Category Archives: Serendipity Itineraries

SI: 9/25 Serendipity Itinerary

SI: 9/25 Serendipity Itinerary

Your September 25th, 2020 SI, with the Moon exiting its journey through Capricorn to go Void of Course at 11:36p today, Friday 9/25, to re-emerge Direct in Aquarius at 2:08a in the wee hours of Saturday 9/26. The Moon will be direct in Aquarius through the weekend to enter its next Void of Course Astro Sign Interstice Monday 9/28 at 3:18a. All times given are EST In the USA.

Take the opportunity to engage in activities that you are both good at and love in a more free-spirited and possibly even a little eccentric way to blow out the pipes and refresh yourself for stronger re-connection with your loves. Take some time to NOT stay in your lane with yourself and get off-trail where Nature homes the great stuff.

Nevermind your mastery. Admitting mastery is no braggart or ego statement. The Master has failed more times than the student has tried. And, mastery leads to further discovery.

This weekend is a great time to discover things you otherwise would not have if you went through tried and true compulsory motions. Get off the figure eight technique in the corner and out on the ice or the track with some VROOM and fly a little. Duct tape a seat cushion to your toosh. That might make sense. The times you fall will be more fun when it’s more of a ploomp of a plop-bounce than a crash. And, when you don’t fall, the cushion might make for some great laughs.

Laughter is the shortest distance between people.

~ Victor Borge

Serendipity Itineraries

If you are new to Serendipity Itineraries, you can go click here to check out the intro to see what it’s all about. Come on back once you have, as… We’ll wait. Let’s get this serendipity party started, shall we?!

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 9/25/2020

Justice* ~ High Priestess

* I placed Justice at VIII and Strength at XI in Tarot in the Land of Mystereum, so don’t be thrown by the number VIII on Justice

Excellent Birth Card Pair to continually embrace change as you engage with your established identity.

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #2 day today, so here are two 2-themed videos:

Mystereum Tarot Moment 2 of Pentacles.

May your most crucial connections sync up this week.

1 min 02 sec


Mystereum Tarot and The Twos

2 min 24 sec

I have plans to produce videos for the other suits, plus individual number card groupings, the Courts, and of course the Majors.

Tarot Voice Prompt Exercise

How do YOU roll when it matters? How’s your timing? Center, settle, click record on your phone, and Action. Speak about the 4 of Pentacles in your voice from your perspective. Is there a lifetime of wisdom in YOUR 59-second tip of the iceberg? Try it. Close your eyes and play yourself back. What do you hear, and how does it come across to you? Do you hear anything new? What do the highs and lows of your voice tell you? What about the flow? Dance like no one’s watching, click record, and speak like no one’s listening. Share what happens if you like.

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go Inside and look out the window… look out the window of yourself (Temple of You) for 1min 02sec seconds, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder, Or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What does the outside look like from inside the windows to the Soul of my eyes? Does the world reflect me, or shall I inspect my expectations so I see what really is? How will you allow this inform your perspective?

What does Your short time 1m 02sec say? Cool, now that your warmed up, do it several times if you feel to, What’s your longer lap time? What do you say in 2min 24sec? Will you give it a try? Comment please if you care to share. I hope you’re pleasantly surprised what wonderful Tarot gifts you may just unpack for yourself With these short exercises.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series from 2012-2013. Check out her beautiful site!

Again, This Week, A Meditative Suggestion in Regards to This Week’s Music Selections

Rather than listen to the words as being from one person to another, or the artist to you or to another, will you allow the words to be yours spoken to you and your internal community? As if a play produced about you? Some of them may fall flat and not apply. Then again, some may spark something inside with this listening exercise. Dance along to your play if you feel to. Give it a go, and see what happens when you turn poetry/lyrics inward to speak to yourself as if they orginated from you to you.

Digital Daggers ~ Nothing’s Broken

Ruelle ~ Hold Your Breath

Au/Ra ~ Dance in the Dark

Patti Smith ~ Horses

There Are 2 Musical Pairs for You + Here’s the Bonus Blast From the Past. So Cool that this resurfaced.

Resurfaced from the cardboard box treasure chest they slept through their long-form perennial slumber…

The Halfbreeds Lost Tapes from Holly Troy

Like Tapas for gettin’ movin’! Click here

Ok, I couldn’t resist. There felt no reason to. Gratuitous add. This has become a Go-To. Their chemistry is just HAWT

Here We Go into Your Serendipity Itinerary for September 25th

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

Most everyone below has excellent new posts this week! Think you’ve seen them before? Me, too. Then, there was this week. The vibe felt quieter Again this week, though longer looking, and maybe intensities were simply wonderful in balance. Expansive even in simple expressions. I suggest take 2 you are familiar with and revisit. Then I-Ching ’em and run your own Serendipity Itinerary to 2 that are new to you. Another great week.

Enjoy Your SI

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog. Please share his recent Black in AI 2020 Call for Papers post to magnetize others who might not have otherwise been aware of the opportunity to advance the AI (Artificial Intelligence) community.

Author Melissa Crismon ~ Oceans of Love. Melissa is the author of the MerSea series about a conservationist mermaid. Painting in her mom’s studio, studying modern dance, and playing the pedal harp informed her childhood. A bachelor’s degree in visual and performing arts made sense. From angelic harpist to romance author, Melissa began writing as a theatre reviewer for local and online media.Her Golden-State-of-the-Art Blog started out as a California arts blog that covered a lot of theatre, but rolls with the punches and has expanded to the vegan lifestyle.

Martha Ann Kennedy’s Blog ~ I’m A Writer, Yes, I Am! Her recent post Through the Looking Glass from The Global Exclaimer is powerful and full-on apt about this racism disease going around more powerfully in this current time where the Civil War is like the EverReady Bunny just going and going and going — like it seethed under the surface for over a century, the internal war that never ended. About Martha: After thirty years teaching writing in San Diego, in 2014, I returned to live in my home state, Colorado. I live in the remote, beautiful and mysterious San Luis Valley. All my life, I’ve been a writer. Sometimes, I’m also a painter, but I am always a hiker.

Scott Parker-Anderson ~ Waldina. Waldina was my maternal great-grandmother. Her life story has inspired generations of our family. I write about what inspires me.

Andrea Badgley ~ Butterfly Mind. Creative Nonfiction by Andrea Badgley. Andrea Badgley holds a B.S. in Ecology, but left that field to raise children and write. Her Butterfly Mind blog reflects her inclination to flit. Her work appears in Southern Women’s Review, on the Brevity blog, and on The Daily Post. You can also follow her on Twitter @andreabadgley

Anne Elise ~ MBTI Journey. Life is a journey, not a destination. – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Welcome to MBTI Journey! If you want to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery then this is the site for you. Through MBTI and this blog you will learn more about yourself, the people you love, and even the people you don’t understand.

purplepeninportland ~ Sharing Poetry and Hugs. I am a freelance poet, born and bred in Brooklyn, New York. I live with my husband, John, and two charming rescue dogs–Marion Miller and Murphy. We spent eight lovely years in Portland, OR, but are now back in New York. My goal is to create and share poetry with others who write, or simply enjoy reading poetry. I hope to touch a nerve in you, and feel your sparks as well.

Mr. Purrington ~ Carl Jung Depth Psychology. Life, work and legacy of Carl Jung.

Fernando Kaskais ~ by F. Kaskais. The Esoteric Meaning Behind Neo’s Interrogation in The Matrix.

Deborah Bridge, PhD. ~ Soul Tending. Depth Psychologist.

Becca Tarnas, PhD ~ Scholar, artist, and counseling astrologer, Becca is the editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal CosmologyShe received her PhD in Philosophy and Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her dissertation is titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear. Check out Keith’s recent Skyscraper post. It starts with a wicked cool image, and keeps going from there.

Janet Rudolph ~ Feminism and Religion. Thoughtful. Poignant. Meaningful. Janet plays the depths with her tune. Both-And is embraced, and though either/or is not dismissed, it is seemingly most often precluded by her forthright and engaged gesture. Janet posts from a deep well. Want some thought that has meaning and place and is engaged? Cool. Then, please visit her work.

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

M K MacInnes ~ Talking of inner journeys, since PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a major theme in my work, I have devoted an entire page to signposting readers who are interested in finding out more about it.

Donna’s Poetry Blog ~ Hope. Courage. Poetry. Faith. Love. An experiential read that is well worth it.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within, and looks like the DNA orbits within us as well. Go figure. Know thyself and know the universe just took on a simple tone as well.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

May you fill your spaces with the honest and and real feelingsense of your intensities as you sync you up with You. Maybe sync up with yourself and balance your Inner Rhythmic Equations little Aquarian style eccentricity in your creative crucible this weekend.

