Monthly Archives: March 2014

Tarot ~ Ostara ~ The Day of the Balanced Dance


Enjoy your Tarot BlogHop for Ostara.

You can hop back to Bonnie Fernandes’ blog or forward to Chloe for TABI’s blog.

Enjoy Your Ostara and every moment equal across the day!  Heck, maybe even allow Moira and your internal sense of time to play in through the spaces between your notes to help you select YOUR natural sense of timing today.

Hi!  Jordan Hoggard here.  A fun and sacred Ostara to You!  Join me along this segment of the Tarot BlogHop as I celebrate resurrection and rebirth in my way…as the one, Trinity Soul heartbeat making the Us in healthy relationships.  So, let’s get to danicin’ shall we?!!

The Day of the Balanced Dance

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing 
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.
~ Rumi
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom.
~ Anais Nin
Nature’s Dance Hall.  Archetypally perennial resurrection holding space for movement.
Queen of Pentacles
The Event Coordinator master gardening the scene.  A worldly Empress,
Higher octave Queen of Pentacles.  A Yoniverse carrying things to full term.
9 of Pentacles
The partnering of the dance of an equal day and night day = more clarity for the nuance of cleanly and purely being fully present and conscious and aware to take care with how you reveal and unfold your purity in the present in your life… best expressed by how you dance?   The number 9 expresses a sacred partnership within itself, a divine and continual unfolding AS both its dna AND its mode of being… one and the same.  9 dynamically and simply steps up to the plate fully present and heartfelt as it expresses itself with its internal dance partners:
The double-colon between the numbers ”  ::  ”  =’ing inner partners sacredly embraced naturally, and
09 09 18 27 36 45 :: 54 63 72 81 90
Notice how the partners express one another though are each their own as they dance together…
they do not mirror or project… they flow together like kelp and the ocean…
bring into being one Trinity Soul like the Trinity Soul Seat for the Mind of Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers…
09 18 27 36 45
90 81 72 63 54
Always ask the mind to take a seat.  The heart and soul are healthier leaders.
The interstice, the space between and within the dancers.  still in Silence, the full inner activity of the Om 4 charactered voice of the Univers A U M (Silence all around and as the space between the sounds / notes)
The Devil
Sacred Masculine God ~ Goddess as the DJ.  Beyond the canned notions of addiction and inhibition for the Devil there is a field, a place of purity supporting life fully engaging the higher octaves of earthly desires. To live fully in love and in love with one’s betrothed is no chain, no ball and chain.  To live fully in love and in love with one’s betrothed enhances each other’s freedom as they pulse together into being the single heartbeat of the love-warmed Trinity Soul. Each couples’ Us that is entirely their own… and not subject to the notions of others.
So, in the liminal twilight space of Ostara in the dawn between equidistant Janus-to-and-from the dusk both between the night and the day each… while you decide how the above cascades in to resonate or be tossed… for Ostara… feel into this next mini-series of lines…
Reasons are unreasonable in love
Love is a socially acceptable insanity. (author = Amy. I don;t know who that is though I like it immensely)
Lovers love what they love, together… regardless…
Nature doesn’t have to convince me when it’s raining,
and fully the same as Nature,
my love, my dearest love does not have to convince me of her love…
her love as present as the rain,
as fully supportive as the ocean…

Twilight,the magical space of dusk and dawn, the magical spaces between night and day, between day and night.  Twilight dawn, twilight dusk, each day the magical twilight twice.

So, here is a gift of a poem for your Balanced Ostara Dance…

Our Us Is Our Prayer

There comes one
who I know like wind
like rain upon the ocean.
And, as wintertime comes,
and our memories freeze together,
together may we sleep and dream.
So, that come the springtime
as we embrace with open eyes,
may we melt
back together
in warm embrace…
in the Trinity Soul heartbeat
that is Us
in each others’ arms

So, put your mind away today.

Today, on Ostara, lead with your heart…

Shall we dance?

[[insert 3 of Cups]]

Enjoy your Tarot BlogHop for Ostara.

You can hop back to Bonnie Fernandes’ blog or forward to Chloe for TABI’s blog.

Enjoy Your Ostara and every moment equal across the day!  Heck, maybe even allow Moira and your internal sense of time to play in through the spaces between your notes to help you select YOUR natural sense of timing today.


(C) 2014 Jordan Hoggard

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