot Birth Cards,
Click here for the upbeat videos on my YouTube Channel.

In general this week it may be a trying time for many.  So, keep some spare chocolate handy, and stay hydrated.  Be generous in sharing the chocolate.  It may be one of the simplest methods to diffuse distracted chatter in a meeting by interrupting the meeting in a way to shift the gears.  Sharing the chocolate may serve to help you see the track again and get the group focused and back on topic.  And, jump in with those who refuse the chocolate and bull-headedly keep pushing forward trying to sound on topic with their chatter noise, “Excuse me. Signal is important.  You’re interrupting chocolate time.”  And, quickly pose a question to steer everyone back so you can all move forward.  Don’t get fired, though by all means nip things in the bud rein in meetings before they get out of hand this week.  it will go a long way for long-term team effectiveness.

The concepts of exhaust and messily spilling over are set to be in play this week.  Mind the difference between healthy venting and chatter noise.  Don’t get exhausted by exhaust, and know that venting can help aspirate the signal.  Big exhales clear your inner air.  Watch that frustration just hung out there, though, can become passive-aggressive delegation… which will rightly get ignored.  Get familiar with handing people their own accountability. “Ok, what do you propose?”, and put what they just communicated back to them until it comes out with workability.  Everyone might just assume to throw it all in your lap this week.  Paddle-ball their over-steps back to them so they don’t interfere with your progress, and may bounce back to you with allied statements that are mutually beneficial.

TarotScope Allies for Your Sept 29th to Oct 5th, 2013 Week

Libra: September 23 to October 22 ~ 7 of Swords

sneaky, stealthy, hiding in plain sight, Shadow Hand

sneaky, stealthy, hiding in plain sight, Shadow Hand

Libra, Something is hiding in plain sight this week.  Are your colleagues holding back from putting everything on the table?  Is there an idea looming that almost haunts your creative process?  Team up with Leo friends this week as their no BS way of sensing and approaching things may enhance your own clarity by adding perspective so you can see things differently.  Look into your assumptions this week.  Look past the blind spots and mirages created by your expectations.  Odds are what is not coming to the table is not doing so as you have simply not brought it up.  You may experience rather chaotic thoughts this week.  Note the stealthy Shadow Hand in the card.  People may pick up on this and smartly defer to you to lead into discussions so they don;t get an accidental bolt of lightning from you.  I suggest to adjust your pace so any mental chaos you experience doesn’t trip you up.  Let the static-y winds in your mind wash through.  Hold on and just let them go as weather to wash through.  Adjusting your pace will give you time to breathe and lean back into action between your inner gusts.  Mind your energy this week as you are probably operating with more force than you are aware.  Other people may pick up on what you are experiencing.  If they do, simply query them about what seems to be missing from the equation from their perspective.  Things that are hiding in plain sight may then begin to come out of the woodwork for you.  Don’t get the nickname “Sparky” this week by slipping out words like lightning strikes.  Allow the static and winds to wash through.  Forceful exhales and wide open hands when you get riled up may help you exhaust chaos this week more than normal.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 21 ~ 5 of Wands

What do you see that everyone else is missing?,  stiff competition, challenges, new perspective in the mix

What do you see that everyone else is missing?, stiff competition, challenges, new perspective in the mix

Scorpio, There may be what feels like unfair competition for you this week.  Be aware of it, though be more aware of what you have that none of the competition does.  Like the child in the card with arms outstretched seeing the rainbow no-one else sees.  The two characters in the foreground are occupied with their duel.  The two others have put down their wands by the campfire… which is on a golden Pentacle.  This week you may need to rise above everyone else’s focus so you can express the elephant in the room that the others are missing.  Be creative about it.  Maybe tink your pen to your water glass in a meeting and keep doing it until you have everyone’s attention, kind of like the fingers in the ears la la la la I can’t hear you la la la la though not as annoying.  Your disruption may be just what the situation at hand needs to get back on topic and on track.  Others may fall into their noisy distraction because they feel that something is missing but for the life of them they don’t know what it is.  I’m betting this week that you do.  Don’t be surprised when others have visceral aHa moments as you contribute what you bring to the table that no-one else has.  You may be the youngest or newest part of a team.  No matter.  This week has the potential to show your leadership qualities and ability to discern and to construct things cleanly to direct what appear to be chaotic energies or disjointed components. New or young?  No matter.  You are on the team.  Time to throw a touchdown pass.

Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21 ~ King of Pentacles

Master Builder, stunningly solid qualities, indomitable

Master Builder, stunningly solid qualities, indomitable

Sagittarius, This week that little voice in your head needs for you to lay everything out on the table.  Take stock of all them multiple things you are working on.  Some planning is long overdue, and you will realize that when you see how many more things you are working on than you thought after you get them all down on the table. It’s solid decision time.  It’s time for you to re-invigorate that solid productivity that from your hand becomes prolific relatively quickly.  For every investment in yourself, make sure there is a matching component where the rubber meets the money road.  Play the investment – income tag team game this week and you will see your own support system build in ways it never has before.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19 ~ 2 of Wands

directed focus, seeing past tricksters

directed focus, seeing past tricksters

Capricorn, New worlds may open up to you this week where your creative imagination may be bumped up a notch or two by actual awake-dreams.  Mind that you don’t perceive many little things as one big thing so you can stay focused.  Allow that savant quality of dreams to resonate as if your unconscious is simply voting them up as direct messages.  Some may be for entertainment, so take the message and don’t get lost in the “What does that meannnnnnnnnn?” game. This is a week where right foot left foot right foot left foot is the best way to go.  If you need to be pensive, do so walking around the track at a park.  This week there may not be much smoke, though I’m gathering there will be plenty of mirrors.  Mind the multiple perspectives they give without them fooling your inner ear.  You know where you are.  Step up this week and choose one of those moons.  It’s not a grail.  There’s no one correct choice.  Though, choose wisely nonetheless.  Your week will depend on your choice for its fuel.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18 ~ Ø The Fool ∞

journey, natural expressions, new directions

journey, natural expressions, new directions

Aquarius, Steer clear of static and chatter this week.  You have the opportunity to be as engaged as you want to this week.  Do you like hiking?   Do you like meandering through a crowd without any real destination as you do more people-experiencing than people watching?  Do you forget the crowd like they are simply a people-forest?  It’s all up to you this week.  Go somewhere.  Take yourself places.  You may experience a wonderful sense of goal-lessness that enlivens serendipity and stumbling onto just what you need in the coming weeks.  It’s a perfect week to take several days off smack in the middle of the week, or arrange a doubly-long lunch.  Whatever you do, don’t over-think it.  Your actions should refresh you this week, so take care that you don’t have a care in the world so they do while you stay active… a little dreamy, though active.  Do look both ways with your eyes and ears before crossing the street.  You might want to look both ways twice to protect your peaceful state AND to make sure your feet are on the ground before stepping forward off the curb.  Open plazas and hiking paths may be your better bet as streets don’t cross them.  Have to work all week?  Take some intrepid travels inside.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20 ~ 10 of Cups

sharing reflection, fulfilling home

sharing reflection, fulfilling home

Pisces, The happiness in your home is in the forefront this week.  Look at how far you’ve come.  Rather than then seeing how far you have to go, create a pause of commencement for you and your home.  Graduate into your home this week so you really feel at home there.  Clean out things that are temporary placeholders so you can really get a feeling for the wonderful inner life of your home, how it moves and rests, how it opens and closes and breathes.  If you can, put together a family group activity at home, something creative, though something that feels good more than produces things.  This will contribute you breathing more love and life into your home.  Call it Psychic Febreze.  Very definitely pet-friendly…. and as Halloween comes up, very pet-fiendly.

Aries: March 21 to April 19 ~ XVIII The Moon

vision, genius, madness, poetry, illumination from unseen sources, powerfully intense reflection

vision, genius, madness, poetry, illumination from unseen sources, powerfully intense reflection

Aries, Use this week to step out of your comfort zone.  Be bold enough to brightly reflect light from an unseen or hidden source.  You can do this by visualizing the sun at night, and it can also be done by raising your hands and surrendering to the moon.  Use this week to align with the moon so you are prepared for action at the coming New Moon in Libra at 8:34p EST on Friday the 4th.  Get in sync with your own, inner LunaTic this week.  You’ll want to be in fresh spirits for the New Moon, and laughing at your own intensities and quirks and crazy-monkey-business stuff can sync up your madness and personal genius with the living poetry of your passions.  Be prepared to ride the waves of things you put in motion this week.  As they cycle through their orbits, they may intensify, so get very comfortable with light from unseen sources.  What’s that mean?  Light from unseen sources?  Like the moon reflects the sun at night.  Like support coming from a surprise source.  Be open to reflect the light that comes your way regardless this week.  Doing so may gift you a whole new type of ally this week.

Taurus: April 20 to May 20 ~ 7 of Wands

decisive action, strategies, taking charge, going in regardless of the odds

decisive action, strategies, taking charge, going in regardless of the odds

Taurus, It’s a week to really get in there.  Be extremely mindful of false fronts in business, though, and if you are pursuing or entering into a new relationship with someone, take care of yourself.  They may have more irons in the fire than they let on.  Dismiss people who are Players, like Playas, as they are often as emotionally shielded as the desert playa is dry.  Take a last double-checking second look before you blast in there full-on.  Your last double-checking second look will help you discern to power down a bit or markedly adjust the aim of your approach.  You may feel alone this week, though I’m gathering that is a function of your focus being so intense.  Make sure you align yourself with your close supporters.  This week make efforts to rely on their perspective of the energies in play.  That way they can be prepared to brace you and assist you to keep your aim true this week.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20 ~ 9 of Cups