What Does The Natural Rhythm of the Music of Your Moira Internal Sense of Time Feel Like, Sound Like, Look Like?

Thanks for Trekking Serendipity Itineraries

Coming Very Soon!!

KintsuKuroi of Self Readings for Your Inner Golden Splendor to flow up and fill the fault lines between tectonic life-shifts. Kintsukuroi, the Art of things being more valuable for having been broken, put back together with the gold lacquer of connections in celebration of the experiences. Kintsukuroi You as only you can. Kintsukuroi of Self Readings coming soon.

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

I’m honored that 2 card images from my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck + book box set published by Schiffer are featured in Taschen’s new Library of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books


Posted by on September 24, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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SI: 9/18 Serendipity Itinerary

SI: 9/18 Serendipity Itinerary

Your September 18th, 2020 SI, with the Moon in Libra from yesterday, 9/17 at 2:56p EST. This is a great time for family and friends, things that energize a home wonderfully. The Moon will go Void of Course Saturday, 9/19 at 10:29a, to emerge and travel through the depthful and passionate intensity of Scorpio 9/19 at 2:33p. Take the opportunity to enjoy and pay attention to your healthy intensities though the weekend, and do note and put the clutch in to disengage triggers if they arise. Intensity often comes with a menagerie of other qualities. I would suggest to simply mindful of them as they arise, and respect that they surface to engage healing.

Serendipity Itineraries

If you are new to Serendipity Itineraries, you can go click here to check out the intro to see what it’s all about. Come on back once you have, as… We’ll wait. Let’s get this serendipity party started, shall we?!

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 9/18/2020

Death ~ Emperor

Excellent Birth Card Pair to continually embrace change as you engage with your established identity.

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #4 day today, so here are two 4-themed video:

Mystereum Tarot Moment 4 of Pentacles.

May the ground you walk on be as inspirational as the stars in your sky.

0 min 59 sec UPDATE


Grounding With the Family of the Fours

May your grounded and established energies deepen your sense of Self as you perennially naturalize to grow in the garden of your life.

2 min 27 sec

Yes, I have plans to produce videos for the other suits, plus individual number card groupings, the Courts, and of course the Majors.

Tarot Voice Prompt Exercise

How do YOU roll when it matters? How’s your timing? Center, settle, click record on your phone, and Action. Speak about the 4 of Pentacles in your voice from your perspective. Is there a lifetime of wisdom in YOUR 59-second tip of the iceberg? Try it. Close your eyes and play yourself back. What do you hear, and how does it come across to you? Do you hear anything new? What do the highs and lows of your voice tell you? What about the flow? Dance like no one’s watching, click record, and speak like no one’s listening. Share what happens if you like.

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go Inside and look out the window… look out the window of yourself (Temple of You) for 0min 59sec seconds, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder, Or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What does the outside look like from inside the windows to the Soul of my eyes? Does the world reflect me, or shall I inspect my expectations so I see what really is? How will you allow this inform your perspective?

What’s YOUR short time 59 seconds say? Cool, now that your warmed up, do it several times if you feel to, What’s your longer lap time? What do you say in 2min 27sec? Will you give it a try? Comment please if you care to share. I hope you’re pleasantly surprised what wonderful Tarot gifts you may just unpack for yourself.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series from 2012-2013. Check out her beautiful site!

I Suggest Something New in Regards to This Week’s Music Selections

Rather than listen to the words as being from one person to another, or the artist to you or to another, will you allow the words to be yours spoken to you and your internal community? As if a play produced about you? Some of them may fall flat and not apply. Then again, some may spark something inside with this listening exercise. Dance along to your play if you feel to. Give it a go, and see what happens when you turn poetry/lyrics inward to speak to yourself as if they orginated from you to you.

Digital Daggers ~ Heaven or Hell

Ruelle ~ Until We Go Down

Ruelle ~ Live Like Legends

Au/Ra ~ Panic Room

There’s 4, + Here’s An Extra

Zella Bay ~ Compass

Here We Go into Your Serendipity Itinerary for September 18th

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

Most everyone below has excellent new posts this week! Think you’ve seen them before? Me, too. Then, there was this week. The vibe felt quieter, though longer looking. Expansive even in simple expressions. I suggest take 2 you are familiar with and revisit. Then I-Ching ’em and run your own Serendipity Itinerary to 2 that are new to you. Another great week. Gift yourself the wonderful variety of voices below. Also, I can only travel creatively to the edge of infinity, and then there’s still more? How could that be. If you would like me to visit your blog, or have one you would like to suggest, please let me know in the comments. I like going on SIs myself.

Enjoy Your Trek, and the Bicycle, Too

Scott Parker-Anderson ~ Waldina. Waldina was my maternal great-grandmother. Her life story has inspired generations of our family. I write about what inspires me.

Andrea Badgley ~ Butterfly Mind. Creative Nonfiction by Andrea Badgley. Andrea Badgley holds a B.S. in Ecology, but left that field to raise children and write. Her Butterfly Mind blog reflects her inclination to flit. Her work appears in Southern Women’s Review, on the Brevity blog, and on The Daily Post. You can also follow her on Twitter @andreabadgley

Anne Elise ~ MBTI Journey. Life is a journey, not a destination. – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Welcome to MBTI Journey! If you want to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery then this is the site for you. Through MBTI and this blog you will learn more about yourself, the people you love, and even the people you don’t understand.

Mr. Purrington ~ Carl Jung Depth Psychology. Life, work and legacy of Carl Jung.

Fernando Kaskais ~ by F. Kaskais. The Esoteric Meaning Behind Neo’s Interrogation in The Matrix.

Deborah Bridge, PhD. ~ Soul Tending. Depth Psychologist.

Becca Tarnas, PhD ~ Scholar, artist, and counseling astrologer, Becca is the editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal CosmologyShe received her PhD in Philosophy and Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her dissertation is titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien

Janet Rudolph ~ Feminism and Religion. Thoughtful. Poignant. Meaningful. Janet plays the depths with her tune. Both-And is embraced, and though either/or is not dismissed, it is seemingly most often precluded by her forthright and engaged gesture. Janet posts from a deep well. Want some thought that has meaning and place and is engaged? Cool. Then, please visit her work.

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

M K MacInnes ~ Talking of inner journeys, since PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a major theme in my work, I have devoted an entire page to signposting readers who are interested in finding out more about it.

Donna’s Poetry Blog ~ Hope. Courage. Poetry. Faith. Love. An experiential read that is well worth it.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within, and looks like the DNA orbits within us as well. Go figure. Know thyself and know the universe just took on a simple tone as well.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

May you fill your spaces with the honest and and real feeling that with your intensities to sync you up with You and balance your rhythms.

What Does The Natural Rhythm of the Music of Your Moira Internal Sense of Time Feel Like, Sound Like, Look Like?

Here’s some Fluorite for clarity

Thanks for Trekking Serendipity Itineraries

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

I’m honored that 2 card images from my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck + book box set published by Schiffer are featured in Taschen’s new Library of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books

1 Comment

Posted by on September 18, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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Alchemy Created These Copper Tarot Birth Card Talismans

Alchemy Created These Copper Tarot Birth Card Talismans

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

The Sun 0 min 46 sec

How do YOU roll when it matters? How’s your timing? Center, settle. Explore the lifetime of wisdom in 46 of YOUR seconds. Try it. Try 46 seconds of you. What happens?

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

Solar System & DNA

Have a Wonderful Weekend!!

How could this be 40% off below? ??? That’s almost free. Oh well. Stranger things ya know. Don’t worry. They’ll go back to the full price of a coffee once the coupon expires at midnight EST tonight. Next week… the decimal point moves the other way. Shall you take the opportunity to invest in yourself for the price of a coffee, or less? First they were free so everyone could have them. Then, they were the price of a coffee. Now, less than that the last several days. Soon, I’ll price ImaginAction and ImaginAction at their value. Thanks for following along the process of the ImaginAction Twins debut in the world. I appreciate that. Thank you.

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books


Posted by on September 11, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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SI: 9/11 Serendipity Itinerary

SI: 9/11 Serendipity Itinerary

Your September 11th, 2020 SI, and the Moon went Void of Course from Gemini at 12:48a EST last night, to emerge Direct in Cancer this morning today at 4:23p EST, The Moon will home its travel through Cancer until it goes Void of Corse Sunday 9/13 at 8:05a EST to emerge again Direct at 11:32a in Leo on Sunday 9/13. After your weekend homing, enjoy a higher octave and bright start next week.

