Tarot Neptunian Atman

10 Jan

Tarot Neptunian Atman?  Neptunian nuclei? Heck, what the heck are THOSE?!  Does my Mom know I talk like this?  Ummmm, Yes.

~ The Ace of Cups’ smaller than small Mystereum character continually fulfilling as the nucleus of the larger than large Hanged Man?

~ The Hanged Man’s character afloat in clarity as nucleus of The Ace of Cups?

~ Ace of Cups as Hanged Man nucleus?

~ Hanged Man as Ace of Cups’ higher octave, Higher Self?

Large-form ebbs and flows back and forth, each at one and the same time both the other, and as well contrariwise?

Seein’ a little ditty danced there.

I find it more important to NOT to impart my intense energy to the client, or take on theirs.  It would seem a disrespectful dilution that dissolves a strong and powerful listening to identity.  Comfortable with your identity, AND the client it makes for a non-pinned ATM in a great exchange in a reading, if one does not take care is there a merge?  A meld? A magical mixing? An enhancing of freedom of each that is catalyzing across the board?

When I read, I have squeezed my Neptunian boundary sponge before I hear the knock and answer the door, or knoch which is where the reading actually begins.  The stacked stone trailhead indicator of the portal of the path into the reading.  I squeeze my sponge after also, regardless, and get on to the rest of my day or to the next reading.  I squeeze my Neptunian boundary sponge before and after regardless.  If things are to influence me, they might naturally do so.  Even if something resonated with me and is positive, it still may not round-peg to square-hole combo-lock open anything worthy to be influenced or affected by.  A smile may occur, and that feels similar to a cool face seen in a tree along the path of the reading.  Do I forget those things that are squeeze-dropped from my sponge?  Probably.  Probably, in the way one may never see that face in the tree again, or even recollect it, though it may have provided a pivotal image shaking like water-sounding Aspen tree leaves rustling in the wind.  Though the moment would never have been the same without it, it feels to be like going on stage to speak, or perform, or listen as others do.  The warm-up is rarely part of the performance.  The curtain rising or parting, relieves the veils of their duties.

The warm-up, the chaff about to be shaken from wheat, is shaken off as the curtain does its gig to stacked-stone-trailhead mark the moment.  The warm-up is not part of the performance.  The snake, his skin shedded.  The snake, his skin not missed.  “OH! The pretty new colors!,” the snake feel-dream-thinks out loud inside.  OH! The pretty colors!  Chaff and curtains and stacked-stone trailheads and shedded skins are more than not missed.  They Death card Master Gardener-style continue themselves as compost, as spacing.  They resume something else without exhuming what made it.  Their place?  Is that the place of no-place?  Or, is their place that of context and memory, where the memory craftily relieved of its time-constraint is no longer in the present?  It simply lives heralded in the bannering forth of the prescient remembrance of the performance?  Maybe this is more of an “and” expression.  Maybe neither and nor or.  Regardless, isn’t it expressive of life’s movement. the passionate heartbeat pulsing each action?

Sometimes, I continually visualize squeezing my sponge as I listen to my clients.  It really depends on me and them and the reading and the time and the place and their question and . . . yes, my presence to be present as well as theirs.  Some  readings are more intense than others.  Some readings are simpler than others, and carry a deceptive simplicity of a rockin’ impromptu speech.  Some feel altogether natural and are at one and the same time natural saturations of which to be most careful.  On a bead-reader day, can that be a 2-way street?  Sure.  And, therein enters ethics and professionalism.  Funny thing is?  I have never called in sick to a reading.  Something about them sets the time before and after for resonance with the reading itself.  Even in rapid-fire succession, reading after reading on a long day . . . it is never “just another day at the office.”

