Celebrate! I Am Honored to Receive This Accolade!

05 Aug

2 Tarot in the Land of Mystereum Cards Are Featured in Taschen’s

The Library of Esoterica!

By Jessica Hundley

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

Trace the hidden history of Tarot in the first volume from TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica, a series documenting the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine. Artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the Major and Minor Arcana, this visual compendium gathers more than 500 cards and works of original art from around the world in the ultimate exploration of a centuries-old art form.

(C) 2020 Jessica Hundley, Taschen Books

Today I Received Word

Today I received word that 2 of my cards, XVII The Star and the 6 of Wands from Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer, are featured in Taschen’s newest release The Library of Esoterica by author Jessica Hundley! She has curated over 500 images in this substantial and exquisite compendium of 500 years of Tarot history.

I Am Proud & Resonant

I am proud and resonant that XVII The Star and the 6 of Wands are being featured in Library of Esoterica! I feel such chords of resonance and fulfillment being struck right now for the intense, labor of love process I experienced while self-publishing 1st The Mystereum Tarot in May of 2008 with a limited run of 125 copies. Then further, continuing to grow, Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer was released by Schiffer Publication in February of 2011.

A Fun Bit of Mystereum History

In 2009

In 2009 while at Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone’s Readers Studio 2009 international Tarot conference, I head my name called out loud across the lobby. Mr. Hoggard!! A little quizzed, though it felt like an invitation to a birthday party belted out. It was an atrium, sound ricochets and direction isn;t clear from where. Then, a tug on my elbow. It was Dinah Roseberry of Schiffer Books. Mr. Hoggard. Are fond of ignoring someone in a random hotel lobby bellowing out your name? Geez. Come with me. Pete Schiffer wants to meet you. He has a deal he would like to discuss.

Wonderful discussion Pete and Dinah and I had. I was offered a book deal on the spot, and my contracts were waiting for me at home when I got back from Readers Studio 2009 on Monday.

That Deal

That deal staged my next iteration of The Mystereum Tarot where I would naturalize its perennial characters and evolve the work As a whole with the expanded book into the Soul Garden that is Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer!… where Tarot cards speak to you in the 1st person. Certainly no LWB in the Imagination Primer. That is also where the seeds of ImaginAction were sowed and lay dormant to gestate until March of this year When they stirred where on May 2nd at 1:21a they burst into life as ImaginAction!

In February of 2001

In February of 2011 Schiffer released a beautiful and wonderfully crafted Tarot boxed Set with Tarot in the Land of Mystereum: An Imagination Primer complete with a re-tooled* Mystereum Tarot deck and 102-page Imagination Primer companion book! See the center picture above.

*re-tooled for The Land of Mystereum to respect the rarity of original’s 125 copies.

2005 to 2008 to 2011 to 2020!

This honor of an accolade for this pair of Mystereum cards being featured in author Jessica Hundley’s Library of Esoterica by Taschen wonderfully pairs with Tarosophy Tarot Association’s naming of Tarot in the Land of Mystereum 39 out of the Top 50 Essential Tarot Decks of All Time. The news today from Schiffer that Taschen had in fact featured XVII The Star and the 6 of Wands in their Library of Esoterica caps off a 15-year process from the 1st sprouts of the Mystereum Tarot in the summer of 2005 to the naturalized garden of now. What a wonderful honor to receive on this just as wonderful and warm sunny evening!

A Mini Turbo Reading for the 6 of Wands and The Star Right at this moment? Sure!

To energetically give and receive in a reciprocal and epic cascade as I surf my celestial groove.

Please Join Me in Celebration of These Two High Honors.

LIbrary of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley. Taschen Books, 2020

I am grateful to receive these two resonant and stellar and cosmic groove accolades for my work!

I’ve added a link to Taschen’s Library of Esoterica in my shop to transport you over to their beautiful library of offerings to purchase your Library of Esoterica. Enjoy! There are over 500 images across author Jessica Hundley’s newest compendium from the last 500 years of Tarot in the Library of Esoterica! Such an exquisite work. Such a gift to Tarot!