Serendipity Itineraries

If you are new to Serendipity Itineraries, you can go click here to check out the intro to see what it’s all about. Come on back once you have, as… We’ll wait. Let’s get this serendipity party started, shall we?!

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 9/11/2020

The Devil ~ The Lovers

Excellent Birth Card Pair for loving what you love and to embrace your intensities.

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #6 day today, so here is a 6-themed video:

Mystereum Tarot Moment, an epic

spiral of giving and receiving with the 6 of Pentacles

0 min 56 sec

Yes, I have plans to produce videos for the other suits, plus individual number card groupings, the Courts, and of course the Majors.

How do YOU roll when it matters? How’s your timing? Center, settle. Isn’t there a lifetime of wisdom in YOUR 56 seconds? Try it. Try 56 seconds of you

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go Inside and look out the window… look out the window of yourself (Temple of You) for 0min 56sec seconds, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder, Or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What does the outside look like from inside the windows to the Soul of my eyes? Does the world reflect me, or shall I inspect my expectations so I see what really is? How will you allow this inform your perspective?

Projection is one of the commonest psychic phenomena…Everything that is unconscious in ourselves we discover in our neighbour, and we treat him accordingly.

Carl Jung, Archaic Man

Jung, however, stressed that projection was both an inevitable and necessary component in our psychological development as it is one of the primary means by which we can gain an awareness of elements residing in our unconscious. After projecting an element of our unconscious, the healthy thing to do is to recognize the subjective origin of the projection, to withdraw it from the external world, and to integrate this element of our personality into conscious awareness. 

Academy of Ideas

What’s YOUR short time? What’s YOUR lap time for a single pass? Your call. Will you give it a try? Comment please if your care to share. I hope you’re pleasantly surprised what wonderful gift that 2m 18sec of seeing YOU is to yourself.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series From 2012-2013. Check out her beautiful site!

Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary for September 11th

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

I couldn’t get enough of the Civil Wars this week. Maybe, because I didn’t have any, was working no idle hands the whole time, and intensely enjoyed the things I enjoyed as I enjoyed them working on an article about something important to me, core to my work. Well, maybe I wasn’t that single-minded… Myopic for sure only focusing on value…

Crescendo to the unknown... (do I need to italicize punctuation?)

Most everyone below has excellent new posts this week! Think you’ve seen them before? Me, too. Then, there was this week. I suggest take 2 and revisit. People were moving with passionate and compassionate intensity And wicked cool substance this week across the board.

Enjoy Your Trek, and the Bicycle, Too

Anne Elise ~ MBTI Journey. Life is a journey, not a destination. – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Welcome to MBTI Journey! If you want to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery then this is the site for you. Through MBTI and this blog you will learn more about yourself, the people you love, and even the people you don’t understand.

Mr. Purrington ~ Carl Jung Depth Psychology. Life, work and legacy of Carl Jung.

The Esoteric Meaning Behind Neo’s Interrogation in The Matrix.

Deborah Bridge, PhD. ~ Soul Tending. Depth Psychologist.

Becca Tarnas, PhD ~ Scholar, artist, and counseling astrologer, Becca is the editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal CosmologyShe received her PhD in Philosophy and Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her dissertation is titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien

Janet Rudolph ~ Feminism and Religion. Thoughtful. Poignant. Meaningful. Janet plays the depths with her tune. Both-And is embraced, and though either/or is not dismissed, it is seemingly most often precluded by her forthright and engaged gesture. Janet posts from a deep well. Want some thought that has meaning and place and is engaged? Cool. Then, please visit her work.

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

M K MacInnes ~ Talking of inner journeys, since PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a major theme in my work, I have devoted an entire page to signposting readers who are interested in finding out more about it.

Donna’s Poetry Blog ~ Hope. Courage. Poetry. Faith. Love. An experiential read that is well worth it.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Dawn Lhamo ~ Whole Person Wellness Coaching. Coaching, Senryu, Thought. Variety is the spice of life, and put together like a great cook, spices are even better. Try a taste of how Dawn puts things together on her site.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music Video steps right up to face it by flowing with the feel. Truth.

May you fill your spaces with the honest and and real feeling. Isn’t that the good stuff Your way?

What Does The Natural Rhythm of the Music of Your Moira Internal Sense of Time Feel Like, Sound Like?

Fluorite for clarity

Thanks for Trekking Serendipity Itineraries

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

How could this be 40% off below? ??? That’s almost free. Oh well. Stranger things ya know. Next week… the decimal point moves the other way. Shall you take the opportunity to invest in yourself for the price of a coffee, or less?

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books


Posted by on September 11, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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SI: 9/8 Serendipity Itinerary

SI: 9/8 Serendipity Itinerary

Your September 8th, 2020 SI, and the Moon goes Void of Course from Taurus at 8:48a EST, emerges Direct in Gemini today at 5:23p EST

Almost Void, a path towards rest for the inward Taurus [Taurean] — home and exquisite things that you concretely value — as the Moon goes Void of Course in several hours at 8:48a EST (I don’t use VoC as some take that down the Volatile Organic Chemicals road). The Moon will make its silent running through the Psychic Synapse of the Void of Course passage to emerge Direct in Gemini — holds Communication and outward expression as core values — at 5:28p EST.

Without all the qualifiers, Move from moving deep within to transition towards outward expansion. As with any major transition, and this one being a major inner to outer transition in a short span. Most Moon transitions are big transitions sign to sign to sign as the Moon travels element to element, sign to sign, as it moves through Cardinal,to Fixed to Mutable signs on its continual path around the Zodiac.

Reorganization or simply taking stock is advised to store away and/or both-and release the previous to clear the path of clutter towards to reset the table with a clean slate and qualities and tools for the Moon to resonate with the Gemini current scene. The Moon will be direct for the rest of the week until it goes Void if Course at 5:48p on Friday, 9/11.

No reason for exquisite Taurean qualities/things to be kicked around by accident simply because they were left out on the floor in the dark, or have soothing things become domestic tetsubishi. Plus, step on a lego and you’re right back in the past, and hopping around in pain. Not fun. Reorganize 1st thing before you step on the gas looking out into the day from your morning coffee on this Tuesday as a Monday Holiday week start (in the US). Set the tone, tune to quiet the room so when you strike chords they will resonate and have smooth reverberations without interference patterns or burrs or general hindrance that mutes the effect of expansive reach..

Serendipity Itineraries

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have given form to these weekly Serendipity Itineraries.

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 9/8/2020

Hanged Man ~ Empress

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #3 day today, so here is a 3-themed video:

Mystereum Tarot Moment

Trees With the Family of the 3’s

2 min 18 sec

There’s a whole world in 2m 18sec. Ad-libbed here in a single take. Hmmm, 2m 18sec = 129sec = 1 + 2 + 9 = 3. Cool trivia. Very much feels intensely Moira, the internal sense of time, our own rhythm. Not a big detail for the video time to correspond with the number? Ahhh, the Architect in me says if it didn’t, you might as well have stepped on a Lego. Time is a silent and unseen component. Bring enough snacks on the trip for time.

Of course she didn’t tell me she was doing that, and I wasn’t given work-to points, and she might not even have done it intentionally. It only took me 7-9 years to notice. Carrie Paris, my Producer back then, simply played the James Horner Landscape French Horns of the epic landscape of the moment it seems. Visit her beautiful website and experience her great work. I’m pretty sure I can see her smiling while editing as she adds up the time to… Click. Stop there. Excellent. Excellence not perfection. Perfection would be boring, nothing left to do or think about or feel or explore. Excellence is cool by me.

Yes, I have plans to produce videos for the other suits, plus individual number card groupings, the Courts, and of course the Majors.

How do YOU roll when it matters? How’s your timing?

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go Inside and look out the window… look out the window of yourself (Temple of You) for 2min 18sec seconds, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder, Or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What does the outside look like from inside the windows to the Soul of my eyes? Does the world reflect me, or shall I inspect my expectations so I see what really is?

Projection is one of the commonest psychic phenomena…Everything that is unconscious in ourselves we discover in our neighbour, and we treat him accordingly.

Carl Jung, Archaic Man

Jung, however, stressed that projection was both an inevitable and necessary component in our psychological development as it is one of the primary means by which we can gain an awareness of elements residing in our unconscious. After projecting an element of our unconscious, the healthy thing to do is to recognize the subjective origin of the projection, to withdraw it from the external world, and to integrate this element of our personality into conscious awareness. 