Neptunian aspects? Taking on anyone else’s stuff no matter how congruent it feels?  Neither naturally jives.  Neither naturally juves with the combo locks of one’s identity.  Agreement does not, or rather, never indicates to empathise I find.  Empathy, even though it can be wondrous, does not imply to ingest anything additional.  I am especially careful to not swim in sympathy, and maybe even more so less consciously with empathy.  The details will time themselves out if referenced and footnoted and beaten into submission by over-analysis of intellectualism.  Frankly, that is no submission at all.  Moreso, it feels to be a curtain that never opened to play its part in the shedding of itself to awaken the performance, the reading.

And, there is one particular phrase.  “To swim.”  Is that what I do in readings?  Maybe.  But, with WSI training, (Water Safety Instructor), I never, repeat, never approach a drowning person head-on from the front.  Why make sure 2 people are going to die when one can do one’s best to cross-check the identity of the question to bring itself to bear . . . heck, even wash up with otself after the storm has broken.  I don not say, “after it IS broken,” as that would feel to puncture ethics with heavy-handed and egomanaical. . .uh hem . . . can’t really call that reading.  It is something else.  Sociopathic?  When an idea or the person in general is drowning it is does not seem advisable to try to support them as they will climb on you and push you under.  They WILL whether you realize it or not, squeezed sponge or no.  You may take a bad gift from them from the reading.  What then?  Well, it is then yours.  It is your responsibility.  No blame.  No therapy.  No catharsis.  More a wise in time -do-not-take-it-on-in-the-1st-place kind of thing.  Does that sound difficult?  Hmmm. . . . how difficult is it to not use the word pity as a verb in your life?  That may do some service to a response.  Maybe no.  Hmmm . . . presumptuous for me to go much further on that trail as I see more stacked stones, another trailhead to direct my feet another way . . .

I have extremely Neptunian aspects prominently.  I know all too well that I almost already get someone the second I see/smell/hear/sense them.  I don;t go into the clairs much as I am a synesthete where senses cross over.  Is that a Neptunian thing with Mercury 4 degrees away in Scorpio? Most probably yes, that is part of it.  I see it as a Seeing With Cat’s Ears kind of thing.  Very much in the wild, in nature in life.  I would suggest not to listen to a word I have said if you have never had an intuition you acted on, or led people off a troubled, stormy mountain pass kind of thing.  Notwithstanding that, I feel one of the things I have to offer here is . . .

Mind your identity.  Nevermind conflict.  You are the reader.  Do not take it personally.  Your clients are not your tourniquette, nor you theirs.   Also, miind that you do not chum their water or your own.  Teeth have many forms, and mostly are not bared consciously or intentionally. Ideas and thoughts and feelings have teeth.  Simply be the dancer to keep clients focused on THEIR stuff.  Maybe you are their stacked stone trailhead to direct them to their hike.   Still learning that, though. Occasionally, I get bitten so to speak when I felt even the strongest I have ever felt.
Mind the details that creep in like a drop of dye dropped in water.  From that I get to my one chief suggestion.  Besides being good for hydrating the skin, prepare yourself with your fave oil.  It will be like a herald on a shield to them announcing who your presence is without bring you too close until YOU do that.  They will naturally not be threatened to try and overtake you as they see/sense/smell/see who you are, as your reading may give them the oil-scent of themselves to further explore themselves.

I find that people really often DO inwardly know how strong their feelings and emotions are.  And, whether they are aware of it or not, they are there.  As the reader, discern your surroundings with your Cat Ears.  Your eyes are not the only vision tool.  They may be the first clue to allow you to sit in one spot never moving and never get any direct hits from them, though.  And, maybe that begins to elucidate the Powerful Listening of a reader?

Powerful Listening.  It is a great trait to develop that both protects you and may in fact enhance you as well at the same time provide a more directly discerning and responsive service for your clients.  Like driving.  Head on collisions are best avoided by staying in your lane so to speak. Ride with them as co-pilot as they drive serendipity.  Let it flow.  OH! THAT tree is SO cool, turn left.  Reasons can be as unreasonable as that tree.

So. . . .

What do I mean by Neptunian aspects ?

