The Place of Connection

25 Mar
The Place of Connection

C.G. Jung’s ‘I’ that relates to the Imaginal “I”

From Lament of the Dead ~ Psychology after Jung’s Red Book

James Hillman: What matters is the therapy. Well, (comma added) the therapy is the actual therapy of our world today, which the public evidently relates, because hung=dreads, thousands of copies are being bought and carried home with the people. They must recognize that this bit of history, which is the ‘Red Book.’ Is their therapy, the therapy of our time.

Sonu Shamdasani: And, (comma added) it gives a new way to envisage their issues. They are connected with something that one would have considered to be utterly remote.

~ excerpt from Conversation 5, Lament of the Dead, p. 98

Jung’s I and Imaginal I Within

And, isn’t this the place of connection where we interact with our inner self and with the unconscious and enact from The Place of Creation, in my case a Man Womb?

So, Today in a C.G. Jung Depth Psychology Reading Group

I began Doodling a Mark of Self moving to a Mark of Soul response visually into the conversation. Full-on unsaid, though, as I had already spoken too many words…

And, interestingly, watercolors from my Constructing the Center watercolor series from 1993 to 1995 came to mind right after Doodling these three in a sketchbook. I’ll present the three inages from today. Then, visually pause, give you space to experience, and then lift into this post the naturally refined ore from the past in the watercolors from the CtC series I feel that apply after.

The Following,

no citation necessary, (c) 2021 Jordan Hoggard

It’s not what you do,

It’s THAT you do.

The discipline of any ritual informs intuition,

Though that is NOT the Participation Mystique.

It is the training ground for the Participation Mystique with the unconscious

That enhances and reinforces and develops our ability to steep and swim deep and fly high without Icarus Issues.

Pardon, Icarus. You should’ve vetted your Construction Documents, regardless of your youth.

No shame there, though. Don’t fret,

Worry is useless. Your Dad, Daedalus, was an Architect For The Chrissakes. Give yourself some credit.

Imitation my be the 1st sign of genius,

Though, I gather he didn’t review your work to set you up for much success.That’s way too bad.

I am truly sorry for your fall.

Constructing The Center Series Correspondences

And, though I gather my current Mark of Self, my Mark of Soul revs its engine and runs the track with this, personal Astro Seal, currently… though, ask me again tomorrow… I have some gears to run up and down through… and… Yup, some walls to smack right into at 100 Gs to learn. Though, blood and sweat and tears? You don’t need to be subjected to that carnage in the process.

Was more likely This in 1992…for just a bit as it tracked to…

And, even more concisely, this in 1993…

Again…. Ask me again tomorrow, or at another pivotal point.

You may also enjoy… in addition to The Place of Connection

The Placemaker

Yes, To life, Yes.

Till next Time.

Blog (c) 2021 Jordain Hoggard

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Posted by on March 25, 2021 in Incarnations


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