Academy of Ideas

Is the inside of your home, any collections or things or placements you have, a literal roadmap of your inner contents? What about the hidden places you can explore. Or, linger and resonate with something. Prepare yourself to write with the notes you take from your 129 seconds. Take a deep breath and… GO! Just record yourself on your phone for 129 seconds, listen to it, and then transcribe it… or delete it. The delete option is the ultimate edit button. 🙂 You may find it just keeps expanding when you start to transcribe it. You are often your best writing prompt. With care and attention, rather than Projecting on others, you can learn your triggers and re-project it to shine light within. That way your triggers begin to highlight themselves, literally (Gemini) call themselves out… to be accepted for what they are, heard, and in so doing they calm that part of you stuck in trauma… and integrate. Take note of where the ablution tingles cascade in your body, or if it’s you whole body. From my experience that’s when the integration occurs. Odds are, no more words about it after that. Done, often along with any behaviors associated with the trauma.

What’s YOUR short time? What’s YOUR lap time for a single pass? Your call. Will you give it a try? Comment please if your care to share. I hope you’re pleasantly surprised what wonderful gift that 2m 18sec of seeing YOU is to yourself.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series. Check out her beautiful site!

Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary for September 8th

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

Pardon, no new entries this week. I’ve had my Butt In The Chair (BITCh Method in focus on only a single project this week. Also, why this didn’t come out on Friday. I suggest to choose a person or site or several that you haven’t visited yet. Go Gemini Rogue and explore — which is not rogue for Gemini. Even their comms (communications) are magnetic radar reaches out into their world in exploration. Maybe Geminis are really bats with sight? I rather like that if so.

Becca Tarnas, PhD ~ Scholar, artist, and counseling astrologer, Becca is the editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal CosmologyShe received her PhD in Philosophy and Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her dissertation is titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien

Janet Rudolph ~ Feminism and Religion. Thoughtful. Poignant. Meaningful. Janet plays the depths with her tune. Both-And is embraced, and though either/or is not dismissed, it is seemingly most often precluded by her forthright and engaged gesture. Janet posts from a deep well. Want some thought that has meaning and place and is engaged? Cool. Then, please visit her work.

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

M K MacInnes ~ Talking of inner journeys, since PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a major theme in my work, I have devoted an entire page to signposting readers who are interested in finding out more about it.

Donna’s Poetry Blog ~ Hope. Courage. Poetry. Faith. Love. An experiential read that is well worth it.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Dawn Lhamo ~ Whole Person Wellness Coaching. Coaching, Senryu, Thought. Variety is the spice of life, and put together like a great cook, spices are even better. Try a taste of how Dawn puts things together on her site.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music Video steps right up to face it by flowing with the feel. Truth.

The Civil Wars ~ Poison and Wine

May you fill your spaces with the honest and and real feeling good stuff Your way

What Does The Natural Rhythm of the Music of Your Moira Internal Sense of Time Feel Like, Sound Like?

Fluorite for clarity

Thanks for Traveling Serendipity Itineraries

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books


Posted by on September 8, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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SI: 8/28 Serendipity Itinerary

Your August 28th, 2020 SI, and the Moon went Direct in Capricorn yesterday at 1:37p EST

and will journey through the weekend in the Sign of The Crab (Inner Home is accentuated) until Saturday 8/29 at 3:31p EST when it goes Void of Course from Capricorn. The Moon will emerge direct in Aquarius Saturday evening 8/29 at 8:37P EST. Enjoy your Capricorn Weekend Start transitioning to Aquarius! Know that this weekend there will be an is-what-it-is Capricorn gig going on. Be mindful of things that 1st appear harsh, though are really simply truthful and/or new and/or intense and/or simply not diluted. Grounded perspective, especially with intense experiences will be a wonderful ally. I suggest to envision the old Malay Proverb ~ Trees with strong roots laugh at storms. You can always ask the storm its message after it gets tired of its bluster.

Can you roll with that? Can you dial in to dial up and engage without threat or bluster? It feels like this weekend it may be hard to ignore, and there are treasures in this kind of intensity when you are able to navigate with a don’t waste trouble perspective where you continually find workability.

The Capricorn energies present would have it no other way. Resistance certainly isn’t futile, though personally, I’m not going to explore that route. Capricorns often know to shelter when newness is present to protect it from undue influence as newness acclimated. The snake its skin shedded, the snake its skin not missed. Capricorns also Understand the importance to tend to foundations. Let their knowledge clue that into your queue. And, while doing so, turn in to your own perspective and shift it as required to brace against the cornerstones in your life… so as to not waste trouble? No reason to dial into a Leaning Tower of Pisa in your life if not necessary. Hey, how are you holding your chin? As my grandfather used to say, Move it a little if you need a fresh perspective, need to see something another way. I love how simple a technique that literally is. This weekend I sincerely hope I don’t get the Scooby Doo noise as I turn my head in ?????s

Serendipity Itineraries

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have given form to these weekly Serendipity Itineraries.

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 8/28/2020

Death ~ Emperor

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #4 day today, so here is a 4-themed video:

Mystereum Tarot Moment

Grounding With the Family of the 4’s

2 min 27 sec

There’s a whole world in 2m 27sec. Ad-libbed here in a single take. This is the 1st one I’ve come across where the time doesn’t add up to mimic the number. Very much feels intensely Moira, the internal sense of time, our own rhythm, when it does. Of course she didn’t tell me she was doing that, and I wasn’t given work-to points, and she might not even have done it intentionally. Carrie Paris, my Producer back then, simply played the James Horner Landscape French Horns of the epic landscape of the moment it seems. Visit her beautiful website and experience her great work.

Very internal sense of time. I love that exquisite and simple flourish of a detail. It’s the kind of thing that can go un-noticed… unless it wasn‘t there. I just noticed that several weeks ago when writing down the video length… 9 years later. Did I tell you how observant I was? Shaking head. I’m noticing this now each week as I revisit my Mystereum Tarot Moments videos. It’s a wonderful, weekly exercise in exploring my own Moira, my own sense of time and timing. And, Moira steps past her husband Chronos (Saturn, chronological time) to garden herself deep within us as our natural rhythm. How can you explore and develop your natural rhythm? Like a drum circle can touch the heartbeat of the Soul, Moira may very well BE your sense of touch in the heartbeat of your Soul, and how you touch, your way.

Yes, I have plans to produce videos for the other suits, plus individual number card groupings, the Courts, and of course the Majors.

I figure mentioning that this was ad-lib in one take is not bragging. It’s simply indicative of…

How do YOU roll when it matters?

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go outside and look IN the window… of yourself For 2min 27sec seconds, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder, Or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What does the inside of my home look like from outside the window? Does my home reflect ME? What do I feel about how my home looks when looking in through the window. Be your own voyeur. Plus, it’ll keep the annoying crazy neighbors away, and attract the cool, crazy ones. Whatcha doing? This is your house ya know? You can use the front door. I can tell you noone’s in there ‘cause you’re out here. And, OH BOY is that potentially intensely mistaken. All your Parts live there, too.

Is the inside of your home, any collections or things or placements you have, a literal roadmap of your inner world? What about the hidden places you can explore. Or, linger and resonate with something. Prepare yourself to write with the notes you take from your 56 seconds. Take a deep breath and… GO! Just record yourself on your phone for 56 seconds, listen to it, and then transcribe it… or delete it. The delete option is the ultimate edit button. 🙂 You may find it just keeps expanding when you start to transcribe it. You are often your best writing prompt.

What’s YOUR short time? What’s YOUR lap time for a single pass? Your call. Will you give it a try? Comment please if your care to share. I hope you’re pleasantly surprised what wonderful gift that 56 seconds of you is to yourself.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series. Check out her beautiful site!

Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary for August 28th

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

Becca Tarnas, PhD ~ Scholar, artist, and counseling astrologer, Becca is the editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal CosmologyShe received her PhD in Philosophy and Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her dissertation is titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien

Janet Rudolph ~ Feminism and Religion. Thoughtful. Poignant. Meaningful. Janet plays the depths with her tune. Both-And is embraced, and though either/or is not dismissed, it is seemingly most often precluded by her forthright and engaged gesture. Janet posts from a deep well. Want some thought that has meaning and place and is engaged? Cool. Then, please visit her work.

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

M K MacInnes ~ Talking of inner journeys, since PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a major theme in my work, I have devoted an entire page to signposting readers who are interested in finding out more about it.