First off, utilizing “aspects” here as a facet or component or feature of something rather than an “aspect” in astrology per se.  Neptunian aspects are boundaryless concepts, watery, depthful, infinite and boundaryless.  That said, it is not to indicate that I have no boundaries as that would indicate a problem.  Moreso, it is that I  . . . how shall I say this . . . have spongelike boundaries.  Things are apt to be felt even before I directly encounter something as they “touch or encounter my sponge” so to speak.    And, things can get caught in the sponge, even things I like immensely but that are other peoples’.  I find that what integrates naturally flows through, maybe even without even encountering the sponge, like the sponge is my customs agent.  Call the Neptunian aspects spongelike boundaries.  It is much like a cell.  It has a semipermeable membrane as the outer cell wall for nutrients to get in.  Much like the concept of “water conforms to its cup,” the situations we place ourselves in AND the WAY in which we place ourselves — hydrated and fed are two solid ones — would express the sphere of influence or being influenced of this sponge.

Take a fish in an aquarium for example.  If you press your hand into the water, the fish will feel the displacing pressure, or simply the influence, the affect of your hand.  In a more complex example: with your back to an open door, can you tell who it is when they change the sound/feel/smell/thought/etc very etc of the room as they become and tune the doorway with themselves like a drum, simply for an instant as they step through the doorway?   Is a person stepping through a doorway into a room like a finger covering a hole playing the flute of your space?  Or, what do you feel when closing the doors of your eyes?  What tune resonates there?
I expressed Neptunian aspects to mean comfortability (or discomfort) with boundaryless concepts, and that Neptunian aspects can be a key to better learning of one’s own sphere of influence as well as how one’s influence cascades inward and outward to ebb-n-flow wave when interacting, and even when not directly interacting.

In closing,

You see, I am one to facilitate relationships thriving.  I am a reader.  I have no querents as that term sounds to DAYum petri-dish-presumptuous.  I have clients.  The client is always right, and not always correct.  Their form follows their priority, and the dyes that drop into their water.  Stacked-stone trailheads of statements even midstream are noticed when powerfully listening, even when powerfully speaking . . . even in the power of silence. . .

I will simply say, “HAIL CHIRON!”  May you always elucidate your identity to find the workability of the best things that feel to need to be lived every moment.  Does that sound like a royal PITA (Pain In The Ass)?  A hassle?  A lot of work?  And, does it not sound less like work, and more a way to enhance the freedom of you breathing passionately to nourish yourself with your personal resonances your way?  Even when still? Especially when playing?

As naturally as the Hanged Man may be the higher octave, the Higher Self of the Ace of Cups . . . May breath be prayer aspirating your inner divinity.  May your personal resonances live with and nourish you as naturally as you breathe, and enhance your breath.

Jupiter’s Blessings,



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(c) 2010, 2011 Jordan Hoggard


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3 responses to “Tarot Neptunian Atman

  1. Sophie Falco

    January 16, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    Great post, Jordan. As someone with 3 planets + Chiron in Pisces in the 11th house and my north node in the 12th house, I understand all too well this swimming Neptunian boundarylessness… I like the image of the sponge, it works for me. I find that I draw on the Jupiterian side of me to counterbalance the excess of Neptune: wisdom, learning, gravitas, and the Martial to help with the boundaries and some sparks of energy. But I also see those Neptunian elements as useful – I get instant feedback from a querent, I ‘know’ if and how what I’m saying is touching them, so I can adapt, repeat, or move on.

    • mystereum

      January 16, 2012 at 10:28 pm

      Thank You, Sophie! I really dig your Jupiterian counterbalance statement to the Neptunian aspects.
      Adapt, repeat, or move on” Yes!, as if without thought or will, and fully comprehending the components . . . like seeing an eagle fly across the road in front of one’s car, inspiring driving, the journey, rather than interfering with it. . .yet often not chasing it like a butterfly. I rather not see those when I am driving. Their lifespan is short enough already. 😉


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