spirit, blossoms, blooms, dynamic or intense fulfillment

spirit, blossoms, blooms, dynamic or intense fulfillment

Gemini, A lot of potentially fulfilling choices may be presented to you this week.  Be aware of what enhances you dynamism versus what will ultimately be a flash in the pan.  And, a flash in the pan means you probably saw the sun hit a flake of mica as it floated across the top of the water in your gold panning pan.  Weigh your options with care this week as it feel like some of the flashes in the pan may be good choices soon, though only after you choose the one that is really fitting for you.  Odds are that some of the flashes will gather their own weight and fall right into line with your other heavies this week after you yourself have settled in to make the initial choice.  There is a potential dynamism in play this week.  I suggest to simply find the proper entry point or option that fits and fills your top priority most.  That kind of focused decision will resonate to activate other things in your mix this week and make a big splash towards strengthening the dynamic gigs you are entertaining.  Do not focus on the other things.  They are flashes.  Look for the bright aspect that carries the most weight this week and act on it.  Things are coming to fruition, so once you have this decision in hand, you will have a more clear feel for how things should be balanced in your situation.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22 ~ 8 of Swords

note the Shadow Hand, noticing and releasing false beliefs, expectations as chaff from wheat cascading away

note the Shadow Hand, noticing and releasing false beliefs, expectations as chaff from wheat cascading away

Cancer, Be mindful this week of the support your thoughts and communications have in the background.  Like the stealthy Shadow Hand behind the swords in the card, look for that person or person who is reaching out in a way to give you a platform for you to speak from.  Your thoughts this week may be naturally cascading out like a big sound across a plateau.  Let them fly.  Let ‘er rip.  This week will be about seeing as much as you can and seeing as far as you can to give your ideas more reach.  Be patient this week as plateaus are broad places and known for their trickery in presenting false summits.  Explore your reach across the wide open areas where your influence is openly received this week.  It is a great time to work with and through things and finish things on a high note.  Prep new projects this week, though you may want to plan to launch them later them rather than launching them now.  The path is more broad and without specific direction, so I suggest to let it be that.  Explore and tinker this week with avenues you already have open to give you more of a sharp sense of how to proceed.

Leo: July 23 to August 22 ~ Queen of Swords

NO BS straight-upness, shrewdness, exact statements, clear opinions

NO BS straight-upness, shrewdness, exact statements, clear opinions

Leo, It’s a full-on no BS kind of week for you where even in your silences you will feel a speedy quality.  This week you are attuned to your own ways in such a way that you will be able to discern things almost instantly.  It’s a great week for you to lose any lingering senses of self-doubt or having to explain things at length.  What you say goes, and what you will say will be crystal clear.  Don’t belabor making decisions or taking action this week.  Simply make sure you are warmed up and ready for each situation you encounter.  You will as easily take no action AS a decision as you will take decisive action this week.  Play your cards in your favor as the cards you particularly have are real winners.  You won’t have to try to be a card this week.  The natural ways you clearly and sharply lead things will speak for yourself.  Do not be surprised if you start finding your clarity and presence going way beyond your spoken words this week.

Virgo: August 23 to September 22 ~ III The Empress

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Virgo, This week you’ve received The Empress though for some odd reason it feels more like the Queen of Pentacles in disguise where it will be mundane things that get carried to full term as her throne unfurls becoming Judgment.  This hasn’t really happened on these TarotScopes before.  All in all it seems you will again be accessing your big picture through the portals of the actions you take at very detailed levels.  It’s kind of like that tiny detail of a gas / petrol nozzle that you put into the car so it will go.  Visualize your week like that this week and keep doing what you’re doing.  Just make sure you keep tabs on your fuel levels every once in a while and fill up long before it is anywhere near being urgent.  That way your engine and the things that drive you and that you drive will clip along almost effortlessly with everything they need to keep going.  If you zoom around, keep tabs more often as your fuel levels will go down more quickly. It’s really a go go go week for you.

How does your TarotScope enhance your week!  If you know your Ascendant / Rising Sign and Moon, you may want to read those, too.  I find it most helpful.  Comment how your Scope is an ally for your week, and touch base mid-week to see how it’s providing you more effective workability in your schedule and in your life.  Till next time.

Even in a card with no people, there is always one… You looking in through the card portal.

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  Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.  Tarot voice and stories.  The place where cards literally speak to you.  Mystereum.  It’s all about discovering your Inner Inheritances.  Always complete, never finished. Always complete, never finished.

“Adversity does not build character.  It reveals it.” ~ James Lane Allen

“Gig your celestial groove to kick your rut not your butt.” ~ Jordan Hoggard


(c) 2013 Jordan Hoggard

All images (c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on September 29, 2013 in Weekly TarotScopes


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