Donna’s Poetry Blog ~ Hope. Courage. Poetry. Faith. Love. An experiential read that is well worth it.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Dawn Lhamo ~ Whole Person Wellness Coaching. Coaching, Senryu, Thought. Variety is the spice of life, and put together like a great cook, spices are even better. Try a taste of how Dawn puts things together on her site.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music Video steps right up to face it, the music of another, even if effed up, hearing it without being manipulated. Truth, Skylar. Truth. Word.


Skylar Grey ~ Love The Way You Lie

I don’t feel this is a song about supporting lies. I feel it is a song about the beautiful mess of listening to and supporting the ALL of what someone naturally is, unapologetically allowing yourself to listen in Empathic Silence… of course, WITHOUT cottoning to abuse. If that’s the case, by all means safely play the horror movie line to yourself… GET OUTTTTTTTT.

May you fill your spaces with the good stuff Your way

What Does The Natural Rhythm of the Music of Your Moira Internal Sense of Time Feel Like, Sound Like?

Fluorite for clarity

Thanks for Traveling Serendipity Itineraries

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books

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Posted by on August 28, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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SI: 8/21 Serendipity Itinerary

Your August 21st, 2020 SI, and the Moon went Direct in Libra today at 5:16p EST and will journey through the weekend in Libra, the sign Balanced Scales until Monday 8/23 at 12:20a EST when it goes Void of Course from Libra to emerge Monday 8/23 at 6:16a EST in Scorpio! Enjoy your Libra Weekend!! Know that this weekend things will be what they are. Libra has a natural quality of I-What-It-Is. Can you roll with that? Rather than picking apart things with harming behavior, can you instead exalt what is? Can you simply continue your life, your way? And, while doing so, turn into your own perspective and even shift it as required?… so as to not waste trouble?

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have Given form to these weekly Serendipity Itineraries.

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 8/21/2020

Devil ~ Lovers

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #6 day today, so here is a 6-themed video:

The Mystereum Tarot Moment, 6 of Pentacles

0 min 56 sec

There’s a whole world in 56 seconds. Ad-libbed here in a single take, 56 seconds = 11 = 2 = quite a reciprocal number. My Producer deftly decided how much time occurred after I finished On all these to tune them in to time. Very Moira. Very internal sense of time. I love that exquisite and simple flourish of a detail. It’s the kind of thing that can go un-noticed… unless it wasnt there. I just noticed that tonight when writing down the video length… 9 years later. Did I tell you how observant I was? Shaking head. I’m noticing this now each week as I revisit my Mystereum Tarot Moments videos. It’s a wonderful, weekly exercise in exploring my own Moira, my own sense of time and timing. And, Moira steps past her husband Chronos (Saturn, chronological time) to garden herself deep within us as our natural rhythm. How can you explore and develop your natural rhythm? Like a drum circle can touch the heartbeat of the Soul, Moira may very well BE your sense of touch, and how you touch, itself.

Yes, I have plans to produce videos for the other suits, plus individual number card groupings, the Courts, and of course the Majors.

I figure mentioning that this was ad-lib in one take is not bragging. It’s simply indicative of…

How do YOU roll when it matters?

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go outside and look IN the window… of yourself For 56 seconds, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder, Or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What does the inside of my home look like from outside the window? Does my home reflect ME? What do I feel about how my home looks when looking in through the window. Be your own voyeur. Plus, it’ll keep the annoying crazy neighbors away, and attract the cool, crazy ones. Whatcha doing? This is your house ya know? You can use the front door. I can tell you noone’s in there ‘cause you’re out here. And, OH BOY is that potentially intensely mistaken. All your Parts live there, too.

Is the inside of your home, any collections or things or placements you have, a literal roadmap of your inner world? What about the hidden places you can explore. Or, linger and resonate with something. Prepare yourself to write with the notes you take from your 56 seconds. Take a deep breath and… GO! Just record yourself on your phone for 56 seconds, listen to it, and then transcribe it… or delete it. The delete option is the ultimate edit button. 🙂 You may find it just keeps expanding when you start to transcribe it. You are often your best writing prompt.

What’s YOUR short time? What’s YOUR lap time for a single pass? Your call. Will you give it a try? Comment please if your care to share. I hope you’re pleasantly surprised what wonderful gift that 56 seconds of you is to yourself.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series. Check out her beautiful site!

Oh, I had a Coup Last Week

A Big Ole Lightning Strike Lit Up My Posterity-Legacy-Lineage week before last, so, I’ll put myself on your Serendipity Itinerary again this week because I am proud of the accomplishment of my work standing strong for long enough to be found in a way that is powerfully profound. Please click to explore one of my proudest moments. And, also check out Jessica Hundley below. She’s the author of The Library of Esoterica published by Taschen Books, 2020, and has more than several other beautiful titles with exquisitely presented work of substance. There’s living history and keeping history alive. The latter sounds like life support. Jessica’s work is not on life support. It supports life. I am proud to live with the powerful group inhabiting The Libarary of Esoterica.

Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary for August 21st

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

Donna’s Poetry Blog ~ Hope. Courage. Poetry. Faith. Love. An experiential read that is well worth it.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Dawn Lhamo ~ Whole Person Wellness Coaching. Coaching, Senryu, Thought. Variety is the spice of life, and put together like a great cook, spices are even better. Try a taste of how Dawn puts things together on her site.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music Video steps right up to face it, the music of another, even if effed up, hearing it without being manipulated. Truth, Skylar. Truth. Word.


Skylar Grey ~ Love The Way You Lie

I don’t feel this is a song about supporting lies. I feel it is a song about the beautiful mess of listening to and supporting the ALL of what someone naturally is, unapologetically allowing yourself to listen in Empathic Silence… of course, WITHOUT cottoning to abuse. If that’s the case, by all means safely play the horror movie line to yourself… GET OUTTTTTTTT.

May you fill your spaces with the good stuff Your way

What Does The Natural Rhythm of the Music of Your Moira Internal Sense of Time Feel Like, Sound Like?

Fluorite for clarity

Thanks for Traveling Serendipity Itineraries

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books


Posted by on August 21, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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SI: 8/14 Serendipity Itinerary

Your August 14th, 2020 SI, and the Moon went Direct in Cancer today at 7:35p EST and will journey the sign of Inner Home until Sunday 8/16 at 7:59p EST when it goes Void of Course from Cancer to emerge Monday 8/17 at 1:38a EST in Leo! Enjoy your Cancer Weekend!!

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have Given form to these weekly Serendipity Itineraries.

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 8/14/2020

Justice ~ High Priestess

*Note that Justice is more often than not X! In the Major Arcana, 11, = 1 + ! = 2. There is an ongoing discussion about the placement of Justice and Strength at Keys 8 and 11. So, Here’s a Strength image if you roll that way.

self-control, natural voice, simplicity

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #8 day today, so here is an 8-themed video:

The Mystereum Tarot Moment, 8 of Pentacles

0 min 44 sec

There’s a whole world in 44 seconds. Ad-libbed here in a single take, 44 seconds = 8 = My Producer deftly decided how much time occurred after I finished. I just noticed that tonight when writing down the video length… 9 years later. Did I tell you how observant I was? Shaking head. I’m noticing this now every week.

I figure mentioning that this was ad-lib in one take is not bragging. It’s indicative of…How do YOU roll when it matters?

Writing Prompt Exercise

Look out the window. Go outside and look IN the window… of yourself For 44 seconds, and record yourself on your phone or a tape recorder, Or Morse Code, however you roll. Ask yourself: What does the inside of my home look like from outside the window? Does my home reflect ME? What do I feel about how my home looks when looking in through the window. Be your own voyeur. Plus, it’ll keep the annoying crazy neighbors away, and attract the cool, crazy ones. Whatcha doing? This is your house ya know? You can use the front door. I can tell you noone’s in there ‘cause you’re out here. And, OH BOY is that potentially intensely mistaken. All your Parts live there, too.

Is the inside of your home, any collections or things or placements you have, a literal roadmap of your inner world? What about the hidden places you can explore. Or, linger and resonate with something. Prepare yourself to write with the notes you take from your 44 seconds. Take a deep breath and… GO! Just record yourself on your phone for 44 seconds, listen to it, and then transcribe it… or delete it. The delete option is the ultimate edit button. 🙂 You may find it just keeps expanding when you start to transcribe it. You are often your best writing prompt.

What’s YOUR short time? What’s YOUR lap time for a single pass? Your call. Will you give it a try? Comment please if your care to share.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series. Check out her beautiful site!

Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary for August 14th

Oh, I had a Coup Last Week

A Big Ole Lightning Strike Lit Up My Posterity-Legacy-Lineage last week, so, I’ll put myself on your Serendipity Itinerary this week. 🙂 Please click to explore one of my proudest moments. And, also check out Jessica Hundley below. She’s the author of The Library of Esoterica published by Taschen Books, 2020.

