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Stirring The Cauldron with Marla Brooks! I’ll be a Guest on Thursday 2/18 at 9p EST! Tune In!


This week I am full-on looking forward to being a guest on Marla Brooks’ Stirring The Cauldron Show! Thursday, Feb 18th at 9p EST. Tune in for some Tarot and Participation Mystique Jungian Doodling discussion! We’ll do some readings, too!

If You Missed the Show, Enjoy It on YouTube!

And, Here’s a Gallery of the Images I uploaded to Chat During the Show

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Victor Frankl

A tree can not grow to heaven unless its roots grow to hell. ~ C.G. Jung

When you make Besties with Beasties, do you remember their names… or, are they one time stands?

How are they allies that contribute to and amplify your ability to take action? Do they integrate or ally with you? Depends, huh?

Thanks for Visiting!

Online Shop Coffee Currency Shop Special link below. Any or all of my 6 eBook PDSf for the price of a coffee or several. You decide the value. You name your price in $3 increments.Coffee Currency Downloads – 6 eBooks — PDFs

Book a Reading

Once you’ve ordered your reading, I will contact you to schedule at a time convenient for you$135 for 1 1/2 Hour Tarot Reading
Tarot Readings regularly $135. Stirring The Cauldron Special, $90 USD. Simply PayPal Jordan directly at and he will contact you to schedule your Reading.

My newest offering! Art Your Chart

Visual Astrology Readings that say tons, without uttering a single word. You read them for yourself like an Oracle Card

Learn more about your Tarot Birth Cards

Learn more about your Tarot Birth Cards from Jordan’s 9-Part Birthplacing Identity Series

Enjoy the Coffee Currency Shop

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This is coffee, not tea, so no strings or mesh ball to refill. Just click the BuyMeACoffee link

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Blog (c) 2021 Jordan Hoggard

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