Daily Archives: April 14, 2020

3 of Pentacles Mystereum Tarot Moment

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What are the 1st inklings from creative work you’re doing that indicate your disciplined work is starting to pay off?

Or, put in a gardener’s perspective:

I bet the Crocus weren’t the 1st to poke up their noses this year like for the last 30. I’m personally, grieving that change. Though, the garden of Me is present and presenting as it is, and that is simply change. I resonate with it, or simply notice it. Do I respond to it?

I’m experiencing THAT newness. Something now indicates Soul Gardener, something someone said years ago, and maybe I’m just now growing into that after 7 years of partial Cicada Sleep now awake again.

Thank you M.Y. (Seriously, the person’s name initials, and now they are certainly fitting. I’ll tell Ya, too. They weren’t then. Though, they must have been somewhere in me, though, She evidently saw through the other stuff.)

“Inspect what you expect.” ~ citation unknown

What’s unsaid, present and built inside, that you can own now?

How can you NOW cut through to YOUR work by inspecting your expectations of yourself?

What do YOU have present that you’ve built inside that is yours, that’s valuable to you, that you can now own?

No need to wait 7years. What’s your gig now?

What are you growing in to?

What noses poke up within you this Spring from your consistent work? I grieve the Crocus as my Gardener’s notion of knowing what ‘Starting’ the season is. I simply looked forward to that morning where I saw their noses poking up in that full-on light of, “WE’RE BACK.” That isn’t what happened this year. Though, I’m acclimating, this year the Crocus said,

This year, go be comfortable with the not-knowing, like us. Inspect your expectations within yourself. That’s not our job this year. It’s yours. Glad you’re our gardener, though.

The Crocus kicked me out of the nest like a baby bird this year.


Who knew? DAYum. And, full-on diggin’ it! Great stuff! Glad that ground thing is so far down there.

What HAVE you grown in to?

How far do YOUR roots go this year?

Well, may I suggest to fly THAT high?!

Thanks much for visiting!

Ace of Pentacles     2 of Pentacles

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Blog (c) 2020 J. Jordan Hoggard


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