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

Jessica Hundley ~ Author of The Library of Esoterica by Taschen Books, 2020. Check out her beautiful books. Multi-talented with developed abilities in each: Author, Journalism (remember that word anyone?), Copywriter, Producer, Creative Director, Director. I am honored to have been included in her newest release from Taschen Books, The Library of Esoterica.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

Adriana Tedoro Dier, DMA ~ True Guidance Tarot. Adriana is Spiritual Healer and Medium. Her prophetic gifts and insight into the past deliver the messages essential for your healing journey. Her heart-centered approach and accurately channeled messages from Spirit stimulate your body, mind, and spirit to new levels of growth. You will find your way guided with relevant, powerful, spiritual truths and practical steps.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Dawn Lhamo ~ Whole Person Wellness Coaching. Coaching, Senryu, Thought. Variety is the spice of life, and put together like a great cook, spices are even better. Try a taste of how Dawn puts things together on her site.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. This, is not that.

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music Video came on Shuffle several times this week… and became a wonderful ear worm. Loved it every time! Just steppin’ right up to face it. Truth, Skylar.


Skylar Grey ~ Love The Way You Lie

May you fill your spaces with the good stuff Your way

What Does Your Music Sound Like?

Fluorite for clarity

Thanks for Traveling Serendipity Itineraries

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books

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Posted by on August 14, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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SI: 8/7 Serendipity Itinerary

Your August 7th, 2020 SI, and the Moon in Aries through the weekend until Sunday 3:50p EST when it goes Void of Course to emerge at 9:28p EST in Taurus. Enjoy your Aries Weekend!!

Serendipity Itineraries is a post series is about sharing my weekly blog field trips, my eExperiences, so that maybe you find some new people who you resonate with, to enjoy and/or follow, and/or simply have a mini-library of places to visit when you feel that cool compulsion to expand your experience.

I notice that on the blogs I resonate with, I often also resonate with who they resonate with. Not always, there’s of course a case by case discernment present. Though, it’s more often than not. Enough to have Given form to these weekly Serendipity Itineraries.

Hey, some say not to toot your own horn. What?! That’s absurd. Somebody’s gotta start the band. Please post a link to your blog in the comments to add to the Serendipity Itinerary fun. It’ll make out sandbox community bigger. Thanks in advance for tooting your own horn to promote yourself.

Your Tarot Birth Cards for 8/8/2020

Justice ~ High Priestess

*Note that Justice is more often than not X! In the Major Arcana, 11, = 1 + ! = 2. There is an ongoing discussion about the placement of Justice and Strength at Keys 8 and 11. So, Here’s a Strength image if you roll that way.

self-control, natural voice, simplicity

What are Your Tarot Birth Cards?

Click to find your Tarot Birth Cards here at the Tarot School in NYC. Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone have a great set of offerings and info, in addition to just being rockin’ people who run The Tarot School in NYC!

And, if you want to explore Tarot Birth Cards more, please visit my 9-Part Birth-Placing Identity Series.

This Week

It’s a #2 day today, so here are a pair of 2-themed videos:

The Mystereum Tarot Moment, 2 of Pentacles

1 min 1 sec AND The Family of the Twos Clocking in at 2 min 23 sec.

There’s a whole world in 61 seconds, or 1 min 1 sec = 1 + 1 = 2. ad-libbed here in a single take. That’s not bragging. I warmed with a great bike ride up the hill to the video shoot several miles away. Cleared out my breath, smiled and looked about a bit. Then, hopped in the cockpit in front of my Producer’s ‘putter, and simply put in a post a pole position lap time. That’s it. Not bragging. It’s simply a stat. Enjoy. How do YOU roll when it matters?

What can you do for your own pole position self in just over a minute? Please comment if you feel to, though more so, I suggest to put your phone on record, and give it a try. You may be surprised what happens when you’re on the spot, on the stage, running up and down through your gears and through the chicanes and turns of YOU expressing yourself. Can you put yourself on your own stage and hit the gas?

Not a challenge or a competition or ego-tooting my horn in any more than to start the band, then the Band/Team comes in, huh? No need to do your 1 min 1 second in one take — or heck, beat me… do in in 1 min flat. Simply a question, a suggested exercise. What can you do in 60 seconds to further and actionably build foundations under your dreams? What does YOUR 60-second gig look like? Try it. Take your notes on yourself FROM your recording. Then, Take 2 if you see areas for improvement, or other directions you feel more resonant to take.

Study YOURSELF. Literally, study yourself. Record yourself for 60 seconds… or there-around. Please don’t take the time as Gospel. Make your Gospel. Hear the sacredness of YOUR voice. Revise as required until you get tingles… from YOUR own voice.

Look Out

Look out the window. Go outside and look IN the window… of yourself. What does your home look like from outside the window? Prepare with the notes you take from your 56 seconds. Take a deep breath and… GO! Just record yourself on your phone for 56 seconds and then transcribe it… or delete it. The delete option is the ultimate edit button. 🙂 You may find it just keeps expanding when you start to transcribe it.

Try the 1-minute-ish exercise. Why 1 minute? Good question. The number is arbitrary. That’s just around what this video took with no splicers or edits in a single take. On this one, it was a single take on the 1st take. Not on all my vids. And, I don’t find that to be a meaningful stat. It’s simply a stat. I’d much rather drive the car the way it was made to be driven so to speak. Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes excellence.

Practice won’t even keep you from slamming into the wall when you over-downshift and lose the back end for just a split-second-long-enough to drive you to step deep into the tach while you’ve already slid out the rear end to overtake you And SLAM CRASH Right into the wall. Use your roll cage, people. Odds are, you don’t have to ask for as much permission as you do. That what roll cages are for, right? What practice will do, though, what BITCh will do — Butt In The Chair — is…. well, try it. Over time, you’ll see. That’s a silver platter there for you. Now, can you fill it with your faves?

What’s YOUR short time? What’s YOUR lap time for a single pass? Your call. Will you give it a try? Comment please if your care to share.

Carrie Paris is the Video Producer on my Mystereum Tarot Moments series. Check out her beautiful site!

Here we go!

Serendipity Itinerary forAugust 8th

Onto the wild beyond around the rocks in the wonderful Flow of rapids in the excellent blogs below. I’ve started treating the music section below differently. Instead of taking it down right from Shuffle on Sonos, as that took TOO long even if I only transcribed one day’s worth, I’m going to cherry pick for you to cherry pick from. Some weeks one, some weeks more. Simply depends — sounds like an add for diapers lol.

OOPS!!!! DAYUM!!!! DAFUQ JUST HAPPENED?!! A SPEEDBump, A WALL???!!! NOPE. What was that Bumpidity Bump HAPPY-PLACE-STOP I just felt!!!! WooHOO, that was a lightning strike of JOY!!!!!!!!!!

Not really. Though, it was certainly a Posterity Lineage Legacy moment of JOY this week as I opened the box that I heard about on Tuesday from my publisher that I received late Friday and opened… A Big Ole Lightning Strike Lit Up My Posterity-Legacy-Lineage this week, so, I’ll put myself on your Serendipity Itinerary this week. 🙂 Please click to explore one of my proudest moments.

Serendipity Itinerary Sites

Laleh Chini ~ A Voice From Iran. Check and inspect your expectations at the door. The storytelling, short stories, fables, and folk tales will… well, you’ll see. I recently received her book and am looking forward to posting a review in the near future. I’m still adjusting to being this busy again, and I’m not going to rush out a review of Laleh’s wonderful work. I’m currently immersed in reading Climbing Over Grit, and without spoilers I can indefatigably express… YES!!!! A more robust review is coming soon, and I so look forward to dial into those words. Mini-review here.

Lizrose93 ~ elizabeth rose psychic and tarot. This post with the image of the painting with Echo and Narcissus + Liz’s mention of the Phoenix catalyzed me to forget the story for getting The gift of telling it differently. Visit her site for the Astrology, though don’t be surprised when you receive a larger takeaway than what you came for. I received a retelling from myself of a story that brought it into modern discussions.

Holly Troy ~ Cosmic Holly. musings of a psychedelic punk rock renaissance yogini and late-blooming athlete. Perennial Gemini in bloom. Naturalized. Excellent garden with music, too! Creative voice in multiple formats. Tarot. Astrology. Music. Writing. Life. Is she a Polymath, having multiple areas of expertise? Go see. She also has a session series entitled Co-Creating With the Cosmos that I recommend.

