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Monday Tarot Mayhem

(c) 2010 Jordan Hoggard


So, if you are similar to me and a lot of other Tarot readers, sometimes we see and read things in simple images, in a tree, in a group of people.  Well, I thought, what the heck, it’s Monday and I woke up on the bright side.  So, enjoy this Tarot warm-up technique of reading 1st 5 spams in your spam email folder.  Heck, they’re free, and it’s a great way to loosen up and get your juices flowing with a smile.

Think about it.  You are probably going to say NO! to most spams anyway, and I’d bet Tarot isn’t going to change your mind about that.  BUT, why not say a NO! with the higher octave of humor.  Humor is playing with the steps like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers which is beyond learning them.   Dance with your steps to warm up today.  Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem spam email topics submitted by Karen from the UK.  Send your contributions to be included in future Monday Tarot Mayhem blogs.  You can simply place them in the comments here for consideration.  Only type the spam email title and the snippet of the body text you can see without opening the spam, when it is unread.

Reading Spam As Alchemy, Serendipity?  Sure! It’s a great way to warm up, too

Today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem Spam emails titles and query snippet  were sent in by Karen in the UK.  Sometimes,, though, there’s only so much spam you can take, so she only sent in 4.  Add one from your spam folder to customize your warm-up.  Here is my warm-up reading of the 4 spam emails that were sent in by Karen S from the UK.  Thanks, Karen!  I left Card 5 blank so you can fill in your own for Monday Tarot Mayhem.

Card 1 ~ Need Cash? Let me triple your deposits today

King of Swords

Card 2 ~ Enter subject liner. TU E-MAIL TE HA GANADO!

The Empress

Card 3 ~ Tink Her Bell.  Be the Pied Piper of Chicks

7 of Cups

Card 4 ~ Half Price Lasics.   Get one eye done

10 of Pentacles

Card 5 ~ (fill in your own)

(Card name)

Thanks for warming up your dance with today’s Monday Tarot Mayhem!

Higher octave your week with humor!  Discover the treasure of the gifts that arrive when you say NO! with GUSTO!  You’d be surprised at the table turner of humor.

“Laughter is the shortest distance between people.” ~ Victor Borge

Have a great week!

Mystereum at MyDivination!

Tarot For Tips Tuesday is tomorrow!  Please subscribe and share.  Thank You!

All images and text (c)2010, 2012 Jordan Hoggard

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum is available signed by the author at

There are only four 1.5″ x 2.5″ copper Tarot Birth Card pieces of magic left at

Groc the videos at

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