From Myself & Mystereum,

Thank you for following my blog. Thank you for being on this journey with me! I am full-on proud of this.

I Extend Heartfelt Appreciation to You for Being Here, and Special Thanks and Gratitude to Jessica Hundley and Taschen, and Schiffer!,

Thank You!,


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Blog (c) 2020 Jordan Hoggard

ImaginAction (c) 2008 – 2020 Jordan Hoggard


Posted by on August 5, 2020 in Serendipity Itineraries


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14 responses to “Celebrate! I Am Honored to Receive This Accolade!

  1. Holly Troy

    August 5, 2020 at 9:22 pm

    How freakin’ cool! Legendary!

    • Jordan Hoggard

      August 5, 2020 at 10:24 pm

      Thank you Holly! I LOVE that. “Legendary!” Oh what a feeling to get this news today!

  2. Karen Sealey

    August 5, 2020 at 9:43 pm

    Yay! Wicked cool news! Looks like good taste is trending! Congratulations! Xx

    • Jordan Hoggard

      August 5, 2020 at 10:26 pm

      Thanks, Karen! That’s funny! “Looks like good taste is trending.” Love it! Xx

  3. Timothy Price

    August 5, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    Congratulations. Very cool, indeed.

    • Jordan Hoggard

      August 5, 2020 at 10:26 pm

      Much appreciated, Timothy. Thank you. Indeed, thank you.

  4. Bonnie

    August 5, 2020 at 10:58 pm

    Love manifesting into the world. Congratulations!

    • Jordan Hoggard

      August 5, 2020 at 11:04 pm

      Thank you, Bonnie! “Love manifesting into the world.” I love that! Wonderfully resonates. Much appreciated.

  5. Laleh Chini

    August 6, 2020 at 8:08 am

    I believe Tarot cards. Something special about it.

    • Jordan Hoggard

      August 6, 2020 at 7:03 pm

      I agree, Laleh, and I believe in them as well. It’s funny, though. Whenever I get an interviewer or someone angsts about it who says, “I don;t believe in Tarot! Prove it.” I always laugh, and simply smile, and return serve with. “Great we have something in common! I don;t believe in Tarot, either… any more than my fridge or range in the Kitchen, though I use all 3 every day to nourish myself.” 🙂 At least it presents them a sea wall of Absolute No. Most often turns the tide. Sometimes no, then it’s my choice to continue or thank them for their time and leave. I’ve smiled like the cat who ate the canary standing up from a live interview, said thank you, and walked. Leaves them holding the bag of poop they created. I just helped them light it on fire before they stepped in it. 🙂

  6. Bonnie Cehovet

    August 6, 2020 at 9:04 am

    Congratulations, JOrdan!

    • Jordan Hoggard

      August 6, 2020 at 7:12 pm

      Many thanks, Bonnie! This is the 3rd major accolade-honor. There’s this yesterday with
      “The Library of Esoterica” I was graced with yesterday, Taosophiy’s naming Mystereum 30 out of the Top 50 Most Essential decks of all time, and the 3rd… the ability to meet all kinds of wonderful people across the world through formats like this and The Tarot School and Meetups which a great many of are streaming online now.

      Thank You, Bonnie! You were my 1st Major Supporter when you took an interest in Mystereum. I remember that flimsy paper box I hand-crafted, though even I WAS like WHOAH, this piece of this great puzzle is like bread that got soggy. Much better now with Schiffer’s wonderfully crafted boxed set with blue ribbon pull tab for the magnetic catch. 🙂 I still SO resonate with the discussions you and I started after your 1st review. Great stuff all around… eSPECIALLY that flimsy, original box. I took and take no offense at that. In fact I’m chuckling I couldn’t agree more. Still a bit baffling that me as an Architect running his own firm then would say YES to that and then even produce it myself. Big Abrazos smiles from here! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I hope you’re healthy and in good spirits.


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