Karen Sealey ~ The Pure & Blessed Tarot. ~ Riding the cusp between imagination and reality. The Discarded Oracle is coming to life! Check it out on Pinterest! And, other rockin’ ramblings and Rantras and musings with no pulled punches, and lots of exquisite surprises along the way. THIS is a site to watch.

Bonnie Hubly ~ Watercolors on Pinterest. Full and robust and full of feeling with fluid fluency and flow in execution. Majestic Watercolors. Organic placements, artful scenes. Gorgeous.

Trini Lind ~ Paths of the Spirit. Create a path of Light with your Life. Wonderful perspective. Deceptively simple drawings that I find magically evocative. No one trick pony here.

Ian Bryant ~ Tarot Sushi. A place for all things Tarot and More! Excellent and clear and depthful writing voice with full-on proetic substance. Creative writing steeped in poetry, nourishing soul food for imagination and creative expression. And, I’m honored Ian is using my Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and 192-page companion book as a creative writing prompter.

House of Ari. Sharing a personal exploration of gender in Sweden. Up front and honest and insightful as the experience and process of this self-induced rite of passage unfolds. I respect when people swim in their own crucible to discern and come to a more resonant relationship with themselves. It can be swimming in magma at times, though isn’t that how crystals and geodes are made? Clarity and creativity and actionable feel often come out of strong Soul Gardening such as Ari’s. I look forward to where this exploration leads.

Fernando Kaskais ~ is one web investigative resource for searching thousands of online sources, and public databases. Interesting variety explored with depth and verve.

Dawn Lhamo ~ Whole Person Wellness Coaching. Coaching, Senryu, Thought. Variety is the spice of life, and put together like a great cook, spices are even better. Try a taste of how Dawn puts things together on her site.

Alan Houston Cree ~ Cree Solutions. A veteran turned author – Genre: Espionage. Check out Alan’s new novel in progress, and he has a solid exploration track though his interests. Substance explored. Resonates with my reasons can be wholly unreasonable. There is a Serendipity Itinerary of sorts provided as he follows where his interests takes hem, actionably. Excellent metaphor and analogy for like regardless of topic agreement or not. Check out his site for some serendipity specific to the work he is producing.

Ritish Sharma ~ Aspiring Blog, Weekly Wisdom. Another great blog posting serendipitously about things in the world that interest him. Diverse and varied. Cherry-pick your next field trip from this wonderful buffet of posts.

Jiji, Life in Copenhagen ~ Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19. Wonderfully well-written pieces about the experience of place. Well worth a visit! Jiji has a knack for describing place that is alive.

Mandy Froehlich ~ Divergent EDU. Leadership, Innovation and Divergent Teaching | Mandy Froehlich. Administering perspectives on mental health to foster healthy well-being. This is truly a site where knowledge IS power. Not pedantic. Not corrective. Shame doesn’t exist here. Experience and powerful perspectives of listening live here. Mandy’s site is as enjoyable as it is informative. Self Help may want to watch out, as Mandy is playing the resonant chords to own what you feel, and actionably work with that wise in time.

Sandra ~ Into the Light Adventures. By Sandra Js Photography – Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

cocinaitaly ~ Elganspo, comida italiana. Hungry? Hungry for edible beauty, aesthetic eats? Exquisite is a word. Edibly exquisite is two words. Grab a friend, and go experience this. What will your words be afterwards?

Hailletrimbolie ~ Empowered Educator. It feels like she has listened to Moira and her internal sense of time and timing to start her blog. Good stuff there just in the listening to one’s own rhythms and messages. Enjoy Haille’s garden as it grows, becomes perennial, and naturalizes. I for one am looking forward to see where she takes her adventure.

Scott Spillman ~ The Point Magazine. New article, Charismatic Models.(My words follow, these are not Scott’s or the Magazine’s) I loathe politics as the great irony of our time, maybe any time when people who are not personally sovereign can be ruled simply by the sniff of a suggestion. More often than not I find politics in any age to provide a comprehensive, compendium anthology of the best you-can-talk-a-good-game-but-cannot-box-wimpy-see-through-always-superficial-with-zero-substance-hipocrisy people. This, is not that..

Joy Vernon ~ Completely Joyous. Tarot & Reiki. Bookmarked for this week as there’s an ICANN issue pending. I’ve been there. I hate it when that periodic email required to confirm your URL ownership with ICANN for your website gets buried and lost. I’ll most likely have an operable link here next week if not before.

Benebell Wen ~ author + reader. Such a wonderful discipline of the ritual in Benebelle’s actioanable and exploratory process of deck creation of her 3rd edition of SKT. Check out Benebelle’s site. She is an engaged and informed artist fully immersed Actively in The Work and also in the not-knowing, and building value when she emerges her creations.

Robert Ruiz ~ Robert Ruiz Art. Robert Ruiz is an artist from Brownsville, TX, who is also a Master of Fine Art Candidate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley with Bachelors of Fine Art, concentration in Drawing and New Media, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also currently the Art Director at the Carlotta Petrina Museum and Artist liaison for the City of Brownsville Mural Program. Check out his work.

Banter Republic ~ Gottfried. It’s just banter. Banter, comedy, humor, lifestyle, Living. He might even ask you if a period can be italicized. Be entertained and engaged. No hidden Oz behind the curtain here.

Theresa, Soul Gatherings ~ Spiritual Moments in the Human Experience. Wonderful quotes and perspective here. A great daily.

Gabriela M. ~ Short Prose Fiction. Author of the Year (2019) at Spillword Press NYC. You can swim in these words. Take a dip.

Keith’s SecondVoice ~ African Poetry. I found Keith’s work last week. He liked a comment I made on another’s blog, don’t remember which as I clicked right through to his site. Wonderfully powerful, muscular language full of grit and flow and resonance and well-played metaphor that is apt and expressive and clear.

Carsten Wieland ~ Brushpark Watercolors ~ Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Carsten Wieland. Power in color and fluid forms here. Please visit this wonderfully powerful feast for the eyes and process expressed with watercolors.

RoadtirementTraveling and retired. This couple and their experiences and travels and family… just make me smile. Real and robust for being themselves. Plus, they’re gardeners. What ever could go wrong? Great sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life. Woo Hoo shout-out to the Roadtirement Etsy shop! Check it out.

Tutu’s edible logic ~ Food makes sense. Exquisite and intelligent and nourishing and informative.

Wander the Lines ~ Step into my reading life. Looking for a new book to read? Stop in here for a treat and a great perspective.

Delusional Bubble ~ Life is a bubble, Make it as delusional as possible. Travel the world. I feel Rick Steves is cool, and he’s also not the only game in town.

Joanne Sprott ~ Cosmic Whispers. Let’s Walk the Spiral Path Together. Poetry, depthful thought, and generally all things Joanne = things that matter and have substance and are important and/or are simply interesting.

Learn Tarot: Naima Healer ~ Self-Healing through the Present Moment. Wonderful work with a just as wonderful Hoo Doo deck. Naima has just started out blogging, and I firmly feel she started out on just the right foot. Sensitive, sensible with wit and wisdom not disconnected from lineage. She may have just started blogging, though she’s no novice Reader.

Bonnie Cehovet ~ Flash Fiction. Author. Tarot. Consummate Reviewer. Want a solid story? Bonnie’ll get your there. Bonnie has a way about only working with things she resonates with. She doesn’t do negative reviews, understands that that is a waste of her blessings and value. I beyond resonate with and respect that. What’s the point of non-things? CHeck out good things here.

Croque-Melpomene ~ Author of Within Paravent Walls. Pentalingual Idealist. Writer of psycho-corporeal Poetry. Creator of Croque-Melpomene & Les Femmes de la Décadence. Chthonic Numinosity, depth with no fear of addressing behemoth-level emotional topics through her poetry and evolved wonderment and continual curiosity. She runs deep, and takes the proper gear to do so… herself. I see a chthonic numinosity in her poetry that is akin to night and day stained glass. Well worth the visit. Powerful. Intense. Heartfelt. I advise to bring tissues for all the right reasons.

Saania2086 ~ Philosophy is all about being curious, asking basic questions. And it can be fun! If P, then Q. If you want good sense, then go here to see what dynamic mind dish is being served up today.

Charlescearl’s Weblog ~ Musings on fascinating things. Important and fascinating things well said. Charles not only thinks things through, he lives them through. You can feel it in his writing. Don’t go for the writing. Go for experience you will remember. Indelible is a word, and a good one with Charles’ weblog.

