Daily Archives: June 2, 2022

Make Shame Walk the Plank

Make Shame Walk the Plank

Hmmm, I’ve heard people say that shame is important. Nah, make it walk the plank. You might find anxiety and despair tied to its ankles and dragged over, too.

I squinch my nose in the neh way in regards to being attached to those superficial, interference patterns that sink in and invade the integrated armor that is health. No need for them. Feeding those sharks keeps the wolves at bay. Well, unless of course you have or have had a wonderful German Shepherd Wolf Mix Goddess Girrul in your life who aptly promotes Lilith to her stand-up comedian hobby to defy all her bs demonization.

Goddess Girrul, Lyra. Memoris as Blessings at 13.
First is the influence. Your responsibility is the wonderful response. Do you sensate or do something, or simply stand strong, uninfluenced? It’s possible to let things just pass by. Be careful, though. Life is what passes you by when you’re too busy making plans to account for the wave-smashes. For a rainy day? lol, buy a Kevlar umbrella. Or, get an 8’ diameter umbrella and set up your own table and chairs on the Plaza.

Shame is deadly. And, since life is fatal, I have no need of that in the mix. Plus, if I make myself feel bad, I will typically make poorer quality decisions. That isn’t a necessary feature. I can make plenty of great mistakes on my own that fuel the process with new perspectives rather than desicating the FICP — functionally inter-related component parts — with shame. I’ll go ahead and say it. I find shame to be psychological excrement. Pick your toilet paper rather than re-ingesting that stuff.

If being hard on yourself actually worked as constructive criticism, it would have worked by now. Right? No need for pros and cons or good or bad in a situation. Moreso, what’s workable? Where’s the workability?

(good = favoritism. bad = shaming behavior).

Your Life, Your Way

You are a Temple, inside and out. May you be and continue to become your own Temple inside and out as your life experiences place the steps. How do you Temple yourself? What part of your life builds foundations up under your dreams to reach them and support them and realize them and reinforce, enhance, and strengthen them once reached? Yup. that’s a long-form discipline of the ritual. It’s not a hassle or when will this end kind of thing. Always complete, never finished, lifelong.

When you focus on the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ of your fellows, you make an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you. (Every time you act, you command the Universe. Mind that. Create with that. Act with that. Make with that.)

~ Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido. Translation by John Stevens in The Art of Peace

Pardon any typos or awkward language constructions. AutoCorrect often writes things on my behalf that I didn’t Nintendo.

Where’s the treasure in the trouble? Gold pan those nuggests and let the remaining alluvium wash back into the river. The snake its skin shedded, the snake its skin not missed.

Personally, I find judgment to be farcical as it it generated from bias and expectations. Justice? Heart weighed against a feather? Nods. That’s not that your heart weighs a pound or so. Justice is a question of whether your heart is bouyant enough to dance with a feather.

Discernment, though? Cool to discernment. It has PLENTY of bias in it, though it typically originates from a place where one inspects one’s expectations to see through blind spots and evaporate their mirages like clouds. And, thinking back to a song in the ‘80s… I looked to the sky, and Ra increased the number of clouds by exactly one. Or something like that.

Never forget… inhibitions can enslave as easily as excesses. They live in blind spots. Every once in a while I survey myself for neuroses and inhibitions. Maybe always complete, never finished, lifelong, though like the Master Gardener, I tend to them Sometimes I weed them. Sometimes, I delve into what is their message for me? Either way, the intensity of the naturalness of the identity of the garden, unthreatened, is the gig.

Strong enough to be Gentle.

Fierce enough to be compassionate.

Is vulnerability the birthplace of courage? Yup, if healthy boundaries are in place and living AS the heart of the matter in how you give, receive, and deeply listen.

When unthreatened, one does not take on another’s stuff, though is excellent with providing a vessel to pour their stuff out on the table… so they can see the contents from the an outside perspective, so they can take back in its message rather than the trappings of its traumatic or influence of origin. Chaff from wheat. The snake its skin shedded, the snake its skin not missed.

How do you make shame walk the plank today?

(C) 2022 Jordan Hoggard

(C) 2022 The Architecture of Well Being

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Posted by on June 2, 2022 in Incarnations


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