Jane Lurie Photography ~ powerful, evocative freeze-frames of architectural images that are definitely not secretly active. These images live out loud! They are refined. And they are as natural as they are refined, like an exquisitely cut emerald or sapphire or ruby kind of refined. There’s nothing hidden in the rough here. These beauties have some pipes in their visual voice.

Timothy Price ~ Off Center & Not Even. Is variety the spice of life? Go here and see! The photography is magnificent.

Mary K. Greer’s Tarot Blog ~ Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way. Mary matters. Professionally. As a person. As an author. Mary matters. Sweet and direct and courageous and inventive and FUN. Oh, she was a wicked cool sense of humor. Many deep wells feed Mary’s work. Warning: Immersion here may lead to ablution.

Enchanted Seashells by Princess Rosebud ~ Beguiling pearls of wit, wisdom, and whimsy-with attitude. I’m not going to add more words to that. If that doesn’t grab you… A Princess is simply a Queen not yet sitting..

Dr. Eric Perry ~ Psychology to Motivate | Inspire | Uplift. Wonderfully full and relevant and engaged Psychology articles with clarity of voice. I full-on dig when things are as robust as they are clear, especially when directly dealing with intensities. This site, is certainly that.

The Dihedral ~ More than just climbing. A lot more. And, climbing is a lot in itself. Read a new route today at The Dihedral. Dammit! No, not wormsign. Worse. The covert Covid-19 struck again. Visit The Dihedral for a seriously wicked and wonderfully solid attitude of Not Wasting Trouble.

Cristian Mihai ~ Professional Blogger. Sense & Sensibility meets the info age? He’s not afraid to say it, whatever he says. No walking on eggshells here, well, unless he starts making compost for the garden. Excellent tips for bloggers and thinkers and feelers.

Susi Bocks ~ I Write Her. My words for Susi’s writing go something like this. You talk a good game, Dood, but can you (Susi) Bocks? Concise might even be too long a word. The consistency of depth here is… well, I have a deep respect for how much she does with so little and its never sparse. Muscular and powerful language. I’d call her the Bruce Lee of words.

The Alchemist’s Studio ~ Raku, vessels, Alchemy in action. Pottery with heart and soul PLUS some PUNitive humor to boot. Don’t miss the Hens! Another place of great perspective.

Enjoy the DNA of our Solar System as it moves along its 230-million year orbit around our Milky Way galaxy. Credit to A.T. Mann for sending me this years back when he was a guest on my Inner State Highways internet TV show. Hmmm, I miss doing that. Well, I might want to do something about that…

This is such a cool creation about the larger creation we live our own orbits within.

Helix and DNA strands anyone? There’s such a wonderful Who let the dogs out? Us, our world and solar system itself in orbit.

Solar System & DNA

& This Week’s SI Music & Video Is simply ONE… It came on Shuffle several times this week… and… COOL-E-O! Love it every time! Jes… Motorcycle… Bring it on …. As The Rush Comes. If ever there was an anthem about creativity… THIS is it… or of course, le petite morte.


and, in the studio

May you fill your spaces with the good stuff Your way

What Does Your Music Sound Like?

Fluorite for clarity

Thank you for your support.

Your Life, Your Way

Have a Wonderful Weekend & a Great Week!!

Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard

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Posted by on August 8, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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Gratitude Received! I Am Honored. Two Legendary Accolades!

2 Tarot in the Land of Mystereum Cards Are Featured in Taschen’s

The Library of Esoterica!

By Jessica Hundley

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books

Today I Received Word

Today I received word that 2 of my cards, XVII The Star and the 6 of Wands from Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer, are featured in Taschen’s newest release The Library of Esoterica by author Jessica Hundley! She has curated over 500 images in this substantial and exquisite compendium of 500 years of Tarot history.

I Am Proud & Resonant

I am proud and resonant that XVII The Star and the 6 of Wands are being featured in Library of Esoterica! I feel such chords of resonance and fulfillment being struck right now for the intense, labor of love process I experienced while self-publishing 1st The Mystereum Tarot in May of 2008 with a limited run of 125 copies. Then further, continuing to grow, Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer was released by Schiffer Publication in February of 2011.

A Fun Bit of Mystereum History

In 2009

In 2009 while at Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone’s Readers Studio 2009 international Tarot conference, I head my name called out loud across the lobby. Mr. Hoggard!! A little quizzed, though it felt like an invitation to a birthday party belted out. It was an atrium, sound ricochets and direction isn;t clear from where. Then, a tug on my elbow. It was Dinah Roseberry of Schiffer Books. Mr. Hoggard. Are fond of ignoring someone in a random hotel lobby bellowing out your name? Geez. Come with me. Pete Schiffer wants to meet you. He has a deal he would like to discuss.

Wonderful discussion Pete and Dinah and I had. I was offered a book deal on the spot, and my contracts were waiting for me at home when I got back from Readers Studio 2009 on Monday.

That Deal

That deal staged my next iteration of The Mystereum Tarot where I would naturalize its perennial characters and evolve the work As a whole with the expanded book into the Soul Garden that is Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer!… where Tarot cards speak to you in the 1st person. Certainly no LWB in the Imagination Primer. That is also where the seeds of ImaginAction were sowed and lay dormant to gestate until March of this year When they stirred where on May 2nd at 1:21a they burst into life as ImaginAction!

In February of 2001

In February of 2011 Schiffer released a beautiful and wonderfully crafted Tarot boxed Set with Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer complete with a re-tooled* Mystereum Tarot deck and 102-page Imagination Primer companion book! See the center picture above.

*re-tooled for The Land of Mystereum to respect the rarity of original’s 125 copies.

2005 to 2008 to 2011 to 2020!

This honor of an accolade for this pair of Mystereum cards being featured in author Jessica Hundley’s Library of Esoterica by Taschen wonderfully pairs with Tarosophy Tarot Association’s naming of Tarot in the Land of Mystereum 39 out of the Top 50 Most Essential Tarot Decks of All Time. The news today from Schiffer that Taschen had in fact featured my Mystereum card images of XVII The Star and the 6 of Wands in their Library of Esoterica caps off a 15-year process from the 1st sprouts of the Mystereum Tarot in the summer of 2005 self-published in 2008, to the 2009 evolution of the work to include a 192-page Imagination Primer companion book in 2011 – deck~book boxed set published by Schiffer Publications in 2011 — to the naturalized garden of now 9 years later. What a wonderful honor of recognition to receive on this just as wonderful and warm sunny evening after the storm!

Here’s Tarot in the Land of Mystereum on Amazon, my website, my Shop – downloadable pdf products except for the boxed set on Amazon and now THIS HONOR FROM YESTERDAY on Taschen! The Library of Esoterica is on the bottom left in the shop. Look for the wonderfully riotous orange that is as well calm in the over of Thr Library of Esoterica above… and below. As Above, So Below… right?! Atman never had it so good… especially when at all, or both, or neither either and. Uh hem. Certainly yes, not no.

I’ve Loved Taschen Books

I’ve loved Taschen books for years. Everything they do makes coffee table books look like they need to step up their game. Super high quality books that are beautifully executed. Wha are super high quality books? Well, those are high quality books that deserve a cape! And now? I’m IN one! WHAT an honor. What an accolade. Ok, here it comes… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!


2 of my images made their cut to 500 from ALL Tarot images across 500 years. As far as the span of 500 years of history goes, the 2 images of my work out of 500 curated into the final cut in this book 0.04 %. Across 500 years? Curated into 500 images. 0.04%? I say stellar. I am super proud of this. What is super proud? It’s proud that deserves a cape. 😊

A Mini Turbo Reading for the 6 of Wands and The Star Right at this moment? Sure!

To energetically give and receive in a reciprocal and epic cascade as I surf my celestial groove.

Please Join Me in Celebration of These Two High Honors.

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

I am grateful to receive these two resonant and stellar and cosmic groove accolades for my work!

I’ve added a link to Taschen’s Library of Esoterica in my shop to transport you over to their beautiful library of offerings to purchase your Library of Esoterica. Enjoy! There are over 500 images across author Jessica Hundley’s newest compendium from the last 500 years of Tarot in the Library of Esoterica! Such an exquisite work. Such a gift to Tarot!

From Myself & Mystereum,

Thank you for following my blog. Thank you for being on this journey with me! I am full-on proud of this.

I Extend Heartfelt Appreciation to You for Being Here, and Special Thanks and Gratitude to Jessica Hundley and Taschen, and Schiffer!,

Thank You!,


Jordan’s Shop Supports This Blog. Check out the great eStocking Stuffers to add that special flourish of visual music for the eyes and the soul to complement your gifting.


Which music-for-your-eyes eProducts from the Shop do you give this year? 

Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on August 7, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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